St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 459
- Source
- Europeana Regia
- Library
- St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek
- Shelfmark
- Cod. Sang. 459
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 9e siècle
- 9e - 10e siècle
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Tabulae computi latini et graeci [Cyclus paschalis] (p. 1-28)
- Annotationes, Kalendarium, Cursus lunae et solis (p. 29-66)
- Adbreviatio de pluribus compoti maioris necessitatibus, de mensium apud Latinos inventione eorumque nominatione, Fragmentum quoddam de cyclis lunari, solari et paschali, De saltu lunae, Fragment, Excerpta ex Isidoro et Beda Venerabili, De cyclo paschali
- De temporum ratione, Quaestiones de ratione computi (p. 143-366)
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Colomban (saint, 0540?-0615)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Colomban, saint, 0540?-0615
- Columbanus Bobiensis
- Columbanus Luxoviensis
- Columbanus Hibernus
- Columban der Jüngere
- Columbanus Bobiensis
- Columba the Younger
- Columbà, sant, 543-615
- Columban, Saint, 543-615
- Columbano, Santo, 543-615
- Columbanus Sanctus 543-615
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- Other form
- Columbanus
- Author: Columbanus, Sanctus
- Columbanus Sanctus, 543-615
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Walafrid Strabon (0808?-0849)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walafrid Strabon 0808?-0849
- Walafridus, Strabo 807-849
- Walafried Strabo
- Walahfrid Strabo
- Walahfrid Strabo, 807?-849
- Walahfridus Strabo 808-849
- see more
- Other form
- Walafridus Strabo
- Walafrid Strabon (0808?-0849)
- Author: Walahfridus, Strabo
- Annotator: Walahfridus, Strabo
- Walafrid Strabon
- Walahfredus Augiensis abbas
- Walahfridus <Strabo> (808-849)
- Walafrid
- Strabo, Walahfrid, 808-849
- Walahfrid Strabo, (b. c. 808, d. 849), monk and theologian
- Walahfrid, Strabo, Reichenau, Abt, 808-849
- Walahfridus Strabo
- Walafridus Strabo, 808-849 > , coment.
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Bède le Vénérable (saint, 0673?-0735)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Bède le Vénérable saint 0673?-0735
- Beda, el Venerable, sant, 673-735
- Beda el Venerable, Santo
- Beda Venerabilis
- Beda Venerabilis 672-735
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735
- see more
- Other form
- Bède le Vénérable (saint ; 0673?-0735)
- Beda Venerabilis (saint ; 0673?-0735)
- Beda
- Bède
- S. Beda venerabilis
- Venerabilis Bedae
- Bède le Vénérable (0673?-0735)
- Beda Venerabilis (ps.)
- S. Beda Venerabilis
- Venerabilis BEDE
- Bede
- Bedae
- Bedae venerabilis
- Author: Beda, Venerabilis
- Commentator: Beda, Venerabilis
- Bede (attributed to)
- Bede the Venerable, c 673-735, Saint
- Bede the Venerable
- Bede the Venerable (attrib.)
- Bede (673/4–735)
- The Venerable Bede
- Beda Venerabilis, 673-735
- Beda<Venerabilis>
- Bède le Vénérable
- Beda <Venerabilis> (672-735)
- Beda Scotus
- Beda Venerabilis, ca.673-735
- Beda Venerabilis, ca. 673-735
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint 673-735
- Bede the Venerable (b. c. 673, d. 735), monk and theologian
- Bede the Venerable, Saint (673-735)
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint (673-735)
- Bède le Vénérable, saint (0673?-0735)
- Beda, Venerabilis, 672-735
- Beda <Venerabilis>
- Beda, O Venerável, 673-736
- Beda, O Venerável, 673-736 > , co-autor
- Beda Venerabilis - 673 - 735 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Bède le Vénèrable (saint; auteur prétendu)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pseudo-Bede
- Other form
- Beda (ps.)
- Beda Venerabilis (pseudo)
- Beda Venerabilis (ps.)
- Pseudo-Beda
- Pseudo Beda Venerabilis
- Bede, the Venerable, pseudo
- Pseudo-Bede, Unspecified
- Pseudo-Beda Venerabilis
- Beda <pseudo>
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Manuscrit composite, computistique et scientifique, avec de nombreux tableaux
- Place
- Preferred form
- Abbey of St. Gall (Switzerland)
- Original form
- Kloster St. Gallen
- Abadia de Sankt Gallen
- Convent of St. Gall
- Abadía de Sankt Gallen
- Abbaye de Saint-Gall
- Abdij van Sankt Gallen
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- Other form
- Suisse (Saint-Gall).
- St. Gall
- St. Gall (?) / St. Gall
- St. Gall Abbey: Dominikus Feustlin
- St. Gall, Benedictine Monastery / Hermitage of St. George
- Cloister of St. Gall
- St. Gall Abbey
- Order of Service for the Monastery of St. Gall in the Directorium of 1583
- Joseph Leodegar Bartholomäus Tschudi (book decoration, perhaps the script as well) for the Abbey of St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall: two scribes at the behest of Georg Franz Müller
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Aemilian Zeller
- Monastery of St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger
- Jodocus Metzler
- Commissioned by Abbot Otmar Kunz
- St. Gall Abbey (P. Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger)
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Joseph Bloch
- Monastery of St. Gall, Fr. Dominikus Feustlin
- Monastery of St. Gall
- Abbey of Saint Gall
- Partially in St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall (P. Gregor Schnyder)
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Gregor Schnyder)
- St. Gall Abbey (P. Gregor Schnyder, P. Chrysostomus Stipplin)
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Kolumban Brändle; Brother Gall Beerle)
- St. Gall Abbey, P. Ambrosius Epp
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Martin ab Yberg; F. Notker Grögle)
- St. Gallen
- Abbey of St. Gall (Joseph Adam Bürke; F. Notker Grögle)
- St Gall
- St. Gall (possibly)
- Monastery of St. Gall
- St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall (Fr. Heinrich Keller)
- St. Gall (Fridolin Sicher)
- Monastery of St. Gall (Fridolin Sicher)
- [in part Monastery of St. Gall]
- Fridolin Sicher
- St. Gall (in part)
- Lay community of St. Gall, partly Monastery of St. Gall (P. Joachim Cuontz)
- Area of the Abbey of Saint Gall
- St. Gall (only parts)
- Monastery of St. Gall, possibly owned for a time by Fr. Gallus Kemli
- Community of lay brothers of the Monastery of St. Gall
- St. Gall (area near St. Gall)
- St. Gall, Abbey Library
- Germany, St. Gall
- Sankt Gallen
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- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Metadata records from Europeana Regia published under CC0 1.0 license (Public Domain)
- Digitisation
- Biblissima portal