Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 336

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 336
Biblissima authority file
  • 1400 - 1425
  • Middle English
  • Latin
    • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 336: Wycliffite Sermons
    • Sermons for the Common of the Saints
    • Of mynystris in þe chirche
    • On the validity of pardons
    • Sermons for the Proper of the Saints || Sermons for Proprium Sanctorum
    • Sermons on the ferial gospels || Sermons on Ferial Gospels
    • see more
  • Summary: CCCC MS 336 dates to the first half of the fifteenth century and contains a collection of Lollard sermons. This collection includes sets 2 (on the Common of the Saints), 3 (on the Proper of the Saints) and 4 (on the ferial gospels) of the Wycliffite sermon cycle which is preserved in a number of manuscripts.

    Contents :

    1r-70v - Sermons for the Common of the Saints

    rubric: (1r) In vigilia unius apostoli

    incipit: (1r) Ego sum vitis vera Jo. 15

    incipit: (1r) Os comyn þing is better & before oþer þingis

    explicit: (70r) in whiche þei schul be deed

    rubric: (70r) Explicit commune sanctorum

    Note: Printed in Arnold, Select English Works of Wyclif I 165-294

    Note: On p. 138 a Parkerian note on Wyclif from Bale

    71r-87r - Of mynystris in þe chirche

    rubric: (71r) Exposicio euangelij Math. 24

    incipit: (71r) Egressus Ihesus de templo

    incipit: (71r) Þis gospel telliþ myche wisdom

    Note: Arnold, Select English Works of Wyclif II 393

    Note: At end

    rubric: (87r) Explicit exposicio istius euuangelii secundum m. J.

    87v-87v - On the validity of pardons

    Note: (87v) Formerly pasted over

    rubric: (87v) pardoun

    incipit: (87v) Cristen men in þe bileue of crist þat þenken for to haue pardoun

    Note: One page only, ending imperfectly

    explicit: (87v) J bileue þe communynge of seyntes þat is to seie þat

    Note: Several leaves cut out

    88r-139r - Sermons for the Proper of the Saints || Sermons for Proprium Sanctorum

    rubric: (88r) In vigil S. Andree

    incipit: (88r) Stabat Johannes. Jo primo

    incipit: (88r) Þis gospel telliþ in storie houȝ crist gederide his disciples

    explicit: (139r) to telle goddis lawe and his wille

    Note: Arnold, Select English Works of Wyclif I 294-412

    139r-241r - Sermons on the ferial gospels || Sermons on Ferial Gospels

    Note: No separate title

    rubric: (139r) fferia quarta dominice prime aduentus domini

    incipit: (139r) Principium euuangelij Mar. primo

    incipit: (139r) Os men schulde trowe in crist þat he is boþe god & man

    explicit: (241r) auoutren falsly goddis word os poul spekiþ

    rubric: (241r) IR

    Note: (in red: initials of the scribe)

    rubric: (241r) Expliciunt euuangelia ferialia secundum m. J.

    Note: Arnold, Select English Works of Wyclif II 1-217

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