Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 114A
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 114A
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 114A: Matthew Parker's Correspondence, Volume 1
- Letter from Pope Julius II to Henry VIII, 14 March 1512 || Epistola papae Julii II, ad Henricum VIII. in qua regem orat ut eum et sedem apostolicam contra inimicos defendat, data 14 Martii 1512
- Letter from Henry VIII recommending Matthew Parker to be master of Corpus Christi College || Henry VIII's recommendatory letter for Dr. Parker to be master of Corpus Christi College, dated Westminster ultimo Nov. anno regni 36o. original
- Letter from Queen Katherine Parr to Matthew Parker || Letter from queen Katherine [Parr] recommending Randall Radclyff to the bayliwick of the college of Stoke, dated Westm. 14 Nov. 36 Hen. VIII.
- Warrant for a doe || Warrant for a doe out of the forest of Wayebrige under the sign manual of Henry VIII. dated Salisbury Oct. 13, anno regni 36
- Letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Matthew Parker || Letter from queen Elizabeth to the archbishop directing him to receive and entertain the French ambassador in his way to London. Richmond May 14, anno regni 6to
- Letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Matthew Parker || From the same, commanding the archbishop to give his orders for a general prayer and fasting during the time of sickness, and requiring obedience from all her subjects to his directions, dated Richmond Aug. 1, anno regni 5to
- Letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Matthew Parker || From the same, directing the archbishop and other commissioners to visit Eaton-college, and to enquire into the late election of a provost, dated Lea 22 Aug. anno regni 3to
- Visitation of Eton College by Matthew Parker and others, 9-11 September 1561 || Visitatio collegii de Eaton per Mattheum Parker archiepiscopum Cantuariensem, Robertum Home episcopum Winton et Anthonium Cooke militem, facta 9, 10 et 11 Sept. 1561
- Commission of Queen Elizabeth I issued to Matthew Parker and others to conduct a visitation of Eton College and Cambridge University || Commissio data ab Elizabetha regina, Willelmo Cecill militi, Antonio Coco militi, Mattheo Parker S. T. P. Willelmo Billo S. T. P. Gualtero Haddono L. L. D. Willelmo Maio L. L. D. Thomae Wendeo M. D. Roberto Home S. T. P. et Jacobo Pilkington S. T. P. ad visitandum collegium de Eaton, et totam academiam Cantab. 20 Junii, anno regni Imo.
- Letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Matthew Parker, 17 January 1568 || Letter from queen Elizabeth, desiring the archbishop to collate Dr. Newton dean of Winchester to a prebende in the church of Canterbury then vacant, dated Hampton-court 17 Jan. 1568
- Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || From the earl of Leicester on the same subject, dated from the court Jan. 16
- Letter from the Lords of the privy council (printed), July 1568 || Letter from the lords of the privy-council to all her majesties subjects, signifying her majesties pleasure, that they should permit the archbishop or his deputies to view and peruse all the records and monuments belonging to the late dissolved monasteries that were in their hands, dated from Howard-place July, 1568
- Letter from the Lords of the privy council (handwritten) || The same in writing, probably the original but the signatures are all cut off
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker || Letter from the lords of the council to the archbishop and the bishop of London, desiring them to take such means as they should think meet, to persuade Dr. Smith of Oxford to conform to the established church, dated from Hampton 24 Aug. 1559
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 13 December 1551 || Letter from the same to Dr. Parker, commanding his attendance upon the king dated Westminster, Dec. 13, 1551
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 9 November 1559 || Letter from the same, to the archbishop and other ecclesiastical commissioners, desiring them to proceed against Dr. Carter and Seggiswick recusants, dated Westminster Nov. 9, 1559
- Letter from John Skypp to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. Skypp to Dr. Parker, desiring him to come up to court, and informing him that the king intends to appoint him one of his chaplains, dated Westm. Feb. 12
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 14 December 1561 || Letter from the lords of the council for the removal of William Rise a recusant to the tower, dated Westm. Dec. 14, 1561
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 28 June 1563 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to recommend a person skilled in the civil law to be marshall of the town of New-haven, dated Greenwich June 28, 1563
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 24 October 1561 || Letter from the same, directing William Rise to be again removed to the archbishop's house, and desiring his grace to endeavour to persuade him to take the oath of supremacy, dated from St. James 24 Oct. 1561
- Acknowledgement of the queen's supremacy || Acknowledgement of the queen's supremacy by Rise
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 7 September 1559 || Letter from the lords of the council, desiring the archbishop to endeavour to persuade Anthony Atkins, fellow of Merton-college Oxford, then a prisoner in the tower, to conform to the established church, dated Hampton-court Sept. 7, 1559
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 4 September 1560 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop's opinion, whether the recusants confined in the tower might not with safety be permitted to meet together at meals, dated Wyndesour 4 Sept. 1560
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Edward Warner || From the archbishop to the lieutenant of the tower on the same subject, dated Lambeth Sept. 6.
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 23 September 1559 || Letter from the lords of the council, desiring the archbishop to examine the vicar of Howe in Kent, then a prisoner in the marshalsea, and to set him at liberty, if he appeared to him to deserve it, dated Hampton-court 23 Sept. 1559
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 2 November 1559 || Letter from the same, directing the archbishop to release Peter Langrige and John Earl, late prebendary and peti-canon of Winchester, then prisoners in the benche and the marshalsea, after taking bond for their good behaviour and certainty of abode, dated Westm. 2 Nov. 1559
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 15 September 1563 || Letter from the same, directing Dr. Thirleby and Dr. Boxall to be removed from the tower to the archbishop's house on account of the plague, dated Windesore 15 Sept. 1563
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 23 June 1564 || Letter from the same, refusing to give Boxall his liberty which he had petitioned for, because Dr. Scott late bishop of Chester, to whom they had granted that favour, had clandestinely withdrawn himself, dated Rychemont 23 June 1564
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 17 February 1570 || Letter from the same, directing the archbishop and lord Cobham to use all possible means of having proper persons elected to serve in parliament for the county of Kent, and the cities and boroughs of the same, dated Westm. 17 Feb. 1570
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 30 May 1560 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to recommend two persons to the queen to be nominated to the archbishoprick of Armagh and the bishoprick of Meath, dated Greenwich 30 May 1560
- Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 5 July 1568 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop and other ecclesiastical commissioners to examine sir John Southwork on oath, and to report his examination to them, dated Greenwich 5 July, 1568
- Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker || Letter from the duke of Norfolke to Dr. Parker when dean of Stoke, desiring him to send him the original foundation of his college for a pattern for himself in the erection of a college of secular priests, into which he had the king's licence to change the monastery at Thetford, dated Denston 19 Aug
- Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 2 August 1568 || Letter from the duke of Norfolk, desiring the archbishop to grant his chaplain a dispensation to hold two livings, dated from the court 2 Aug. 1568
- Order of precedence amongst the nobility || Order of precedency amongst the nobility and list of English peers
- Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 23 June 1563 || Letter from the duke of Norfolk, desiring the archbishop's favour and protection towards Mr. Salesbury archdeacon of Anglesey, who had been deprived by the bishop of Bangor, dated from the court 23 June, 1563
- Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 24 December 1565 || Letter from the same, desiring the strangers at Norwich may have a church assigned them, dated Norwich 24 Dec. 1565
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Thomas Howard || The archbishop's answer, that he had written to the bishop of Norwich to assign them a church
- Letter from Nicholas Bacon to Matthew Parker, 24 July 1560 || Letter from sir Nicholas Bacon lord-keeper, acquainting the archbishop that the queen purposed dining at Lambeth on the Monday following, dated 24 July, 1560
- Letter from Anne Bacon to Matthew Parker, 27 June 1561 || Letter from lady Bacon recommending Fitzwilliam to the archbishop, dated 27 June, 1561
- Letters from Nicholas Bacon to Matthew Parker || Two letters from sir Nicholas Bacon lord-keeper
- Letter from William Paulet to Matthew Parker, 17 July 1560 || Letter from the marquis of Winchester, desiring the archbishop's advice and direction about the nomination of preachers in the vacant dioceses, dated 17 July, 1560
- Letter from William Paulet to Matthew Parker, 22 January 1559 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to accept the resignation of Mr. Pratte, parson of Bedendowne in Kent in favour of his chaplain, dated Jan. 22, 1559
- Letter from William Parr to Matthew Parker, 12 August 1565 || Letter from the marquis of Northampton, desiring that Mary Hamner widow may have the administration of her husband's effects which had been unjustly granted to sir Thomas Hamner knight, dated Windesor 12 Aug. 1565
- Letter from Henry FitzAlan to Matthew Parker, 8 July 1568 || Letter from the earl of Arundell, thanking the archbishop for having granted a dispensation to sir John Chauntler his chaplain, dated from Arundell-place 8 July 1568
- Letter from Henry FitzAlan to Matthew Parker, 4 September 1565 || Letter from the same, that he had sent the archbishop a buck, dated 4 Sept. 1565
- Letter from Henry Percy to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Northumberland, desiring the archbishop would grant leave that Mr. Morlea, who had been deprived of a prebendary of Durham, might reside within the bishoprick, dated May 4
- Letter from Henry Neville, Earl of Westmorland to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Westmorland desiring licence to eat flesh in lent, dated from the Charter-house 8 Feb.
- Letter from George Talbot to Matthew Parker, 26 April 1568 || Letter from the earl of Shrewsbury recommending parson Wickless to the archbishop, dated 26 Apr. 1568
- Letter from Elizabeth Talbot to Matthew Parker, 6 May 1568 || Letter from the countess of Shrewsbury, recommending Martyne Nelson to be presented to the vicarage of Tatryke in Richmondshyre, dated May 6, 1568
- Letter from Edward Stanley to Matthew Parker, 26 April 1562 || Letter from the earl of Derby, desiring the archbishop would grant a dispensation to a minor to hold for six years the living of Hawarden in Flyntshire, then vacant and in the gift of sir Thomas Stanley knight, dated from Histelwater 26 April 1562
- Letter from Edward Stanley to Matthew Parker, 6 May 1564 || Letter from the same, recommending Humfrey Hyton to the archbishop's service, dated Lathome May 6, 1564
- Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 14 October 1560 || Letter from viscount Howard, recommending Roger Crockett his chaplain to the archbishop, dated Byndon 14 Oct. 1560
- Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 8 April 1562 || Letter from the same, desiring that his servant Andrew Bucler may have a dispensation to hold the living of Brodwey in the diocese of Bristol, for the maintenance of his son at the university, dated Byndon Apr. 8, 1562
- Draft of a letter from Matthew Parker to Thomas Howard, 12 or 13 April 1562
- Letter from Henry Manners, Earl of Rutland to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Rutland on the dean and canons of Christ church refusing to admit his son into their college
- Letter from Thomas Radclyffe to Matthew Parker, 7 February 1566 || Letter from the earl of Sussex, desiring the archbishop to recommend Dr. Rushe to the queen for the deanery of York, dated 7 Feb. 1566
- Letter from Frances Radclyffe to Matthew Parker || Letter from the countess of Sussex recommending a person to the archbishop's service
- Letter from Henry Hastings to Matthew Parker, 15 July 1560 || Letter from the earl of Huntingdon recommending Christopher Johnson to be teacher at Winchester college, dated Ashby de la Souche 15 July, 1560
- Letter from Ambrose Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Warwick, desiring the archbishop that he would order every minister to buy the bishop of Salisbury's defence of the apology, dated from the court May 3
- Letter from Anne, Countess of Warwick to Matthew Parker, 23 January 1563 || Letter from the countess of Warwick, desiring that one of her servants might have an abatement of a yearly sum which the bishop had awarded he should pay, dated from the court 23 Jan. 1563
- Letter from Ambrose Dudley to Matthew Parker, 2 April 1560 || Letter from lord Ambrose Dudley, desiring the archbishop to grant unto Thomas Freeman his chaplain a dispensation to hold two livings. Westminster 2 April, 1560
- Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord Robert Dudley to the archbishop that the queen had sent him a stagg which she killed with her own hand, dated Wyndesore 3 Sept.
- Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Leicester, recommending a person to be presented to a living in Bread-street, dated from the court 20 Jan.
- Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker, 10 December 1565 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to prosecute some persons, who had stript the church of Harkstede in Suffolk of its lead and tymber, dated from the court 10 Dec. 1565
- Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to renew Mr. Gressop of Oxford his licence of preaching, dated Apr. 16
- Letter from Thomas Butler to Matthew Parker, 3 November 1567 || Letter from the earl of Ormond, requesting the archbishop's favour towards a poor excommunicated priest, dated from the court 3 Nov. 1567
- Letter from Edward Seymour to Matthew Parker, 7 January 1560 || Letter from the earl of Hertford, desiring the archbishop to nominate his kinsman Edward Stanhope B.A. to a prebend in the church of Southwell, dated from the court 7 Jan. 1560
- Letter from Francis Russell to Matthew Parker, 20 June 1560 || Letter from the earl of Bedford, requesting a dispensation for the son of Robert Fulford, a student of Oxford, dated Exeter 20 June, 1560
- Letter from William Herbert and Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Pembroke and lord Robert Dudley, desiring the archbishop to confirm a lease of the parsonage of Stawbridge in Dorsetshire granted by the incumbent to Mr. Awdely, dated Greenwich 16 May
- Letter from Anne Herbert to Matthew Parker, 7 February 1560 || Letter from the countess of Pembroke, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation de non promovendo in quinquennium to Robert Weathrill, a minor and scholar of New-college Oxford, dated Baynard-castle 7 Feb. 1560
- Letter from Anthony Browne to Matthew Parker, 14 February 1560 || Letter from viscount Montague about some lands in Lambeth claimed by the archbishop, dated Cowdrie 14 Feb. 1560
- Letter from Anthony Browne to Matthew Parker, 23 September 1560 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to free Dr. Langdaile from his bond to reside continually at or near the viscounts, dated from his house at Marnveris 23 Sept. 1560
- Letter from Lord Clynton to Matthew Parker, 2 February 1566 || Letter from lord Clynton, thanking the archbishop for having granted a licence for the marriage of his daughter Frances with Gylys Bregis, dated Horsley 2 Feb. 1566
- Letter from Elizabeth Clynton to Matthew Parker || Letter from lady Clynton, requesting the archbishop to grant a plurality to Mr. Holydaye vicar of Thaxted in Essex, dated Hatfield 14 July
- Letter from William Howard to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord William Howard about a suit depending before the archbishop concerning the marriage of his servant John Leman with a widow from whom the servant of one Gresham pretended to have received a prior promise of marriage, in which suit he was supported by his master, dated 2 Oct.
- Letter from William Howard to Matthew Parker, 10 December 1565 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to prosecute some persons, who had stript the church of Harkstede in Suffolk of its lead and tymber, dated from the court 10 Dec. 1565
- Letter from Margaret Howard to Matthew Parker, 6 July 1566 || Letter from lady Margaret Howard, recommending one Jones to the archbishop, dated 6 July, 1566
- Letter from Lord Abergavenny to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord Abergavenny, claiming the stewardship of the liberties of Canterbury, dated Earydge June 20
- Letter from Lord Wentworth to Matthew Parker, 17 May 1560 || Letter from lord Wentworth, desiring the archbishop to hasten the bishop of Norwich's departure into his diocese, that some care might be taken to supply the county of Suffolk with able ministers, dated Heggesden 17 May 1560
- Letter from Lord Ryche to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord Ryche, recommending a person to the archbishop for the living of South-church in Essex, dated Rochford June 16
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Lord Abergavenny, 22 June 1566 || The archbishop's answer to lord Abergavenny's letter that he would consult with his counsel on the foundation of his claim, dated Croydon 22 June, 1566
- Letter from Lord Strange to Matthew Parker, 8 February 1561 || Letter from lord Strange, desiring the archbishop to give the vicarage of Blackborn to William Hayworth, dated from the court 8 Feb. 1561
- Letter from Margaret Strange to Matthew Parker, 12 November 1560 || Letter from lady Strange, desiring that Mr. Baker may be discharged of that part of his bond which confines him to the county of Middlesex, dated from the court 12 Nov. 1560
- Letter from Lord Strange and others to Matthew Parker, 19 May 1566 || Letter from lord Strange and others, requesting the archbishop to admit to bail William Cottrel then a prisoner in the king's bench by his order, dated from the court 19 May, 1566
- Letter from Lord Morley to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord Morley, in behalf of his chaplain, dated Oct. 19
- Letter from Lord Morley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, to Dr. Parker when master of Corpus Christi College Cambridge, recommending a poor scholar to be admitted into that society, dated Markhall 28 July
- Letter from Lord Cobham to Matthew Parker, 12 November 1565 || Letter from lord Cobham, requesting the archbishop's favour towards his servant James Broker, in a suit then depending before his grace, dated Cobham-Hall 12 Nov. 1565
- Letter from Francis Cobham to Matthew Parker, 11 May 1560 || Letter from lady Cobham, requesting the archbishop's interest with the queen to procure the living of Castle-Brent in the diocese of Bath for Sampson Newton, dated from the court 11 May, 1560
- Letter from Lord Cobham to Matthew Parker, 15 July 1565 || Letter from lord Cobham, returning the archbishop his warrant for killing a stag, dated Cobham 15 July 1565
- Letter from John Grey to Edmund Bonner, 23 January 1559 || Letter from lord John Grey to the bishop of London, desiring his lordship's interest in obtaining a plurality for his chaplain with a postscript from the bishop of London, recommending his suit to the archbishop, dated Pyrgoo 23 Jan. 1559
- Letter from Mary Grey to Matthew Parker, 4 September 1567 || Letter from lady Mary Grey, thanking the archbishop for his friendship to her and her daughters, dated Pergo 4 Sept. 1567
- Letter from Lord Mountjoy to Matthew Parker, 30 July 1567 || Letter from lord Mountjoy, in behalf of his servant Simon Davies, dated Poolle 30 July, 1567
- Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 4 July 1567 || Letter from viscount Howard, desiring the archbishop to protect his chaplain William Atherton, dated Byndon 4 July, 1567
- Letter from Lord St John to Matthew Parker, 28 October 1566 || Letter from lord St. John, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation for non-residence to sir William Tatham parson of Aspley, dated from his house at Fewterlane 28 Oct. 1566
- Letter from Henry Cromwell to Matthew Parker, 19 April 1564 || Letter from lord Crumwell, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation to his chaplain William Pulleyne to hold the living of Mondesley in Norfolk with another benefice, dated London 19 April, 1564
- Letter from Edward Windsor to Matthew Parker, 31 January 1559 || Letter from lord Wyndesore, certifying that John Earle had resided at Croundale, had repeated by heart the epistle to the Galatians, and had behaved himself honestly and quietly, dated 31 Jan. 1559
- Letter from William Paget to Matthew Parker, 12 March 1562 || Letter from lord Paget, desiring the archbishop to give the living of Aie to John Hoopes minister of Itham in Kent, dated 12 March, 1562
- Letter from Edmund Chandos to Matthew Parker, 27 April 1564 || Letter from Edmund Chandos, desiring the archbishop to protect the parson of Kemesford, dated Bloundesden 27 April, 1564
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Richard Cheney || Letter from the archbishop to the bishop of Gloucester in favour of Humfrey Delamore the abovementioned incumbent of Kemesford
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Mr Drury || Letter from the same, to Mr. Drury
- Letter from William Herbert and Lord Hudson to Matthew Parker, 10 February 1560 || Letter from the earl of Pembroke and lord Hundsdon, desiring the archbishop to reinstate John Baker in the office of proctor, dated Westminster 10 Feb. 1560
- Letter from Lord Hundsdon to Matthew Parker, 9 November 1566 || Letter from lord Hundsdon, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation to Thomas Frencham his chaplain, dated from the court 9 Nov. 1566
- Letter from Thomas Sackville to Matthew Parker, 22 May 1568 || Letter from lord Buckehurst, thanking the archbishop for a living he had granted at his recommendation, dated 22 May, 1568
- Letter to Matthew Parker concerning scholar of Magdalene College Oxford, 10 February 1567 || Letter from --, desiring the archbishop to grant a scholar of Magdalen college Oxford a dispensation to hold the living of Westcote Gloucestershire, dated London 10 Feb. 1567
- Letter from Robert Sidney to Matthew Parker, 3 March 1567 || Letter from sir Robert Sidney, desiring the archbishop to grant his son Philip Sidney, a licence to eat flesh in lent, dated from Durham-house 3 March, 1567
- Letter from Viscount Wentworth to Matthew Parker, 3 December 1561 || Letter from viscount Wentworth, recommending a tenant who desired a renewal of his lease, dated London 3 Dec. 1561
- Letter from Robert Catlyn to Matthew Parker, 2 November 1561 || Letter from Robert Catlyn, desiring the archbishop that no licence of marriage might be granted to Meres and Alyce Ilston, because the said Alyce had already given a promise of marriage to Thomas Olyver, dated Sergeant-Inne 2 Nov. 1561
- Letter from James Dyer to Matthew Parker, 26 November 1565 || Letter from sir James Dyer, requesting the archbishop to grant his chaplain John Allgood a dispensation to hold two livings, dated Sergeant-Inne 26 Nov. 1565
- Letter from John Southcot to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Southcot, certifying that sir John Wilcock stipendary priest at Bradwell in Essex, had formerly received priests orders from the prior of Bodmyn in Cornewall, dated London Jan. 10
- Letter from Lady Cecilia to Matthew Parker || Letter from lady Cecilia, desiring that Simon Bowier, one of her gentlemen might have the next advowson of the vicarage of Blackbourne in Lancashire
- Letter from Lady Cecilia to Matthew Parker, 8 February 1565 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to use his interest with the queen, to procure the living of Abchurch for her chaplain John Williams, dated from Arundellhouse 8 Feb. 1565
- Letter from Richard Souffolk to Matthew Parker, 29 August 1568 || Letter from Richard Souffolk, desiring the archbishop to grant a licence for preaching to Alexander Key M. A. fellow of John's college Cambridge, dated 29 Aug. 1568
- Letter from Mary Grey and Francis Cobham to Matthew Parker, 30 October 1561 || Letter from lady Grey and lady Cobham recommending Peter Jones to the archbishop's service, dated from the court 30 Oct. 1561
- Letter from Dorothee Stafford to Matthew Parker, 10 June 1567 || Letter from lady Stafford, in favour of Mr. Pigott gentleman usher to the queen, who had been sued in the archbishop's court, dated from the court 10 June, 1567
- Letter from Dorothee Stafford to Matthew Parker, 2 July 1567 || Letter from the same, desiring her mother's chaplain may have the living of Wistan-stowe, dated from the court 2 July, 1567
- Letter from B. Skewit to Mrs Parker || Letter from B. Skewit to Mrs. Parker, dated from the court May 30
- Letter from Margaret Strange to Matthew Parker || Letter from lady Strange, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation for non-residence to sir John Sherbourne preceptor to her children
- Letter from Elisabeth Audely to Matthew Parker, 23 April 1560 || Letter from lady Audely, recommending a person to be promoted to the archdeaconry of Durham, dated Westminster 23 Apr. 1560
- Letter from Catherine Asleby to Matthew Parker, 8 May 1562 || Letter from Catherine Asleby, recommending doctor Ingraham to the archbishop, dated from the court 8 May, 1562
- Letter from Frances Howard to Matthew Parker, 7 November 1561 || Letter from the countess of Surrey, in favour of her servant Gregory Biles, prosecuted in the archbishop's court, dated from Earlsome 7 Nov. 1561
- Letter from Elizabeth Golding to Matthew Parker, 18 July 1566 || Letter from Elizabeth Golding, recommending Reynold Scott to the archbishop's service, dated Wye 18 July, 1566
- Letter from Cuth. Tangley to Matthew Parker, 8 October 1562 || Letter from Cuth. Tangley, acquainting the archbishop that the English forces were arrived at New-haven, and that the prince of Conde had taken the field to raise the siege of Rouen, dated from New-haven 8 Oct. 1562
- Fragment of a theological tract || Fragmentum cujusdam tractatus theologici, propria manu Gulielmi Warham quondam archiepiscopi Cantuar. exaratum
- Letter from Thomas Thirleby to Matthew Parker, 4 March 1548 || Letter from Thirleby bishop of Westminster to Dr. Parker, acquainting him that he is appointed to preach before the king, dated Westminster 4 Mar. 1548
- Letter from Thomas Cranmer to Matthew Parker, 12 February 1550 || Letter from archbishop Cranmer on the same subject, dated Lambeth 12 Feb. 1550
- Letter from Henry VIII to the Dean of Stoke || Letter from Henry VIII. to the dean of Stoke, commanding him to furnish some soldiers for the French war, dated Westminster 25 May, anno regni 36
- Letter from Queen Catherine Parr to the Dean of Stoke || Letter from queen Catherine [Parr] to the same, desiring them to grant a lease of their farm at Chipley to Edward Waldegrave, dated Westminster 24 Mar. 26 Hen. VIII
- Letter from Richard Davies to Matthew Parker, 16 February 1567 || Letter from Davies bishop of St. David's concerning the time in which Sulgenus lived: dated Abergwylly 16 Feb. 1567
- History of Wales || Memorabilia quaedam de historia Walliae, tempore Wilhelmi Conquestoris et Willelmi Rufi, ubi mentio fit Sulgeni episcopi Menevensis et Rickmark cognominati sapientis filii ejus
- Letter from Thomas Cromwell to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Cromwell vice-gerent to Mr. Parker dean of Stoke, appointing him to preach at St. Paul's-cross
- Letter from Thomas Cranmer to Matthew Parker, 17 February 1548 || Letter from archbishop Cranmer to the same, appointing him to preach before the king, dated Lambeth 17 Feb. 1548
- The opinion of J. Redmayn in favour of the marriage of priests || The opinion of J. Redmayn in favour of their marriage
- Letter from Nicholas Ridley to Matthew Parker || Letter from Ridley bishop of London to Dr. Parker, appointing him to preach at St. Paul's-cross, dated 29 July
- Letter from John Cheke to Matthew Parker || Epistola Ioannis Cheeke ad M. Parker, in qua eum orat ut D. Billum pauperem scholarem reginae commendet
- Letter from Myles Coverdale to Matthew Parker || Letter from Myles Coverdale formerly bishop of Exeter, requesting the archbishop's interest with the queen for the remittance of his first-fruits for the living of St. Magnus, dated London 29 Jan
- Letter from the archbishop of Canterbury to the Dean and Chapter of Stoke || Letter from the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of Worcester, Westminster and Chichester to the dean and chapter of Stoke, desiring them to grant the reversion of a farm called Chipley to the bearer, dated Lambehithe Dec. 1
- Letter from Gilbert Bourne to Matthew Parker, 31 May 1566 || Letter from Gilbert Bourne, promising to appear according to summons before the archbishop, dated Barton ult. Maii, 1566
- Archbishops educated in Cambridge, 1500-1570 || Episcopi ex academia Cantabrigiensi ab anno 1500, usque ad annum, 1570
- Catalogue of English Bishops, 1561 || Catalogus omnium episcoporum Angliae 1561, in quo notatur unius-cujusvis academia, diocesis, nomen, gradus, ordo, patria, aetas et dies consecrationis; item et valor unius-cujusvis episcopatus
- Chancellors of the University of Cambridge, 1495-1558 || Cancellarii universitatis Cantabrigias ab 1495 ad 1558
- Letter from Thomas Young to Matthew Parker, 22 March 1559 || Promise made by Young bishop of St. David's, not to confirm any grants he has made or shall hereafter make as bishop, under pretence or by virtue of the chauntership which he holds in commendam, dated Mar. 22, 1559
- Letter from Thomas Young to Matthew Parker, 26 December 1566 || Letter from Young archbishop of York, to the archbishop of Canterbury, dated 26 Dec. 1566
- Letter from Richard Barnes to Matthew Parker, 14 May 1572 || Letter from Barnes bishop of Carlisle, desiring the archbishop to admit his kinsman Edward Brackinbury a notary public, dated Rose-castle 14 May, 1572
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Richard Barnes, 22 May 1572 || The archbishop's answer, giving his reasons for not complying with his request, dated Lambeth May 22
- Letter from Thomas Young to Matthew Parker, 22 November 1560 || Letter from Young bishop of St. David's, on his intended translation to York, dated Aburgwyly 22 Nov. 1560
- Letter from Adam Loftus to Matthew Parker || Letter from the archbishop of Armagh, requesting his grace of Canterburies assistance in removing the archbishop of Dublin, dated Cambridge 17 Sept.
- Letter from Adam Loftus to Matthew Parker, 27 October 1567 || Letter from the archbishop of Dublin and the bishop of Meath, desiring that the dean of Trinity Dublin might have a dispensation to hold two benefices, dated Dublin 27 Oct. 1567
- Letter from Edmund Grindal to Matthew Parker, 26 January 1568 || Letter from Grindall bishop of London, desiring the archbishop to grant a licence to preach to Bartholomew Miles of Gloucestershire, dated London 26 Jan. 1568
- Letter from Robert Horne to Matthew Parker, 13 March 1565 || Letter from Horn bishop of Winchester, on his coming up to preach at court, dated Farnham 13 Mar. 1565
- Letter from Robert Horne to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, that he had sent the archbishop a buck, dated Farnham 13 Aug
- Letter to the Queen || Epistola Ioannis Punneti ad reginam data Cantab. 5 kal. Dec. in qua summis laudibus eam exornat, maximasque agit gratias pro liberalitate ejus erga se
- Letter from Richard Cox to Matthew Parker, 12 February 1564 || Letter from Cox bishop of Ely, that he intends coming up to court, dated Downham 12 Feb. 1564
- Letter from William Downham to Matthew Parker || Letter from Downham bishop of Chester, recommending sir John Larkine priest for a vicarage in the archbishop's gift, dated 10 Aug.
- Letter from John Scory to Matthew Parker || Letter from Scory bishop of Hereford, that he had sent the archbishop three Saxon MSS. found in the church of Hereford, dated Mar. 3
- Letter from Edwin Sandys to Matthew Parker, 6 February 1565 || Letter from Sands bishop of Worcester, that he had sent the archbishop the book with his corrections and notes, and advises him to have the whole bible carefully examined and corrected before it goes to the press ; - he blames the former translators for having followed Munster too much, dated Worcester 6 Feb. 1565
- Letter from Edwin Sandys to Matthew Parker, 26 December 1567 || Letter from the same, on the chapter of Canterbury having confirmed a grant of the archbishop's in his favour, dated Worcester Dec. 26, 1567
- Letter to Matthew Parker concerning a new translation of the Bible || Letter from --, desiring the archbishop to hasten the publication of the new translation of the bible
- Letter from Richard Curtis to Matthew Parker, 16 April 1572 || Letter from Curteis bishop of Chichester, desiring that his chancellor Dr. Woorley might be admitted into the commons, dated Aldingeborn 16 Apr. 1572
- Letter from John Jewel to Matthew Parker, 3 May 1568 || Letter from Jewell bishop of Sarum, that he had sent 3£. 6s. 8d. to the poor exiles; - that all things were quiet in his diocese; - he desires his Latin apology may not be reprinted till it has been revised, dated Salisbury 3 May, 1568
- Letter from John Jewel to Matthew Parker, 22 December 1565 || Letter from the same, that he had delayed admitting Dr. Humfrey president of Magdalen college Oxford, to a living of which he had the presentation on account of his non-conformity in apparel, till he should receive the archbishop's directions; and that several went from church to church in his diocese, preaching as if they were apostles, under coulour of his graces licence, dated Sarisbury 22 Dec. 1565
- Letter from John Jewel to Matthew Parker, 26 April 1568 || Letter from the same, complaining that Lancaster archbishop elect of Armagh had ordained several; and desiring that his apology might not be reprinted till the typographical errors of the last edition were corrected, dated Sarisburie 26 April, 1568
- Letter from Edmund Gheast [Guest] to Matthew Parker || Letter from Guest bishop of Rochester, that he had sent the archbishop the part of the new translation of the bible which had been assigned him
- Letter from Gilbert Berkeley to Matthew Parker || Letter from Barkley bishop of Bath and Wells, concerning a process commenced against some in his diocese, dated Wells 29 [blank], 1560
- Letter from Gilbert Berkeley to Matthew Parker, 24 November 1566 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to recommend Mr. James Proctor of Salisbury to the queen for the deanery of Chichester, dated 24 Nov. 1566
- Letter from William Alley to Matthew Parker, 11 July 1560 || Letter from Alley bishop elect of Exeter, desiring to be consecrated on the Sunday following, dated London 11 July, 1560
- Letter from William Alley to Matthew Parker, 22 November 1561 || Letter from the same, complaining of the usage he and his chancellor had received from one Argentine, and desiring to have a living given him in commendam, dated Exeter 22 Nov. 1561
- Letter from Thomas Bentham to Matthew Parker, 1 October 1568 || Letter from Bentham bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, complaining of a process issued out against him in the archbishop's court for having sequestered the vicarage of Wallsall in Staffordshire, dated Eccleshall-castle 1 Oct. 1568
- Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker, 22 April 1560 || Letter from Dr. Parkhurst, excusing his not coming up to court on account of his illness, dated Bishop's-clere 12 Apr. 1560
- Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker, 10 December 1560 || Letter from Dr. Parkhurst bishop of Norwich; - he sends the archbishop the copy of a letter from sir John Southwell [-worth (?)] to Dr. Yonge, which had given him uneasiness, dated 10 Dec. 1560
- Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker, 28 December 1565 || Letter from the same, about a church to be assigned to the strangers at Norwich, dated 28 Dec. 1565
- Letter from Edmund Scambler to Matthew Parker, 29 September 1567 || Letter from Scambler bishop of Peterborough, desiring that a cause of defamation depending in the archbishop's court between William Humfrey and Edward Shewsmith parson of Barton-segrave might be remitted to him; and complaining that two ministers in his diocese had been put in the stocks by their parishioners, dated Peterborough 29 Sept. 1567
- Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker, 19 December 1565 || Letter from Parkhurst bishop of Norwich, desiring that absolution may be granted to Thomas Bateman and Cornelius Vanderstad, two of the strangers that had been excommunicated at Sandwich; and acquainting the archbishop that he had received the part of the bible assigned him to translate, dated Norwich 19 Dec. 1565
- Letter from Richard Davies to Matthew Parker, 24 April 1566 || Letter from Davies bishop of St. David's, that he had received the part of the bible assigned him to translate; and on the controversy about the patronage of Llandewibrefy, dated Abergwylly 24 Apr. 1566
- Letter from William Salisbury to Matthew Parker, 19 May 1565 || Letter from William Salisbury, about decyphering an old MS., with an extract concerning the marriage of priests, and remarks on other customs of antiquity, dated 19 May, 1565
- Letter from Richard Davies to Matthew Parker, 19 March 1565 || Letter from Davies bishop of St. David's ; - he acquaints the archbishop that he had received the portion of the bible assigned him to translate ; - that the MSS. of his diocese had been sent two years ago to the secretary, in one of which, an old chronicle, was this remarkable relation, that after the conquest of England by the Saxons, whenever they, and the Britons met together to treat of peace, as long as the former continued pagans, the Britons would eat and drink with them: but that after that they had been converted by saint Austin, the Britons refused any longer to do it, accusing them of having corrupted the Christian religion with superstition, images and idolatry.- In the latter part of this letter he gives the archbishop a circumstantial account of the suit about the advowson of Llandwebrefy, dated 19 March, 1565
- Letter from Matthew Parker to Richard Davies, 23 March 1565 || The archbishop's answer, dated Lambeth 23 March, 1565
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Jules II (pape, 1443-1513)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pope Julius II
- Other form
- Jules II (1443-1513 ; pape)
- Jules II
- Julius (1441/43-1513)
- Iglesia Católica. Papa (1503-1513: Julio II)
- Julio II, Papa, 1443-1513
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1503-1513 (Júlio II) > , copista
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henri VIII (roi d'Angleterre et d'Irlande, 1491-1547)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry VIII
- Other form
- Henri VIII (1491-1547 ; roi d'Angleterre et d'Irlande)
- Henri VIII
- Henry VIII (roi d'Angleterre et d'Irlande ; 1491-1547)
- Henry VIII, King of England
- Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547
- King Henry VIII
- Henrici regis Anglie
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Catherine Parr (1512-1548)
- Role
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- Original form
- Queen Katherine Parr
- Other form
- Queen Catherine Parr
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Élisabeth I (reine d'Angleterre, 1533-1603)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Queen Elizabeth I
- Other form
- Élisabeth I (1533-1603 ; reine d'Angleterre)
- Elisabeth I
- Elizabeth I
- Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603
- Queen Elizabeth
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Robert Dudley (comte de Leicester, 1532?-1588)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Robert Dudley
- Other form
- Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Skip (149.-1552)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Skypp
- Other form
- John Skip
- John Skip, Bishop of Hereford
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Parker
- Other form
- [Matthew Parker]
- Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Matthew Parker
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575
- Parker, Matthew (1504-1575)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Howard (152.-1582)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Howard
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Nicholas Bacon (1509-1579?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Nicholas Bacon
- Other form
- Sir Nicholas Bacon
- Bacon, Nicholas, Sir, 1509-1579
- Bacon, Nicholas, Sir
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Anne Bacon (1528?-1610)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Anne Bacon
- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- William Paulet (1483?-1572)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Paulet
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Parr (1513-1571)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Parr
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Fitzalan (1512-1580)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry FitzAlan
- Other form
- Fitz Alan, Henry, 1512-1580, 12th Earl of Arundel
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Percy (1532?-1585)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Percy
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Neville (1524?-1564)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Neville, Earl of Westmorland
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- George Talbot (1522?-1590)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- George Talbot
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Elizabeth Talbot (1527?-1608)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Elizabeth Talbot
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Stanley (1509-1572)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward Stanley
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Manners (1526-1563)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Manners, Earl of Rutland
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Radcliffe (1526?-1583)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Radclyffe
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Frances Radcliffe (1531?-1589)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Frances Radclyffe
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Hastings (1536?-1595)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Hastings
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Ambrose Dudley Warwick (comte de, 1530?-1590)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ambrose Dudley
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Anne Seymour (153.?-1588)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Anne, Countess of Warwick
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Butler (1531?-1614)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Butler
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Seymour (1539?-1621)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward Seymour
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Francis Russell (1526?-1585)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Francis Russell
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Herbert (comte de Pembroke, 1507?-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Herbert
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Anne Herbert (151.-1552)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Anne Herbert
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Anthony Browne (1528-1592)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Anthony Browne
- Other form
- Browne, Anthony, Viscount Montagu
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Fiennes (1512-1585)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Clynton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Elizabeth Fiennes de Clinton (1528?-1589)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Elizabeth Clynton
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Howard (1510?-1573)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Howard
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Margaret Howard
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Margaret Howard
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Neville (15..-1587)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Abergavenny
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Wentworth (1525-1584)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Wentworth
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Rich (1496?-1567)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Ryche
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Stanley (1531-1593)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Strange
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Margaret Stanley (1540-1596)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Margaret Strange
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Parker Morley (baron, 1476-1556)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Morley
- Other form
- Henry Parker, lord Morley
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Brooke (1527-1597)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Cobham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Frances Cobham (153.-1592)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Francis Cobham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Grey (152.-1564)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Grey
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Mary Grey (15..-15..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Mary Grey
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- James Blount (1532?-1581)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Mountjoy
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Oliver St John (1522?-1582)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord St John
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Henry Cromwell (1538?-1592?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry Cromwell
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Windsor (1532?-1574)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward Windsor
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Paget (1505?-1563)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Paget
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edmund Brydges (152.-1573)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edmund Chandos
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- Preferred form
- Henry Carey (1526-1596)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lord Hudson
- Other form
- Lord Hundsdon
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Sackville (1536?-1608)
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- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Sackville
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- Preferred form
- Henry Sidney (1529-1586)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Robert Sidney
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Viscount Wentworth
- Preferred form
- Robert Catlin (1510?-1574)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Robert Catlyn
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- James Dyer (1512-1582)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- James Dyer
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Southcote (1510?-1585)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Southcot
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Lady Cecilia
- Preferred form
- Richard Suffolk
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Souffolk
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Dorothy Stafford (1526-1604)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Dorothee Stafford
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- B. Skewit
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Elisabeth Audely
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Catherine Asleby
- Preferred form
- Frances Howard (1516?-1577)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Frances Howard
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Elizabeth Golding (15..-15..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Elizabeth Golding
- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- Cuthbert Vaughan (1519?-1563)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Cuth. Tangley
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Thirlby (1500?-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Thirleby
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Cranmer
- Other form
- Cranmer, Thomas, 2 Jul 1489-21 Mar 1556, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Cranmer
- The archbishop of Canterbury
- Cranmer, Thomas
- Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Davies (1501-1581)
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- Original form
- Richard Davies
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- Preferred form
- Thomas Cromwell (1485?-1540)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Cromwell
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Redman (1499-1551)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- J. Redmayn
- Other form
- T. Redmain
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Nicholas Ridley (1502?-1555)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Nicholas Ridley
- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- John Cheke (1514-1557)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Cheke
- Other form
- Sir John Cheke
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Miles Coverdale (1488-1568)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Myles Coverdale
- Other form
- Miles Coverdale
- Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gilbert Bourne (1510?-1569)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gilbert Bourne
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Young (1507-1568)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Young
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Barnes (1532?-1587)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Barnes
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Adam Loftus (1533?-1605)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Adam Loftus
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edmund Grindal (1519?-1583)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edmund Grindal
- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- Robert Horne (1513?-1579)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Robert Horne
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Cox (1500-1581)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Cox
- Other form
- Richard Cox, archdeacon of Ely
- Dr Cox
- Richard Cox, bishop of Ely
- Bishop Cox of Ely
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Downham (1510?-1577)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Downham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Scory (15..-1585)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Scory
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edwin Sandys (1519?-1588)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edwin Sandys
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Curteys (1532?-1582)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Curtis
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Jewel (1522-1571)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Jewel
- Other form
- John Jewell, bishop of Salisbury
- John Jewel (1522-1571)
- Jewel, John, 1522-1571
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edmund Guest (1514-1577)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edmund Gheast [Guest]
- Other form
- Edmund Gheast
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gilbert Berkeley (15..-1581)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gilbert Berkeley
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Alley (1510?-1570)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Alley
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Bentham (1513?-1579)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Bentham
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Parkhurst (1511?-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Parkhurst
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edmund Scambler (1520?-1594)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edmund Scambler
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Salesbury (1520?-1584?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Salisbury
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: MS 114, now split into two parts (MS 114A and MS 114B), contains a large collection of letters written to or by Matthew Parker (1504-1575). His diverse career included serving as the dean of the Suffolk college of Stoke by Clare; as one of Anne Boleyn's chaplains and, after her fall, as one of the king's chaplains; as master of Corpus Christi College and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge; and, after an enforced period of seclusion during the reign of Mary, as archbishop of Canterbury. Just as this broad career is reflected across the Parker Library collection as a whole, much of it is reflected here in a microcosm of letters. The manuscript dates to the sixteenth century.
Contents :
4a-5a - Letter from Pope Julius II to Henry VIII, 14 March 1512 || Epistola papae Julii II, ad Henricum VIII. in qua regem orat ut eum et sedem apostolicam contra inimicos defendat, data 14 Martii 1512
5-6 - Letter from Henry VIII recommending Matthew Parker to be master of Corpus Christi College || Henry VIII's recommendatory letter for Dr. Parker to be master of Corpus Christi College, dated Westminster ultimo Nov. anno regni 36o. original
Note: Strype, Parker, App. 5: Parker Corresp., Parker Soc. XIII
Note: p. 6 blank
7-7 - Letter from Queen Katherine Parr to Matthew Parker || Letter from queen Katherine [Parr] recommending Randall Radclyff to the bayliwick of the college of Stoke, dated Westm. 14 Nov. 36 Hen. VIII.
Note: Corr. XII
8-13a - Warrant for a doe || Warrant for a doe out of the forest of Wayebrige under the sign manual of Henry VIII. dated Salisbury Oct. 13, anno regni 36
Note: Corr. IV
Note: pp. 9 - 13a blank except for addresses on some pages
13-14 - Letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Matthew Parker || Letter from queen Elizabeth to the archbishop directing him to receive and entertain the French ambassador in his way to London. Richmond May 14, anno regni 6to
Note: Corr. CLXI
Note: p. 14 blank
15-20 - Letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Matthew Parker || From the same, commanding the archbishop to give his orders for a general prayer and fasting during the time of sickness, and requiring obedience from all her subjects to his directions, dated Richmond Aug. 1, anno regni 5to
Note: Strype, App. 21, Corr. CXXXVII
Note: pp. 16 - 20 blank except for addresses on some pages
21-22 - Letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Matthew Parker || From the same, directing the archbishop and other commissioners to visit Eaton-college, and to enquire into the late election of a provost, dated Lea 22 Aug. anno regni 3to
Note: Strype, App. 16, Corr. CVIII
Note: p. 22 blank
23-28 - Visitation of Eton College by Matthew Parker and others, 9-11 September 1561 || Visitatio collegii de Eaton per Mattheum Parker archiepiscopum Cantuariensem, Robertum Home episcopum Winton et Anthonium Cooke militem, facta 9, 10 et 11 Sept. 1561
Note: Corr. p. 150 note
Note: pp. 26 - 28 blank except for addresses on some pages
29-30 - Commission of Queen Elizabeth I issued to Matthew Parker and others to conduct a visitation of Eton College and Cambridge University || Commissio data ab Elizabetha regina, Willelmo Cecill militi, Antonio Coco militi, Mattheo Parker S. T. P. Willelmo Billo S. T. P. Gualtero Haddono L. L. D. Willelmo Maio L. L. D. Thomae Wendeo M. D. Roberto Home S. T. P. et Jacobo Pilkington S. T. P. ad visitandum collegium de Eaton, et totam academiam Cantab. 20 Junii, anno regni Imo.
Note: Lamb, Documents 275
Note: p. 30 blank
43-44 - Letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Matthew Parker, 17 January 1568 || Letter from queen Elizabeth, desiring the archbishop to collate Dr. Newton dean of Winchester to a prebende in the church of Canterbury then vacant, dated Hampton-court 17 Jan. 1568
Note: Corr. CCLXI
Note: p. 44 blank
45-48 - Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || From the earl of Leicester on the same subject, dated from the court Jan. 16
Note: Corr. CCLXI note
Note: pp. 46 - 48 blank except for addresses on some pages
49-50 - Letter from the Lords of the privy council (printed), July 1568 || Letter from the lords of the privy-council to all her majesties subjects, signifying her majesties pleasure, that they should permit the archbishop or his deputies to view and peruse all the records and monuments belonging to the late dissolved monasteries that were in their hands, dated from Howard-place July, 1568
Note: Printed and attested by I. Incent, Notary-publick
Note: Corr. CCLI note
Note: p. 50 blank
51-52 - Letter from the Lords of the privy council (handwritten) || The same in writing, probably the original but the signatures are all cut off
Note: Corr. CCLI note
Note: p. 52 blank
53-54 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker || Letter from the lords of the council to the archbishop and the bishop of London, desiring them to take such means as they should think meet, to persuade Dr. Smith of Oxford to conform to the established church, dated from Hampton 24 Aug. 1559
Note: Corr. LVII
Note: p. 54 blank
55-60 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 13 December 1551 || Letter from the same to Dr. Parker, commanding his attendance upon the king dated Westminster, Dec. 13, 1551
Note: Corr. XXXVII
Note: pp. 56 - 60 blank except for addresses on some pages
61-61 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 9 November 1559 || Letter from the same, to the archbishop and other ecclesiastical commissioners, desiring them to proceed against Dr. Carter and Seggiswick recusants, dated Westminster Nov. 9, 1559
Note: Corr. LXXIII
62-64 - Letter from John Skypp to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. Skypp to Dr. Parker, desiring him to come up to court, and informing him that the king intends to appoint him one of his chaplains, dated Westm. Feb. 12
Note: Corr. VII
Note: p. 63 - 64 blank
65-66 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 14 December 1561 || Letter from the lords of the council for the removal of William Rise a recusant to the tower, dated Westm. Dec. 14, 1561
Note: Corr. CXIII
Note: p. 66 blank
67-68 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 28 June 1563 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to recommend a person skilled in the civil law to be marshall of the town of New-haven, dated Greenwich June 28, 1563
Note: Corr. CXXXIII
Note: p. 68 blank
69-70 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 24 October 1561 || Letter from the same, directing William Rise to be again removed to the archbishop's house, and desiring his grace to endeavour to persuade him to take the oath of supremacy, dated from St. James 24 Oct. 1561
Note: Corr. CXII and note
Note: p. 70 blank
71-76 - Acknowledgement of the queen's supremacy || Acknowledgement of the queen's supremacy by Rise
Note: pp. 72 - 76 blank except for addresses on some pages
77-78 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 7 September 1559 || Letter from the lords of the council, desiring the archbishop to endeavour to persuade Anthony Atkins, fellow of Merton-college Oxford, then a prisoner in the tower, to conform to the established church, dated Hampton-court Sept. 7, 1559
Note: Corr. LX
Note: p. 78 blank
79-79 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 4 September 1560 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop's opinion, whether the recusants confined in the tower might not with safety be permitted to meet together at meals, dated Wyndesour 4 Sept. 1560
Note: Corr. LXXXVII
80-80 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Edward Warner || From the archbishop to the lieutenant of the tower on the same subject, dated Lambeth Sept. 6.
Note: Corr. LXXXVIII
81-82 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 23 September 1559 || Letter from the lords of the council, desiring the archbishop to examine the vicar of Howe in Kent, then a prisoner in the marshalsea, and to set him at liberty, if he appeared to him to deserve it, dated Hampton-court 23 Sept. 1559
Note: Corr. LXII
Note: p. 82 blank
83-86 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 2 November 1559 || Letter from the same, directing the archbishop to release Peter Langrige and John Earl, late prebendary and peti-canon of Winchester, then prisoners in the benche and the marshalsea, after taking bond for their good behaviour and certainty of abode, dated Westm. 2 Nov. 1559
Note: Corr. LXX
Note: pp. 84 - 86 blank except for addresses on some pages
87-88 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 15 September 1563 || Letter from the same, directing Dr. Thirleby and Dr. Boxall to be removed from the tower to the archbishop's house on account of the plague, dated Windesore 15 Sept. 1563
Note: Corr. CXLV
Note: p. 88 blank
89-90 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 23 June 1564 || Letter from the same, refusing to give Boxall his liberty which he had petitioned for, because Dr. Scott late bishop of Chester, to whom they had granted that favour, had clandestinely withdrawn himself, dated Rychemont 23 June 1564
Note: Corr. CLXV
Note: p. 90 blank
95-98 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 17 February 1570 || Letter from the same, directing the archbishop and lord Cobham to use all possible means of having proper persons elected to serve in parliament for the county of Kent, and the cities and boroughs of the same, dated Westm. 17 Feb. 1570
Note: pp. 97 - 98 blank except for addresses on some pages
99-100 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 30 May 1560 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to recommend two persons to the queen to be nominated to the archbishoprick of Armagh and the bishoprick of Meath, dated Greenwich 30 May 1560
Note: Corr. LXXXI
Note: p. 100 blank
101-104 - Letter from the Lords of the council to Matthew Parker, 5 July 1568 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop and other ecclesiastical commissioners to examine sir John Southwork on oath, and to report his examination to them, dated Greenwich 5 July, 1568
Note: Corr. CCLII
Note: pp. 102 - 104 blank except for addresses on some pages
105-106 - Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker || Letter from the duke of Norfolke to Dr. Parker when dean of Stoke, desiring him to send him the original foundation of his college for a pattern for himself in the erection of a college of secular priests, into which he had the king's licence to change the monastery at Thetford, dated Denston 19 Aug
Note: Address on p. 106
107-108 - Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 2 August 1568 || Letter from the duke of Norfolk, desiring the archbishop to grant his chaplain a dispensation to hold two livings, dated from the court 2 Aug. 1568
Note: p. 108 blank
109-112 - Order of precedence amongst the nobility || Order of precedency amongst the nobility and list of English peers
113-114 - Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 23 June 1563 || Letter from the duke of Norfolk, desiring the archbishop's favour and protection towards Mr. Salesbury archdeacon of Anglesey, who had been deprived by the bishop of Bangor, dated from the court 23 June, 1563
Note: p. 114 blank
115-116 - Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 24 December 1565 || Letter from the same, desiring the strangers at Norwich may have a church assigned them, dated Norwich 24 Dec. 1565
Note: Corr. CXCVI and note
Note: p. 116 blank
117-122 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Thomas Howard || The archbishop's answer, that he had written to the bishop of Norwich to assign them a church
Note: Corr. CXCVI and note
Note: pp. 118 - 122 blank except for addresses on some pages
123-123 - Letter from Nicholas Bacon to Matthew Parker, 24 July 1560 || Letter from sir Nicholas Bacon lord-keeper, acquainting the archbishop that the queen purposed dining at Lambeth on the Monday following, dated 24 July, 1560
Note: Corr. LXXV
124-124 - Letter from Anne Bacon to Matthew Parker, 27 June 1561 || Letter from lady Bacon recommending Fitzwilliam to the archbishop, dated 27 June, 1561
125-126 - Letters from Nicholas Bacon to Matthew Parker || Two letters from sir Nicholas Bacon lord-keeper
Note: Corr. (1) LV, (2) LXI
Note: Address on p. 126
127-128 - Letter from William Paulet to Matthew Parker, 17 July 1560 || Letter from the marquis of Winchester, desiring the archbishop's advice and direction about the nomination of preachers in the vacant dioceses, dated 17 July, 1560
Note: Corr. LXXXIV
Note: p. 128 blank
129-132 - Letter from William Paulet to Matthew Parker, 22 January 1559 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to accept the resignation of Mr. Pratte, parson of Bedendowne in Kent in favour of his chaplain, dated Jan. 22, 1559
Note: pp. 130 - 132 blank except for addresses on some pages
133-136 - Letter from William Parr to Matthew Parker, 12 August 1565 || Letter from the marquis of Northampton, desiring that Mary Hamner widow may have the administration of her husband's effects which had been unjustly granted to sir Thomas Hamner knight, dated Windesor 12 Aug. 1565
Note: pp. 134 - 136 blank except for addresses on some pages
137-138 - Letter from Henry FitzAlan to Matthew Parker, 8 July 1568 || Letter from the earl of Arundell, thanking the archbishop for having granted a dispensation to sir John Chauntler his chaplain, dated from Arundell-place 8 July 1568
Note: p. 138 blank
139-142 - Letter from Henry FitzAlan to Matthew Parker, 4 September 1565 || Letter from the same, that he had sent the archbishop a buck, dated 4 Sept. 1565
Note: pp. 140 - 142 blank except for addresses on some pages
143-146 - Letter from Henry Percy to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Northumberland, desiring the archbishop would grant leave that Mr. Morlea, who had been deprived of a prebendary of Durham, might reside within the bishoprick, dated May 4
Note: pp. 144 - 146 blank except for addresses on some pages
147-150 - Letter from Henry Neville, Earl of Westmorland to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Westmorland desiring licence to eat flesh in lent, dated from the Charter-house 8 Feb.
Note: pp. 148 - 150 blank except for addresses on some pages
151-152 - Letter from George Talbot to Matthew Parker, 26 April 1568 || Letter from the earl of Shrewsbury recommending parson Wickless to the archbishop, dated 26 Apr. 1568
Note: p. 152 blank
153-154 - Letter from Elizabeth Talbot to Matthew Parker, 6 May 1568 || Letter from the countess of Shrewsbury, recommending Martyne Nelson to be presented to the vicarage of Tatryke in Richmondshyre, dated May 6, 1568
Note: p. 154 blank
155-156 - Letter from Edward Stanley to Matthew Parker, 26 April 1562 || Letter from the earl of Derby, desiring the archbishop would grant a dispensation to a minor to hold for six years the living of Hawarden in Flyntshire, then vacant and in the gift of sir Thomas Stanley knight, dated from Histelwater 26 April 1562
Note: p. 156 blank
157-162 - Letter from Edward Stanley to Matthew Parker, 6 May 1564 || Letter from the same, recommending Humfrey Hyton to the archbishop's service, dated Lathome May 6, 1564
Note: pp. 158 - 162 blank except for addresses on some pages
163-164 - Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 14 October 1560 || Letter from viscount Howard, recommending Roger Crockett his chaplain to the archbishop, dated Byndon 14 Oct. 1560
Note: p. 164 blank
165-165 - Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 8 April 1562 || Letter from the same, desiring that his servant Andrew Bucler may have a dispensation to hold the living of Brodwey in the diocese of Bristol, for the maintenance of his son at the university, dated Byndon Apr. 8, 1562
Note: Corr. XCVI
166-166 - Draft of a letter from Matthew Parker to Thomas Howard, 12 or 13 April 1562
Note: (166) Draft of the archbishop's answer, 12 or 13 April, on the back of p. 165
Note: Corr. XCVI
166a-170 - Letter from Henry Manners, Earl of Rutland to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Rutland on the dean and canons of Christ church refusing to admit his son into their college
Note: p. 166a blank, the letter is on p. 167a
Note: pp. 167 - 170 blank except for addresses on some pages
171-172 - Letter from Thomas Radclyffe to Matthew Parker, 7 February 1566 || Letter from the earl of Sussex, desiring the archbishop to recommend Dr. Rushe to the queen for the deanery of York, dated 7 Feb. 1566
Note: Corr. p. 283 note
173-178 - Letter from Frances Radclyffe to Matthew Parker || Letter from the countess of Sussex recommending a person to the archbishop's service
Note: pp. 174 - 178 blank except for addresses on some pages
179-182 - Letter from Henry Hastings to Matthew Parker, 15 July 1560 || Letter from the earl of Huntingdon recommending Christopher Johnson to be teacher at Winchester college, dated Ashby de la Souche 15 July, 1560
Note: pp. 180 - 182 blank except for addresses on some pages
183-184 - Letter from Ambrose Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Warwick, desiring the archbishop that he would order every minister to buy the bishop of Salisbury's defence of the apology, dated from the court May 3
Note: Corr. CCXLIII
Note: p. 164 blank
185-188 - Letter from Anne, Countess of Warwick to Matthew Parker, 23 January 1563 || Letter from the countess of Warwick, desiring that one of her servants might have an abatement of a yearly sum which the bishop had awarded he should pay, dated from the court 23 Jan. 1563
Note: pp. 186 - 188 blank except for addresses on some pages
189-192 - Letter from Ambrose Dudley to Matthew Parker, 2 April 1560 || Letter from lord Ambrose Dudley, desiring the archbishop to grant unto Thomas Freeman his chaplain a dispensation to hold two livings. Westminster 2 April, 1560
Note: pp. 190 - 192 blank except for addresses on some pages
193-195a - Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord Robert Dudley to the archbishop that the queen had sent him a stagg which she killed with her own hand, dated Wyndesore 3 Sept.
Note: Matthew Parker's answer is on p. 194.
Note: Corr. CXLII. Answer CXLIII
195-196 - Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Leicester, recommending a person to be presented to a living in Bread-street, dated from the court 20 Jan.
Note: p. 196 blank
197-198 - Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker, 10 December 1565 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to prosecute some persons, who had stript the church of Harkstede in Suffolk of its lead and tymber, dated from the court 10 Dec. 1565
Note: Corr. LXXIV
Note: p. 198 blank
199-206 - Letter from Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to renew Mr. Gressop of Oxford his licence of preaching, dated Apr. 16
Note: pp. 200 - 206 blank except for addresses on some pages
207-208 - Letter from Thomas Butler to Matthew Parker, 3 November 1567 || Letter from the earl of Ormond, requesting the archbishop's favour towards a poor excommunicated priest, dated from the court 3 Nov. 1567
Note: p. 208 blank
209-214 - Letter from Edward Seymour to Matthew Parker, 7 January 1560 || Letter from the earl of Hertford, desiring the archbishop to nominate his kinsman Edward Stanhope B.A. to a prebend in the church of Southwell, dated from the court 7 Jan. 1560
Note: pp. 210 - 214 blank except for addresses on some pages
215-218 - Letter from Francis Russell to Matthew Parker, 20 June 1560 || Letter from the earl of Bedford, requesting a dispensation for the son of Robert Fulford, a student of Oxford, dated Exeter 20 June, 1560
Note: pp. 216 - 218 blank except for addresses on some pages
219-220 - Letter from William Herbert and Robert Dudley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the earl of Pembroke and lord Robert Dudley, desiring the archbishop to confirm a lease of the parsonage of Stawbridge in Dorsetshire granted by the incumbent to Mr. Awdely, dated Greenwich 16 May
Note: p. 220 blank
221-226 - Letter from Anne Herbert to Matthew Parker, 7 February 1560 || Letter from the countess of Pembroke, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation de non promovendo in quinquennium to Robert Weathrill, a minor and scholar of New-college Oxford, dated Baynard-castle 7 Feb. 1560
Note: pp. 222 - 226 blank except for addresses on some pages
227-228 - Letter from Anthony Browne to Matthew Parker, 14 February 1560 || Letter from viscount Montague about some lands in Lambeth claimed by the archbishop, dated Cowdrie 14 Feb. 1560
Note: p. 228 blank
229-234 - Letter from Anthony Browne to Matthew Parker, 23 September 1560 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to free Dr. Langdaile from his bond to reside continually at or near the viscounts, dated from his house at Marnveris 23 Sept. 1560
Note: pp. 230 - 234 blank except for addresses on some pages
235-236 - Letter from Lord Clynton to Matthew Parker, 2 February 1566 || Letter from lord Clynton, thanking the archbishop for having granted a licence for the marriage of his daughter Frances with Gylys Bregis, dated Horsley 2 Feb. 1566
Note: p. 236 blank
237-240 - Letter from Elizabeth Clynton to Matthew Parker || Letter from lady Clynton, requesting the archbishop to grant a plurality to Mr. Holydaye vicar of Thaxted in Essex, dated Hatfield 14 July
Note: pp. 238 - 240 blank except for addresses on some pages
241-242 - Letter from William Howard to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord William Howard about a suit depending before the archbishop concerning the marriage of his servant John Leman with a widow from whom the servant of one Gresham pretended to have received a prior promise of marriage, in which suit he was supported by his master, dated 2 Oct.
Note: p. 242 blank
242a-243a - Letter from William Howard to Matthew Parker, 10 December 1565 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to prosecute some persons, who had stript the church of Harkstede in Suffolk of its lead and tymber, dated from the court 10 Dec. 1565
Note: Address on p. 243a
243-244 - Letter from Margaret Howard to Matthew Parker, 6 July 1566 || Letter from lady Margaret Howard, recommending one Jones to the archbishop, dated 6 July, 1566
Note: p. 244 blank
245-246 - Letter from Lord Abergavenny to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord Abergavenny, claiming the stewardship of the liberties of Canterbury, dated Earydge June 20
Note: Corr. CCXX note
Note: p. 246 blank
247-250 - Letter from Lord Wentworth to Matthew Parker, 17 May 1560 || Letter from lord Wentworth, desiring the archbishop to hasten the bishop of Norwich's departure into his diocese, that some care might be taken to supply the county of Suffolk with able ministers, dated Heggesden 17 May 1560
Note: pp. 248 - 250 blank except for addresses on some pages
251-252 - Letter from Lord Ryche to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord Ryche, recommending a person to the archbishop for the living of South-church in Essex, dated Rochford June 16
Note: Address on p. 252
253-254 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Lord Abergavenny, 22 June 1566 || The archbishop's answer to lord Abergavenny's letter that he would consult with his counsel on the foundation of his claim, dated Croydon 22 June, 1566
Note: Corr. CCXX, vide supr. 77
Note: p. 254 blank
255-256 - Letter from Lord Strange to Matthew Parker, 8 February 1561 || Letter from lord Strange, desiring the archbishop to give the vicarage of Blackborn to William Hayworth, dated from the court 8 Feb. 1561
Note: p. 256 blank
257-258 - Letter from Margaret Strange to Matthew Parker, 12 November 1560 || Letter from lady Strange, desiring that Mr. Baker may be discharged of that part of his bond which confines him to the county of Middlesex, dated from the court 12 Nov. 1560
Note: p. 258 blank
259-266 - Letter from Lord Strange and others to Matthew Parker, 19 May 1566 || Letter from lord Strange and others, requesting the archbishop to admit to bail William Cottrel then a prisoner in the king's bench by his order, dated from the court 19 May, 1566
Note: pp. 260 - 266 blank except for addresses on some pages
267-268 - Letter from Lord Morley to Matthew Parker || Letter from lord Morley, in behalf of his chaplain, dated Oct. 19
Note: p. 268 blank
269-272 - Letter from Lord Morley to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, to Dr. Parker when master of Corpus Christi College Cambridge, recommending a poor scholar to be admitted into that society, dated Markhall 28 July
Note: pp. 270 - 272 blank except for addresses on some pages
273-274 - Letter from Lord Cobham to Matthew Parker, 12 November 1565 || Letter from lord Cobham, requesting the archbishop's favour towards his servant James Broker, in a suit then depending before his grace, dated Cobham-Hall 12 Nov. 1565
Note: p. 268 blank
275-278 - Letter from Francis Cobham to Matthew Parker, 11 May 1560 || Letter from lady Cobham, requesting the archbishop's interest with the queen to procure the living of Castle-Brent in the diocese of Bath for Sampson Newton, dated from the court 11 May, 1560
Note: pp. 275 - 278 blank except for addresses on some pages
279-282 - Letter from Lord Cobham to Matthew Parker, 15 July 1565 || Letter from lord Cobham, returning the archbishop his warrant for killing a stag, dated Cobham 15 July 1565
Note: pp. 280 - 282 blank except for addresses on some pages
283-284 - Letter from John Grey to Edmund Bonner, 23 January 1559 || Letter from lord John Grey to the bishop of London, desiring his lordship's interest in obtaining a plurality for his chaplain with a postscript from the bishop of London, recommending his suit to the archbishop, dated Pyrgoo 23 Jan. 1559
285-290 - Letter from Mary Grey to Matthew Parker, 4 September 1567 || Letter from lady Mary Grey, thanking the archbishop for his friendship to her and her daughters, dated Pergo 4 Sept. 1567
Note: pp. 287 - 290 blank except for addresses on some pages
291-292 - Letter from Lord Mountjoy to Matthew Parker, 30 July 1567 || Letter from lord Mountjoy, in behalf of his servant Simon Davies, dated Poolle 30 July, 1567
Note: p. 292 blank
293-300 - Letter from Thomas Howard to Matthew Parker, 4 July 1567 || Letter from viscount Howard, desiring the archbishop to protect his chaplain William Atherton, dated Byndon 4 July, 1567
Note: pp. 294 - 300 blank except for addresses on some pages
301-302 - Letter from Lord St John to Matthew Parker, 28 October 1566 || Letter from lord St. John, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation for non-residence to sir William Tatham parson of Aspley, dated from his house at Fewterlane 28 Oct. 1566
Note: p. 292 blank
303-306 - Letter from Henry Cromwell to Matthew Parker, 19 April 1564 || Letter from lord Crumwell, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation to his chaplain William Pulleyne to hold the living of Mondesley in Norfolk with another benefice, dated London 19 April, 1564
Note: pp. 304 - 306 blank except for addresses on some pages
307-310 - Letter from Edward Windsor to Matthew Parker, 31 January 1559 || Letter from lord Wyndesore, certifying that John Earle had resided at Croundale, had repeated by heart the epistle to the Galatians, and had behaved himself honestly and quietly, dated 31 Jan. 1559
Note: pp. 308 - 310 blank except for addresses on some pages
311-312 - Letter from William Paget to Matthew Parker, 12 March 1562 || Letter from lord Paget, desiring the archbishop to give the living of Aie to John Hoopes minister of Itham in Kent, dated 12 March, 1562
Note: p. 312 blank
313-314 - Letter from Edmund Chandos to Matthew Parker, 27 April 1564 || Letter from Edmund Chandos, desiring the archbishop to protect the parson of Kemesford, dated Bloundesden 27 April, 1564
Note: Corr. p. 213 note
Note: p. 314 blank
315-315 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Richard Cheney || Letter from the archbishop to the bishop of Gloucester in favour of Humfrey Delamore the abovementioned incumbent of Kemesford
Note: Corr. CLXII
315-316 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Mr Drury || Letter from the same, to Mr. Drury
Note: Corr. CLXIII
Note: Address on p. 316
317-318 - Letter from William Herbert and Lord Hudson to Matthew Parker, 10 February 1560 || Letter from the earl of Pembroke and lord Hundsdon, desiring the archbishop to reinstate John Baker in the office of proctor, dated Westminster 10 Feb. 1560
Note: p. 318 blank
319-322 - Letter from Lord Hundsdon to Matthew Parker, 9 November 1566 || Letter from lord Hundsdon, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation to Thomas Frencham his chaplain, dated from the court 9 Nov. 1566
Note: pp. 320 - 322 blank except for addresses on some pages
323-326 - Letter from Thomas Sackville to Matthew Parker, 22 May 1568 || Letter from lord Buckehurst, thanking the archbishop for a living he had granted at his recommendation, dated 22 May, 1568
Note: pp. 324 - 326 blank except for addresses on some pages
327-330 - Letter to Matthew Parker concerning scholar of Magdalene College Oxford, 10 February 1567 || Letter from --, desiring the archbishop to grant a scholar of Magdalen college Oxford a dispensation to hold the living of Westcote Gloucestershire, dated London 10 Feb. 1567
Note: (327) Illegible signature J. ff ...
Note: pp. 328 - 330 blank except for addresses on some pages
331-332 - Letter from Robert Sidney to Matthew Parker, 3 March 1567 || Letter from sir Robert Sidney, desiring the archbishop to grant his son Philip Sidney, a licence to eat flesh in lent, dated from Durham-house 3 March, 1567
Note: Corr. CCXL
Note: p. 332 blank
333-338 - Letter from Viscount Wentworth to Matthew Parker, 3 December 1561 || Letter from viscount Wentworth, recommending a tenant who desired a renewal of his lease, dated London 3 Dec. 1561
Note: pp. 334 - 338 blank except for addresses on some pages
339-340 - Letter from Robert Catlyn to Matthew Parker, 2 November 1561 || Letter from Robert Catlyn, desiring the archbishop that no licence of marriage might be granted to Meres and Alyce Ilston, because the said Alyce had already given a promise of marriage to Thomas Olyver, dated Sergeant-Inne 2 Nov. 1561
Note: p. 340 blank
341-342 - Letter from James Dyer to Matthew Parker, 26 November 1565 || Letter from sir James Dyer, requesting the archbishop to grant his chaplain John Allgood a dispensation to hold two livings, dated Sergeant-Inne 26 Nov. 1565
Note: p. 342 blank
343-346 - Letter from John Southcot to Matthew Parker || Letter from John Southcot, certifying that sir John Wilcock stipendary priest at Bradwell in Essex, had formerly received priests orders from the prior of Bodmyn in Cornewall, dated London Jan. 10
Note: pp. 344 - 346 blank except for addresses on some pages
347-348 - Letter from Lady Cecilia to Matthew Parker || Letter from lady Cecilia, desiring that Simon Bowier, one of her gentlemen might have the next advowson of the vicarage of Blackbourne in Lancashire
Note: p. 342 blank
349-350 - Letter from Lady Cecilia to Matthew Parker, 8 February 1565 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to use his interest with the queen, to procure the living of Abchurch for her chaplain John Williams, dated from Arundellhouse 8 Feb. 1565
Note: p. 350 blank
351-352 - Letter from Richard Souffolk to Matthew Parker, 29 August 1568 || Letter from Richard Souffolk, desiring the archbishop to grant a licence for preaching to Alexander Key M. A. fellow of John's college Cambridge, dated 29 Aug. 1568
Note: p. 352 blank
353-354 - Letter from Mary Grey and Francis Cobham to Matthew Parker, 30 October 1561 || Letter from lady Grey and lady Cobham recommending Peter Jones to the archbishop's service, dated from the court 30 Oct. 1561
Note: p. 354 blank
355-356 - Letter from Dorothee Stafford to Matthew Parker, 10 June 1567 || Letter from lady Stafford, in favour of Mr. Pigott gentleman usher to the queen, who had been sued in the archbishop's court, dated from the court 10 June, 1567
Note: p. 356 blank
357-360 - Letter from Dorothee Stafford to Matthew Parker, 2 July 1567 || Letter from the same, desiring her mother's chaplain may have the living of Wistan-stowe, dated from the court 2 July, 1567
Note: pp. 358 - 360 blank except for addresses on some pages
361-366 - Letter from B. Skewit to Mrs Parker || Letter from B. Skewit to Mrs. Parker, dated from the court May 30
Note: pp. 362 - 366 blank except for addresses on some pages
367-370 - Letter from Margaret Strange to Matthew Parker || Letter from lady Strange, desiring the archbishop to grant a dispensation for non-residence to sir John Sherbourne preceptor to her children
Note: pp. 368 - 370 blank except for addresses on some pages
371-372 - Letter from Elisabeth Audely to Matthew Parker, 23 April 1560 || Letter from lady Audely, recommending a person to be promoted to the archdeaconry of Durham, dated Westminster 23 Apr. 1560
Note: p. 372 blank
373-378 - Letter from Catherine Asleby to Matthew Parker, 8 May 1562 || Letter from Catherine Asleby, recommending doctor Ingraham to the archbishop, dated from the court 8 May, 1562
Note: pp. 374 - 378 blank except for addresses on some pages
379-382 - Letter from Frances Howard to Matthew Parker, 7 November 1561 || Letter from the countess of Surrey, in favour of her servant Gregory Biles, prosecuted in the archbishop's court, dated from Earlsome 7 Nov. 1561
Note: Corr. CLXIII
Note: pp. 380 - 382 blank except for addresses on some pages
383-384 - Letter from Elizabeth Golding to Matthew Parker, 18 July 1566 || Letter from Elizabeth Golding, recommending Reynold Scott to the archbishop's service, dated Wye 18 July, 1566
Note: p. 384 blank
385-386 - Letter from Cuth. Tangley to Matthew Parker, 8 October 1562 || Letter from Cuth. Tangley, acquainting the archbishop that the English forces were arrived at New-haven, and that the prince of Conde had taken the field to raise the siege of Rouen, dated from New-haven 8 Oct. 1562
Note: p. 386 blank
387-388 - Fragment of a theological tract || Fragmentum cujusdam tractatus theologici, propria manu Gulielmi Warham quondam archiepiscopi Cantuar. exaratum
Note: p. 388 blank
389-390 - Letter from Thomas Thirleby to Matthew Parker, 4 March 1548 || Letter from Thirleby bishop of Westminster to Dr. Parker, acquainting him that he is appointed to preach before the king, dated Westminster 4 Mar. 1548
Note: Corr. XXX
Note: p. 390 blank
391-392 - Letter from Thomas Cranmer to Matthew Parker, 12 February 1550 || Letter from archbishop Cranmer on the same subject, dated Lambeth 12 Feb. 1550
Note: Corr. XXXIV
Note: Address on p. 392
392a-392a - Letter from Henry VIII to the Dean of Stoke || Letter from Henry VIII. to the dean of Stoke, commanding him to furnish some soldiers for the French war, dated Westminster 25 May, anno regni 36
Note: Corr. XI
Note: p. 392f blank
392b-392b - Letter from Queen Catherine Parr to the Dean of Stoke || Letter from queen Catherine [Parr] to the same, desiring them to grant a lease of their farm at Chipley to Edward Waldegrave, dated Westminster 24 Mar. 26 Hen. VIII
Note: Corr. XV
Note: p. 392l blank
392c-392f - Letter from Richard Davies to Matthew Parker, 16 February 1567 || Letter from Davies bishop of St. David's concerning the time in which Sulgenus lived: dated Abergwylly 16 Feb. 1567
392g-392e - History of Wales || Memorabilia quaedam de historia Walliae, tempore Wilhelmi Conquestoris et Willelmi Rufi, ubi mentio fit Sulgeni episcopi Menevensis et Rickmark cognominati sapientis filii ejus
Note: Seems to be in Davies' hand
incipit: (392g) Anno p. Chr. nat. mill. septuag. cecidit Meredocus ap. Owain
Note: received 16 Jan. 1568
393-394 - Letter from Thomas Cromwell to Matthew Parker || Letter from Thomas Cromwell vice-gerent to Mr. Parker dean of Stoke, appointing him to preach at St. Paul's-cross
Note: Corr. VI
Note: Address on p. 392
395-397 - Letter from Thomas Cranmer to Matthew Parker, 17 February 1548 || Letter from archbishop Cranmer to the same, appointing him to preach before the king, dated Lambeth 17 Feb. 1548
Note: Corr. XXIX
Note: pp. 396 - 397 blank except for addresses on some pages
400-400 - The opinion of J. Redmayn in favour of the marriage of priests || The opinion of J. Redmayn in favour of their marriage
Note: See 113. 19, 20
401-404 - Letter from Nicholas Ridley to Matthew Parker || Letter from Ridley bishop of London to Dr. Parker, appointing him to preach at St. Paul's-cross, dated 29 July
Note: Corr. XXXVI
Note: p. 402 blank
405-408 - Letter from John Cheke to Matthew Parker || Epistola Ioannis Cheeke ad M. Parker, in qua eum orat ut D. Billum pauperem scholarem reginae commendet
Note: Corr. III. Goodwin, Cheke's Gospel of Matthew, App. no 1
Note: pp. 406 - 408 blank except for addresses on some pages
409-410 - Letter from Myles Coverdale to Matthew Parker || Letter from Myles Coverdale formerly bishop of Exeter, requesting the archbishop's interest with the queen for the remittance of his first-fruits for the living of St. Magnus, dated London 29 Jan
Note: (410) On the back a fragment of another letter from Coverdale, informing the archbishop that his suit had been granted by the Queen
411-412 - Letter from the archbishop of Canterbury to the Dean and Chapter of Stoke || Letter from the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of Worcester, Westminster and Chichester to the dean and chapter of Stoke, desiring them to grant the reversion of a farm called Chipley to the bearer, dated Lambehithe Dec. 1
Note: p. 412 blank
413-413 - Letter from Gilbert Bourne to Matthew Parker, 31 May 1566 || Letter from Gilbert Bourne, promising to appear according to summons before the archbishop, dated Barton ult. Maii, 1566
413-415 - Archbishops educated in Cambridge, 1500-1570 || Episcopi ex academia Cantabrigiensi ab anno 1500, usque ad annum, 1570
Note: p. 415 blank
416-418 - Catalogue of English Bishops, 1561 || Catalogus omnium episcoporum Angliae 1561, in quo notatur unius-cujusvis academia, diocesis, nomen, gradus, ordo, patria, aetas et dies consecrationis; item et valor unius-cujusvis episcopatus
418-418 - Chancellors of the University of Cambridge, 1495-1558 || Cancellarii universitatis Cantabrigias ab 1495 ad 1558
419-420 - Letter from Thomas Young to Matthew Parker, 22 March 1559 || Promise made by Young bishop of St. David's, not to confirm any grants he has made or shall hereafter make as bishop, under pretence or by virtue of the chauntership which he holds in commendam, dated Mar. 22, 1559
Note: Address on p. 420
421-422 - Letter from Thomas Young to Matthew Parker, 26 December 1566 || Letter from Young archbishop of York, to the archbishop of Canterbury, dated 26 Dec. 1566
Note: Corr. CCXXIV note
403-403 - Letter from Richard Barnes to Matthew Parker, 14 May 1572 || Letter from Barnes bishop of Carlisle, desiring the archbishop to admit his kinsman Edward Brackinbury a notary public, dated Rose-castle 14 May, 1572
Note: Corr. CCXCVIII and note
403-403 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Richard Barnes, 22 May 1572 || The archbishop's answer, giving his reasons for not complying with his request, dated Lambeth May 22
Note: Corr. CCXCVIII and note
423-424 - Letter from Thomas Young to Matthew Parker, 22 November 1560 || Letter from Young bishop of St. David's, on his intended translation to York, dated Aburgwyly 22 Nov. 1560
425-426 - Letter from Adam Loftus to Matthew Parker || Letter from the archbishop of Armagh, requesting his grace of Canterburies assistance in removing the archbishop of Dublin, dated Cambridge 17 Sept.
Note: p. 426 blank
427-432 - Letter from Adam Loftus to Matthew Parker, 27 October 1567 || Letter from the archbishop of Dublin and the bishop of Meath, desiring that the dean of Trinity Dublin might have a dispensation to hold two benefices, dated Dublin 27 Oct. 1567
Note: pp. 428 - 432 blank except for addresses on some pages
433-434 - Letter from Edmund Grindal to Matthew Parker, 26 January 1568 || Letter from Grindall bishop of London, desiring the archbishop to grant a licence to preach to Bartholomew Miles of Gloucestershire, dated London 26 Jan. 1568
Note: Address on p. 434
435-436 - Letter from Robert Horne to Matthew Parker, 13 March 1565 || Letter from Horn bishop of Winchester, on his coming up to preach at court, dated Farnham 13 Mar. 1565
437-438 - Letter from Robert Horne to Matthew Parker || Letter from the same, that he had sent the archbishop a buck, dated Farnham 13 Aug
Note: p. 438 blank
439-441a - Letter to the Queen || Epistola Ioannis Punneti ad reginam data Cantab. 5 kal. Dec. in qua summis laudibus eam exornat, maximasque agit gratias pro liberalitate ejus erga se
Note: Address on p. 441a
441-442 - Letter from Richard Cox to Matthew Parker, 12 February 1564 || Letter from Cox bishop of Ely, that he intends coming up to court, dated Downham 12 Feb. 1564
Note: p. 442 blank
445-446 - Letter from William Downham to Matthew Parker || Letter from Downham bishop of Chester, recommending sir John Larkine priest for a vicarage in the archbishop's gift, dated 10 Aug.
Note: p. 446 blank
447-452 - Letter from John Scory to Matthew Parker || Letter from Scory bishop of Hereford, that he had sent the archbishop three Saxon MSS. found in the church of Hereford, dated Mar. 3
Note: The MSS. are not described. The note explains the delay in sending them, Strype, Parker ch. VII
Note: pp. 448 - 452 blank except for addresses on some pages
453-454 - Letter from Edwin Sandys to Matthew Parker, 6 February 1565 || Letter from Sands bishop of Worcester, that he had sent the archbishop the book with his corrections and notes, and advises him to have the whole bible carefully examined and corrected before it goes to the press ; - he blames the former translators for having followed Munster too much, dated Worcester 6 Feb. 1565
Note: Corr. CXCVII
Note: p. 454 blank
455-455 - Letter from Edwin Sandys to Matthew Parker, 26 December 1567 || Letter from the same, on the chapter of Canterbury having confirmed a grant of the archbishop's in his favour, dated Worcester Dec. 26, 1567
455-458 - Letter to Matthew Parker concerning a new translation of the Bible || Letter from --, desiring the archbishop to hasten the publication of the new translation of the bible
Note: Corr. CXCVII note
Note: pp. 456 - 458 blank except for addresses on some pages
458a-459a - Letter from Richard Curtis to Matthew Parker, 16 April 1572 || Letter from Curteis bishop of Chichester, desiring that his chancellor Dr. Woorley might be admitted into the commons, dated Aldingeborn 16 Apr. 1572
Note: p. 459a blank
459-460 - Letter from John Jewel to Matthew Parker, 3 May 1568 || Letter from Jewell bishop of Sarum, that he had sent 3£. 6s. 8d. to the poor exiles; - that all things were quiet in his diocese; - he desires his Latin apology may not be reprinted till it has been revised, dated Salisbury 3 May, 1568
Note: p. 460 blank
461-462 - Letter from John Jewel to Matthew Parker, 22 December 1565 || Letter from the same, that he had delayed admitting Dr. Humfrey president of Magdalen college Oxford, to a living of which he had the presentation on account of his non-conformity in apparel, till he should receive the archbishop's directions; and that several went from church to church in his diocese, preaching as if they were apostles, under coulour of his graces licence, dated Sarisbury 22 Dec. 1565
Note: p. 462 blank
463-464 - Letter from John Jewel to Matthew Parker, 26 April 1568 || Letter from the same, complaining that Lancaster archbishop elect of Armagh had ordained several; and desiring that his apology might not be reprinted till the typographical errors of the last edition were corrected, dated Sarisburie 26 April, 1568
Note: p. 464 blank
465-466 - Letter from Edmund Gheast [Guest] to Matthew Parker || Letter from Guest bishop of Rochester, that he had sent the archbishop the part of the new translation of the bible which had been assigned him
Note: Corr. CXCI
Note: p. 466 blank
467-468 - Letter from Gilbert Berkeley to Matthew Parker || Letter from Barkley bishop of Bath and Wells, concerning a process commenced against some in his diocese, dated Wells 29 [blank], 1560
Note: p. 468 blank
469-470 - Letter from Gilbert Berkeley to Matthew Parker, 24 November 1566 || Letter from the same, desiring the archbishop to recommend Mr. James Proctor of Salisbury to the queen for the deanery of Chichester, dated 24 Nov. 1566
Note: p. 470 blank
471-472 - Letter from William Alley to Matthew Parker, 11 July 1560 || Letter from Alley bishop elect of Exeter, desiring to be consecrated on the Sunday following, dated London 11 July, 1560
473-474 - Letter from William Alley to Matthew Parker, 22 November 1561 || Letter from the same, complaining of the usage he and his chancellor had received from one Argentine, and desiring to have a living given him in commendam, dated Exeter 22 Nov. 1561
475-476 - Letter from Thomas Bentham to Matthew Parker, 1 October 1568 || Letter from Bentham bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, complaining of a process issued out against him in the archbishop's court for having sequestered the vicarage of Wallsall in Staffordshire, dated Eccleshall-castle 1 Oct. 1568
Note: p. 476 blank
477-478 - Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker, 22 April 1560 || Letter from Dr. Parkhurst, excusing his not coming up to court on account of his illness, dated Bishop's-clere 12 Apr. 1560
Note: p. 478 blank
479-480 - Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker, 10 December 1560 || Letter from Dr. Parkhurst bishop of Norwich; - he sends the archbishop the copy of a letter from sir John Southwell [-worth (?)] to Dr. Yonge, which had given him uneasiness, dated 10 Dec. 1560
Note: p. 479 blank
481-482 - Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker, 28 December 1565 || Letter from the same, about a church to be assigned to the strangers at Norwich, dated 28 Dec. 1565
Note: Corr. CXCVI note
Note: p. 482 blank
483-484 - Letter from Edmund Scambler to Matthew Parker, 29 September 1567 || Letter from Scambler bishop of Peterborough, desiring that a cause of defamation depending in the archbishop's court between William Humfrey and Edward Shewsmith parson of Barton-segrave might be remitted to him; and complaining that two ministers in his diocese had been put in the stocks by their parishioners, dated Peterborough 29 Sept. 1567
Note: Strype, Parker ch. XVIII (I p. 509)
Note: p. 484 blank
485-488 - Letter from John Parkhurst to Matthew Parker, 19 December 1565 || Letter from Parkhurst bishop of Norwich, desiring that absolution may be granted to Thomas Bateman and Cornelius Vanderstad, two of the strangers that had been excommunicated at Sandwich; and acquainting the archbishop that he had received the part of the bible assigned him to translate, dated Norwich 19 Dec. 1565
Note: Corr. CLXXXIX
Note: pp. 486 - 488 blank except for addresses on some pages
489-490 - Letter from Richard Davies to Matthew Parker, 24 April 1566 || Letter from Davies bishop of St. David's, that he had received the part of the bible assigned him to translate; and on the controversy about the patronage of Llandewibrefy, dated Abergwylly 24 Apr. 1566
Note: Corr. CCXIV
Note: p. 490 blank
491-492 - Letter from William Salisbury to Matthew Parker, 19 May 1565 || Letter from William Salisbury, about decyphering an old MS., with an extract concerning the marriage of priests, and remarks on other customs of antiquity, dated 19 May, 1565
Note: Corr. CCIV. The specimen of the unknown character referred to suggests Armenian. I have no doubt that the book was the Armenian Psalter now MS 478, see further in loc. Cf. Strype, Parker ch. VII
493-494 - Letter from Richard Davies to Matthew Parker, 19 March 1565 || Letter from Davies bishop of St. David's ; - he acquaints the archbishop that he had received the portion of the bible assigned him to translate ; - that the MSS. of his diocese had been sent two years ago to the secretary, in one of which, an old chronicle, was this remarkable relation, that after the conquest of England by the Saxons, whenever they, and the Britons met together to treat of peace, as long as the former continued pagans, the Britons would eat and drink with them: but that after that they had been converted by saint Austin, the Britons refused any longer to do it, accusing them of having corrupted the Christian religion with superstition, images and idolatry.- In the latter part of this letter he gives the archbishop a circumstantial account of the suit about the advowson of Llandwebrefy, dated 19 March, 1565
Note: Corr. CCIV
495-496 - Letter from Matthew Parker to Richard Davies, 23 March 1565 || The archbishop's answer, dated Lambeth 23 March, 1565
Note: Corr. CCVIII
Note: Address on p. 496
Note: (497) On p. 497 is a quotation from Giraldus Cambrensis , and a note from from William Salisbury, giving specimens of writing from some outworne fragments of auncient Recordes at St David's, probably part of the letter in item 174. Strype, Parker ch. VII
Note: Address on p. 498
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