Copy of New Testament books with prologues and Glossa ordinaria:
Gilbertus Porretanus, prologue to the Apocalypse, Stegmüller RB
839 (pp. 2–4), Apocalypse (pp. 4–81), prologue to the catholic
epistles, Stegmüller RB 809 and 11846 (p. 82), Epistle of James
(pp. 83–99), First Epistle of Peter (pp. 99–115), Second
Epistle of Peter (pp. 115–126), First Epistle of John (pp.
126–141), Second Epistle of John (pp. 141–143), Third Epistle
of John (pp. 143–145), Epistle of Jude (pp. 145–150), prologue
to the Gospel of John, Stegmüller RB 624 (pp. 151–153), Gospel
of John (pp. 154–300). At the beginning of the chapters (p. 2, 4,
83, 126, 141, 145, 151, 154), there are initials stretching over
several lines executed in minium with blue, green and light yellow,
in part with figurative elements (p. 83 and 145: animal head and
animal mask; p. 126: quadruped; p. 143: billy goat; p. 154:
dragon). In the margin on p. 99, there is a depiction of the
Apostle Peter with the keys.
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