Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 162
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 162
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1000 - 1099
- Language
- Old English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 162: Old English Homilies
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, De initio creaturae
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria III de Dominica oratione
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria IIII de fide catholica
- Homily Be þam drihtenlican sunnandæg folces lar
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Feria II in Letania maiore
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Prayer of Moses
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Mid-Lent Sunday
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Mid-Lent Sunday, Secunda sententia
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday after Epiphany
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Third Sunday after Epiphany
- Ælfric OSB, Hexameron (end; currently pasted over)
- Ælfric OSB, Interrogationes Sigeuulfi in Genesin
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (incomplete)
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima
- iÆlfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima (continued)
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Ash Wednesday, with additions
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent (continued)
- Īlfric OSB, Feria VI in prima ebdomada Quadragesimae
- Īlfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent
- Homily for Second Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Feria VI in secunda ebdomada Quadragesimae
- Ælfric OSB, Dominica III in Quadragesima (rubric only)
- Ælfric OSB, Feria VI in tertia ebdomada Quadragesimae
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Mid-Lent Sunday
- Ælfric OSB, Feria VI in quarta ebdomada Quadragesimae
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent
- Homily for Friday after the Fifth Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Palm Sunday
- Homily on Palm Sunday
- Homily In Cena Domini
- Homily In Parasceve
- Homily In Sabbato sancto
- Homily for Palm Sunday
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday after Easter
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Easter
- Homily for Monday in Rogationtide
- Homily for Tuesday in Rogationtide
- Homily for Wednesday in Rogationtide
- Homily for Ascension day
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost, alia narratio
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Catholic Homilies, Second Series, De Maria
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost (cont.)
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Advent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday in Advent
- Homily for the Deposition of Saint Augustine of Canterbury (incomplete)
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ælfric OSB
- Other form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Aelfricus Eyneshamensis
- Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham, c 955-c 1010, Abbot of Eynsham
- þlfric OSB
- #198;lfric OSB
- Ælfric
- IÆlfric OSB
- Īlfric OSB
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 162 is a collection of Old English homiles, written in the early eleventh century. Its spellings, and similiarities with the script and decoration of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MSS Bodley 340 and 342 and London, BL MS Royal 6. C. I, suggest that it originated somewhere in the south-east of England, perhaps at Rochester or Canterbury. The texts it contains are mostly by Ælfric, but it also includes some anonymous material, including sermons for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Holy Week, for which Ælfric refused to provide sermon material. Parker removed some material from CCCC MS 178, a Worcester book, into MS 162, where it is now pp. 139-60. He also added a woodcut of the Crucifixion at the front of the manuscript.
Contents :
1-17 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, De initio creaturae
Note: (Cameron B1.1.2)
rubric: (1) De initio creaturae
incipit: (1) An angin is ealra ðinga
Note: Thorpe, Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church, Ælfric Soc. I 8
17-30 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria III de Dominica oratione
Note: (Cameron B1.1.21)
rubric: (17) De dominica oratione
incipit: (17) Se hælend crist syððan he to ðysum life
Note: Thorpe, I 258
30-44 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria IIII de fide catholica
Note: (Cameron B1.1.22)
rubric: (30) De catholica fide
incipit: (30) Ælc cristen man sceal æfter rihte
Note: Thorpe, I 274
44-52 - Homily Be þam drihtenlican sunnandæg folces lar
Note: (Cameron B3.4.53)
rubric: (44) Be þam drihtenlican sunnandæg folces lár
incipit: (44) Men þa leofestan her onginð ðæt ærendgeƿrit
Note: Printed by Professor Napier in An Old English Miscellany (in honour of Dr Furnivall), p. 357
52-66 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Feria II in Letania maiore
Note: (Cameron B1.1.24)
Note: (52) [On Matt. xxii 37]
incipit: (52) Men þa leofestan uton hlystan þære godcundan lare
Note: Thorpe, II 314
66-79 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Prayer of Moses
Note: (Cameron B1.3.14)
rubric: (66) De oratione Moysi in medio .XL. vel quando uolueris
incipit: (66) Æfter ðam ðe Moyses se mære heretoga
Note: Skeat, Ælfric's Lives I no. XIII (I 282). This MS. is F in his edition
79-97 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Mid-Lent Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.2.13)
rubric: (79) Item sermo de lege dei in media .XL.
incipit: (79) Men þa leofestan ƿe rædað nu æt godes þenungum
Note: Thorpe, II 188
97-107 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Mid-Lent Sunday, Secunda sententia
Note: (Cameron B1.2.14)
rubric: (97) Item secundus sermo de Iosue et de pugnis eius
incipit: (97) Moyses 7 aaron 7 ða yldestan
Note: Thorpe, II 212
Note: p. 108 blank
109-125 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B1.2.5)
rubric: (109) Dominica secunda post Epiphania domini
incipit: (109) Nuptie facte sunt
incipit: (109) Iohannes se godspellere
Note: Thorpe, II 54
125-136 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Third Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B1.1.9)
rubric: (125) Dominica III post epiphania domini
incipit: (125) Cum descendisset
incipit: (125) Matheus se eadiga
Note: Thorpe, I 120
Note: Ends p. 136: the last words (ende. Amen) are supplied. pp. 137, 138 are a more modern blank leaf; pp. 138a-138b are a paper flap from a printed book dated 1709
139-139 - Ælfric OSB, Hexameron (end; currently pasted over)
Note: (Cameron B1.5.13)
Note: The next eleven leaves, in a quite different hand, have been inserted since the quires were numbered. The numbering of the quires is medieval but not original
Note: The upper half of p. 139 is pasted over with parchment, on which, in a Parkerian hand, is written
rubric: (139) Albini in genesim questiones prefatio
incipit: (139) Dilectissimo in christo fratri Siguulfo
Note: The text now covered up by this patch was the end of a sermon: see on MS 178
Note: This portion of the MS. (pp. 139-160) as noticed by G. E. MacLean in his edition of the text (Anglia vi, vii and separately, Halle 1883) was originally a portion of 178. MacLean gives an elaborate description of the MS.
139-160 - Ælfric OSB, Interrogationes Sigeuulfi in Genesin
Note: (Cameron B1.6.1)
rubric: (139) Interrogatio Sigeuulfi presbiteri
incipit: (139) Sum geþungen lareoƿ
Note: (MacLean, l.c.)
Note: Ends p. 160
Note: This portion of the MS. (pp. 139-160) as noticed by G. E. MacLean in his edition of the text (Anglia vi, vii and separately, Halle 1883) was originally a portion of 178. MacLean gives an elaborate description of the MS.
Note: In this section (pp. 139-160) the peculiar tremulous hand of a glossator occurs, which is seen in MS 12, MS 178, MS 198 (see further on MS 12). It does not appear elsewhere in the present volume
160-160 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (incomplete)
Note: (Cameron B1.1.26)
Note: (160) The lower part of the page, with the beginning of another tract, was once pasted over. The pasted down leaf, from a late medieval document, was removed in 1970 and bound into the volume at the end as f. v
161-171 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.2.6)
Note: We revert to a hand like the first, but finer
rubric: (161) Dominica in septuagesima
incipit: (161) Simile est regnum
incipit: (161) Se Hælend cƿæð þæt heofona rice
Note: Thorpe, II 72
171-174 - iÆlfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima (continued)
Note: (Cameron B1.2.6)
Note: The second part (de Alleluia) begins on p. 171 without title
incipit: (171) ƿe ƿillað eoƿ secgan be ðyssere andweardantid
Note: Thorpe, II 84
174-184 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.2.7)
rubric: (174) Dominica in sexagesima
incipit: (174) Cum turba plurima
incipit: (174) On sumere tide ða ða micel
Note: Thorpe, II 88
184-194 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.1.11)
rubric: (184) Dominica in quinquagesima
incipit: (184) Assumpsit ihesus
incipit: (184) Her is gerædd on iðysum godspelle
Note: Thorpe, I 152
194-206 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Ash Wednesday, with additions
Note: (Cameron B1.3.13)
rubric: (194) Alia narratio doctrina populi
incipit: (194) ƿe ƿillað eoƿ areccan gyt ane lytle tihtinge
Note: Skeat, Ælfric I 269 (with an addition at each end)
206-218 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.1.12)
rubric: (206) Dominica prima in quadragesima
incipit: (206) Ductus est ihesus
incipit: (206) Ic ƿolde eoƿ trahtnian ðis godspell
Note: Thorpe, I 166
218-226 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.8)
rubric: (218) Item alia doctrina populi
incipit: (218) Men þa leofestan us eallum is cuð
Note: Thorpe, II 98
226-227 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent (continued)
Note: (Cameron B1.2.8)
incipit: (226) Vs is ðon sƿyðe micel nead þearf men þa leofestan þæt a ƿe dæges
Note: Wanley, p. 117
227-237 - Īlfric OSB, Feria VI in prima ebdomada Quadragesimae
Note: (Cameron B1.4.2)
rubric: (227) Feria vi in prima ebdomada quadragesimae
incipit: (227) Erat dies festus
incipit: (227) Se godspellere iohannes þe ƿæs
Note: Copied for Professor Napier: perhaps also in Vitellius C. 5, f. 233v
237-243 - Īlfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.9)
rubric: (237) Dominica secunda in quadragesima
incipit: (237) Egressus Ihesus
incipit: (237) Drihten hælend ðreade
Note: Thorpe, II 110
243-252 - Homily for Second Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B3.2.11)
rubric: (243) Item alia doctrina populi
incipit: (243) Men þa leofestan ic cyðe eoƿ þæt þreo þing
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Other copies in MS 198, f. 132v, Vercelli Book, and Bodleian
252-258 - Ælfric OSB, Feria VI in secunda ebdomada Quadragesimae
Note: (Cameron B1.4.3)
rubric: (252) Feria vi in secunda ebdomada quadragesime
incipit: (252) Homo erat paterfamilias
incipit: (252) Ure drihten sæde oft sƿiðe
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Also in Vitellius C. 5, f. 239v
258-258 - Ælfric OSB, Dominica III in Quadragesima (rubric only)
Note: (Cameron B1.4.4)
rubric: (258) Dominica III in xl
incipit: (258) Erat ihesus eiciens demonia
Note: No text follows
258-267 - Ælfric OSB, Feria VI in tertia ebdomada Quadragesimae
Note: (Cameron B1.4.5)
rubric: (258) Feria vi in tert(i)a ebdomada .XL.
incipit: (258a) Uenit Ihesus in ciuitatem samarie
incipit: (258a) Se godspellere iohannes sæde on þysum godspelle
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Also in Vitellius C. 5, f. 242v
267-274 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Mid-Lent Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.1.13)
rubric: (267) Dominica IIII in quadragesima
incipit: (267) Abiit Ihesus trans mare
incipit: (267) Se Hælend ferde ofer ðære galileiscan sæ
Note: Thorpe, I 180
274-284 - Ælfric OSB, Feria VI in quarta ebdomada Quadragesimae
Note: (Cameron B1.4.6)
rubric: (274) Feria vi in iiiita Ebdomada .XL.
incipit: (274) Erat quidam languens lazarus
incipit: (274) On þam halgan godspelle
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Also in MS 303, p. 38 and Vitellius C. 5, f. 247
284-298 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.15)
rubric: (284) Dominica V in quadragesima
incipit: (284) Dicebat Ihesus turbis iudeorum
incipit: (284) Ðeos tid fram ðysum andƿeardan dæge
Note: Thorpe, II 224
Note: The words læt and lege in the margins of pp. 293 and 294 respectively constitute Cameron B27.2.3
298-305 - Homily for Friday after the Fifth Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.5.4)
rubric: (298) Feria vi in quinta ebdomada .XL.
incipit: (298) Collegerunt ergo
incipit: (298) þæt halige godspell þe ge gehyrdon
Note: Assmann, A.-S. Homilien u. Heiligenleben (Bibl. d. A.-S. Prosa III), 1889, p. 65
305-322 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Palm Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.2.16)
rubric: (305) Dominica in ramis palmarum
incipit: (305) Passio domini nostri Ihesu Christi secundum Iohannem
incipit: (305) Drihtnes ðroƿunge
Note: Thorpe, II 240
322-333 - Homily on Palm Sunday
Note: (Cameron B3.2.18)
rubric: (322) Dominica in ramis palmarum
incipit: (322) Passio domini nostri Iesu Christi secundum matheum
incipit: (322) Men þa leofestan ðis is ures drihtnes þroƿung
Note: Also in MS 198, f. 160 and Bodl. NE. F. 4. 10
333-347 - Homily In Cena Domini
Note: (Cameron B3.2.22)
rubric: (333) De cena domini in v feria
incipit: (333) Her sprycþ be þære arƿurðnysse
Note: Assmann, p. 151
347-365 - Homily In Parasceve
Note: (Cameron B3.2.24)
rubric: (347) De parasceue
incipit: (347) Hƿæt se ælmihtiga drihten ƿæs symble sƿiðe
Note: Also in MS 198, f. 174v and MS 303, p. 61 and Vercelli Book and Bodl. NE. F. 4. 10
365-382 - Homily In Sabbato sancto
Note: (Cameron B3.2.25)
rubric: (365) In sabbato sancto
incipit: (365) Men þa leofestan ƿe magon hƿilcum hƿega
Note: Also MS 198, f. 186 and Bodl. NE. F. 4. 10
382-391 - Homily for Palm Sunday
Note: (Cameron B3.2.27)
rubric: (382) In die sancto pasce
Note: In margin: apocrifum
incipit: Men þa leofestan her segð on ðisum bocum hƿæt hƿega be þysum halgan easter dæge ƿe þe nu to dæg ƿurðiað 7 mærsiað sƿa gecƿeden is on þisum
Note: Leaf cut out, p. 383 begins unarimedum ƿundrum under his anƿealde
Note: Apparently only here: copied for Professor Napier
391-398 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday after Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.1.18)
rubric: (391) Dominica prima post pasca
incipit: (391) Cum esset sero
incipit: (391) Æfter ðæs hælendes æriste
Note: Thorpe, I 230
398-403 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.1.19)
rubric: (398) Dominica prima post octabas paschae
incipit: (398) Ego sum pastor
incipit: (398) Ðis godspel þe nu geræd ƿæs cyð
Note: Thorpe, I 238
403-412 - Homily for Monday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.34)
rubric: (403) Feria ii in Letania maiore
incipit: (403) Men þa leofestan us gedafenað ærest þæt ƿe gemunen
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Also in MS 303, p. 215, Cleopatra B. 13 and Vercelli Book
412-422 - Homily for Tuesday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.38)
rubric: (412) In tertia feria in letania maiore
incipit: (412) Mine gebroðra ða leofestan ðis syndon halige dagas
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Also in MS 303, p. 219 and Vercelli Book
422-431 - Homily for Wednesday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.44)
rubric: (422) In quarta feria in letania maiore
Note: (in margin: apocrifum)
incipit: (422) Men þa leofestan cƿaeð se halga lareoƿ hƿæt ƿe gemunan magon
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Also in Junius 24
431-441 - Homily for Ascension day
Note: (Cameron B3.2.45)
rubric: (431) In die ascensionis domini
incipit: (432) Men þa leofestan us is micclum to ƿuldrienne
Note: Copied for Professor Napier: apparently only here
441-454 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.24)
rubric: (441) In die sancto Pentecosten
incipit: (441) Fram ðam halgan Easterlican dæge
Note: Thorpe I 310
454-462 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.25)
rubric: (454) Dominica secunda post Pentecosten
incipit: (454) Homo quidem erat diues
incipit: (454) Se ƿealdenda Drihten
Note: Thorpe I 328
462-468 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.29)
rubric: (462) Dominica III post Pentecosten
incipit: (463) Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam
incipit: (463) Se hælend sæde þis bigspel
Note: Thorpe II 370
468-472 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost, alia narratio
Note: (Cameron B1.2.30)
rubric: (468) Alia narratio de euangelii textu
incipit: (468) Mine gebroþra ƿe ƿillað eoƿ gereccan sume cristes ƿundra
Note: Thorpe II 378
472-482 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.26)
rubric: (472) Dominica IIII post Pentecosten
incipit: (472) Erant adpropinquantes ad Ihesum
incipit: (472) Ðæt halige godspel us segð þæt gerefan
Note: Thorpe I 338
483-489 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.32)
rubric: (483) Dominica VIII post Pentecosten
incipit: (483) Cum multa turba esset
incipit: (483) Marcus se godspellere cƿaeð on þysum
Note: Thorpe II 394
489-496 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.33)
rubric: (489) Dominica IX post Pentecosten
incipit: (489) Adtendite a falsis prophetis
incipit: (490) Drihten cƿæð to his leorning cnihtum
Note: Thorpe II 404
496-508 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.30)
rubric: (496) Dominica XI post Pentecosten
incipit: (496) Cum adpropinquaret Ihesus Hierusalem
incipit: (496) On sumere tide ƿæs se Hælend farende
Note: Thorpe I 402
508-516 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.35)
rubric: (508) Dominica XII post Pentecosten
incipit: (508) Dixit Ihesus ad quosdam qui in se confidebant
incipit: (508) Drihten sæde þis bigspel be sumum mannum
Note: Thorpe II 426
516-521 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Catholic Homilies, Second Series, De Maria
Note: (Cameron B1.2.38 and Cameron B1.2.39)
rubric: (516) Dominica XVI post Pentecosten
incipit: (516) Nemo potest duobus dominis seruire
incipit: (516) Drihten cƿæð on sumne timan
Note: Thorpe II 460
521-530 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.35)
rubric: (521) Dominica XVII post Pentecosten
incipit: (521) Ibat Ihesus in ... Naim
incipit: (522) Ure drihten ferde to sumere byrig
Note: Thorpe I 490
530-545 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.37)
rubric: (530) Dominica XXI post Pentecosten
incipit: (530) Loquebatur Ihesus cum discipulis suis in parabolis
incipit: (530) Drihten ƿæs sprecende on sumere tide
Note: Thorpe I 520
545-547 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost (cont.)
Note: (Cameron B1.1.37)
Note: (545) Seven Pains of Hell etc.
incipit: (545) Nu bidde ƿe eoƿ for godes lufan 7 eac myngiad
Note: Copied for Professor Napier. Apparently only here
547-553 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Advent
Note: (Cameron B1.1.41)
rubric: (547) Dominica prima in aduentu domini
incipit: (547) Ðyses dæges ðenung
Note: Thorpe I 600
553-563 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday in Advent
Note: (Cameron B1.1.42)
rubric: (553) Dominica secunda in aduentu domini
incipit: (553) Erunt signa
incipit: (553) Se godspellere Lucas aƿrat on ðysum
Note: Thorpe I 608
563-564 - Homily for the Deposition of Saint Augustine of Canterbury (incomplete)
Note: (Cameron B3.3.2)
rubric: (563) In die depositionis Beati Augustini anglorum doctoris
incipit: (563) Men þa leofestan ƿe ƿillað sume gereccednysse cyðan embe þyses
Note: This is in another hand and only fifteen lines of text are written, ending
explicit: (563) þæt he heonon geceas haligra mænigu. Sume ƿæron heahfæderan healice
Note: Apparently only in this MS.
Note: p. 564 is blank. A line of text at top is erased
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