Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 183
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 183
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 0800 - 0899
- Language
- Latin
- Old English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 183: Bede the Venerable, Two Lives of St Cuthbert with Regnal Lists, etc
- Bede the Venerable, Vita Sancti Cuthberti || Liber Bedae presbiteri de vita et miraculis S. Cuthberti
- List of Popes || Pontificum sedis apostolicae
- The Seventy-Two Disciples of Christ || Septuaginta duorum discipulorum Christi
- Archbishops of Canterbury || Archiepiscoporum Dorobernensis ecclesiae
- Bishops of Rochester || Episcoporum Hrofensis ecclesiae
- Bishops of the East Saxons || Episcoporum Horientalium Saxonum
- Bishops of the South Saxons || Episcoporum Australium Saxonum
- Bishops of the West Saxons and Winchester || Episcoporum Occidentalium Saxonum et Wentanae civitatis
- Bishops of Sherborne || Episcoporum Scireburnensis ecclesiae
- Bishops of Wells || Episcoporum Wellensis ecclesiae
- Bishops of Crediton || Episcoporum Cridiensis ecclesiae
- Bishops of the Hwicce after Seaxƿulf || Hwicciorum post Seaxwulfum
- Bishops of the Mercians || Episcoporum provinciae Merciorum
- Bishops of Hereford
- Bishops of Lindsey
- Bishops of the East Anglians
- Bishops of Dunwich
- Archbishops of York || Archiepiscoporum Eboracensium
- Bishops of Hexham
- Bishops of Lindisfarne
- Bishops of Whithorn
- Genealogies of Northumbrian kings || Genealogiae regum Brittanniae regnantium in diversis locis
- Lengths of reigns of Northumbrian kings
- Lengths of reigns of Mercian kings
- Genealogy of Mercian kings
- Kings of Lindsey
- Kings of Kent
- Kings of the East Angles
- Kings of the West Saxons
- Notes on the Ages of the World and other subjects
- Bede the Venerable, Vita Sancti Cuthberti metrica, with glossary || Liber de miraculis sancti Cuthberti episcopi, versu
- Mass and Office of St Cuthbert || Missa et officium S. Cuthberti
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Bède le Vénérable (saint, 0673?-0735)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Bede the Venerable
- Other form
- Bède le Vénérable (saint ; 0673?-0735)
- Beda Venerabilis
- Beda Venerabilis (saint ; 0673?-0735)
- Beda
- Bède
- S. Beda venerabilis
- Venerabilis Bedae
- Bède le Vénérable (0673?-0735)
- Beda Venerabilis (ps.)
- S. Beda Venerabilis
- Venerabilis BEDE
- Bede
- Bedae
- Bedae venerabilis
- Bède le Vénérable saint 0673?-0735
- Beda, el Venerable, sant, 673-735
- Beda el Venerable, Santo
- Beda Venerabilis 672-735
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735
- Author: Beda, Venerabilis
- Commentator: Beda, Venerabilis
- Bede (attributed to)
- Bede the Venerable, c 673-735, Saint
- Bede the Venerable (attrib.)
- Bede (673/4–735)
- The Venerable Bede
- Beda Venerabilis, 673-735
- Beda<Venerabilis>
- Bède le Vénérable
- Beda <Venerabilis> (672-735)
- Beda Scotus
- Beda Venerabilis, ca.673-735
- Beda Venerabilis, ca. 673-735
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint 673-735
- Bede the Venerable (b. c. 673, d. 735), monk and theologian
- Bede the Venerable, Saint (673-735)
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint (673-735)
- Bède le Vénérable, saint (0673?-0735)
- Beda, Venerabilis, 672-735
- Beda <Venerabilis>
- Beda, O Venerável, 673-736
- Beda, O Venerável, 673-736 > , co-autor
- Beda Venerabilis - 673 - 735 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 183 is one of several manuscripts associated with Æthelstan, King of the English (924/5-39), but the only one of these written in England in his reign. He seems to have commissioned it for presentation to the community of St Cuthbert, which at this point was at Chester-le-Street in Country Durham, having fled Lindisfarne to escape Viking attacks but not yet settled in its eventual home at Durham. The famous presentation picture shows Æthelstan, with bowed head, presenting the book to St Cuthbert himself, and is a very important example of the revival of figure art in manuscript painting during Æthelstan's reign. It was written between 934 and 939, the year of Æthelstan's death, by a scribe who also appears in London, BL MS Royal 7. D. XXIV, perhaps at Glastonbury, but certainly somewhere in the south of England. It contains Bede's two Lives of St Cuthbert, the first in prose and the second metrical, and a mass and office for Cuthbert's feast day, as well as lists of popes, bishops, and kings, and a record of Æthelstan's other gifts to the community. Its production can be linked to Æthelstan's political activities in the North.
Contents :
1v-58r - Bede the Venerable, Vita Sancti Cuthberti || Liber Bedae presbiteri de vita et miraculis S. Cuthberti
Note: On f. 1v is a fine full-page picture. The frame is of yellow, enclosing panels of conventional foliage with birds and a lion, in white on deep-red ground, exceedingly sharp and good. The ground of the picture is plain. On L. a king in short dark (purple) mantle over lighter tunic, red hose, crown, yellow hair and beard, stands under an arch with tiled dome: he bends over to R. and holds an open book. On R. a church with tiled roof, clerestory and aisles (tiled): rectangular window in W. gable: ornament at the summit of each gable. In front of it (at W. end) stands a nimbed beardless saint, tonsured, in chasuble (red) over alb, holding up his R. hand, a book in L. On the identification of the figures see below.
rubric: (2r) Incipit prefatio bede presbiteri de uita sancti cuðberhti lindisfarnensis episcopi ad eadfridum episcopum
Note: (P. L. XCIV 575)
incipit: (2r) Domino sancto ac beatissimo
Note: (capitals, filled in with red and yellow: large initial, principally in red and yellow, with bird's head)
explicit: (3v) dilectissimi fratres et domini mei. Amen
rubric: (3v) Explicit prologus libri sequentis deo gratias. fiat
rubric: (3v) Incipiunt capitule (corr. to a) libri sequentis
Note: (xlvi)
rubric: (5v) Incipit liber de vita et miraculis sancti cuthberhti lindisfarnensi episcopi
Note: in fine red capitals
incipit: (6r) Principium nobis scribendi de uita beati cuðberhti
Note: Fine initial: framework in red: panels of acanthus and other patterns in white on yellow
Note: Numerals of chapters are in red, usually placed central, in a line by themselves. Initials of chapters are very prettily done in red, green, and blue, sometimes in single colours: sometimes with heads of beasts. The number xviii is written xiiiiiiii
Note: Cap. xlv ends
explicit: (56r) misericordia et miseratione coronat. Amen
rubric: (56r) xlvi. Explicit liber de uita et miraculis sancti cuðberhti lindisfarnensis aecclesie episcopi feliciter. Amen
rubric: (56r) Item ex libro historiae aecclesiastice gentis anglorum quarto kapitulo uicesimo nono
Note: (Historia Ecclesiastica IV 31 edd.)
incipit: (56r) Erat in eodem monasterio frater quidam
Note: (57r) xlvii (Historia Ecclesiastica IV 32)
incipit: (57r) Nec silentio praetereundum quod ante triennium
explicit: (58r) tumoris apparuisset. deo gratias
Note: (58v) blank
59r-60r - List of Popes || Pontificum sedis apostolicae
Note: After Item 1 follow lists of the Popes, of the 70 disciples, and of English Bishops and Kings. I give the text of these in full (excepting that of the Popes) and also a collation with the earliest MS. of the lists, Vespasian B. 6 (V). This, though often differing in spelling, agrees with 183 in some of its most curious errors. Note: James' lists appear here. For his comparison with the Vespasian manuscript see the following figures:
rubric: (59r) Nomina pontificum sedis (apostolice erased)
Note: Column 1
Note: i. Petrus ii. Linus to xxv. Xistus
Note: Column 2
Note: xxvi. Dionisius to l. Felix
Note: (59v) Column 1
Note: li. Gelasius to lxxvi. Martinus
Note: (59v) Column 2
Note: lxxvii. Eugenius ... xcviii. Hadrianus xcviiii. Leo c. Stephanus ci. Pascual cii. Eugenius
Note: (60r) Column 1
Note: ciii. Ualentinus ciiii. Gregorius cv. Sergius cvi. Leo cvii. Benedictus cviii. Nicolaus cviiii. Adrianus cx. Iohannis cxi. Marinus cxii. Adrianus
Note: The numbering is continued, without names, to cxviii.
60r-60v - The Seventy-Two Disciples of Christ || Septuaginta duorum discipulorum Christi
Note: (60r) Column 2
rubric: (60r) Nomina septuaginta duorum discipulorum Christi
Note: i. Iacobus Iustus ii. Mathias iii. Ioseph iiii. alius Ioseph v. Marcus euuangelista vi. barnabas vii. lucas euuangelista viii. cleophas viiii. seneca x. symeon xi. lucius xii. manain xiii. sostenes xiiii. caefas xv. thaddeus xvi. ermen (qui) et pastor xvii. andronicus xviii. Iohannas xviiii. Amplias xx. Urbanus xxi. erodiones xxii. asyncritis xxiii. Iasonem xxiiii. Stephanus prius martir
Note: (60v) Column 1
Note: xxv. Philippus xxvi. Prochorus xxvii. Nicanor xxviii. Timon xxviiii. Parmena xxx. Aquilas xxxi. Iudas qui uocabatur barnabas xxxii. Silas xxxiii. Siluanus xxxiiii. Symon cleophe xxxv. Nason xxxvi. Agabas xxxvii. Ananias xxxviii. Ignatius xxxviiii. Symon xl. quirenense xli. Alexander xlii. Rufus xliii. Nathanael xliiii. Nichodemus xlv. Cleophas xlvi. Symon xlvii. Iudas xlviii. Iacobus xlviiii. Symon Coriarius l. Lucas
Note: (60v) Column 2
Note: li. barnabas lii. Iohannes liii. barnabas liiii. Stephanus lv. chorisius lvi. milichus lvii. gaius lviii. Flegonta lviiii. Ermen Hi sunt qui electi fuerunt ab apostolis in ordinem pro quibus(dam) qui recesserunt lx. appellen probabilis lxi. dyonisius ariopagita lxii. æpenetus lxiii. Iesus qui dicitur Iustus lxiiii. Stachin lxv. Ponplius lxvi. Aristobolus lxvii. Stephanus Corinthiensis lxviii. Erodius lxviiii. Rufus lxx. Olymphus lxxi. Titus lxxii. Filimonem
61r-61r - Archbishops of Canterbury || Archiepiscoporum Dorobernensis ecclesiae
rubric: (61r) Nomina archiepiscoporum dorobernensis ecclesie
Note: (61r) i. Agustinus ii. Laurentius iii. Mellitus iiii. Iustus v. Honorius vi. Deusdedit vii. Theodorus viii. berhtuualdus viiii. Tatuuinus x. Noðhelmus xi. Cuðberhtus xii. Iaenberhtus xiii. breguuinus xiiii. æðelheardus xv. uulfredus xvi. feologeldus xvii. ceolnoðus xviii. æðelredus xviiii. plegmundus xx. æðelhelmus xxi. Uulfhelmus
Note: xxii. (The number original: the name Odo added in cent. xvi) xxiii. (The number original: the name Dunstanus added in cent. xvi) xxiiii. (The number original: the name Athelgarus added in cent. xvi)
Note: xxv. The last original number. The series is continued to no. 70 (Matthew Parker). Dates are added for all the Archbishops in the same hand of cent. xvi
61v-61v - Bishops of Rochester || Episcoporum Hrofensis ecclesiae
rubric: (61v) Nomina episcoporum hrofens ecclesie
Note: (61v) i. Paulinus ii. Ithamar iii. Putta iiii. Cuuichelm v. Gebmund vi. Tobias vii. Alduulf viii. Dunn viiii. Earduulf x. Deora xi. Uuærmund xii. beornmod
Note: The numbering is continued to xviii
61v-61v - Bishops of the East Saxons || Episcoporum Horientalium Saxonum
rubric: (61v) Nomina episcoporum horientalium saxonum
Note: (61v) i. Mellitus ii. Cedd iii. Ercnuuald iiii. Uualdhere v. Inguuald vi. Ecguulf vii. Sighæh viii. Eadberht viiii. Eadgar x. Coenuualh xi. Eadbald xii. Haðoberht xiii. Osmund xiiii. Æþelnoð xv. Ceolberht
Note: The numbering is continued to xviii
62r-62r - Bishops of the South Saxons || Episcoporum Australium Saxonum
rubric: (62r) Nomina episcoporum australium saxonum
Note: (62r) i. Eadberht ii. Eolla iii. Sicgga iiii. Aluberht v. Osa vi. Gislhere vii. Tota viii. Ƿiohthun viiii. æþeluulf x. Cynred xi. Guðheard
Note: The numbering is continued to xviii
62r-62v - Bishops of the West Saxons and Winchester || Episcoporum Occidentalium Saxonum et Wentanae civitatis
rubric: (62r) Nomina episcoporum occidentalium saxonum
Note: (62r) i. birinus fuit episcopus qui cum consilio honorii pape venerat brittaniam ii. Agilberht iii. Ƿine iiii. leutherius v. hædde deinde in duas parrochias diuisus est. altera uuenta cenorum ecclesie altera scireburnensis ecclesie
rubric: (62r) uuentane ciuitatis episcopi
Note: (62r) vi. Danihel vii. Hunfrið viii. Cynheard viiii. Æþelheard x. Ecgbald xi. dudd xii. Cynebryht xiii. Alhmund xiiii. Ƿigþegn xv. Hereferð xvi. Eadhun xvii. Helmstan
Note: (62v) xviii. Sƿiðhun xviiii. xx. Deneƿulf xxi. Friþestan xxii. Ælfheah xxiii. xxiiii. Deinde uuintoni xxv. ensis ecclesia in duas xxvi. parrochias xxvii. diuisa est tempore xxviii. Friþestani. unam tenu xxviiii. it Friðestan. et alteram xxx. Æþelstan. postea. Oda
62v-62v - Bishops of Sherborne || Episcoporum Scireburnensis ecclesiae
rubric: (62v) Scireburnensis ecclesie episcopi
Note: (62v) i. Adhelm ii. Forðhere iii. Hereuuald iiii. Æðelmod v. Denefrið vi. Ƿigbriht vii. [E]alhstanE added viii. heahmund viiii. æþelheah x. Ƿulfsige xi. asser xii. æðelƿeard
Note: deinde in tres parrochias diuisa est. ƿillensis ecclesie et cridiensi(s) ecclesie
rubric: (62v) Scireburnensis ecclesie
Note: (62v) xiii. ƿærstan xiiii. æþelbald xv. Sigelm xvi. ælfred
62v-62v - Bishops of Wells || Episcoporum Wellensis ecclesiae
rubric: (62v) Uuillensis ecclesie
Note: (62v) i. æƿelmus ii. uulfhelmus iii. ælfheah
62v-62v - Bishops of Crediton || Episcoporum Cridiensis ecclesiae
rubric: (62v) Cridiensis aecclesie
Note: (62v) i. Eaduulf (ii). æþelgar
62v-63r - Bishops of the Hwicce after Seaxƿulf || Hwicciorum post Seaxwulfum
rubric: (62v) Nomina episcoporum huuicciorum post seaxƿulfum
Note: (62v) i. bosel ii. oftfor iii. Ecgƿine iiii. ƿilfrid v. milred vi. ƿærmund
Note: (63r) vii. tilhere viii. heaðored viiii. denebriht x. heaberht
Note: The numbering goes on to xv
63r-63v - Bishops of the Mercians || Episcoporum provinciae Merciorum
rubric: (63r) Nomina episcoporum prouinciae merciorum
incipit: (63r) Primus in prouintia merciorum et lindisfarorum ac mediterraneorum anglorum episcopus
Note: (63r) i. Diuina ii. Cella hambo de scotia iii. Trumhere de natione anglorum iiii. Gearomon v. Ceadda vi. Vuynfrið vii. Seaxuulf Postea uero in .v. parrochias diuiditur. post seaxuulfum prouinciae merciorum duos episcopos habuit. headdan et uuilfriðum. postea uuilfriðus eiectus. et headda prefatus regebat ambas parrochias. deinde alduuine quiet uuor nominabatur. Iterum diuisa est in duas parrochias i. Torhthelm ii. Eadberht
Note: (63v) iii. unƿona iiii. Ƿerenberht v. ræðhún vi. aldred vii. ciolred i. hƿita ii. hæmele iii. cuðfrið iiii. berhthun v. hygeberht vi. alduulf vii. hereƿine viii. æþeluuald viiii. humberht x. cyneferð
63v-63v - Bishops of Hereford
rubric: (63v) Nomina episcoporum uuestor elih' post seaxuulfum
Note: (63v) i. Putta ii. Tyrhthelm iii. Torhthere iiii. Ƿalhstod v. Cuðberht vi. Podda vii. Acca viii. headda viiii. Aldberht x. esne xi. Ceolmund xiii. Utel xiii. Uulfheard xiiii. beonna xv. eadƿulf xvi. cuðƿulf xvii.
63v-63v - Bishops of Lindsey
rubric: (63v) Nomina episcoporum lindisfarorum post seaxulfum
Note: (63v) i. eadhæð ii. æþelƿine iii. eadgar iiii. cynebert v. aloƿioh vi. aldƿulf vii. ceolƿulf viii. eadƿulf viiii. beorhtred
Note: The numbering is continued to xvii, ending in col. 3
63v-63v - Bishops of the East Anglians
rubric: (63v) Nomina episcoporum orientalium Anglorum
Note: (63v) i. Felix ii. Thomas iii. berhtgisl iiii. bisi Postea in duas parrochias diuiditur i. beadeƿine ii. noðberht iii. heaðolác iiii. æþelfrið v. eanfrið vi. æþelƿulf vii. alhheard viii. Sibba viiii. Húnferð x. Húnberht xi. xii.
64r-64r - Bishops of Dunwich
Note: (64r) i. Aecce ii. Aescuulf iii. eardred iiii. cuðƿine v. aldberht vi. ecglaf vii. heardred viii. ælfhún viiii. Tidfrið x. Ƿærmund xi. Ƿillred
64r-64r - Archbishops of York || Archiepiscoporum Eboracensium
rubric: (64r) Nomina episcoporum gentis norþanhymbrorum
incipit: (64r) Primus paulinus a iusto archiepiscopus ordinatus ii æþan iii Fines iiii colman v. tuda. Post ea in duas parrochias diuiditur. Cædda eboracensi ecclesie ordinatum. uuilfrið hagstaldensie ordinatur depositoque uuilfriðo a rege Ecgfriðo eata pro eo ordinatur episcopum hagstaldensie pro ceddan bosa eboraci defuncto eatan iohannis pro eo ordinatur post longum uero exilium uuilfrið iterum in episcopatu hagstaldensie. receptus est et idem iohan defuncto bosan eboraci substitutus
rubric: (64r) Eboracens ecclesiae
Note: (64r) i. Uuilfrið ii. Ecgberht iii. Coena iiii. Eanbald v. Eanbald vi. Uulfsige vii. Ƿigmund
64v-64v - Bishops of Hexham
rubric: (64v) Nomina episcoporum hagustaldensis ecclesiae
Note: (64v) i. Acca ii. Frioþeberht iii. Alhmund iiii. Tilberht v. æþilberht vi. heardred vii. eanberht viii. viiii. x. xi.
64v-64v - Bishops of Lindisfarne
rubric: (64v) Nomina episcoporum lindesfarnensis insule
Note: (64v) i. æðan ii. Fines iii. Colman iiii. Eata v. Cuðberht vi. Eadberht vii. Eadfrið viii. Oiðilƿald viiii. Cyneƿulf x. hygebald xi. Ecgberht
64v-64v - Bishops of Whithorn
rubric: (64v) Nomina episcoporum ecclesie, quae dicitur casa Candida
Note: (64v) i. Pehthelm ii. Frioþouuald iii. Pehtƿine iiii. Æþelberht v. beadƿulf
65r-65v - Genealogies of Northumbrian kings || Genealogiae regum Brittanniae regnantium in diversis locis
rubric: (65r) Haec sunt genelogie per partes brittanie regum regnantium per diversa loca
rubric: (65r) Norðhymbrorum
Note: (65r) Eadƿine ællingælle yffingyffe uuscfreainguuscfrea uuilgislinguuilgils uuestorƿalinguuestorualcna soemlingsoemel sæfugulingsæfugel sæbaldingsæbald siggeotingsiggeot suebdægingsuebdæg siggaringsiggar uuægdæginguuegdæg uuodeninguuoden frealafing
rubric: (65r) Item norþahymbrorum
Note: (65r) ecgfrið osƿeoingosƿio æðelfriðingaeþelfrið aeþelricingaeðelric idingida eoppingeoppa oesingoesa æþelberhtingaeðelberht angengeotingangengiot alusingalusa ingebrandingingebrand ƿægbrandingƿgbrand beornicingbeornic bældægingbældæg ƿodningƿoden frealafing
rubric: (65v) Item norþanhymbrorum
Note: (65v) Ceolƿulf CuþƿiningCuþƿine Leodƿaldingleodƿald eadhelmingecgƿald ocgtingeadhelm idingocg eatingeadberht leodƿaldingeata
rubric: (65v) Item norðanhymbrorum
Note: (65v) Alhred EanƿiningEanƿine byrnhomingbyrnhom bofingbofa blæcmoningblæcmon eadricingeadric iding
65v-65v - Lengths of reigns of Northumbrian kings
Note: (65v) Ida regnauit xi. annos Glappa i. Addaviii. æþelric vii. ðeodric vii. Frioþoƿald vii. hussa vii. æþelfrið xxvii. eadƿine xvii. x paganus 7 vii christianus ósƿald viiii. ósƿio xxviii. ecgfrið xv. aldfrið xx. ósred xi. coenred ii. ósric xi. ceolƿulf viii. Eadberht xxi. ósƿulf i. æþilƿald vi. alhred viiii. æþilred iiii. ælfƿald x. ósred .i. Item æþilred vii
66r-66r - Lengths of reigns of Mercian kings
Note: (66r) Penda regnavit annos xxi. Peada i. ƿulfhere xvii. æþelred xxviiii. Coenred v. Ceolred vii. æþelbald xli. offa xxxviiii. ecgfrið cxli. dies. coenƿulf ceolƿulf beornƿulf ludeca ƿiglaf beorhtƿulf
66r-66r - Genealogy of Mercian kings
rubric: (66r) Item merciorum
Note: (66r) æðelbald alƿingalhƿih eoƿingeoƿa Pybbing
66r-66v - Genealogy of Mercian kings
rubric: (66r) Merciorum
Note: (66r) æðelred PendingPenda PybbingPybba CreodingCreoda CyneƿaldingCyneƿald CnebbingCnebba IclingIcel eomæringeomær angengeotingangengiot offingoffa ƿærmundingƿærmund ƿihtlægingƿihtlæg ƿioþolgeotingƿeoþolgiot ƿodningƿoden frealafing
rubric: (66r) Item merciorum
Note: (66r) ecgfriþ offingoffa þingferþingþingferþ eanƿulfingeanƿulf ósmodingósmod eoƿingeoƿa Pybbing
rubric: (66r) Item merciorum
Note: (66r) Coenƿulf cuþbrihtingCuðbriht bassingbassa ceonreoƿing
Note: (66v) Cynreoƿ CentƿiningCentƿine CuþƿalingCuþƿalh CenƿalingCenƿalh Pybbing
66v-66v - Kings of Lindsey
rubric: (66v) lindisfearna
Note: (66v) Aldfriþ eatingeata eanferþingEanferþ bisceopingbeoscep bedingbeda bubbingbubba cædbædingcædbed cƿedgilsingcƿedgils crettingcretta ƿintingƿinta ƿodningƿoden frealafingfrealaf frioþoƿulsing (so)freoþoƿulf finningfinn godƿulfinggodƿulf geating
66v-66v - Kings of Kent
rubric: (66v) Cantƿariorum
Note: (66v) æþelbriht ƿihtredingƿihtred ecgberhtingecgberht erconberhtingerconberht eadbaldingeadbald æþelberhting
Note: (66v) (col. 2)
Note: (66v) æþelberht eormenricingeormenric oesingoese ocgingocga hengestinghengest ƿittingƿitta ƿihtgislingƿihtgisl ƿægdægingƿægdæg ƿodningƿoden frealafing
66v-66v - Kings of the East Angles
rubric: (66v) easter engla
Note: (66v) ælfƿald aldƿulfingaldƿulf æþelricingæþelric eningeni Tyttlingtyttla ƿuffingƿuffa ƿehhingƿehh ƿilhelmingƿilfhelm hryppinghryp hroðmundinghroðmund TryglingTrygil TytmaningTytman caseringcaser ƿodningƿoden frealafing
67r-67r - Kings of the West Saxons
rubric: (67r) Occidentalium Saxonum
Note: Ine CenredingCenred CeolƿaldingCeolƿald CuþƿulfingCuþƿulf CuþƿiningCuþƿine CelingCelin CynricingCynric CreodingCreoda CerdicingCerdic AlucingAluca GiƿisingGiƿis brandingbrand bældægingbældæg ƿodning ƿoden frealafing
Note: This ends the genealogies
67r-70r - Notes on the Ages of the World and other subjects
Note: Immediately upon the last of the genealogies follows a paragraph, partly perhaps taken from the Historia BritonumThe attribution of any part of this paragraph to the Historia Britonum is contested by Mr H. Munro Chadwick, who says in a note to me: I doubt the borrowing of the note Quando Gratianus etc. from the H. Br., partly on account of the form Wyrtgeorno, and still more because of quarta, which apparently does not occur in any text of the H. Br. As H. Br. in §§ 57-65 has clearly used a text related to 183 (containing (1) genealogies (2) lists of kings) there is some reason for thinking that the borrowing may have been the other way. Again, the gist of the whole passage Britannia-sexcenti is in Bede H. E. 11, whereas the latter part (circuitus) does not occur in H. Br., or (so far as I know) in any Celtic writer. (see Mommsen in MGH. pp. 132, 172), partly from Pliny (N. H. IV 16. 102) or Solinus (22. 10)
Note: (67r) Quando gratianus consul fuit secundo et equitiusquarta. tunc his consulibus saxones a ƿyrtgeorno inbrittannia suscepti sunt. anno ccco xlviiii a passione christi. Britannia insula habet in longitudine dccc milia et in latitudine cc milia et in circuitu habet tria miliamilium et sexcenti
Note: This is followed by a group of paragraphs of a different kind
rubric: (67r) de trina Incarnatione Christi
Note: (67r) Dominus noster Iesus Christus ter carnaliter huic mundo ortus est. Prima incarnatio quando in utero sancte marie uirginis conceptus est. viii. kl. Ap. vi. fer. luna uidelicet illo tempore xxvii
Note: (67v) Secunda quando natus est viii. kl. Jan. iii fer. luna eo tempore xvii. regnante cesare augusto. no. octauianus ut sacra testatur ueritas euangelica. Tertia resurrectio quando excitatus catulus surrexit vi. kl. Apr. die dominico. luna ipso tempore xvi. secundum legem moysi .xiiii. die lune passus. regnante tiberio cesare
rubric: de annis domini
Note: Sunt ergo anni domini nostri Iesu Christi in corpore conuersantes .xxxii. et menses .iii. hoc est dierum .xi. milia. dcclxx. ex qua autem die baptizatus est dominus usque in diem passionis sue, recepti sunt dies iuxta seriem mensium .dcccxx
Note: Prima aetas ab adam usque ad noe ann .ii. ccxlii etc.
Note: (68v) Ending
explicit: (68v) ab origine mundi usque in aduentum domini anni .v. milia cxcviiii
Note: After this point a good deal of the matter is found, in a different order, in Vesp. B. VI (V)
incipit: (68v) Prima aetas infantia vii annis. Secunda pueritia xiiii
explicit: senium nullo certo annorum numero finitur
Note: (V, f. 107r)
Note: Ossa hominis sunt numero .cc.xviiii. Numerus uenarum .ccclxv.
Note: Dentium numerus in perfecta aetate .xxxii.
Note: (V, f. 106v, line 1)
Note: Christianus historicus dicit longitudinem mundi esse .xii. milium (milia V) latitudo (+ uero V) vi. miliarum
Note: (V, f. 106v)
Note: Longitudo templi (+ habens V) .lx. cubitos in longitudine et .xxx. cubitos in latitudine et .xxx. cubitos in altitudine
Note: Tabernaculum habens longitudinis cubitos .xxx. latitudinis .x. altitudinis aeque .x.
Note: Longitudo ecclesie sancti petri .lx. passus. latitudo xl passus (latitudine (o) cubitos .xl. passus V). passus .v. pedes sunt .ccxx. columnis sustentatur. scala sancti petri gressibus .xlii.bus ascen/69r/dens. Altitudo turris v. milia .clxxiiii. passus .i. xl. v. dccc. lxxx. pedum
Note: De arca noe .ccc. cubitorum in longitudine in latitudine l. cubitorum in altitudine xxx cubitorum
Note: De nouo et uetere canone libri sunt .lxxii. sicque et linguarum numero aeque et discipulorum christi sine numero (numerus V) .xii. apostolorum (V, f. 106v-107r, l. 1)
Note: Hic est numerus in psalterio uersu. In prima quinquaginta dccxc. In secundo dcclxxui. In tertio dccclii. Id est duo milia. cccclii
Note: In .i. miliario perticarum .cccclxxx. pedum .v. milia .dcclx. pedum on furlonge .cccclxxx
Note: (V, f. 106v, ll. 4-6)
Note: Duo grana ordei. digiti unius transuersio est. sedecim digiti transuersi pedem efficiunt. duo uero pedes et dimidium faciunt gressum. duo autem (the sign for autem is used both here and in V) gressus passum implent. Passus quoque .cxx. stadium est. Et viii stadia mille passus efficiunt. xii pedes perticam faciunt. xii pertice arripinam faciunt. xii arripine (-ae V) uigem (sic, and in V) faciunt
Note: (V, f. 107r)
Note: In principio creauit deus caelum et terram mare et omnia. que in eis sunt simul. Prima die lucem .ii. firmamentum .iii. herbas et ligna pomifera .iiii. solem et lunam et stellas et omnia sidera
Note: (69v) Ending
explicit: (69v) et sanctificauit ilium, quia in ipso requieuit ab omni opere suo quod creauit
Note: (Not in V)
Note: This group of paragraphs, from De trina incarnatione, occurs again in MS 320, ff. 95-100. Some of the matter is also found in Julius A. 2 in Anglo-Saxon, printed by Napier, Anglia, XI, 1. Christianus Historicus I believe to be Cosmas Indicopleustes. The dimensions of the earth according to him agree with those given above. He conceives of it as oblong in form, and compares it with the tabernacle and the ark. I connect the citation of him here with a letter of Koaena archbishop of York to Lullus of Mainz, in which certain libri cosmografiorum are mentioned. (Jaffe, Monumenta Moguntina, p. 291.) See Mr E. O. Winstedt's Cosmas Indicopleustes, Cambridge, 1909, p. ix
70r-92v - Bede the Venerable, Vita Sancti Cuthberti metrica, with glossary || Liber de miraculis sancti Cuthberti episcopi, versu
Note: Next follows a list of the difficult words that occur in the metrical Life of St Cuthbert, with their interpretations. About one-third are in Anglo-Saxon
rubric: (70r) Haec sunt quae in libello sequenti caraxata sunt atque archana
Note: Tetricas obscuritates ... Chalubum est de qua optimum ferrum uenit
Note: Cameron D5
rubric: (71r) Incipit epistola bede presbiter ad iohannem presbiterum
Note: (XCIV 575)
incipit: (71r) Domino in domino dominorum dilectissimo
explicit: intercedere memineris
rubric: (72r) Incipit liber de miraculis Sancti Cudberhti episcopi
incipit: (72r) Multa suis dominus fulgescere lumina saeclis
Note: Initials after the first are plain capitals filled with colour
Note: Ends
explicit: (92v) Vita manens castis lumenque salusque per aeuum
rubric: (92v) baede famuli Christi et presbiteri. Explicit liber de uirtutibus Sancti Cudberhti lindisfarnensis aecclesie episcopi deo gratias. Amen
92v-96v - Mass and Office of St Cuthbert || Missa et officium S. Cuthberti
rubric: (92v) Incipit hymnus Sancti Cudberhti episcopi
incipit: (92v) Magnus miles mirabilis...Gloria patri ingenito. gloria unigenito
rubric: (93r) Missa Sancti Cudberhti xiii kal. Aprilis siue II. non. septembris quod est translatio eius
Note: With marginal additions, noted (of cent. xi ?), to the Preface
rubric: (94r) In uigilia Sancti Cudberhti ad uesperos
Note: (95v) Ending with Antiphons in matutinis laudibus
Note: (96r) blank
Note: (96v) in three hands
Note: (a)
Note: with neumes: sequence for St Cuthbert: in a fine hand (x?)
incipit: Hodiernus sacratior uenerandus in orbe dies preclarus ubique
explicit: Hoc nobis cunctipotens tribuat clementiam domine
Note: (b)
Note: a list of vessels etc. in Anglo-Saxon (x-xi?)
Note: Tea . calices 7 sex . disces . 7 . tƿoegentig bleod. 7 . feoƿer steapas . 7 . an bælt. 7 an hana 7ðrea . condel. stafas . 7 . fif. tene . cuppa . 7 . fiftene bleda 7 nion leoda 7 an cetel . 7 fifcalices . 7 feaƿer . discas . 7 sex tene . hornas . gerinade . 7 ðrea . un . rinade
Note: Cameron B16.8.4
Note: This list coincides to a slight extent only with the list of presents made to St Cuthbert's church by Aethelstan in 931: see above
Note: (c)
Note: One line erased, beginning with a W
Note: (d)
Note: Walchear b. 7 eal sce cuðberhtes hyred sealdan ealdgyðe þat land æt ðornhlaƿato þyse male þat is þus þat gyf heo hit forlæteð beo hit æt deadum oððe æt cƿicum sƿa sƿa hyre þearfe sy . þat mala is viii exen 7 xii cyg. 7 iiii menn. 7 eac hélænde hyre þat land æt ƿinde gatum ealle ða hƿile þe hyre þearf byð
Note: Cameron B16.8.2
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