Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 423
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 423
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1475 - 1525
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 423: Letters and Documents concerning the University of Oxford. Sermons
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe || Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe episcopum Londinensem, laudes illi meritas attribuens, quod parietes scholarum theologiae lapide quadrato absolvisset, easque opere celato ostiis et turriculis ornasset
- List of Bishops of London from Richard Clifford to Thomas Kempe || De temporibus quibus episcopi Londinenses a Richardo Clifford ad Thomam Kempe sunt consecrati
- On the building of the library at Oxford || Of the building of the library at Oxford
- Two letters of Edward Poole to his father || Epistolae duae brevissimae Edwardi Poole, qui tunc in academia Oxoniensi studebat, ad patrem suum, in quibus commendat ei scribam academiae cui has literas perferendas dederat et enarrat quanta est ejus in academia expectatio
- Letter of Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury to the University of Oxford, 1480 || Epistola episcopi Sarisburiensis ad academiam Oxon. in qua gratulatur eis quod petitionem suam ejus consilio jam essent consecuturi, cum ipse cito esset venturus et nobilem infantulum in gremium matris suae oblaturus, data ex Windesora 7 Apr.
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury || Epistola academiae ad eundem episcopum, in qua maximas ei agunt gratias quod ejus consilio nobilis hic infantulus, regius scilicet nepos, universitati ascisceretur
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. in qua declarant innocentiam doctoris Smyth suspecti de heresi
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV || Epistola academiae ad eundem, ne avocaret latomos quos ad scholas theologiae perficiendas perquisiverunt, aut saltem si episcopus Winton. aliquos, quos usui suo concesserat rex, impertiri voluerit usui academiae, illis utendi potestatem faceret
- Letter of the University of Oxford to John Sante, Abbot of Abingdon, 1478 || Epistola academiae ad Iohannem abbatem de Abbendon, ut Romam profecturus, privilegia academiae confirmari curaret
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Lionel Woodville, Dean of Exeter || Epistola academiae ad Leonellum Widevil Exon. ecclesiae decanum in qua continetur gratia ei concessa in congregatione solemni, nempe primum ut ad extraordinariam decretalium lecturam admitti, tum in decretis licentiari possit
- Letter of the University of Oxford to William Waynfleet, Bishop of Winchester, 1478 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Winton. ut velit eis copiam facere utendi illis edificialibus instrumentis quae ad clarissimi ejus collegii fabricam comparata sunt
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London, 1478 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum London. quod eligerunt quatuor viros qui pecuniam ab eo reciperent pro edificatione scholarum theologiae et quam primum eis redderent 1478
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London, 1476 || Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe episcopum London. ut scholas theologiae jamdudum inchoatas sed multis annis mancas et prope neglectas perficere velit 1476
- Letter of the University of Oxford to William Waynfleet, Bishop of Winchester || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Winton. ut confoederet pacem inter Thomam Davers et doctorem Haydok
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London || Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe episcopum Londini in qua gratias ei agunt, quod eorum precibus adductus perfectionem scholarum theologiae in se suscepisset
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London || Alia epistola ad eundem eadem de re
- Letter of the University of Oxford to John Morton, Bishop of Ely, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Eliensem ut nepotem suum faciat in jure canonico procedere
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Myllyng, Bishop of Hereford, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Herefordensem, in qua gratias singulares ei reddunt pro singulari amore quo benemeritos academiae viros complectitur
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Sarum ut acceleret adventum domini Edwardi Poole ad academiam
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1481 || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. de electione Iohannis Harries in bedellum, quod licite nec secus ac jubent statuta facta est
- Letter of the University of Oxford to John Morton, Bishop of Ely, 1481 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Eliensem ut regiae majestati innocentiam eorum in dicta electione persuadeat
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edmund Audley, Bishop of Rochester, 1481 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Roffensem de eadem re
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Sarum, in qua narrant quanto cum gaudio audierunt eum matrem suam Oxoniam jam esse visurum, desideratissimum infantem ducturum, dignissimique gradus ejus cathedram lecturis decoraturum; et quod magistrum Ricardum Andrew incorporaverunt et dominum Ricardum (Stephanum) Brown in artibus licentiaverunt prout desideraverat
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Bourchier, Archdeacon of Canterbury || Epistola academiae ad Bowchier Cantuar. archidiaconum de gradibus ei concessis
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury || Epistola academiae ad quendam episcopum (Episc. Sarum), in qua gratias ei agunt pro singulari ejus in academiam benevolentia, praesertim in negotiis magistri Ioannis Taylor cui datum est beneficium vel ab ipso episcopo vel eo postulante a rege
- Letter of the University of Oxford to John Kempe || Epistola academiae ad Ioannem Kempe episcopum Londinensem, in qua gratias ei agunt pro praeclaris ejus in academiam meritis praesertim in edificatione scholarum
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury || Epistola academiae ad Thomam Bouchier archiepiscopum Cantuar. in qua gratias ei agunt pro singulari benevolentia qua rempublicam eorum hactenus est complexus, et exorant ut in eadem perseveret
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || Letter from king Edward IV. to the university, commanding them not to proceed to the election of a bedel till the coming thither of Nevyle archbishop of York their chancellor
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, directing them to proceed to the election of a chancellor in the room of the archbishop of York, whom he commands them to remove from that office; - he tells them they need not choose a bishop to protect and defend them as had been heretofore their custom, for that he would for the future be himself their protector
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, signifying his approbation of their choice of Mr. Thomas Chaundeler his chaplain for their chancellor
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford, 1471 || From the same, in recommendation of one Martyn a Portuguese fryar going to study at Oxford 1471
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, desiring them to restore master Thomas Beston whom they had formerly by his command expelled
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, commanding them to search the university and to seize all the copies of the writings of Pecock and Wicliff, and publickly to burn them
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, thanking them for their ready and speedy execution of the above order
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, thanking them for their offer to keep perpetually yn the resumcion of the yere a masse of the holy gost with a special collect for him by name, and promising to be their special benefactor
- Letter of the University of Oxford to John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, 1469 || Epistola academiae ad comitem Wigorniae, in qua literis ab eo receptis respondent, et gratias ei maximas agunt pro beneficiis ejus
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. in qua gratulantur ei de felici ejus in regnum reditu, hostibus subactis et deletis
- Letter of the University of Oxford to John Whethamstede, abbot of St Albans || Epistola academiae ad Iohannem Frumentarium S. Albani abbatem, in qua gratias ei agunt pro libris quos academiae dederat
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Mey, 1470 || Epistola academiae ad Ricardum Mey A.M. in qua gratias ei agunt pro pecunia quam in edificationem scholarum theologiae erogaverat
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Henry VI, 1469 || Epistola academiae ad regem Henricum VI. in qua gratulantur ei quod potestatem regiam recuperasset 1469
- Decree of the University of Oxford || Decretum academiae Oxon. de assignando registrario cum annua pensione quatuor marcarum
- Letter of John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, to the University of Oxford || Epistola Iohannis comitis Wigorniae ad academiam, in qua promittit se daturum illis libros quorum indices miserat, data Pataviae 7 Feb. 1468
- Letter of George Neville, Archbishop of York, to the University of Oxford, 1469 || Epistola Georgii Neville archiepiscopi Ebor. ad academiam in qua rogat, ut Robertus Canon eo officio donaretur quod Iohannes Canee nuper obtinuit, data ex manerio suo de More kalends Decembris 1469
- Letter of George Neville, Archbishop of York, to the University of Oxford || Epistola ejusdem, quod summa ope laboravit, ut libros quos ipse comes Wigorniae academiae daturus erat, eo jam mortuo eis redderentur, ex domo sua apud Westmonasterium 15 kalendis Decembris
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Pope Pius II, 1459 || Epistola academiae ad papam, in qua gratulantur ei quod gubernaculum universae ecclesiae sit ei a divina providentia tributum
- Letter of the University of Oxford to George Neville, Archbishop of York, 1470 || Epistola academiae ad Georgium Neville archiepiscopum Ebor. in qua rogant ut libros illos quibus a Wigorniae comite nuperius defuncto academia erat donata ad valorem quingentarum ferme marcarum eis obtinere summa sua prudentia dignaretur
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1481 || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. in qua gratias ei agunt quod cantuariam perpetuam fundaverat, et eam quoties vacaverit erudito quodam theologo ab academia nominando conferendam decreverat [ad quam nominant magistrum Iohannem Taylor] et quod lecturam theologiae sine audientium impensis concesserat
- Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || Epistola -- ad academiam, in qua gratias agit quod ex mero motu suo capellanum ejus G. Ascogh in filium academiae adoptaverant, data ex manerio suo de Sheene 3 Nov.
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward of Lancaster, Prince of Wales || Epistola academiae ad Edwardum filium regis Henrici VI. in qua orant ut tutelam et defensionem academiae in se suscipere dignaretur
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Emperor Frederick III, 1443 || Epistola academiae ad Fredericum Romanorum regem de pace et unitate sedis apostolicae stabiliendis
- Note by Matthew Parker concerning the manuscripts in the divinity schools in Oxford || A note written by archbishop Parker that the MSS. formerly kept in the divinity-schools at Oxford were sold to Christ-Church
- Ten commandments in English verse || The ten commandments in verse
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. in qua maximas ei agunt gratias pro patrocinio suo et singulari illo beneficio quod nepotem suum Edwardum Pole apud eos educari voluerat 1480
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1477 || Epistola academiae ad eundem, contra injurias cancellario suo illatas in decimis colligendis
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1475 || Epistola academiae ad eundem, in qua summis laudibus efferunt pietatem regiam in heresi reprimenda et dicunt se diligenter executos esse mandatum et libros Pecock et Wiclevi in academia inventos igni tradidisse
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1472 || Epistola academiae ad eundem, quod eligerunt magistrum Thomam Chaundeler in cancellarium suum
- Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1471 || Epistola academiae ad eundem, in qua gratias agunt pro summa ejus in academiam benevolentia
- Thomas Penketh OESA, Ars sermocinandi || Concionatorium Oxoniense sive ars sermocinandi
- Simon Alcock, De modo diuidendi themata || Concionatorium Oxoniense sive ars sermocinandi
- Notes on sermon themes for the whole year || Themata pro sermonibus per totum annum
- Michael of Hungary OFM Obs, Sermones praedicabiles || Sermones XIII
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Edward Pole (1468?-1485)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward Poole
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard Beauchamp (14..-1481)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Édouard IV (roi d'Angleterre, 1442-1483)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward IV
- Other form
- King Edward IV
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Tiptoft (1427-1470)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester
- Other form
- Tiptoft, John, 1427-1470
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- George Neville (1432-1476)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- George Neville, Archbishop of York
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Parker
- Other form
- [Matthew Parker]
- Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Matthew Parker
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575
- Parker, Matthew (1504-1575)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Penketh (14..-1487)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Penketh OESA
- Other form
- Thomas Penreth
- Penketh, Thomas > , ed. lit.
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Simon Alcock (13..?-1459)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Simon Alcock
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Michel de Hongrie (14..-14..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Michael of Hungary OFM Obs
- Other form
- Michael, de Hungaria, O.F.M.
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 423 is in three parts. The first is a sixteenth-century manuscript which contains a collection of letters and documents regarding the University of Oxford mostly relating to the church and theology, and a copy of the Ten Commandments in Middle English verse. The second and third parts, of the late fifteenth century, contain a collection of material on preaching including Thomas Penketh OESA (d. 1487), Ars sermocinandi, Simon Alcock (d. 1459), De modo dividendi themata, and sermons by Michael of Hungary (fl. c. 1450-1500).
Contents :
1-3 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe || Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe episcopum Londinensem, laudes illi meritas attribuens, quod parietes scholarum theologiae lapide quadrato absolvisset, easque opere celato ostiis et turriculis ornasset
incipit: (1) Cum tuarum preclarissimarum laudum monumenta
4-4 - List of Bishops of London from Richard Clifford to Thomas Kempe || De temporibus quibus episcopi Londinenses a Richardo Clifford ad Thomam Kempe sunt consecrati
Note: In Parkerian hand
Note: This article and the following one are more modern than the rest of the book, being added by Joceline and archbishop Parker
4-4 - On the building of the library at Oxford || Of the building of the library at Oxford
Note: In English and Latin in two Parkerian hands
Note: This article and the previous one are more modern than the rest of the book, being added by Joceline and archbishop Parker
5-6 - Two letters of Edward Poole to his father || Epistolae duae brevissimae Edwardi Poole, qui tunc in academia Oxoniensi studebat, ad patrem suum, in quibus commendat ei scribam academiae cui has literas perferendas dederat et enarrat quanta est ejus in academia expectatio
incipit: (5) Qui meas ad te literas dabit
Note: p. 6 blank
7-7 - Letter of Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury to the University of Oxford, 1480 || Epistola episcopi Sarisburiensis ad academiam Oxon. in qua gratulatur eis quod petitionem suam ejus consilio jam essent consecuturi, cum ipse cito esset venturus et nobilem infantulum in gremium matris suae oblaturus, data ex Windesora 7 Apr.
Note: Cf. Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 456, etc.
7-8 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury || Epistola academiae ad eundem episcopum, in qua maximas ei agunt gratias quod ejus consilio nobilis hic infantulus, regius scilicet nepos, universitati ascisceretur
8-10 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. in qua declarant innocentiam doctoris Smyth suspecti de heresi
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 415, etc.
10-11 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV || Epistola academiae ad eundem, ne avocaret latomos quos ad scholas theologiae perficiendas perquisiverunt, aut saltem si episcopus Winton. aliquos, quos usui suo concesserat rex, impertiri voluerit usui academiae, illis utendi potestatem faceret
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 446, etc.
11-12 - Letter of the University of Oxford to John Sante, Abbot of Abingdon, 1478 || Epistola academiae ad Iohannem abbatem de Abbendon, ut Romam profecturus, privilegia academiae confirmari curaret
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 447, etc.
12-13 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Lionel Woodville, Dean of Exeter || Epistola academiae ad Leonellum Widevil Exon. ecclesiae decanum in qua continetur gratia ei concessa in congregatione solemni, nempe primum ut ad extraordinariam decretalium lecturam admitti, tum in decretis licentiari possit
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 448, etc.
13-14 - Letter of the University of Oxford to William Waynfleet, Bishop of Winchester, 1478 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Winton. ut velit eis copiam facere utendi illis edificialibus instrumentis quae ad clarissimi ejus collegii fabricam comparata sunt
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 443, etc.
14-15 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London, 1478 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum London. quod eligerunt quatuor viros qui pecuniam ab eo reciperent pro edificatione scholarum theologiae et quam primum eis redderent 1478
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 435, etc.
15-16 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London, 1476 || Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe episcopum London. ut scholas theologiae jamdudum inchoatas sed multis annis mancas et prope neglectas perficere velit 1476
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 429, etc.
16-17 - Letter of the University of Oxford to William Waynfleet, Bishop of Winchester || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Winton. ut confoederet pacem inter Thomam Davers et doctorem Haydok
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 431, etc.
17-18 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London || Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe episcopum Londini in qua gratias ei agunt, quod eorum precibus adductus perfectionem scholarum theologiae in se suscepisset
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p.432
18-19 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London || Alia epistola ad eundem eadem de re
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 438
19-20 - Letter of the University of Oxford to John Morton, Bishop of Ely, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Eliensem ut nepotem suum faciat in jure canonico procedere
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 459
20-21 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Myllyng, Bishop of Hereford, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Herefordensem, in qua gratias singulares ei reddunt pro singulari amore quo benemeritos academiae viros complectitur
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 460
22-23 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Sarum ut acceleret adventum domini Edwardi Poole ad academiam
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 461
23-24 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1481 || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. de electione Iohannis Harries in bedellum, quod licite nec secus ac jubent statuta facta est
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 465
24-25 - Letter of the University of Oxford to John Morton, Bishop of Ely, 1481 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Eliensem ut regiae majestati innocentiam eorum in dicta electione persuadeat
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 465
25-25 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edmund Audley, Bishop of Rochester, 1481 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Roffensem de eadem re
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 466
26-26 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad episcopum Sarum, in qua narrant quanto cum gaudio audierunt eum matrem suam Oxoniam jam esse visurum, desideratissimum infantem ducturum, dignissimique gradus ejus cathedram lecturis decoraturum; et quod magistrum Ricardum Andrew incorporaverunt et dominum Ricardum (Stephanum) Brown in artibus licentiaverunt prout desideraverat
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 463
27-27 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Bourchier, Archdeacon of Canterbury || Epistola academiae ad Bowchier Cantuar. archidiaconum de gradibus ei concessis
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 460
28-28 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury || Epistola academiae ad quendam episcopum (Episc. Sarum), in qua gratias ei agunt pro singulari ejus in academiam benevolentia, praesertim in negotiis magistri Ioannis Taylor cui datum est beneficium vel ab ipso episcopo vel eo postulante a rege
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 472
28-29 - Letter of the University of Oxford to John Kempe || Epistola academiae ad Ioannem Kempe episcopum Londinensem, in qua gratias ei agunt pro praeclaris ejus in academiam meritis praesertim in edificatione scholarum
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 470
29-36 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury || Epistola academiae ad Thomam Bouchier archiepiscopum Cantuar. in qua gratias ei agunt pro singulari benevolentia qua rempublicam eorum hactenus est complexus, et exorant ut in eadem perseveret
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 475
Note: pp. 32-36 blank
37-37 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || Letter from king Edward IV. to the university, commanding them not to proceed to the election of a bedel till the coming thither of Nevyle archbishop of York their chancellor
Note: Westminster, 15 Dec., cf. no. 20
37-38 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, directing them to proceed to the election of a chancellor in the room of the archbishop of York, whom he commands them to remove from that office; - he tells them they need not choose a bishop to protect and defend them as had been heretofore their custom, for that he would for the future be himself their protector
Note: Windsor, 14 May
Note: pp. 37-44 in English, possibly in another hand
38-39 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, signifying his approbation of their choice of Mr. Thomas Chaundeler his chaplain for their chancellor
Note: Greenwich, 10 June, cf. no. 56
39-40 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford, 1471 || From the same, in recommendation of one Martyn a Portuguese fryar going to study at Oxford 1471
Note: Southampton, 5 May
40-40 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, desiring them to restore master Thomas Beston whom they had formerly by his command expelled
Note: Westminster, 3 Nov.
40-42 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, commanding them to search the university and to seize all the copies of the writings of Pecock and Wicliff, and publickly to burn them
Note: Westminster, 13 Feb., cf. no. 55
42-43 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, thanking them for their ready and speedy execution of the above order
Note: Windsor, 17 April, cf. no. 55
43-44 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || From the same, thanking them for their offer to keep perpetually yn the resumcion of the yere a masse of the holy gost with a special collect for him by name, and promising to be their special benefactor
Note: Eltham, 11 April
45-46 - Letter of the University of Oxford to John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, 1469 || Epistola academiae ad comitem Wigorniae, in qua literis ab eo receptis respondent, et gratias ei maximas agunt pro beneficiis ejus
Note: 1 April 1469
47-48 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. in qua gratulantur ei de felici ejus in regnum reditu, hostibus subactis et deletis
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 395
49-49 - Letter of the University of Oxford to John Whethamstede, abbot of St Albans || Epistola academiae ad Iohannem Frumentarium S. Albani abbatem, in qua gratias ei agunt pro libris quos academiae dederat
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 373
50-50 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Richard Mey, 1470 || Epistola academiae ad Ricardum Mey A.M. in qua gratias ei agunt pro pecunia quam in edificationem scholarum theologiae erogaverat
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 384
51-60 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Henry VI, 1469 || Epistola academiae ad regem Henricum VI. in qua gratulantur ei quod potestatem regiam recuperasset 1469
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 392
Note: (53) blank
Note: On pp. 54-56 a late Summa earum rerum que habentur in hiis literis
Note: 57-60 blank
Note: But on p. 60 is a short list of names of men and women in a small hand
61-62 - Decree of the University of Oxford || Decretum academiae Oxon. de assignando registrario cum annua pensione quatuor marcarum
Note: In another hand
63-64 - Letter of John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, to the University of Oxford || Epistola Iohannis comitis Wigorniae ad academiam, in qua promittit se daturum illis libros quorum indices miserat, data Pataviae 7 Feb. 1468
65-66 - Letter of George Neville, Archbishop of York, to the University of Oxford, 1469 || Epistola Georgii Neville archiepiscopi Ebor. ad academiam in qua rogat, ut Robertus Canon eo officio donaretur quod Iohannes Canee nuper obtinuit, data ex manerio suo de More kalends Decembris 1469
66-68 - Letter of George Neville, Archbishop of York, to the University of Oxford || Epistola ejusdem, quod summa ope laboravit, ut libros quos ipse comes Wigorniae academiae daturus erat, eo jam mortuo eis redderentur, ex domo sua apud Westmonasterium 15 kalendis Decembris
68-69 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Pope Pius II, 1459 || Epistola academiae ad papam, in qua gratulantur ei quod gubernaculum universae ecclesiae sit ei a divina providentia tributum
Note: In another script
Note: The name J. Farley at the end. He wrote many of the letters in the Oxford Registrum F (note of Mr Strickland Gibson). His name also occurs in MS. 480 in Greek characters, as it also does in the Registrum (Anstey, p. xii), cf. Anstey, p. 361. For the subject of the letter, cf. Anstey, p. 346
69-70 - Letter of the University of Oxford to George Neville, Archbishop of York, 1470 || Epistola academiae ad Georgium Neville archiepiscopum Ebor. in qua rogant ut libros illos quibus a Wigorniae comite nuperius defuncto academia erat donata ad valorem quingentarum ferme marcarum eis obtinere summa sua prudentia dignaretur
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 389
70-74 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1481 || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. in qua gratias ei agunt quod cantuariam perpetuam fundaverat, et eam quoties vacaverit erudito quodam theologo ab academia nominando conferendam decreverat [ad quam nominant magistrum Iohannem Taylor] et quod lecturam theologiae sine audientium impensis concesserat
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 468
Note: (74) blank
75-75 - Letter from Edward IV to the University of Oxford || Epistola -- ad academiam, in qua gratias agit quod ex mero motu suo capellanum ejus G. Ascogh in filium academiae adoptaverant, data ex manerio suo de Sheene 3 Nov.
Note: From the king: sent by 'capellanus noster M. Henr. Sever'
75-77 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward of Lancaster, Prince of Wales || Epistola academiae ad Edwardum filium regis Henrici VI. in qua orant ut tutelam et defensionem academiae in se suscipere dignaretur
77-78 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Emperor Frederick III, 1443 || Epistola academiae ad Fredericum Romanorum regem de pace et unitate sedis apostolicae stabiliendis
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 226
79-80 - Note by Matthew Parker concerning the manuscripts in the divinity schools in Oxford || A note written by archbishop Parker that the MSS. formerly kept in the divinity-schools at Oxford were sold to Christ-Church
Note: The note is as follows
Note: Md that Mr Walley ciuilian attending vppon the L. Arundell and Lumley, and abowte 12. or 13 yeares agoe was Proctor in the Vniuersity of Oxford cominge to me M(att) C(antuar) the 2 of November Ao 1574 from the L. Lumley with certeine greate Bookes of textes and Comentaries of the Bible imperfect, as also 2 greate bookes of onely the text of the Bible old written in a common hand, whearewth was ioyned, a greate booke of the Psalter hauinge the begining glosed with Lattin notes, and the inward parte of the psalter, manie Psalmes glosed interlineally with the Saxon wordes, the whole Psalter being written in the Saxon carect. As he also brought one other of the 4 Euangelists in the Saxon charect. etc. Shewed me that whilest he was Proctor the Librarie of owre (lined through) the Diuinitie schoole theare was replenished with old Authors written, and with stalles and Deskes, on both sides Librarie wise, weare taken awaie and solde to Christes Church theare
Note: (80) blank
81-86 - Ten commandments in English verse || The ten commandments in verse
rubric: (81) Sequitur de decem mandatis et de septem peccatis capitalibus siue mortalibus
incipit: (81) Thow shalt love god with harte entereWith all thi sowle with all thy myȝtheOthere god yn no manereThow shalt not haue be daye ne nyȝth, etc.
Note: (83) headed: In dei nomine ego Joannes Pypyn. Some lines at top erased
Note: (83) A second copy of no. 7
Note: (85) A second copy of no. 8
87-91 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1480 || Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV. in qua maximas ei agunt gratias pro patrocinio suo et singulari illo beneficio quod nepotem suum Edwardum Pole apud eos educari voluerat 1480
Note: 1480, 5 kalendis Novembris
91-93 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1477 || Epistola academiae ad eundem, contra injurias cancellario suo illatas in decimis colligendis
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 424
93-95 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1475 || Epistola academiae ad eundem, in qua summis laudibus efferunt pietatem regiam in heresi reprimenda et dicunt se diligenter executos esse mandatum et libros Pecock et Wiclevi in academia inventos igni tradidisse
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 412
96-97 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1472 || Epistola academiae ad eundem, quod eligerunt magistrum Thomam Chaundeler in cancellarium suum
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 400
97-98 - Letter of the University of Oxford to Edward IV, 1471 || Epistola academiae ad eundem, in qua gratias agunt pro summa ejus in academiam benevolentia
Note: Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 396
Note: finis epistolarii Oxon.
99-124 - Thomas Penketh OESA, Ars sermocinandi || Concionatorium Oxoniense sive ars sermocinandi
incipit: (99) Quamuis unica et certa ars sermocinandi tradi non solet
Note: Ends with
rubric: (119) Antethemata in die parasceues aut pasche
explicit: (124) ut viden(tes) videant et audientes intelligant. Luc. 8o. In quibus precibus, etc.
125-140 - Simon Alcock, De modo diuidendi themata || Concionatorium Oxoniense sive ars sermocinandi
Note: Late title
rubric: (125) Ars sermocinandi tractatus secundus
Note: Begins with memorial verses
incipit: (125) Ad quare per sicut notat In similatque gerundi, etc.
incipit: (125) In prescriptis versibus continentur dicciones per quas potest fieri diuisio
Note: Ends, perhaps unfinished
explicit: (138) Agnoscens quod in operibus fidei perseuerantes eternam participent (recipient) felicitatem
Note: A blank leaf follows (pp. 139-140)
141-158 - Notes on sermon themes for the whole year || Themata pro sermonibus per totum annum
rubric: (141) (Themata pro sermonibus per totum annum)
incipit: (141) Dominica prima aduentus domini Hora est iam nos
Note: Ends after Common of Saints with a Thema
incipit: (157) Mortuus est in senectute bona
explicit: (157) mors habet 3es condiciones. He is bitter to manis mynd. he ys siker to all mankynd. he bryngis euery man to end
Note: (158) blank
159-303 - Michael of Hungary OFM Obs, Sermones praedicabiles || Sermones XIII
Note: (159) Sermones (Michaelis de Ungaria)
Note: In single lines
incipit: (159) Carissimi sicut dicit doctor de lira super mt 2. quod 4or de causis Judei christum sequebantur
Note: Each Sermon has a headline of a word. In the colophon these words are given as two verses
Note: (303) Sequitur . humiliat dominum . filius voca seruus .Stans . moritur diligit . venit ambula . surge resurge
Note: English phrases occur frequently
Note: Ends
explicit: (303) et si ita fecerimus ad dei gloriam perueniemus. Ad quam nos perducat
rubric: (303) Sequitur, etc. as above
rubric: (303) Carmina qui dedit hec benedicat Melchisadech
Note: Printed: e.g. Louvain n.d., by Joh. Westphal. Hain *9045. Cf. no. 429
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