Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 394

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 394
Biblissima authority file
  • 1300 - 1325
  • Middle French
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 394: Apocalypse in Anglo-Norman
  • Apocalypse in Anglo-Norman || Apocalypsis Gallice
  • Summary: CCCC MS 394, dating to c. 1300, is an illustrated Apocalypse, with the text and commentary in Anglo-Norman prose, which was made in England. It was bequeathed in 1439 to the College by Thomas Markaunt (c. 1382-1439), fellow, among 76 books. Only five of these books still remain in the College Library; the others must have been dispersed at some time in the sixteenth century. The illustrations are related to several other copies of the Anglo-Norman prose Apocalypse made in England in the late thirteenth and first half of the fourteenth century. This copy is by a relatively unskilled artist, whose coloured drawings are inferior to many of the other manuscripts of this group.

    Contents :

    1r-79v - Apocalypse in Anglo-Norman || Apocalypsis Gallice

    Note: The Apocalypse in French, with comment

    incipit: (1r) (Prologue) Seint pol le apostle dist ke tuz iceus ke uoillent piement uiuere en ihesu crist sufferunt persecucion

    explicit: (2r) ke a nul home ne list a dire

    incipit: (2r) E seint Johan en cest manere vist

    explicit: (2v) seueraument entendre e dit

    incipit: (2v) Io Iohan nostre frere e parcener en tribulacion

    incipit: (3r) Par seint Johan sunt signefie li bon prelat

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (79v) ke nus puissum oue lui en sa glorie en cors e en alme saunz fin regner. Amen

    Note: See L. Delisle and P. Meyer, L'Apocalypse au Français, Soc. des Anc. Textes Franç. pp. cclviii, cclxxi

    Note: (79v) Scribbled at the end (xv-xvi) : Sancte | G. G | Garoges Boke

    Note: The pictures in the text are very rough. Plain frames, green and yellow. Grounds, blue and pink, often parti-coloured

    Note: (1r) 1. Initial, Paul with sword. Peacock in lower margin

    Note: (2v) 2. John addresses crowd

    Note: (3r) 3. Vision of Christ among candlesticks

    Note: (4v) 4. John recumbent. Angel wakes him

    Note: (5r) 5. John at desk. Angel flies down behind him

    Note: (10r) 6. John climbs ladder to door in heaven. Angel in it

    Note: (10v) 7. Christ and Elders

    Note: (13r) 8. Lamb and Beasts. Elders hold crowns, two kneel

    Note: (14r) 9. Christ in C., John and Elders L., Angel R.

    Note: (15r) 10. Lamb full of eyes. Elders harping

    Note: (15r) 11. Lamb, Angels and Elders

    Note: (16v) 12-15. ff. 16v-19r. The four Horsemen

    Note: (19r) 16. White robes given to souls

    Note: (19v) 17. Sun and moon darkened. Men under mountains

    Note: (21r) 18. Four angels hold heads of beasts (winds)

    Note: (21r) 19. Angel holds long cross (Seal of God)

    Note: (22r) 20. God, the Lamb, Angels. White-robed men with palms

    Note: (22v) 21. John and Elders

    Note: (23r) 22. Censing angel. God. Seven angels with trumpets

    Note: (24v) 23. First Trumpet. Owl on tree

    Note: (25r) 24. Second Trumpet

    Note: (25v) 25. Third Trumpet

    Note: (26r) 26. Fourth Trumpet. Beast, crowned, ascends

    Note: (28r) 27. Sixth Trumpet. Angels in water (Euphrates) with cord about their necks held by an angel

    Note: (28v) 28. Horsemen

    Note: (29v) 29. Great Angel. Seven thunders (Beasts' heads). Owl on tree

    Note: (31r) 30. John takes book from Angel

    Note: (31r) 31. John holds long cross (reed). Worshippers in temple

    Note: (32r) 32. The witnesses, tonsured, in white, preaching

    Note: (33r) 33. Their ascension. The earthquake, etc.

    Note: (34v) 34. Christ and Elders. Seventh trumpet

    Note: (35r) 35. Woman in sky. John and angel watch

    Note: (36r) 36. Woman in bed, and child. Dragon

    Note: (37r) 37. Angels fight dragon and devils

    Note: (37v) 38. Dragon, etc. falling

    Note: (38r) 39. Dragon casts forth water. Winged woman

    Note: (39v) 40. Seven-headed beast in sea

    Note: (40r) 41. Dragon and worshippers

    Note: (41v) 42. Two-horned beast and worshippers

    Note: (43r) 43. Lamb on Sion

    Note: (44v) 44. Angel in air proclaiming. God, etc. on L. Men below

    Note: (45r) 45. Babylon falls

    Note: (46v) 46. Christ with sickle

    Note: (47v) 47. Vintage. Horses walk in blood

    Note: (48r) 48. White-robed harpers

    Note: (49v) 49. Angels with vials

    Note: (50v) 50. 1st and 2nd vials

    Note: (52v) 51. Frogs proceed from mouth of beast, etc.

    Note: (53v) 52. Seventh vial

    Note: (54v) 53. Vision of the Harlot

    Note: (56r) 54. Dragon goes into pit

    Note: (58v) 55. City falls. Saint leads men out

    Note: (62r) 56. Millstone cast into sea

    Note: (63r) 57. Christ and Elders

    Note: (64v) 58. Christ on horse. Saints follow

    Note: (66r) 59. Angel summons birds

    Note: (66r) 60. Beast, etc. cast into fire

    Note: (67r) 61. Dragon shut into pit

    Note: (67v) 62. Dead rise in white. Nimbed Saints seated on L.

    Note: (69v) 63. Christ as Judge. Dead on R.and L.

    Note: (70r) 64. John looks at the new Jerusalem

    Note: (70v) 65. John and the angel with vial. Jerusalem on R.

    Note: (73r) 66. John and angel. Lamb on R.

    Note: (76r) 67. God and Lamb. River flows out of altar on which He stands. Trees, and John and angel on R.

    Note: (78r) 68. John and angel with book

    Note: (78v) 69. John with long cross addresses seated group

  • Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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