Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 330

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  • MS 330
Biblissima authority file
  • 1000 - 1199
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 330: Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii; Glossary on Martianus Capella
  • Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii
  • Glossary on Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii
  • Summary: CCCC MS 330 consists of two parts. Although they are appropriately associated since one contains a gloss on the text found in the other, they were originally separate manuscripts. The first part, written either in Normandy or in England probably in the early twelfth century, contains the De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii by the late antique author, Martianus Capella. It has an ex libris inscription of Malmesbury abbey, and contains writing in the hand of William of Malmesbury OSB (c. 1080-1143). It may have been William himself who combined it with the second part, which contains a commentary on Martianus Capella probably either by Dunchad (9th century) or Martin of Laon. The same text is found in CCCC MS 153. This second part was written on the Continent in the late ninth century (although Bischoff does not mention it in his catalogue of ninth-century manuscripts, which may mean he thought it later), but it was probably brought to England relatively early.

    Contents :

    1r-87v - Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii

    Note: Title in green and red

    rubric: (1r) Marciani. Minei. Felicis. Capellae. Liber Primus. Incipit. De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii

    incipit: (1r) Tu quem psallentem thalamis quem matre camena

    Note: (1r) Initial with figure of man and fish

    Note: Marginal notes in a very good hand

    Note: (9r) Liber II

    Note: (16v) Liber III

    Note: (27v) Liber IV

    Note: A space left for diagram on f. 35r: diagram inserted later on f. 35v

    Note: (38r) Liber V

    Note: (50r) Liber VI

    Note: (62r) Liber VII

    Note: (70v) Liber VIII

    Note: (77v) Liber IX

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (87r) In medio residens complectitur omnia phebus

    Note: (87r) Colophon in red and green

    rubric: (87r) Martiani · Minei ·Felicis · Capellę ·Genere · AfriCivis CarthaginensisDignitate Romani ·Explicit Liber ·Nonus ·De Armonica ·Idest Musica · /

    Note: (87v) blank except for note (xvi) referring to vol. II. Hoc Commentarium est Alexandri Neckam / vide Bale, 272

    88r-127v - Glossary on Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii

    rubric: (88r) Incipiunt Glose Marciani

    incipit: (88r) Iste martianus genere cartaginensis fuit studens primo philosophiae postmodum uero poetriae

    Note: (88r) Initial in black with plaited pattern

    rubric: (97v) Incipit secundus liber de nuptialis

    rubric: (106v) Incipit Dia lectica

    Note: Part of 25r blank: diagram on 25v

    rubric: (113v) Incipit de rethorica

    rubric: (117v) De Geometria

    Note: The lines of the last quire (33r-40v) are longer than the rest and have been cut

    rubric: (121v) Incipit de arithmetica

    rubric: (125r) Incipit de musica

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (126v) Iugariorum. a prouintia iugaria. Marcidam paruam

    rubric: (126v) Explicit de Marciano

    rubric: (126v) Incipiunt collecte glose

    incipit: (126v) Subiugo philo sem' (polisemus) sermo estsignif. enim rogo (rego) ut ipserate conit (ratem conto) subigit (erasure)et uacuo (acuo) ut subigit in cotesecures. et compello ut subigitque fateri. et fodiout pedes subigit terram, etc

    incipit: (126v) Autumno ... Metor ... Mecior ... Meto

    incipit: (126v) Nitela. musaraneus

    incipit: (126v) Dicheos gr. lat. iustus. undeDichoia iustitia adicheiainiustitia. Expers inscius, etc

    incipit: (127r) Expertus ... Continuare

    incipit: (127r) Pauo auis pabonamque genus uehiculi unde in passione Sebastiani. leuauit eum in pabone suo

    Note: Various Greek words are glossed, but there seem to be no vernacular glosses, nor other names of authors

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (127v) Sero tarde. lito ... seuere ... fere ... utro ... Itidem iterum et similiter Indidem. ex eodem loco. Idendidem. idipsum uiritim per singulos uiros

    Note: These glosses, both those on Marcianus and the Glosae Collectae, are identical with those in MS 153

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