Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 247

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 247
Biblissima authority file
  • 1200 - 1299
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 247: Raymond de Peñafort OP, Summa de casibus poenitentiae
  • Raymond of Peñafort OP, Summa de casibus poenitentiae
  • Preferred form
    • Raymond de Peñafort (saint, 1175?-1275)
    • Author
    Original form
    • Raymond of Peñafort OP
    Other form
    • Raymond de Peñafort (saint ; 1175?-1275)
    • Raymond de Pennafort
    • S. Raymundus de Pennaforti
    • RAIMUNDUS DE PENNAFORTI (s.), O.P., archiep. Taraconensis
    • Raymond de Peñafort, saint, 1175?-1275
    • Raimundus de Pennaforti 1180-1275
    • Ramon, de Penyafort, sant, ca. 1185-1275
    • Ramón de Penyafort, Santo
    • Raymond, of Peñafort, Saint, 1175?-1275
    • Author: Raimundus, de Pennaforti
    • Raymund de Penafort
    • Raymond of Penyafort, c 1180-1275, Saint
    • Raymond, of Peñafort, Saint, 1175?-1275
    • Raimundus de Pennaforti, 1175-1275
    • Raimond de Penafort
    • Raimundus de Pennaforte
    • Raimundus <de Pennaforti> (1175-1275)
    • Raymundus de Pennafort
    • Magister Raymundus de Pennafort
    • Frater Raymundus
    • Raymundus
    • Raymond de Peñafort (1175-1275)
    • Raimundus
    • Raimundo de Peñafort, Santo, ca 1175-1275 > , compil.
    • Raimundo de Peñafort, Santo, ca 1175-1275
    • Raimundus de Pennaforti - 1175/80 - 1275 - auteur
    • see more
    Biblissima portal
    Biblissima authority file
  • Summary: CCCC MS 247 contains a thirteenth-century copy of a manual of canon law for confessors called Summa de casibus poenitentiae (or Summa de poenitentia), a work which greatly influenced the further development of the sacrament of penance. The tract was written by Raymond of Peñafort OP (c. 1190-1275), who was a member (and briefly Master) of the Dominican order and a very influential canon lawyer. The Summa was very widely read and numerous manuscript copies exist from the last three centuries of the Middle Ages.

    Contents :

    1r-282r - Raymond of Peñafort OP, Summa de casibus poenitentiae

    rubric: (1r) Incipit summa fratris Reimundi

    incipit: (1r) Quoniam ut ait ieronimus

    Note: (66v) Liber II

    Note: (120v) Liber III

    Note: (242r) Liber IV

    explicit: (282r) corrigat et emendat. Deo gratias

    Note: (282r) Memorial verses and a note

    Note: f. 282v-283v blank

    Note: (284r) Table

    Note: (285v) Memorial verses

    Note: (285V) Tempora (1) labuntur (2) uernantibus (3) munda (4) feraris (?) (5) etc. Disce quid humanum ius diuinumque uocetur

    Note: Ending imperfectly on f. 290v, which is mutilated

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