Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 90

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 090
Biblissima authority file
  • 1400 - 1499
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 090: Thomas Netter of Walden OCarm, Doctrinale antiquitatum fidei
  • Thomas Netter of Walden OCarm, Doctrinale antiquitatum fidei
  • Summary: CCCC MS 90 contains books one to four of the Doctrinale antiquitatum fidei by Thomas Netter of Walden OCarm (c. 1370 - 1430) and dates to around 1427. It has been suggested that this manuscript may have been one of the books Netter gave to the London Carmelites. The work forms part of Thomas Netter's refutation of Lollard teachings. Netter was, himself, a Carmelite friar who served as the prior provincial of the Carmelite order in England, as confessor to both Henry V and Henry VI of England, and as Henry V's envoy to King Władisław of Poland and Michael Küchmeister, grand master of the Teutonic knights.

    Contents :

    1r-304v - Thomas Netter of Walden OCarm, Doctrinale antiquitatum fidei

    incipit: (1r) Martino benignissimo pape (lined through) quinto uniuersi gregis Carmelitarum etc.

    Note: (1r) Beautiful initial and partial border in the English style: executed with a very rare degree of delicacy. The gold is very fine

    explicit: (2v) et exitum tuum ex hoc nunc et usque in seculum

    rubric: (2v) Prologus primus in doctrinale ecclesie contra blasfemias Wycliff

    incipit: (2v) Mea doctrina non est mea

    Note: (Printed at Paris in 1532 etc.)

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (8r) sed eius qui misit me

    rubric: (8v) Liber primus de capita ecclesie Ihesu Christo in naturis suis disparibus, prologus

    incipit: (8v) Exurgat deus et dissipentur etc.

    Note: (8v) Here is an initial: red ground with gold flourishing. In C. a Pope in blue seated blessing. Walden in white Carmelite habit kneels and presents his book. On L. two figures, on R. three (cardinals and doctors). Partial border again of very fine work

    Note: (9r) Articuli against Wycliff follow

    Note: (9v) Cap. I begins

    incipit: (9v) In omni disputacione quam fecit noster iohannes memorie ter dampnate

    Note: On ff. 50v, 63v (in Lib. I) are fine initials

    Note: (73r) Prologus libri II with fine initial

    Note: (74v) Text with fine initial

    Note: (224r) Prologus libri III with fine initial

    Note: (260r) Capitula of Liber IV

    Note: (260v) Text with fine initial

    Note: (304v) This Book ends imperfectly in ch. xlii

    explicit: (304v) Oportet clericos specialiter

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