Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 32
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 032
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1399
- Language
- Middle English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 032: Commentary in Middle English on the Gospels of Mark and Luke and the Pauline Epistles
- Commentary on St Mark's Gospel in Middle English || Gloss upon St Mark in English
- Commentary on St Luke's Gospel in Middle English || English gloss on Luke
- Commentary on the Pauline Epistles in Middle English || English gloss on the Pauline Epistles
- see more
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 32 contains the Gospels of Mark and Luke, and the Pauline Epistles in Latin and English with some commentary. The translation and commentary are a unique Middle English version, dating to the late fourteenth century from the North East Midlands. The volume, dating to c. 1400, was probably composed as a Latin teaching aid and does not appear to be of Lollard derivation. The translation is literal and the original author has added glosses to clarify the resultant awkward English. There are marginal drawings of scenes from the Gospels by an unskilled artist.
Contents :
1r-56v - Commentary on St Mark's Gospel in Middle English || Gloss upon St Mark in English
rubric: (1r) Seynte Marke ewangeliste þe chosene of god
incipit: (1r) Inicium ewangelii etc. þe bigynnynge of þe gospel etc.
incipit: (1r) Mathew seys þe gospel of the son of dauyd
Note: (1r) At top a rude sketch of the lion, with title in English, partly cut off
Note: On f. 8v margin: beati qui audiunt verbum dei etc. Nicolas lenakars scripsit (xv)
Note: (54r) (cap. xvi) Rude marginal sketch of Christ stepping out of the tomb. Here is expownyng of þe gospel on Asturday
Note: (56r) Rude sketch of the Ascension. The Virgin in C. English rubric
Note: Ends
explicit: (56v) þe whylke regnys wt þe fadyr and þe holy goste and worldys wiþouten ende. Amen
rubric: (56v) Here endis þe glose of Marke þee ewangelist in Englissche tunge Thankyde be god. Amen
Note: (56v) Rude sketch of Christ throned as judge
57r-154v - Commentary on St Luke's Gospel in Middle English || English gloss on Luke
incipit: (57r) Þof it be writen þat dyuers has wryten
Note: (57r) Rough initial, gold and red, the length of the page. At bottom rude sketch of winged ox, with title in English
Note: (59r) Sketch of the Annunciation. English rubric
Note: (60v) Visitation. (Her) is þe metyng (of M)ari and of Elisa(beth)
Note: (63v) Angel and Twey scheperdus
Note: (64r) Nativity
Note: (64v) Presentation
Note: (78v) Bust of Christ
Note: (85v) Mary Magdalene holding casket
Note: (102v) Assumption. Virgin in vesica carried by four angels
Note: (106r) Crowned Virgin holding child
Note: Ends
explicit: (154v) and lofynge of oure lord ihesu cryst to whom be ioy and blys wiþouten ende
rubric: (154v) Amen god be worschipped. And for þo luf of god pray for þoo drawer and alsso. for þo wryter
155r-208v - Commentary on the Pauline Epistles in Middle English || English gloss on the Pauline Epistles
incipit: (155r) Paulus seruus etc. Poule seruaunt of ihesu crist
Note: The English consists of a verse for verse translation with short glosses, which are underlined
Note: (172r) Chalice and host in margin (I Cor.)
Note: (178v) a pokoc (peacock) in red
Note: (188r) Busts of man and woman (Eph. v)
Note: (193r) The Latin text of the Epistle to the Laodiceans follows Colossians, a blank space is left for the English. In this is scribbled henry walker owyth thys book god mak hym a good man amen
Note: (200r) Bust of Bishop (Titus)
Note: (201v) The child in the manger (Heb. i)
Note: Ends
explicit: (208v) Brethere of ytalye greete ȝou weel. Grace bee wiþ ȝou all. Amen
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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