In 1728 Meir Cohen Belinfante copied this decorated psalter from
the 1670 printed edition by the Amsterdam printer of Hebrew and
Spanish books, David de Castro Tartas, who was active between 1662
and 1698. The manuscript has a decorated title page, which depicts
David, the psalmist, and Aaron, making a clear reference to the
first name of the patron, whereas the bottom part of this page
portrays a scene of the biblical Joseph, making a correlation with
the patron's father, also named Joseph. All decorations, including
the title page, were executed in brown ink similar to the text ink.
At the end of the manuscript, there is a text by the corrector,
Isaac Saruk, who praised the precision of the manuscript and wrote
a poem in honor of the patron Aaron de Joseph de Pinto, from whom
the manuscript takes its name.
Preferred form
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Original form
Amsterdam, copied by Meir Cohen Belinfante, decorated by Isaac Siprut
Other form
Amsterdam, Baruch ben Schemaria
Amsterdam, copied and decorated by Hijman Binger
Netherlands, Amsterdam
Duyk Pieters dochter in het St. Catharinaconvent te Amsterdam (1e helft 16e eeuw)