Breviary consisting of several parts: 1) Capitula and orationes for
the period from the first of Advent until the octave of Pentecost
as well as for Sundays and weekdays (pp. 3–48). 2) Proprium de
tempore (with readings, excerpts from sermons, antiphons, responses
and hymns) for the period from the first of Advent until the
Saturday after Pentecost (pp. 49–280). The antiphons and
responses have neumes. 3) Proprium de sanctis (pp. 281–419),
these chants do not have neumes. It begins with St. Andrew (30
November) and ends with St. Petronilla (31 May). 4) Proper for
Easter until the second Sunday after the octave of Easter (pp.
421–466). 5) Responses and antiphons De sanctis in pascali
tempore (pp. 466–468). 6) Lectiones per totam ebdomadam for
weekdays of the third and fourth week after the octave of Easter
(pp. 469–484). 7) Capitula for Nocturns, Sext and None at Easter
(p. 485). 8) Orationes for Nocturns, Sext and None on weekdays
usque ad ascensionem Domini (pp. 486–487). 9) Capitula and
orationes for Vespers, Lauds and Sext for the first until the
fourth Sunday after the octave of Easter (pp. 488–489). 10) Hymns
(and sequence Cantemus cuncti melodum, p. 504) (pp. 502–504 and
506). Parts 1-3 were for the most part written in the 13th century
(with numerous additions and corrections on erasure up until the
15th century). Parts 4-6 are from the 14th century, parts 7-10 from
the 15th century. Property of the Monastery of St. Gall at least
since the 15th century (perhaps 1450, cf. p. 1).
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