Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Latin MS 2
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- Latin MS 2
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- Early 11th century
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Exultet Roll
- Description
- Extent:
height: 1810 mm, width: 310 mm.
The main features of the decoration are: a large initial, a series of four large pictures occupying the whole breadth of the roll, and four smaller ones, introduced at the ends of lines. They are without backgrounds. The principal colours are blue, red, yellow, and brownish green.
The large initial E, 24 centimetres high, is mainly composed of medallions connected by bands: each arm of the E consists of a pair of these, and the stalk of five: at top and bottom are knots of plaited work. The medallions contain central rosettes and concentric bands of blue, yellow, red. The following letters, XVL, are monogrammatized, in colour.
The first picture represents Christ, bearded, with cross-nimbus; throned, holding a book and blessing, in blue robe over dark brown-red. On each side of Him is an angel turning towards Him, in dark brown-red and green. The figures are in an almost complete circle, divided into sections, some of which contain panels of ornament. At top on left this circle terminates in a serpent's head: opposite, on right, there is a break in the parchment.
The Crucifixion. The cross is edged with blue and bordered with a pattern (roughly a spiral of two bands of red and light brown): the l'est is yellow. At the corners of the top and al'ms are small pieces of ornament springing from the Cross. Christ has cross-nimbus, the arms of the cross in it being inscribed with the word VE|R|I|TAS. He has blue loin-cloth, and is nailed with four nails: the feet very near the bottom of the cross. Above the arms are the Sun and Moon in medallions (the former with red ground): both are half-length figures bearing torches and with one hand raised towards the face. The only other figures are Longinus with the lance on the left and Stephaton with the sponge and bucket. Both are in tunics, with rather elaborate ornamentation, and girt with swords. A hand of ornament separates these from the next picture.
Christ overcomes Satan, He is in blue robe over brown, holding a roll in his left hand and spear tipped with a small Maltese cross, principally in blue. He stands on Satan (or Death) a nude bearded figure with rough hair who lies (head to left) with a chain passing round his neck, and·confining his wrists and ankles. On right and in centre are two buildings connected by a curved line of battlements (passing above Christ's head). Each building has a round(?) tower with conical red roof, ball, and cross at top. In the doorway of each stands a group of robed figures lightly coloured: eight on left in two rows, eight on right in three rows.
The Harrowing of Hell. Christ facing right robed as before, with a somewhat different cross or spear - the cross here is smaller - stands with right foot on an overthrown gate and left foot (advanced) on the chest of Satan, who lies bound with a chain as before. The chain confining his wrists is here seen to be a stout transverse chain attached to that which binds the neck and ankles. Below him in front are fragments of gates. On the left behind Christ stand three rows of people (5, 4, 4). On the right is a series of five round towers diminishing in height towards right: from the top of the second proceed flames: on the third is a soul plunged head downwards in flames: in the next, one hanging over the edge: in the last, one other soul. In front of these towers is a row of figures; those nearest to Christ are Adam and Eve, robed. Christ takes the hand of Adam. The other figures are nude, some are prostrate. In the right bottom corner are two crowned heads and part of a monster(?).
The Nativity, a small picture. Left, Joseph seated facing right. Centre, on green ground: in front the Virgin on a bed, head to right. Above her the Child, swaddled, with crossnimbus, lies with head to right: above this are the heads of the ox and ass. Right, The Child, cross·nimbed, in a vessel with a foot: a woman on the left supports Him: another on the right brings a jug of water.
A small picture of five bees on a green plant.
A hive, represented as a blue cylinder lying horizontally. Bees above it and at the ends. On R. and L. two plants, with bees.
A section of the hive, showing combs and bees working. On the right a plant, and bees about it. The bees are represented throughout as large striped creatures more like small birds.
For a detailed discussion of the illustrations in this manuscript see Guglielmo Cavallo, Rotoli di exultet dell'Italia meridionale: exultet 1, 2, benedizionale dell'archivio della cattedrale di Bari: exultet 1, 2, 3 dell'archivio capitolare di Troia (Bari: Adriatica, 2008).
Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford. Bequeathed by Rylands to the John Rylands Library in 1908.
One column, 43 lines
Written in Beneventan by a single scribe.
Data Source(s):
Description based on M.R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library at Manchester (Manchester, 1921), reprinted with an introduction and additional notes and corrections by F. Taylor (München, 1980), revised and expanded by Joanne Edge.
Exultet rolls; Religion; Christianity; Mass
Exultet Roll, produced in the artistic milieu of Bari, Italy in the early eleventh century.
Parchment, in three leaves. Stitching visible.
In private possession in Nuremburg in 1877.
- Extent:
- Place
- Preferred form
- Bari (Apulia, Italy)
- Original form
- Bari
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).