Completed in January 1458 by N(icolaus) Berti (colophon on fol.
216v), who is identifiable as the Florentine notary, Ser Niccolo di
Berto Martini da San Gimignano. The script is generally humanistic
in form but the capitals show strong Gothic affinities. Niccolo’s
earliest known manuscript (London, B.L., Harley 2461), written in
1416, is in a completely Gothic hand. The very skilful vine-stem
border, with putti, birds, and butterflies, is by an unnamed
illuminator who decorated many of the manuscripts that Vespasiano
da Bisticci prepared for the Abbey of Fiesole in the early
1460’s. The vine-stem itself, very regularly drawn, the muscular
putti with round heads and weekly drawn hands and feet and the
birds, with white brests spotted in pink, are all typical of his
work. The coat of arms in this manuscript is unidentified.