Manuscript 127 is a composite manuscript of two units, each with a
different time and place of copying. The first unit consists of
three texts written by Bernard of Clairvaux (d. 1153): (ff. 1r-22r)
De precepto et dispensatione; (ff. 22r-36r) Bernardus ad milites
templi sive De laude novae militiae; and (ff. 36r-49v) Apologia ad
Guillelmum abbatem. This unit was copied in the twelfth century,
probably in the scriptorium of either Ten Duinen or Ter Doest. The
second unit is somewhat younger, having been copied in the
thirteenth century. It contains two Bible commentaries by Stephen
Langton (d. 1228), archbishop of Canterbury and one of the driving
forces behind the Magna Carta: (ff. 50r-70v) Stephen Langton super
Hesdram; (ff. 70v-80r) Stephen Langton super Hester; and (ff.
80r-80v) Prologus in libro Iezechiel. The final text is being
interrupted at the end of the column. The reverse of that leaf
bears an ownership inscription of Ter Doest and an acrostichon on
the character of the ideal monk. The first letters read from top to
bottom monachvs. The layout of the two units is different: the
first is written in a single column per page; the second has single
columns on the first four leaves before suddenly changing to two
columns. Initials are in red, just as the rubrics and the incipits
and explicits. [Summary by Dr. Mark Vermeer] Title:
Bernardus de precepto et dispensatione. Idem Ad milites templi et
Appollogeticus eiusdem. Et magister Stephanus Cantuariensis super
Hesdram et Hester [titel fenestra] Note:
Herkomst: Volgens Lieftinck 1953 is zijn ff. 1-49 mogelijk
afkomstig uit het scriptorium van Ter Doest of Ten Duinen.
Folio 80v bevat een achrosticon: 'Gregorius papa. Ethymologizatio
huius uerbi monachi: Miles fortis in demonis impugnatione, Obediens
sine aliqua dissimulatione, Nil habens proprium in absconcione,
Amans Deum pura dilectione, Custodiens se a peccati contagione,
Humilis absque aliqua fixione, Verax in omni sua locutione, Simplex
ut columba in omni actione.' Topic general subdivision:
Godsdienst Material:
Perkament Extent:
80 ff. Dimensions:
230 x 160 mm Decoration and binding:
Middeleeuwse band Script:
gotische textualis Provenance:
Cisterciënzerabdij Ter Doest (S.O.Cist.)
Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.)