Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 102
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 102
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 102: The Writings of Martin Bucer and others
- Public disputation held in Cambridge between Martin Bucer and masters Young, Sedgewick and Perne || Disputatio publica habita Cantabrigiae inter M. Bucerum respondentem et magistros Yungum Sedgwicum et Pernum opponentes de his propositis, Canonici libri decent soli abunde renatos, quae sint saluti omnia. Nulla est in terris ecclesia, quae non erret tam in fide quam in moribus. Ita gratis justificamur a Deo, ut ante justificationem re vera peccatum sit, iramque Dei in nos provocet, quicquid boni operis facere videamur: justificati autem bona opera facimus necessario.
- Letter of Martin Bucer to a certain bishop concerning the doctrine of John Young on justification || Epistola [Buceri ad quendam episcopum] de dogmate Magistri Yunge circa justificationem
- Letter of the vice-chancellor, doctors and fellows to the visitors of Cambridge University petitioning for permission for a disputation to be held between Martin Bucer and John Young on the doctrine of justification || Epistola vice-cancellarii doctorum et reliquorum collegiorum praepositorum [ad visitatores academiae] in qua petunt concilium utrum expediret permittere disputationem inter Bucerum et Yungum de justificatione habendam
- Response of John Young in the disputation between him and Martin Bucer || Disputatio inter eos habita respondente Magistro Yungo, cujus thesis erat, Hominem nondum justificatum, nondum fide justificante donatum, posse facere opera bona acceptaque Deo, quae peccata non sunt, esseque in quodam medio statu inter omnino impios et plane probos
- Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer concerning the cause and argument of John Young, dated at Oxford 31 August 1550 || Epistola Petri Martiri ad Bucerum de causa et argumentis Magistri Yungi, data Oxonie 31 Augusti 1550
- Letter of Peter Martyr to a certain bishop concerning questions of divorce and remarriage, dated 17 February 1542 || Epistola [Martiri ad quendam episcopum] ubi multis argumentis contra Augustinum probat, quod post justum divortium utrisque licet altero superstite matrimonium denuo contrahere, data 17 Februarii 1542
- Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer of the condition of Germany || Epistola [Martiri] ad Bucerum de statu Germaniae
- Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer consoling him for the illness and other adversities which have been afflicting him, dated at Oxford 18 December || Epistola Martiri ad Bucerum consolatoria de morbis et aliis adversis quae Bucero acciderant, data Oxonie 18 Decembris
- Christopher Carlile, A treatise concerning the immediate going to heaven of the souls of the faithful fathers before Christ, and that Christ did not descend into hell || A treatise concerning the immediate going to heaven of the souls of the faithful fathers before Christ, and that Christ did not descend into hell, written by Christopher Carlile
- Collected wriings from patristic writers on the sacraments in diverse hands, with a vernacular tract on the same matter || Collectanea ex patribus de re sacramentaria, diversis manibus scripta, inter quae inseritur tractatus vernacula lingua de eodem proposito
- Disputation between Dr Stokes of Lynn and Mr. Saunderson, preacher of Lynn || Conference had the 28th of June between doctor Stokes of Lenne and Mr. Saunderson Master of Arts and preacher of Lenne uppon occasion offerid in the pulpit by Mr. Saunderson the 24th of June in the presence of John Bacster and Richard Mason, Scole-masters of Lenne [upon the sacrament,]
- Minutes of a debate held on 23 November 1551 in the chamber of Lord Cecil the king's secretary, on the sacraments || Summa collocutionis habitae 25 Novembris 1551 in aedibus D. Cicelli secretarii regii de re sacramentaria
- Minutes of a debate on the sacraments held on 3 December 1551 in the chamber of Sir Richard Morrison || Alia collocutio de eadem re habita 3 Decembris 1551, in aedibus D. Morisini
- Thoughts of Luther on the sacrament || Cogitationes Lutheri de sacramento
- Letter of Oswald Myconius on the origin of the disagreement with Luther on the eucharist || Epistola Miconii de dissensione cum Luthero orta circa eucharistiam
- John Calvin, Consensus Tigurinus || Formula confessionis de eucharistia inter fratres Tigurinos et ...
- Wolfgang Musculus, De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini || De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini, W. Musculi explicatio
- Answer of Martin Bucer to John Calvin on the Consensus Tigurinus || Responsio Martini Buceri ad Calvinum de forma concordiae cum Tigurinis
- Letter of John Calvin to Martin Bucer congratulating him on his arrival in England and describing the Consensus Tigurinus || Epistola Calvini ad Bucerum: gratulatur ei de felice ejus in Angliam adventu. Multa narrat de rebus suis et amicorum, et mittit exemplar formulae praedictae
- Letter to the college of Strassburg concerning certain things to be reformed || Epistola ... [ad collegium Argentinense] de quibusdam in statutis emendandis
- Sermons of the errors of the Roman Church || Sermo in errores ecclesiae Romanae
- Excerpts from scholastic authors on original sin || Excerpta ex autoribus scholasticis de peccato originali
- Excerpts from patristic authors on the eucharist || Quod mali non edunt corpus Domini, ex patribus
- John Cheke, De ueritate corporis et sanguinis Domini in eucharistia ex patribus || De veritate corporis et sanguinis Domini in eucharistia ex patribus, a domino Ioanne Cheke
- Letter of John Cheke to Cardinal Pole praying to be received back into the church, dated at the tower of London 15 July 1556 || Epistola Ioannis Cheke [ad cardinalem Polum] orans ut sibi in gremium ecclesiae jam reduci sit benignus, data ex Turri Londinensi 15 Julii 1556
- Letter of John Cheke to Mary I petitioning for his liberty, dated at the tower of London 15 July 1556 || Letter from the same to the queen petitioning for his liberty, dated from the Tower July 15, 1556
- Thomas Cranmer, An answer to the articles of the Devonshire men || An answer to the articles of the Devonshire men, by archbishop Cranmer
- A sermon concerning the time of rebellion translated from the Latin of Peter Martyr || A sermon concernynge the tyme of rebellion translated from the Latin of Peter Martyr
- The thoughts of Peter Martyr against sedition || Cogitationes Petri Martyris contra seditionem
- The thoughts of Martin Bucer against sedition || Cogitationes Martini Buceri de eadem re
- Thomas Cranmer, Texts of scripture against sedition || Texts of scripture against sedition
- Excerpts from holy Scripture concerning war || Ex sacris scripturis de bello, &c.
- Why is it never licit to take up arms against the magistrate || Quod nulla causa licet subditis arma sumere contra magistratum
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Martin Bucer (1491-1551)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Martin Bucer
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pietro Martire Vermigli (1500-1562)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Peter Martyr
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- Preferred form
- Christopher Carlile (15..-1588?)
- Role
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- Original form
- Christopher Carlile
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- Preferred form
- Martin Luther (1483-1546)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Luther
- Other form
- Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
- Martin Luther
- Doct. Mart[in] Luth[er]
- Luther, Martin
- Luther, Martin &datl=1483-1546
- Martin Luther (1483-1546)
- Martini Lutheri
- Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
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- Myconius (1488-1552)
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- Oswald Myconius
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- Preferred form
- Jean Calvin (1509-1564)
- Role
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- Original form
- John Calvin
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- Calvin, Jean
- Calvin, Jean (1509-1564)
- Jean Calvin
- Calvin (Jean)
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- Preferred form
- Wolfgang Musculus (1497-1563)
- Role
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- Original form
- Wolfgang Musculus
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- Preferred form
- John Cheke (1514-1557)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Cheke
- Other form
- Sir John Cheke
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Cranmer
- Other form
- Cranmer, Thomas, 2 Jul 1489-21 Mar 1556, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Cranmer
- The archbishop of Canterbury
- Cranmer, Thomas
- Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)
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- Description
Summary: Matthew Parker's manuscript collection naturally reflects his interest in Reformation theology and theologians and the religious debates which took place in the sixteenth century. MS 102 is one of the compilations of tracts and letters Parker assembled from his collection. The volume opens with several pieces relating to the public disputation held in Cambridge between the Regius Professor of Divinity, Martin Bucer (1491-1551), and masters Young, Sedgewick and Perne. This material is followed by a treatise by Christopher Carlile (d. c. 1588), an English clergyman and graduate of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Much of the rest of the volume relates to debates regarding the sacraments and to tracts and materials relating to rebellion and sedition. The manuscript dates to third quarter of the sixteenth century.
Contents :
5-60 - Public disputation held in Cambridge between Martin Bucer and masters Young, Sedgewick and Perne || Disputatio publica habita Cantabrigiae inter M. Bucerum respondentem et magistros Yungum Sedgwicum et Pernum opponentes de his propositis, Canonici libri decent soli abunde renatos, quae sint saluti omnia. Nulla est in terris ecclesia, quae non erret tam in fide quam in moribus. Ita gratis justificamur a Deo, ut ante justificationem re vera peccatum sit, iramque Dei in nos provocet, quicquid boni operis facere videamur: justificati autem bona opera facimus necessario.
Note: Huic disputationi praefixa est, Epistola Buceri ad Lectorem, data 3 Id. Augusti 1550
Note: At top is noted
rubric: (5) Manus Johannis bradford
Note: For these documents cf. Buceri Scripta Anglicana Conr. Hubert. Basel, 1577 p. 797 sqq. Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigienses I 427
69-80 - Letter of Martin Bucer to a certain bishop concerning the doctrine of John Young on justification || Epistola [Buceri ad quendam episcopum] de dogmate Magistri Yunge circa justificationem
81-82 - Letter of the vice-chancellor, doctors and fellows to the visitors of Cambridge University petitioning for permission for a disputation to be held between Martin Bucer and John Young on the doctrine of justification || Epistola vice-cancellarii doctorum et reliquorum collegiorum praepositorum [ad visitatores academiae] in qua petunt concilium utrum expediret permittere disputationem inter Bucerum et Yungum de justificatione habendam
83-90 - Response of John Young in the disputation between him and Martin Bucer || Disputatio inter eos habita respondente Magistro Yungo, cujus thesis erat, Hominem nondum justificatum, nondum fide justificante donatum, posse facere opera bona acceptaque Deo, quae peccata non sunt, esseque in quodam medio statu inter omnino impios et plane probos
Note: pp. 89, 90, 90 blank
91-94 - Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer concerning the cause and argument of John Young, dated at Oxford 31 August 1550 || Epistola Petri Martiri ad Bucerum de causa et argumentis Magistri Yungi, data Oxonie 31 Augusti 1550
Note: Autograph
Note: Printed in G. C. Gorham's Reformation Gleanings (1857, p. 168) in English, as are all the documents there published
95-102 - Letter of Peter Martyr to a certain bishop concerning questions of divorce and remarriage, dated 17 February 1542 || Epistola [Martiri ad quendam episcopum] ubi multis argumentis contra Augustinum probat, quod post justum divortium utrisque licet altero superstite matrimonium denuo contrahere, data 17 Februarii 1542
103-106 - Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer of the condition of Germany || Epistola [Martiri] ad Bucerum de statu Germaniae
Note: Gorham, p. 97
107-110 - Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer consoling him for the illness and other adversities which have been afflicting him, dated at Oxford 18 December || Epistola Martiri ad Bucerum consolatoria de morbis et aliis adversis quae Bucero acciderant, data Oxonie 18 Decembris
Note: Autograph
Note: Gorham, p. 123
111-150 - Christopher Carlile, A treatise concerning the immediate going to heaven of the souls of the faithful fathers before Christ, and that Christ did not descend into hell || A treatise concerning the immediate going to heaven of the souls of the faithful fathers before Christ, and that Christ did not descend into hell, written by Christopher Carlile
Note: Hic tractatus editus per ... Carlil, olim per eum in comitiis Cantabrigiae defensus sed reprobatus.
Note: Memorandum, this booke exhibited and delivered the xx daye of August 1563 to the most reverend father in God, the lorde Matthu archbishopp of Cant. by me the within written Thomas Tailor, whiche was delyvered unto me the said Thomas by Mr. Carlel of Horton in the countie of Kente. The doctrine whereof I neither allowe nor approve, nor intende by Gods grace to teache or publishe the same either privatly or openlye. To the testification whereof I have subscribed my name with my own hand the daye and yere first above written. By me Thomas Tayler
Note: Printed London 1582. Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigienses II 34
151-246 - Collected wriings from patristic writers on the sacraments in diverse hands, with a vernacular tract on the same matter || Collectanea ex patribus de re sacramentaria, diversis manibus scripta, inter quae inseritur tractatus vernacula lingua de eodem proposito
Note: The tract in English occupies pp. 195-204 and begins
incipit: (195) fforasmuche as the high misteries of Christes bodie and bludd
Note: pp. 205-207 in another hand, in Latin
incipit: (205) Eucharistie vel cene dominice legitima administratio
Note: pp. 213-245 are in a small good hand, perhaps Peter Martyr's
Note: On p. 246 otherwise blank, in red: Nosse deum radix immortalitatis Alexander atrebatensis i.e. Petrus Alexander (see MS 115).
247-252 - Disputation between Dr Stokes of Lynn and Mr. Saunderson, preacher of Lynn || Conference had the 28th of June between doctor Stokes of Lenne and Mr. Saunderson Master of Arts and preacher of Lenne uppon occasion offerid in the pulpit by Mr. Saunderson the 24th of June in the presence of John Bacster and Richard Mason, Scole-masters of Lenne [upon the sacrament,]
Note: See Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigienses II 79. Not printed
Note: p. 249 has passages from the Fathers on the Eucharist
Note: pp. 250-252 blank
253-258 - Minutes of a debate held on 23 November 1551 in the chamber of Lord Cecil the king's secretary, on the sacraments || Summa collocutionis habitae 25 Novembris 1551 in aedibus D. Cicelli secretarii regii de re sacramentaria
Note: Presentes, D. Russel, D. Hayles, D. Wroth, D. Ant. Coke, Mr. Trogmartin, Mr. Knolles, Mr. Harrington Colloquutores, D. Cicellus, D. Checus, Mr. Horne decanus Dunelmensis, Mr. Whitehead et Mr. Gryndall, Mr. Fecknam et Mr. Yonge
Note: See Strype, Cranmer I 385
259-270 - Minutes of a debate on the sacraments held on 3 December 1551 in the chamber of Sir Richard Morrison || Alia collocutio de eadem re habita 3 Decembris 1551, in aedibus D. Morisini
Note: Presentes, D. Marchio Northampton, D. Comes Rutland, D. Russel et prius nominati cum Magistro Watson
Note: See Strype, Cranmer I 385
Note: pp. 267-270 blank
271-276 - Thoughts of Luther on the sacrament || Cogitationes Lutheri de sacramento
Note: scriptae manu propria
Note: The autograph is preceded by a copy on one leaf. It begins
rubric: (271) Cogitationes mee sunt
incipit: (271) Primo ut nullo modo concedamus
Note: Last in Enders' Luther's Briefwechsel X 92: to be reprinted from the MS. in the Weimar edition. Burnet, Hist. Ref., ed. Pocock VI 279
277-280 - Letter of Oswald Myconius on the origin of the disagreement with Luther on the eucharist || Epistola Miconii de dissensione cum Luthero orta circa eucharistiam
281-286 - John Calvin, Consensus Tigurinus || Formula confessionis de eucharistia inter fratres Tigurinos et ...
Note: The title seems to be
rubric: (281) formula Confessionis de eucharistia inter fratres Tigurinos et Geuenates (or Geneuates)
287-288 - Wolfgang Musculus, De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini || De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini, W. Musculi explicatio
Note: Gorham, p. 108
289-296 - Answer of Martin Bucer to John Calvin on the Consensus Tigurinus || Responsio Martini Buceri ad Calvinum de forma concordiae cum Tigurinis
Note: In two hands
Note: Gorham, p. 99. Calvin, Opp. ed. Baum etc. no. 1240
297-302 - Letter of John Calvin to Martin Bucer congratulating him on his arrival in England and describing the Consensus Tigurinus || Epistola Calvini ad Bucerum: gratulatur ei de felice ejus in Angliam adventu. Multa narrat de rebus suis et amicorum, et mittit exemplar formulae praedictae
Note: ? Autograph
incipit: (297) Litere tue mihi serius reddite fuerunt
Note: Gorham, p. 92. Calvin, Opp. ed. Baum etc. no. 4154
303-306 - Letter to the college of Strassburg concerning certain things to be reformed || Epistola ... [ad collegium Argentinense] de quibusdam in statutis emendandis
307-312 - Sermons of the errors of the Roman Church || Sermo in errores ecclesiae Romanae
313-316 - Excerpts from scholastic authors on original sin || Excerpta ex autoribus scholasticis de peccato originali
317-320 - Excerpts from patristic authors on the eucharist || Quod mali non edunt corpus Domini, ex patribus
321-322 - John Cheke, De ueritate corporis et sanguinis Domini in eucharistia ex patribus || De veritate corporis et sanguinis Domini in eucharistia ex patribus, a domino Ioanne Cheke
Note: propria manu
Note: Haec est sanctorum patrum Hilarii, Chrisostomi, Augustini, Cyrilli de veritate corporis et sanguinis Domini in eucharistia sententia, in qua me quoque esse profiteor, non modo quia propter authoritatem doctrinae et vitae sanctitatem digni sunt quos sequamur, sed quia catholicae Christi ecclesiae eadem sit sententia: itaque in hac causa et in reliquis omnibus idem me profiteor dicere et sentire quod sancta Christi et catholica tenet ecclesia
Note: Strype, Cheke, pp. 111, 112
323-323 - Letter of John Cheke to Cardinal Pole praying to be received back into the church, dated at the tower of London 15 July 1556 || Epistola Ioannis Cheke [ad cardinalem Polum] orans ut sibi in gremium ecclesiae jam reduci sit benignus, data ex Turri Londinensi 15 Julii 1556
Note: Strype, Cheke, pp. 111, 112. Printed by J. Goodwin, Appendix to Cheke's Gospel of St Matthew 1843
324-324 - Letter of John Cheke to Mary I petitioning for his liberty, dated at the tower of London 15 July 1556 || Letter from the same to the queen petitioning for his liberty, dated from the Tower July 15, 1556
Note: Strype, Cheke, pp. 111, 112. Printed by J. Goodwin, Appendix to Cheke's Gospel of St Matthew 1843
337-408 - Thomas Cranmer, An answer to the articles of the Devonshire men || An answer to the articles of the Devonshire men, by archbishop Cranmer
Note: Original
Note: These articles were published by the Devonshire men in their insurrection 1549: to which event the preceding dialogue also relates, in which the king is introduced expostulating with his subjects, and upbraiding them with their ingratitude for the many blessings they enjoyed under his reign
Note: See Parker Society, Cranmer II 163
409-482 - A sermon concerning the time of rebellion translated from the Latin of Peter Martyr || A sermon concernynge the tyme of rebellion translated from the Latin of Peter Martyr
Note: See Parker Society, Cranmer II 190. See MS 340. 4
509-512 - The thoughts of Peter Martyr against sedition || Cogitationes Petri Martyris contra seditionem
Note: Autograph
513-528 - The thoughts of Martin Bucer against sedition || Cogitationes Martini Buceri de eadem re
Note: Autograph
529-529 - Thomas Cranmer, Texts of scripture against sedition || Texts of scripture against sedition
Note: Autograph
Note: Parker Society, Cranmer II 188
535-538 - Excerpts from holy Scripture concerning war || Ex sacris scripturis de bello, &c.
539-542 - Why is it never licit to take up arms against the magistrate || Quod nulla causa licet subditis arma sumere contra magistratum
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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