Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Latin MS 24
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- Latin MS 24
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Exaudi quesumus domine supplicum preces iii. de s. maria iv. de omnibus sanctis v. pro uniuersali ecelesia vi. pro pace vii. generalis: followed by Secreta and Postcommunions.
- Kalendar in black, blue, and red 3 Kyries. Deus creator omnium, etc., f. 9r. Gloria in excelsis (f. 11v). Sanctus (f. 13r). Agnus dei (f. 13v). Benedicamus domino (f. 14r) all in double columns, noted. Benedictio salis; et aque.
- Proper of Time
- Oratio S. Augustini ante introitum misse Summe sacerdos
- Prayers for the recovery of the Holy Land Deus uenerunt gentes. Preces. Deus qui admirabile prouidencia cunda disponis Ecclesie hic quesumus domine preces placatus admitte Deus a quo sancta desideria
- Credo, noted. Prefaces
- Prayers ad galeam, albam, zonam, manipulum, stolam, casulam: added in cent. xiv early
- Full-page paintings
- Canon of the Mass, etc.
- Adest o uenerabilis pontifex tempus acceptum
- Proper of Saints
- Translation of S. Edmund Abp. added in cent. xv
- Common of Saints
- Missae votivae
- Ordo ad facienda sponsalia
- Ad uisitandum infirmum
- Commendacio anime and Masses of the Dead, Burial Office . . . . .. Pro iter agentibus, Benedictio pere et baculi, Benedictio uestis, crucis, ensis noui, carnis in pascha, fructuum, panis in dominicis diebus, seminis, ad quecunque uolueris
- Missa communis de apostolis: de omnibus sanctis (b) Epistola et euang. de angelis. (c) Mass of the Cross: of the Resurrection. (d) Of Advent (e) Of Angels (xv).
- Prayers for the dead and for the Holy Land, to be said at nine stated seasons.
- Sequentiae noted (one of S. Edmund K. M. Omnis fidelium ecclesia)
- Letabundus exultet Veni sancte spiritus
- Office of S. Cuthburga (xiv-xv)
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- James Ludovic Lindsay (comte de Crawford, 1847-1913)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, 1847-1913
- Other form
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, Earl (1847-1913)
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic (1847-1913)
- James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), peer and collector
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford, 1847-1913
- Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of, 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- James Ludovic Lindsay 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- James Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford of Haigh Hall
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Kerslake (1812-1891)
- Original form
- Kerslake, Thomas, 1812-1891
- Thomas Kerslake (b. 1812, d. 1891), bookseller
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
266 Leaf height: 318 mm, width: 203 mm.
Skin over boards, remains of strap and pin fastening. Repaired by Durham and Wilson of Manchester in October 1963.
The pictured work consists of historiated initials and full-page paintings. The grounds are gold.
Folio 15r Ad te leuaui. Initial, with old linen guard. Kneeling bearded man holds up a nude figure . (his soul: 'Unto thee lift I up my soul '). Building on L., altar with candle on R. Bust of Christ above in cloud.
Folio 26r Christmas. The Virgin sits up in bed suckling the Child: ox, ass, and manger in front. Joseph on right.
Folio 102v Easter Introit. Christ with resurrection cross and banner steps out of the tomb.
Folio 102v Easter Collect. The angel seated on the tomb. The women on right.
Folio 114v Ascension. The Virgin and Apostles, half-length: the feet of Christ ascending seen also.
Folio 117v Pentecost. The Virgin and Apostles, half-length: the dove descending.
Folio 117v Pentecost. Priest in blue chasuble: altar and two candles on left. Dove descending.
Folio 121v Trinity Sunday. God seated blessing: orb between His feet.
Folio 121v Trinity Sunday. Priest in blue chasuble: altar, chalice, and Host, on right. Head of Christ above.
Folio 147v Larger initial. Ordo Missae. Sursum corda. Priest at altar, on which is chalice. Deacon behind holds up pax.
Folio 147v Preface. John Baptist on left and an angel on right hold hetween them a vesica in which is the Paschal Lamb.
Folio 149r Annunciation. Gold ground. Two trefoiled arches. Under that on left, Gabriel (face damaged) with scroll inscribed in Lombardic capitals AVE~DOMINUS. On right, Virgin with scroll, ECCE-FIAT MICHI. The dove descends towards her ear. Above the arches three angels, two at the sides with crowns, one in centre with censer.
Folio 149v Nativity. Blue ground with white dots. The Virgin reclines (head to centre) suckling the Child. Ox and ass feed in front. A woman in red stands adjusting the coverlet over the Virgin. Joseph sits on right. White curtains looped up. Trefoil arch: angels censing in spandrels.
Folio 150r Gold ground. Cinqfoil arch. Censing angels in spandrels. On an elaborate throne the Virgin: the Child in red on her lap leans over to take a scroll inscribed FILl DEI MISER(ER)E MEI from a priest, bearded, in blue cope over white, who kneels on R. On the steps of the throne are three small lions.
Folio 150v Pink ground. The Betrayal. Architecture above. The kiss of Judas. Seven soldiers on left. Peter and Malehus. Christ has scroll MITTE GLADI(UM TU)UM TIN) VAGIN(AM). The soldiers and Malchus have dark faces (and so throughout in the Passion-scenes). Judas is red-haired and holds the hand of a soldier in order to guide him.
Folio 151r Gold ground. Two imperfect trefoil arches. The Scourging: Christ bound full face to the central shaft.
Folio 151v Blue ground with white dots, bordered with pink. Christ bears the (green) cross to right. Two men on left (one with hammer), two on right (one with nails).
Folio 152r Gold ground. Christ on the (green) cross, nailed with three nails. Title IHC NAZARENVS REX IVDEORVM, On left the Virgin supported by a nimbed woman: she has a scroll ANIMA MEA LIQVEFACTA EST. On right John. Above the arms of the cross two angels half-length: one on left holds the sun, red and grey, with face: the other the moon, with female face seen above the crescent.
Folio Pink ground with white rings. Christ with cross and banner steps out of the tomb. Angel on left plays fiddle, on right, harp. In front three mailed soldiers sleep.
Folio 153r Initial to Canon of Mass. Gold ground. Christ on the Cross (which is formed by the letter T): above, the Father half-length with orb, blessing. On left the Church crowned, with red cross, banner, and chalice: on right the Synagogue blindfold, with broken crescent banner, and inverted vessel whose contents are poured out.
Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford. Bequeathed by Rylands to the John Rylands Library in 1908.
2 columns, 35 lines to a page.
Quire a6, 1 lines cover, 4 cut out.
Quire b12
Quires 1-1112
Quire 1210
Quires 13-1912
Quire 208, wants 6-8
Quire 2112
Quire 2212
Quire c6, wants 3, 5, 6, line cover.
Data Source(s):
Description based on M.R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library at Manchester (Manchester, 1921), reprinted with an introduction and additional notes and corrections by F. Taylor (München, 1980), revised and expanded by Joanne Edge.
Sarum Missal, written in the mid-13th century at the scriptorium of Salisbury cathedral. Belongs to a small group of manuscripts including the Amesbury and Wilton Psalters made for monastic houses or individuals in them.
Given to Exeter Cathedral by Henry de Cicestria in or before 1277, as probably the seventh of the fourteen Missals ('septimum, bonum notatum cum tropariis cum multis ymaginibus subtilibus de auro in canone, 3 1') in a Cathedral inventory of 1327, and as certainly the Missal (secundo folio, 'Induantur') listed in the 'Diversarum Rerum Inventarium Que In Novo Scaccario Continentur' made on 6th September 1506 (see Bulletin, vi (1921-22),361-64, where there is also a note on the donor and the suggestion that the manuscript may at some period have been in use at the altar of St. Edmund [Rich] there before being removed to the New Treasury about the middle of the 15th century. George Oliver, Lives of the Bishops of Exeter (1861), pp. 300, 305, 350).
Close to the Bibliotheca Lindesiana bookplate is '1166' and on the recto of the first front fly-leaf "'E.3', both in pencil. Bought by James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford in February 1860 for £126 from the bookseller Thomas Kerslake (b. 1812, d. 1891), bookseller of Bristol, who wrote: 'I believe it must have belonged to a church near Torquay, from which neighbourhood it was sent to me. I believe that it has never been sold before' (CLL, Jan.-June 1860, nos. 4l, 44-46; CLR, 1856-62, no. 982).
- Extent:
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).