Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 457
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 457
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1100 - 1125
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 457: Alexander of Canterbury OSB, Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi
- Alexander of Canterbury OSB, Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi || [Eadmeri] liber ex dictis B. Anselmi et de miraculis ejusdem ad abbatem Anselmum S. R. E. legatum archiepiscopi nepotem
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Alexander Cantuariensis
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Alexander of Canterbury OSB
- Other form
- Alexander of Canterbury, Early 12th century
- Alexander of Canterbury (active early 12th century)
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 457 is an early twelfth-century copy of the second recension of Alexander of Canterbury OSB (fl. early twelfth century), Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi, including the Miracula. The scholarly circle around Anselm (archbishop of Canterbury 1093-1109) produced several writings which contain material derived from the archbishop's own teachings, of which this is one. This manuscript was used by the editors to provide the base text for the second recension. It has early provenance at Christ Church, Canterbury in the form of an erased ex libris inscription and a classmark in the early form ".AN.". It later came into the hands of Matthew Parker, who rewrote some parts and provided an inscription erroneously attributing the work to Eadmer of Canterbury OSB (d. after 1124).
Contents :
1r-115v - Alexander of Canterbury OSB, Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi || [Eadmeri] liber ex dictis B. Anselmi et de miraculis ejusdem ad abbatem Anselmum S. R. E. legatum archiepiscopi nepotem
rubric: (1r) Incipit prologus subiecti operis
incipit: (1r) Compellis me venerabilis Abba et sancte Romane ecclesie legate domine anselme ut tibi (these lines re-written in cent. xvi) quedam de dictis magnifici uiri anselmi ... auunculi tui
Note: (the date suggested by Mr Rule for this prologue is 1115)
explicit: (1r) que a quibus acceperim in ipsis patebit relationibus
rubric: (1r) Explicit prologus Incipiunt capitula (52)
rubric: (3r) De monte humilitatis et viitem gradibus eius et duabus eiusdem montis custodibus
incipit: (3r) Dominus et redemptor noster spiritu
incipit: (3r) Septiformis gratie plenus profundam superbie uallem uolens nobis obstruere
Note: (3r) The opening words dominus, etc. had been omitted and the ornamented initial is given to Septiformis: the omitted words were then added on L. by the original scribe
Note: (3r) At top, erased, is Ecclesie Christi Cantuariens
Note: (71v) There is a division after ch. xx. The title of this is given in the capitula as de consecratione domus dei et sacrificiorum immolatione et eorum significatione. In the text it is shorter, de edificatione templi
Note: (72v) It ends
explicit: (72v) In timore uitia in amore orationes incendamus
Note: (72v) Most of the page is blank and there are some later pen-trials on it
Note: (73r) The second part of the book has a separate rubric in the Capitula; de miraculis, and consists of detached stories, some of which relate to St Anselm. The first is
rubric: (73r) De sancto Iacobo apostolo
incipit: (73r) Sancte recordationis anselmus summus anglorum ecclesie pontifex dum a patria exularet
Note: (115v) The last chapter (Qualiter Willelmus turbas demonum uiderit et ab eis per bonos angelos liberatus sit) ends f. 115v
explicit: (115v) et utinam nos digni efficiamur eorum tuitione inuictissima et indeficienti ac salutifera amicitia
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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