Coastal map showing the Thames as it reaches the sea: 'Pascaarte
verthoonende de mont vande Teemse de Rivier van Londen…'.
A pilot book with substantial sailing directions and 108 charts of
the west and north-west coasts of Europe. The three scales are of
Dutch, Spanish, and English & French leagues; on the latter one
league is equal to three land miles of 5,000 feet each.
Preferred form
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Original form
Netherlands, Amsterdam
Other form
Amsterdam, Baruch ben Schemaria
Amsterdam, copied and decorated by Hijman Binger
Amsterdam, copied by Meir Cohen Belinfante, decorated by Isaac Siprut
Duyk Pieters dochter in het St. Catharinaconvent te Amsterdam (1e helft 16e eeuw)