Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 438
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 438
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1200 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- Middle English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 438: Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Gesta regum etc
- List of kings of England from the conquest to Henry IV || Catalogus regum Angliae a conquestu ad Henricum IV
- Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Mappa mundi || Gervasii Dorobernensis mappa mundi
- Macer (attrib.), De uiribus herbarum || Liber Macri de viribus herbarum
- Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Gesta regum || Chronica Gervasii a Bruto ad regem Ioannem, cum continuatione ad annum 1316
- Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Actus pontificum Cantuariensis ecclesiae || Gervasii actus pontificum Cantuarie a S. Augustino ad Hubertum
- Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Successio pontificum Cantuariensis ecclesiae || Successio eorundem ab Augustino ad Ioannem Stafford
- The clerical tenth of 1402 extracted from royal accounts by Thomas Chillenden || Decima omnium bonorum temporalium et spiritualium ecclesiae Christi Cantuarie extracta de rotulis domini regis A. D. 1402, per Thomam Chillendene priorem
- Alexander VI, Bull granting Thomas Bourgchier archbishop of Canterbury license to canonize Anselm of Canterbury || Copia bullae Alexandri papae concessa sancto Thomae Cantuariensi archiepiscopo de canonizatione sancti Anselmi ejusdem ecclesiae archiepiscopi
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Gervais de Canterbury (11..-1210?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gervase of Canterbury OSB
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- Preferred form
- Odon de Meung
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Macer (attrib.)
- Other form
- Odo Magdunensis
- Macer Floridus (auteur prétendu)
- Author: Odo, Magdunensis
- Odon de Meung (ca 1000-ca 1100)
- Aemilius Macer
- Macer Floridus (ca. 1000-1050)
- Odo
- Odo <Magdunensis>
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Alexandre VI (pape, 1431-1503)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Alexander VI
- Other form
- Alexandre VI (1431-1503 ; pape). Dédicataire
- Igreja Católica Papa, 1492-1503 (Alexandre VI) > , copista
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- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 438 contains two quite distinct types of text. In the first category is a thirteenth-century copy of the medical treatise De uiribus herbarum attributed variously to Odo of Meung (fl. last third of eleventh century), once considered to be by the Roman poet Aemilius Macer. The rest of the manuscript is taken up with material relating to the history of England and of Canterbury in particular. Thus one finds in this codex thirteenth-century copies of the Gesta regum and Actus pontificum Cantuariensis ecclesiae of Gervase of Canterbury OSB (d. 1210), a fifteenth-century transcript of clerical taxation records and a copy of the bull of 1170 authorising the canonization of Anselm of Canterbury. The contents and other notes strongly support a provenance at the Benedictine cathedral priory of the Holy Trinity, Christ Church, Canterbury.
Contents :
5v-8v - List of kings of England from the conquest to Henry IV || Catalogus regum Angliae a conquestu ad Henricum IV
Note: 3-7 blank
Note: Single lines. Cent. xiv-xv. Stubbs, l. c.
rubric: (5v) Catalogus Regum Anglie a conquestu
incipit: (5v) Willelmus conquestor dux normann. applicuit in anglia cum exercitu suo
Note: (7v) The last entry (of Henry IV) is in another hand
explicit: (7v) prope feretrum S. thome martiris gloriosi
Note: 13, 14 blank
9r-18v - Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Mappa mundi || Gervasii Dorobernensis mappa mundi
Note: Double columns. Cent. xiii. Second half
rubric: (9r) Proemium in mappam mundi
incipit: (9r) Anglicane insule situs et temperies
Note: Stubbs II, p. 414
Note: (18v) Ending with valuation of Scottish bishoprics in another hand
19r-56v - Macer (attrib.), De uiribus herbarum || Liber Macri de viribus herbarum
Note: Single lines
rubric: (19r) Incipit liber macri de uiribus herbarum de arthemesea
Note: (19r) (In gallico hermoyse. in Angl. Mugwed: margin)
incipit: (19r) Herbarum quasdam dicturus carmine uires
Note: A few names in French and English in the margins
Note: Ends
explicit: (54v) sic apta solucio fiet
Note: (54v) Note from Papias on coriandrum
Note: 107-110 blank
57r-209v - Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Gesta regum || Chronica Gervasii a Bruto ad regem Ioannem, cum continuatione ad annum 1316
Note: Double columns
rubric: (57r) Incipiunt excepciones breuissime de numero et gestis regum britannie
incipit: (57r) Cum multa mecum animo reuoluerem
Note: The 'Gesta Regum.' Stubbs, p. 4
Note: Hand changes at 295: at 375 single lines and change of hand: 393-394 an inserted leaf with account of resignation of Celestine V: in a good hand (Stubbs II 308)
Note: Various hands appear on 400-408. (Stubbs II 318-324)
Note: 408-416 are mostly in the hand of 8 sqq.
Note: (205v) Chronograms. Stubbs, p. 324 note
rubric: (206r) Bellum de peyters
Note: Stubbs, p. l
Note: Miscellaneous notes. Stubbs, pp. lii-liii
Note: (208v) Account of Council of Cloveshoo
incipit: (208v) Anno domini dccmo xlij Cutbertus archiepiscopus dorobernie
explicit: (209v) hiis legibus constitutis subscripsi
210r-251r - Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Actus pontificum Cantuariensis ecclesiae || Gervasii actus pontificum Cantuarie a S. Augustino ad Hubertum
Note: Double columns. Cent. xiii: hand of pp. 111 sqq.
rubric: (210r) Incipit prologus in actus pontificum Cantuarie ecclesie
incipit: (210r) Quia nomina regum britannie
Note: Stubbs II 325-411
Note: 509 is in the hand of 8 etc.: text ends
explicit: (251r) hanc Rex Iohannes ecclesie subtraxit
Note: The same hand of cent. xv continues
251v-257r - Gervase of Canterbury OSB, Successio pontificum Cantuariensis ecclesiae || Successio eorundem ab Augustino ad Ioannem Stafford
rubric: (251v) Quantum archiepiscopi Cantuarie in archiepiscopatu vixerunt
Note: (251v) beginning with Augustine. (Stubbs, p. liii)
Note: (255v) no. 59, Henry Chicchele is in another hand: ends with the name only of no. 60 John Stafford
Note: 519 has the set-off of some writing, but is blank. 520, 521 blank
257v-260r - The clerical tenth of 1402 extracted from royal accounts by Thomas Chillenden || Decima omnium bonorum temporalium et spiritualium ecclesiae Christi Cantuarie extracta de rotulis domini regis A. D. 1402, per Thomam Chillendene priorem
rubric: (257v) Decima omnium bonorum temporalium et spiritualium ecclesie Christi Cantuarie extracta de rotulis domini Regis a. d. mo cccco ijo per Thomam Chillyndene priorem
Note: 525-527 blank
260v-262v - Alexander VI, Bull granting Thomas Bourgchier archbishop of Canterbury license to canonize Anselm of Canterbury || Copia bullae Alexandri papae concessa sancto Thomae Cantuariensi archiepiscopo de canonizatione sancti Anselmi ejusdem ecclesiae archiepiscopi
rubric: (260v) Copia bulle Alexandri pape concessa Sancto Thome Cantuariensi archiepiscopo de canonizacione Sancti Anselmi eiusdem ecclesie Archiepiscopi
Note: In another hand
Note: 529 blank
Note: Extract (xv)
incipit: (261v) Videtur itaque mihi claustralis vita
Note: Stubbs, p. liii
Note: (262r) Notes. Stubbs, p. liii, liv
Note: 532 covered with paper
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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