Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 536

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 536
Biblissima authority file
  • 1400 - 1499
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 536: Iohannes of Frankenstein OCist (attrib.), Malogranatum
  • Iohannes of Frankenstein OCist (attrib.), Malogranatum
  • Summary: CCCC MS 536 contains a single work, the Malogranatum by a member of the Cistercian monastery of Königsaal (Zbraslav), near Prague. The name of its author has been controversial. He was first thought to be a monk called Gallus, then one called Peter, and most recently the abbot of Zbraslav in the second half of the fourteenth century, Iohannes of Frankenstein, has been proposed. The text is in the form of spiritual advice as a guide on the road to perfection. Attendance at Mass, and in particular frequent communion, is considered as essential to achieve this. The book was probably made at Prague in the first quarter of the fifteenth century, and preserves its contemporary binding with straps and bosses of bone or ivory. This volume is part of the Elbing collection; a group of manuscripts which belonged to a Brigittine convent at Elbing (Elblag), near Gdansk. The collection was donated to Corpus Christi College by either Richard Pernham (1583?-1628) or his wife Mary, whose name is in many of these books.

    Contents :

    ir-288v - Iohannes of Frankenstein OCist (attrib.), Malogranatum

    Note: (ir) Title (smeared)

    Note: (iir) Registrum libri primi

    Note: Note

    incipit: (ivv) Notandum quod opus subsequens seu liber seu tractatus intitulatur Malogranatum, etc.

    explicit: (ivv) virtuosam ac eciam perfectam poterunt peruenire

    Note: Liber I

    rubric: (1r) Liber primus Malogranati

    incipit: (1r) Fili accedens ad seruitutem dei

    Note: 110v-120v blank

    Note: (121r) Liber II

    incipit: (121r) Accepta igitur informacione

    explicit: (286v) esse expositum et explanatum. Amen

    rubric: (286v) Sit laus alme trinitati. tetragramaton

    rubric: (286v) O pie deus fac hec (?) recondere in pectore nostro

    Note: (286v) Supply of an omission col. 2

    Note: (287r) blank

    Note: (287v) Registrum of libb. I, II

    Note: (288v) A second copy of the note on f. ivv

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