Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 16II
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 016II
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1200 - 1299
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 016II: Matthew Paris OSB, Chronica maiora II
- Matthew Paris OSB, Chronica maiora II
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Matthieu Paris (1200?-1259)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Paris OSB
- Other form
- Paris, Matthew, 1200-1259
- Matthew Paris
- Matthew Paris (1200-1259)
- Paris, Matthew, (1200-1259)
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: Matthew Paris OSB (c. 1200-59), a Benedictine monk of St Albans Abbey, was their official chronicler who wrote chronicles covering both world history and British history. These two volumes are of his most important work, the Chronica maiora, covering world history, but with a particular emphasis on that of Britain - vol I is CCCC MS 26 and vol II is CCCC MS 16, their production dating to the period c. 1240-55. Matthew was also a talented artist who was both scribe and illustrator of his own chronicles. These volumes have coloured marginal drawings, and also signs and heraldic shields in the borders signifying the persons and incidents in their lives, and also signifying their deaths, set beside the text passages mentioning these events. Recently, in 2003, the prefatory section to MS 16 (ff. i recto - v verso), containing lists and genealogies of kings, a diagram of the winds, itineraries, maps, and the picture of the elephant given by Louis IX to Henry III, has been bound separately as MS 16I. The part containing the chronicle text itself, ff. 1v-282r, has been rebound as MS 16II.
Contents :
1v-282r - Matthew Paris OSB, Chronica maiora II
Note: Illustrations
Note: Text
Note: (1v) Shield and crown of Henry II reversed
Note: (2r) Shield and crown of Richard I
Note: (13v) Moritur Salaadinus. A crow (his soul) flies out of his mouth
Note: (21v) Shield and crown of Richard I reversed: two swords, also reversed
Note: (22r) Crown and shield of John.Three crowns (silver, gold, iron) of the Emperor Otto, and his shield.Shield of Otto dimidiated with England
Note: (25v) Pillory, Collistrigium: frame on tall central shaft: with accommodation for necks and hands of two
Note: (30r) A minorite friar
Note: (31v) Bell with rope hanging round the beam (Interdict)
Note: (33r) Shield reversed, of Roger of Chester
Note: (33v) Shield reversed, of William de Braose
Note: (35v) Charter with seal dependent, carta detestabilis
Note: (41r) Battle. Philip of France unhorsed. Hugo de Boues gallops off to R., shot at
Note: (42r) Magna Charta with seal
Note: (43r) Charta de Foresta
Note: (44r) Blank charter. Others occur later
Note: (46v) Shipwreck of Hugo de Boues
Note: (47v) Lateran Council: two groups of Bishops half-length
Note: (48v) Oppressions: On L. a man in curious vandyked tunic covered with hammers in red, beats with a thong a stripped man with bound hands. On R. three nude men hang to a beam, two by their wrists, but the arms of one are turned back: they have fetters on their ankles: the third hangs head downwards
Note: (49v) Shields of Faith and of the Soul. Below is written bacun.
Note: (50r) Shield and sword of Geoffrey de Mandeville reversed
Note: (50v) Landing of Louis, with ship's crew: he gets into a boat out of his ship
Note: (52v) Reversed shield and falling crown of John: shield of Eustace de Vesci
Note: (53r) Shield and crown of Henry III. His coronation (small, at top of page)
Note: (53v) In text. A beautiful coloured bust of Christ (the Veronica). On the (brown) ground is α. ω. in white. The picture is on fine vellum pasted on to the page
Note: (54r) The church of S. Alban: the robber Falco de Breauté in attitude of fear looking back at it
Note: (55v) Siege of Lincoln
Note: (56r) Bishops blessing English in a boat who fight with French in a larger ship
Note: (56v) Kings of England and France embrace
Note: (57v) Death of Saphadin: crow flies out of his mouth
Note: (58r) Reversed shield of William Mareschall
Note: (58v) Battle. Saracens and Christians at Damietta
Note: (59v) Siege of Damietta
Note: (60r) Second crowning of Henry by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Stone strikes the helmet of Simon de Montfort: his shield reversed. Shields of Albemarle and Bohun reversed
Note: (61r) Fort of Montgomery. Shield of Arundel reversed
Note: (61v) Shield of Hugo de Neville reversed. Lion pierced with sword and arrow
Note: (62r) Two men wrestling
Note: (62v) Shield of Philip of France reversed
Note: (64r) Bedford Castle: outside it a gallows with a row of 4 (originally more) men hung on it
Note: (65v) A maiden on L. with book. A prostrate man: a devil on R. seizes his leg. Miracle of a girl delivered from a demon
Note: (68r) Reversed shield and crown of Louis of France
Note: (68v) Shield and crown of Louis IX, small. Devil, fish, and man's head at top.Shield of Falcasius (de Breauté) reversed, also of Essex
Note: (70v) Francis preaches to the birds: scroll, Auete aues etc. Francis reclines. S. Franciscus vite sue anno penultimo uidit Seraphin sic. The Seraph of the stigmata. Angelus magni consilii Seraphin. The names of the six wings in red. The names of the feathers on R.
Note: (71r) Figure of Frater Willelmus nacione Anglicus socius S. Francisci
Note: (71v) Reversed shield of Roger de thony. arg. a maunche gules
Note: (74v) Cartaphila, the wandering Jew, with pick and scroll. Christ bearing cross addresses him. Legends: Cartaphila Christo. yppa xo crassay xos. Responsio Christi Euena yppa uo anany mamo. Vade ihesu ad iudicium tibi preparatum. Vado sicut scriptum est de me. Tu uero expectabis donec ueniam
Note: (75r) Half-lengths, clerk with club, layman with axe. Town and gown fight at Paris
Note: (76v) Scutum imperatoris. Scuti campus aureus aquila nigra. In text: seals of the golden bull of the Emperor
Note: (79v) Reversed shield of William de Braose. gu. four piles arg. King of England in ship, arms on sail (goes to Brittany). Eclipse
Note: (80v) Reversed shields. Remund de Burgo, Guilbertus comes Glouernie, William Mareschall
Note: (82r) Man threshing sheaves. Violenta distraccio bladi Romanorum clericorum apud Wengham etc.
Note: (82v) Knight tilts at man who stands embracing cross on mound.A knight spares his enemy out of reverence for the cross
Note: (84r) Bell, beam and rope. Campana de communa lond
Note: (85r) Three cups. Reversed shield of Ranulph earl of Chester, and sword
Note: (86v) Diagram of perihelion
Note: (88r) Fight of Mareschall at Monmouth?Man leads horses off on L.
Note: (89r) Domus conuersorum london
Note: (91v) Scutum marescalli. Mareschall? on horseback: surcoat with red hammers(?) on it
Note: (93v) Clerk carrying crucifix. (Vision of Hubert of Kent)
Note: (95v) William, abbot of St Albans, reclines (dead)
Note: (97v) Two hands joined, crown and ring above. Marriage of Emperor
Note: (98r) Two purses hanging on beam (the usurers of Cahors)
Note: (98v) Reversed shield of Robert Fitzwalter
Note: (99r) Hands, crown and ring. Marriage of King.Half-lengths of bishops with crown, asperge, sword, wand etc.
Note: (106v) Reversed shield of John Earl of Chester
Note: (109r) Council of London. Otto as Bishop on L. addresses Bishops on R., all seated
Note: (112r) Germanus of Constantinople(?) as Bishop, seated, clutching his beard: angry. (Disagreement with the Latins)
Note: (127r) Imperial seal of Frederick, and seals of golden bull
Note: (132v) Shield of Devon, or lion rampant azure. Fine initial
Note: (133r) Llewellyn dying in bed. Griffinus and David stand by weeping
Note: (133v) Reversed shield of Earl de Warenne checky or and azure
Note: (134v) Flight of the French. The Damascenes drive off captives on R. locus istius belli fuit ante gathre
Note: (135r) Damascus
Note: (135v) Shield of Earl of Lincoln
Note: (137r) Earl Richard and crew in ship
Note: (137v) Shield of Th. de Muletuna
Note: (139v) Cities L. and R. Acon siue tholomaida, and Crac. Christians on L., Saracens on R. In C. fedus irritum. Comes Britannie and Nazer dominus crac kneel and join hands: in mail, bare-headed
Note: (140v) The crown of thorns; two pictures
Note: (141r) Reversed shield of John Fitz Robert, quarterly gules and arg. a bend sinister, Belue marine. Four sea monsters fighting
Note: (141v) Fine initial
Note: (142r) Flags of Hospital and Temple and Oriflamme of France. Shield of Savoy
Note: (142v) Reversed shields. Gilb. Basset. Joh. Biset. Walt. de LascySt Louis on a scaffold holds up the cross, another holds up the crown of thorns
Note: (143r) Falling towers (a vision)
Note: (145r) Formidabile exterminium tartarorum: a horseman kills two prostrate men with spear
Note: (147r) Sea fight of Pisans and Genoese. Cities R. and L.
Note: (148v) Reversed shield (with sword and spear) of Gilbert Mareschall. Mareschall falls from his horse
Note: (149r) French freed by Saracens walk out of castle holding opened fetters
Note: (150r) Two female jugglers
Note: (151r) Shrine of St Edward
Note: (152v) Elephant (at Cremona) with band of music on his back and Magister bestie with bell. His trunk is called promoscida
Note: (153r) Shield of Segrave. Pike (for Lucy)
Note: (154r) Fine initial
Note: (154v) Comes Ricardus with men in boat (returns)
Note: (156r) Rex transfretat uersus pictauiam. The king and queen and two men in a ship
Note: (156v) Six reversed shields. Gilb. de Gaunt. Hugo Wac. Phil. de Kime. Henr. fil. imperatoris. Baldwin Wac. Comes de Warewic.Will. de Marisco drawn by horse to execution
Note: (160v) French soldiers die of plague in Poitou
Note: (161v) A boat on land(?). (Flood.) Shields. Ric. de Burgo, Hugo de Lascy
Note: (162r) Fine initial
Note: (163r) Truce: two joined hands, two crowns. Shields reversed Arundel, Hubert de Burgh
Note: (164v) King and Queen return in ship
Note: (167r) Tartars: one beheads a man, one eats human leg, another seated on cut-up bodies roasts a boy on spit. On R. a nude man bound by hair and arms to a tree: a horse eats the leaves of the tree
Note: (168v) Fine initial
Note: (170r) Griffin escapes from Tower: he falls: broken rope. Reversed shield of Griffin
Note: (171v) Battle, before Babylon. Balcanifer flees with standard of the Temple
Note: (178r) Pope mounted, in red cap, flees to R. (from the Emperor)
Note: (178v) Engelram of Coucy dies: falls from horse in water, and pierced with sword
Note: (181r) Charter of King of Scotland
Note: (183r) Louis of France ill in bed. Queen touches his head with a double cross. Bishop on R., attendant kneels L. (He takes the cross.)Reversed shield of Baldwin Earl of Devon
Note: (184v) Herbert Fitz Mathew on horse: man (Welshman) casts stone on his head.Reversed shield, party per pale gu. and az.: three lions rampant or
Note: (186r) Hand (of a papal officer) cut off. Shield of Clare
Note: (186v) Reversed shield of Galfr. de Marisco
Note: (187r) A stag's head. Westminster Abbey
Note: (187v) Council of Lyons. Thadeus de Suessa retires saying dies ista dies ire
Note: (195r) Reversed shield of Remund of Provence
Note: (195v) Fort of Gannoc
Note: (196r) Reversed shields of Walter and Anselm Mareschall
Note: (199r) Reversed shields of David of Wales with two arrows, and bow below
Note: (205v) Reversed shields of Joh. de Nouilla. Horn above
Note: (209v) Fine initial
Note: (211v) Reversed shield of Fulco de Nouocastro
Note: (212r) Reversed shield of Anjou
Note: (216r) Henry carries the Holy Blood under canopy: met by Bishops and Abbot on R.
Note: (216v) Shield of William de Valentia
Note: (217v) Shield of Norway
Note: (217v) Reversed shield of Ferrers
Note: (218r) Reversed shield of Ric. Suard
Note: (220r) A coin
Note: (245r) Reversed shield of Emperor Frederick
Note: (250r) Reversed shield of William de Cantelupe
Note: (253r) Reversed shield of Paulinus Piper
Note: (253v) Reversed shield of Galfr. Despencer
Note: (255r) Bird with fruit in beak. Crossbill?
Note: (257r) Shield of Scotland with sword, scabbard and spear
Note: (258r) Reversed shield. Nic. de Sanford gu. 3 fesses wavy arg.
Note: (265v) Reversed shield Hernald de Munteini
Note: (280r) Shield of Spain: rough
Note: (282r) Reversed shield. William de Wescy
Note: In the above enumeration I have omitted a great many reversed mitres and crosiers which mark the deaths of prelates, also a few crowns and charters
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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