Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 32
- Source
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Shelfmark
- Ms. 32
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 13de eeuw; ca. 1200 - 1210 (uitz. f. 147: 14de eeuw)
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- [Gregorius Papa in Hiezechiel; Epistolae Alexandri III de canonisatione sancti Bernardi; Vita sancti Bernardi]
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Grégoire I (pape, 0540?-0604)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gregorius Papa I - ca. 540 - 604 - auteur
- Other form
- Grégoire le Grand
- GREGORIUS I papa (S.)
- Gregorius I (pape ; 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius Magnus
- Grégoire I (pape ; 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius I
- GREGORIUS Magnus I (s.), papa
- S. Gregorius Magnus
- S. Gregorius
- Gregoire Le Grand, S.
- Gregorius
- Saint Gregoire
- Sancti Gregorii papae
- Grégoire I (pape, 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius Magnus (s.)
- Gregorii
- Saint Grégoire le Grand
- Beati Gregorii papae
- Gregorio papa
- Gregorii Papae
- Sancto Gregorio
- S. Gregorii Magni
- Sancti Gregorii
- Grégoire I (0540?-0604 ; pape)
- Sanctus Gregorius Magnus
- GREGORIUS I Magnus (s.), papa
- Gregorii [Magni]
- Gregorius (saint ; 06.. ?-07.. ? ; évêque d'Agrigente)
- Saint Grégoire
- Grégoire le Grand (Saint), pape
- Grégoire I, pape, 0540?-0604
- Grégoire le Grand, saint, 0540?-0604
- Gregorius Magnus, sant, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius Magnus, saint, 0540?-0604
- Gregory the Great, Saint, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius Magnus, Saint, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius de Grote (paus)
- Gregorius (heilige)
- Gregorius I, papa
- Gregorius Magnus, santo, ca. 540-0604
- Gregori I, papa, 540-604
- Gregorio I, Papa
- Gregorius I (paus)
- Gregorius Papa, I. 540-604
- Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604
- Author: Gregorius I, Papa
- Gregory the Great
- Gregorius I, Pont. Max.
- Gregory, I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregory
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregory I, Pope
- Gregory I, c 540-604, Saint, Pope; also known as 'the Great'
- Pope Gregory the Great
- Gregorius I, Magnus, paus, 540?-604
- Grégoire (pape)
- Gregorius, I.<Papa>
- Gregor I., Papst, 542-604
- Gregor, I.<Papst>
- Gregorius papa
- S. Grégoire
- Grégoire le Grand (saint), pape
- S. Grégoire le Grand
- Gregor <I., Papst> (542-604)
- Gregorius papa I
- D. Gregorius
- B. Gregorius
- Divus Gregorius
- Beatus Gregorius papa
- Divus Gregorius papa
- S. Gregorius papa
- Gregorius PP.
- Gregorius papa, 1., ca. 540-604
- Gregory the Great, 540-604
- Gregory the Great, (b. c. 540, d. 604), theologian and Pope
- Gregory I, Pope (approximately 540-604)
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604) > Pape
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604)
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604) > Père de l'Eglise
- Gregorius (ca. 540-604)
- Gregorio I, Papa, Santo, 540-604
- Gregor
- S. Gregorii
- Gregor <I., Papst>
- Gregorius Magnus (Nachtrag: Catalogus operum Gregorii Magni monasterio in maiore Frankenthal anno 1486 pertinentium)
- Gregório Magno, Santo, 540-604
- Gregório Magno, Santo, 540-604 > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 590-604 (Gregório I)
- Gregorius Papa I - ca. 540 - 604 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Alexandre III (pape, 11..-1181)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Alexander Papa III - gest. 1181 - auteur
- Other form
- Alexander III papa
- Alexander III, c 1100-1181, Pope
- Alexander III, Pope, -1181
- Pope Alexander III, -1181
- Alexandre III, pape
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1159-1181 (Alexandre III)
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Guillaume de Saint-Thierry (1085?-1148?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Guilelmus de Sancto Theodorico - 1085 - ca. 1153 - auteur
- Other form
- Guillelmus de Sancto Theodorico
- Guillelmus Sancti Theodoriciabbas
- Guilelmus Sancti Theodorici (1085?-1148?)
- Guillelmus de sancto Theodorico
- Willelmus abbas Sancti Theodorici Remensis
- Guilelmus Sancti Theodorici
- Guillaume, abbé de Saint-Thierry
- Author: Guilelmus, de Sancto Theodorico
- William of St. Thierry
- William of Saint-Thierry (attributed to Saint Bernard in the rubric)
- William of Saint-Thierry OCist
- Guilelmus <de Sancto Theodorico> (1085-1153)
- Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, 1075-1148, O.Cist.
- Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, O.Cist., 1075-1148 > , co-autor
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Arnaud de Bonneval (11..-1157?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Arnoldus Bonavallis - gest. 1156 - auteur
- Other form
- Ernaldus Bonaevallensis
- Arnoldus Bonaevallensis (11..-1157?)
- Arnoldus Bonaevallensis
- Arnaldus de Bone Vallis
- Ernaldus abbas Bonaevallis
- Ernaldus Bonaevallis
- Author: Arnoldus, Bonavallis
- Arnold of Bonneval, d c 1157
- Arnold of Bonneval OSB
- Arnold of Bonneval OCist
- Arnald, of Bonneval, Abbot
- Arnauld de Bonneval, O. Cist., 1100-1156 > , co-autor
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Geoffroy d'Auxerre (11..-12..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Godefridus Altissiodorensis - 1115/20 - 1188 - auteur
- Other form
- Gaufridus Autissiodorensis
- Gaufridus de Altacumba Clarevallensis
- Author: Godefridus, Altissiodorensis
- Geoffrey, of Auxerre, active 12th century
- Geoffroy d'Auxerre (11..-12..)
- Geoffrey of Auxerre OCist
- Geoffroy d’Auxerre (11..-127.)
- Geoffroy d'Auxerre (v. 1115-v. 1194)
- Godefroi d'Auxerre, O.Cist., ca 1115-depois de 1188 > , co-autor
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Lissewege. Abbaye Ter Doest
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Cisterciënzerabdij Ter Doest (S.O.Cist.)
- Other form
- Cisterciënzerabdij Ter Doest (S.O.Cist.) (?)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Abbaye des Dunes
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.)
- Other form
- Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist) (?)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Summary:
Manuscript 32 contains three texts: (ff. 1v-147bisr) Gregorius Papa in Hiezechiel; (ff. 147r-147v) Duae epistolae Alexandri III de canonisatione sancti Bernardi; and (ff. 147bis-200v) Vita sancti Bernardi. All texts involve persons vital to Cistercian monasticism. The first text, a commentary on the Biblical book of Isaiah, was written by pope Gregory the Great (r. 590-604). The third text is biography of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (d. 1153), one of the most important and influential members of the Cistercian order. The biography is attributed jointly to William of Saint-Thierry (d. 1148), Arnold of Bonneval (d. after 1156) and Geoffrey of Auxerre (d. 1194), all three contemporaries and close friends of Bernard's. Both texts were probably copied in the first decade of the thirteenth century, in two columns per page. Initials were executed mainly in red ink, decorated with penwork in blue ink. It is possible that these texts were copied in the scriptorium of Saint Donatian in Bruges. Between the texts is a single, significantly smaller leaf (f. 147) containing two letters issued by pope Alexander III (r. 1159-1181) regarding the canonisation of Saint Bernard. These letters were copied in the fourteenth century, The manuscript contains an ownership inscription of Ten Duinen that has been extended to include a book curse. [Summary by Dr. Mark Vermeer]
[Gregorius Papa in Hiezechiel; Epistolae Alexandri III de canonisatione sancti Bernardi; Vita sancti Bernardi]
Herkomst: Volgens Lieftinck 1953 is dit handschrift mogelijk afkomstig uit het scriptorium van Sint-Donatiaan te Brugge
Topic general subdivision:
200 ff.
390 x 270 mm
Decoration and binding:
gedecoreerde initialen
Campmansband (ca. 1625-1650)
gotische textualisgotische cursiva antiquior
folio 147
Cisterciënzerabdij Ter Doest (S.O.Cist.)
Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.)
- Summary:
- Place
- Preferred form
- Flanders (?)
- Original form
- [Vlaanderen?]
- Preferred form
- Bruges (West Flanders, Belgium) (?)
- Original form
- [Brugge?]
- Rights
- Provided by Bruges Public Library
- Manifest URL
- Biblissima portal