Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 497

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 497
Biblissima authority file
  • 1623
  • Latin
  • Hebrew
  • Greek
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 497: De cabala sacra et de ineffabili Dei nomine Tetragrammaton
  • De cabala sacra et de ineffabili Dei nomini Tetragrammaton
  • Summary: CCCC MS 497 has been catalogued as a printed book, though James noted that it was in a seventeenth-century Italian hand. It contains a copy of De cabala sacra et de ineffabili Dei nomine Tetragrammaton dedicated to Philip IV of Spain and dated 1623. It is bound in a handsome binding which depicts the arms of Philip in gold. This book was donated to the college by Henry Flitcroft. Whether this figure is to be identified with the renowned Palladian architect of the same name (d. 1769) is not certain.

    Contents :

    1r-62r - De cabala sacra et de ineffabili Dei nomini Tetragrammaton

    Note: (1r) Title in red, black and gold capitals

    rubric: (1r) De / Cabala sacra · Et de / Ineffabili Dei nomine / TETPAΓPAMMATON / (the sacred name in a medallion) / contra hostes et perse / -cutores catholicae fidei /. Ad Philippum. IV. Hi- / spaniarum et Indiarum / regem potentissimum et catholicum monarcham

    Note: (2r) Dedication to Philip IV

    explicit: (2v) Datum Matriti die 11 Maii 1623

    rubric: (2v) Vestrae sacrae Catholicae maiestatis Humillimus ac minimus seruus F. Chrysostomus à Capranica Episcopus Firminiae

    Note: (3r) Imprimatur

    incipit: (3r) Ego F. Jacobus Bonauentura Hepburnus minimus Scotus, ac Linguae Sanctae Graecae Arabicae caeterarumque linguarum orientalium Professor iussu Illmi ... Cardinalis Veralli ... vidi et perlegi librum Reu ... P. Chrysostomi à Capranica ord. min. etc.

    explicit: (3v) In nostro conuentu SS. Trinitatis Romae

    rubric: (4r) Praefatio ad pium Lectorem

    incipit: (4r) Quae de diuinis nominibus dicuntur

    rubric: (5r) De Ineffabili ac gloriosissimo dei nomine TETPAΓPAMMATON יהוה aliisque eius assertis attributis nominibus

    rubric: (5r) Cap. I

    incipit: (5r) Omnia dei nomina in libris omnibus inuenta

    Note: It is illustrated with a series of emblematical and mystical designs in colour which are well executed, or at least neatly, but do not admit of detailed description

    Note: (7v) An engraving of Moses at the Burning Bush coloured by hand: a leaf is wanting after this with the text of cap. III and illustration of cap. IV

    Note: (14r) Cap. X gives the 72 names of God in Latin, Hebrew and Greek

    Note: (21r) Another engraving, coloured, of the Head of God

    Note: (23r) A painting of the mystic Rose supported by a priest and a king

    Note: (25r) The ark of the covenant carried by two Franciscans

    Note: (26r) The Trinity

    Note: (27r) A pen and ink drawing of Moses

    Note: (28r) Creation of Adam

    Note: (36v) Cap. XXVII gives the names of 72 angels

    Note: There are 30 chapters in the first part. Then follows a fresh title

    rubric: (42r) Laudes Ineffabilis ac gloriosissimi nominis etc. ad implorandum divinum auxilium contra hostes catholicae fidei Auctore F. Chrysostomo Carlecto à Capranica Episcopo Firminiae

    Note: It contains Prayers, Antiphons, Hymns (acrostic and other), a Litany, etc., and is illustrated with some few mystical figures

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