Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 417
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 417
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1467
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 417: John Stone OSB, Chronicle
- John Stone OSB, Chronicle (Donations to the Church of Christ Church, Canterbury) || Dona et expensae quae vel quas ad diversa opera et ornamenta ad domus Dei decorem noscitur dedisse
- John Stone OSB, Chronicle (Books of obits and other memorials) || Liber de obitibus et aliis memorabilibus istius cenobii autore Iohanne Stone [ab anno 1415 ad annum 1472]
- Enthronement of William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1505 || Inthronizatio D. Willelmi Warham Cantuar. archiepiscopi anno regis Henrici VII. vicesimo, manu neoterica
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- John Stone (14..-1481?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Stone OSB
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 417 contains the unique copy of the Chronicle of Canterbury cathedral priory by John Stone OSB (d. c. 1480), covering the years 1415 to 1467 with an anonymous continuation to 1472. The main text was probably written c. 1467-72. Appended to this is an account of the enthronement of Archbishop William Wareham (c. 1456-1532) in 1503. Parker no doubt wanted to add this manuscript to his collection because of its associations with the see of Canterbury and of a previous incumbent as archbishop, both themes that are found throughout his collection. The manuscript certainly came from Christ Church cathedral priory, Canterbury.
Contents :
1r-7v - John Stone OSB, Chronicle (Donations to the Church of Christ Church, Canterbury) || Dona et expensae quae vel quas ad diversa opera et ornamenta ad domus Dei decorem noscitur dedisse
rubric: (1r) Liber fratris Johannis Stone monachi ecclesie Christi Cant. quem ex suo magno labore composuit a. d. millmo ccccmo lxvijo. monachatus sui anno quinquagesimo
Note: (Searle, p. 3)
Note: ff. 1v-3v blank
incipit: (4r) In memoriam rei futuram. Anno gratie mill. quadring. decimo octauo videlicet in die S. lucie virginis feria iia contingit quod frater Johannes Stone monachus sancte Cantuar. Ecclesie receptus et acceptatus fuit ad habitum monachalem tempore domini Johannis Wodennisbeg' tunc prioris qui subsequenter vixit in religione per .l. (small blank space) cum sancti spiritus gracia assistente ut speratur qui eciam ne traderentur perpetue obliuioni dona et expensas que uel quas ad diuersa opera et ornamenta ad domus dei decorem noscitur dedisse hic curauit seriosius inserere et in specie annotare
Note: (Searle, p. 5)
Note: (4r) In primis ad feretra SS. dunstani et Elphegi vjs. viijd
Note: (5v) Ending
Note: ff. 6r-7v blank
8r-96v - John Stone OSB, Chronicle (Books of obits and other memorials) || Liber de obitibus et aliis memorabilibus istius cenobii autore Iohanne Stone [ab anno 1415 ad annum 1472]
Note: Then, in a hand somewhat different in aspect but probably the same, the Chronicle
rubric: (8r) Willelmus Stone
Note: (Searle, p. 7)
incipit: (8r) Anno domini mo ccccmo xvo Willelmus Stone Granetarius obiit
Note: (79v) There is an obvious modification in the hand (1467)
Note: (93r) The last entry (in a different hand), 1472. Consecration of Bp Goldwell (Searle, p. 118)
Note: ff. 93v-96v blank
97r-100r - Enthronement of William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1505 || Inthronizatio D. Willelmi Warham Cantuar. archiepiscopi anno regis Henrici VII. vicesimo, manu neoterica
Note: In a quite different hand
rubric: (97r) Intronizacio domini Willelmi Warham Cantuariensis archiepiscopi anno r. r. henrici 7i xxo
incipit: (97r) Quoniam temporis longitudine
explicit: (100r) possit merces concedi. Finis
Note: (100r) Two paragraphs in the same hand on a penitent and a theft of jewels
Note: The contents of ff. 97r-100r are not printed by Searle
Note: ff. 100v-103v blank
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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