Oxford. Christ Church, Library, MS 190
- Source
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Christ Church, Library
- Shelfmark
- Christ Church MS 190
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400–1599
- Language
- Hebrew
- Title
- Philosophical works
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Averroès (1126-1198)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Averroës (1126-1198)
- Other form
- Averroès (1126-1198)
- Averroès
- Ibn Rušd, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Abū al-Walīd (1126-1198)
- Averroès (1058-1126)
- אבן רשד, מחמד, 1126-1198
- Ibn Rušd, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Abū al-Walīd (1058-1126)
- Ibn Rušd, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Abū al-Walīd (1126-1198)ابن رشد, محمّد بن أحمد أبو الوليد (1126-1198)
- אבן רשד, מחמד בן מחמד
- Abū al-Walīd Mūhammad ibn Aḥmad Ibn Rušd
- D'Averroès
- Averroes
- Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Rušd
- محمد بن أحمد بن رشد
- Averrois
- Averroys
- Author: Averroes
- Ibn Rushd (1126-1198)
- Averroës
- Averroës (possibly)
- Averroës, 1126-1198
- Averroës, 1126-1198.
- Ibn Rushd, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad (1126-1198)
- Averroes, 1126-1198
- Averróis, 1126-1198 > , ant. bibliog.
- Averróis, 1126-1198 > , coment.
- Averróis, 1126-1198 > , co-autor
- Averroes - 1126 - 1198 - auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Aristote (0384-0322 av. J.-C.)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Aristotle (384-322 BC)
- Other form
- Aristote
- أرسطوطاليس
- Aristoteles (0384-0322 av. J.-C.)
- Aristote (0384-0322 av. J.-C.)
- Aristote(0384-0322 av. J.-C.)
- Aristo
- Aristotelis
- Aristoteles
- [Aristote]
- Ps-Aristote
- Pseudo-Aristote
- D'Aristote.
- Aristote 0384-0322 av. J.-C.
- Aristóteles
- Aristoteles v384-v322
- Aristòtil, 384-322 aC.
- Aristotle
- Author: Aristoteles
- Aristoteles, 384 B.C.-322 B.C.
- Aristoteles &datl=v384-v322
- Aristoteles, v384-v322
- Aristoteles (v384-v322)
- Aristotle.
- Aristotele
- Aristote (384-322 av. n.-è. ) > Philosophe
- Aristote (384-322 av. n.-è. )
- Aristoteles (384-322 v. Chr)
- Aristóteles, 384-322 a.C
- Aristóteles, 384-322 a.C. > , ant. bibliog.
- Aristóteles, 384-322 a.C.
- Aristoteles - 384 - 322 v.Chr. - auteur
- Aristoteles - 384 - 322 v.Chr. - oorspronkelijke auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas d'Aquin (saint, 1225?-1274)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
- Other form
- Thomas Aquinas (saint ; 1225?-1274)
- S. Thomas d'Aquin
- S. Thomas de Aquino
- THOMAS Aquinas (S.)
- Thomas d'Aquin (saint ; 1225?-1274)
- תומס דה אקוינו
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas d'Aquin
- Thomas de Aquino
- Thome
- B. Thomas d'Aquinas
- Thomas d'Aquin (Saint)
- Thomas, d'Aquin, saint, 1225?-1274
- Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274
- Thomas de Aquino 1225-1274
- Thomas van Aquino
- Tomàs, d'Aquino, sant, 1225?-1274
- Tomás de Aquino, Santo, 1225?-1274
- Author: Thomas, de Aquino
- Scribe: Thomas, de Aquino
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Pseudo-Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas d'Aquin (saint ; 1225?-1274). Auteur présumé
- Thomas d'Aquin (saint ; 1225?-1274). Commentateur
- Thomas Aquinas OP
- Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274
- Thomas Aquinas, 1225?-1274
- Thomas d'Aquin (saint)
- Thomas<de Aquino>
- S. Thomas d’Aquin
- Thomas <von Aquin, Heiliger> (1225-1274)
- Thomas <von Aquino> (????-1297)
- Thomas von Aquin
- Thoma Aquinas
- Divus Thoma
- S. Thomas
- D. Thoma Aquinas
- Divus Thomae
- Thomas Aquinatis
- Thomas
- Aquinas, Thomas, 1225-1274
- Thomas Aquinas, (b. c. 1225, d. 1274), Dominican theologian
- Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274)
- Thomas d'Aquin (1225-1274)
- Thomas, von Aquin, Heiliger, 1225-1274
- Thomas <de Aquino>
- Tomás de Aquino, Santo, 1225-1274, O.P.
- Tomás de Aquino, Santo, 1225-1274 > , ant. bibliog.
- Tomás de Aquino, Santo, 1225-1274 > , coment.
- Tomás de Aquino, Santo, 1225-1274 > , impr.
- Tomás de Aquino, Santo, 1225-1274 > , co-autor
- Thomas de Aquino - 1225 - 1274 - auteur
- Saint Thomas d'Aquin
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gersonide (1288-1344)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Levi ben Gershom (1288-1344)
- Other form
- Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344)
- Gersonide (1288-1344)
- Lévi ben Gershon
- Lewiy ben Geršwn (1288-1344)
- Levi ben Gerson
- לוי בן גרשם, 1288-1344
- Lévi ben Gerson
- לוי בן גרשם, 1288-1344
- Lewiy ben Geršwn (1288-1344)לוי בן גרשון (1288-1344)
- Gersonide
- Lévi ben Gershom
- Levi ben Gershom
- R. Levi ben Gerson
- Leṿi ben Gershon
- Leṿi ben Gersho
- Leṿi ben Gershom
- Leṿi ben Gershom, 1288-1344
- Ben Gershom, Levi, 1288-1344 > , coment.
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Three different philosophical works that have been later bound
together. First work, ca. 1400. Second work, 1447/8. Third work,
late 16th century.
Contents: Levi ben Gershom's commentary on Averroës’ paraphrase of De Anima (ff. 1a-34b). Hebrew translation of Thomas Aquinas’s commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima (ff. 36a-116b). Colophon (f. 116b). Levi ben Gershom’s commentary on Averroës’ paraphrase of Meterologica (ביאור ספר האדתות העליונות קצור בן רשד) (ff. 123a-175a).
Extent: ff. 178. 301 x 224 x 39 mm.
Layout: Text is written in one column; with headings in large initial words.
Hand: Ashkenazi semi-cursive and Sefardi-Provençal cursive scripts (work one); Sefardi semi-cursive script (work two) and Italian cursive and semi-cursive scripts (work three).
Decoration: no decoration.
Binding: Vellum over boards.
Additional information: George William Kitchin, Catalogus codicum mss. qui in bibliotheca Ædis Christi apud Oxonienses adservantur (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1867), no. 190.
Provenance: John Fell (1625-1686), Dean of Christ Church and Bishop of Oxford.
- Three different philosophical works that have been later bound
together. First work, ca. 1400. Second work, 1447/8. Third work,
late 16th century.
- Rights
- Photo: © The Governing Body of Christ Church, Oxford. Terms of use: All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce images must be obtained from the Keeper of Special Collections at Christ Church, but is not normally withheld.