Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 59
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 059
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1325
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 059: Martin of Troppau OP, Chronica pontificum et imperatorum. Letters, Charters and other Historical Writings (55)
- Honorius Augustodunensis, Imago mundi (books 1-2) || Anselmi Cantuariensis imago mundi, libri ii
- Iohannes presbyter ('Prester John'), Epistola Manueli Comneno imperatori Graecorum || Epistola presbiteri Ioannis de India ad Emanuelem imperatorem Constantinopol
- Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotelem de situ Indie || Epistola Alexandri regis magni Macedonis ad magistrum suum Aristotelem de situ Indiae
- Martin of Troppau OP, Chronica pontificum || Chronica Romanorum pontificum a tempore Jesu Christi et Octaviani imperatoris [usque ad Nicolaum III anno 1277, et recentiori manu ad Clementem VI, autore Martino Polono] || Chronica Martini Poloni
- Ecclesiastical lists (cardinals, archbishops etc.) || Commemoratio stationum urbis Romae; - episcopi qui sunt immediate subjecti papae: - ecclesiae quinque parochiales in Roma: - ecclesiae in Roma quibus assignati sunt presbiteri vel diaconi cardinales: - archiepiscopi cum suis suffraganeis in Sicilia, Calabria, Apulia, Terra-laboris, Tuscia, Flaminia, Lumbardia, Dalmatia supra mare, Istria supra mare, Sclavonia, Hungaria, Polonia, Allemannia, Provincia, Burgundia, Francia, Normannia, Aquitania, Vasconia, Tocia (or Gocia), Catalonia, Hispania, Anglia, Dacia, Norwagia, Suescia, Scotia, Hybernia, Sardinia, ultra mare seu in parte infidelium; imperatores Romani et reges Christiani
- Catalogue of Roman pontiffs from St Peter to Nicholas III || Catalogus pontificum Romanorum a beato Petro ad Nicolaum III
- On schismatics in the Roman Church || De schismatibus in sede Romana || De scismatibus in ecclesia Romana
- Catalogue of Archbishops of Canterbury from St Augustine to Simon Meopham || Catalogus archiepiscoporum Cantuar. a S. Augustino ad Simonem Mepeham
- Catalogue of Roman pontiffs and emperors to Innocent III || Catalogus omnium pontificum Romanorum et omnium imperatorum ad Innocentium III
- List of Synods || De synodis nonnullis
- Martin of Troppau OP, Chronica imperatorum || Chronica imperatorum Romanorum ad annum 1308, autore Martino Polono || Chronica Martini Poloni
- pseudo-Methodius, De initio et fine saeculi || Liber Methodii [Paterensis] martyris de principio seculi et de regnis gentium et fine seculorum
- De situ, commendatio et mirabilibus Britanniae || Beda de situ Britanniae, - commendatio ejusdem - et de mirabilibus ejus
- Annales de gestis Britonum, Saxonum, Danorum et Normannorum (to 1216) || Annales de gestis Britonum, Saxonum, Danorum et Normannorum, desinunt in anno 1216
- Merton Annals (from the arrival of the Normans to the year 1242) || Alia chronica brevissima a tempore adventus Normannorum in Angliam ad annum 1242
- Services owed by the Barons of the cinque ports to the crown || Les services qe les barouns des Cynk-portes deivent au roi de an en an par meer si mester est
- Wardens of Dover Castle || De wardis castri Dover
- Magna carta (confirmation of 1225) || Confirmatio magnae chartae a rege Henrico III sub initio ejus regni facta
- Carta de forestis (confirmation of 1225) || Carta de forestis ejusdem regis
- Decree of the church for the peace of the realm and the liberty of the church, 1253 || Sententia prelatorum pro pace regni et libertate ecclesiae, anno 1253
- Letter of Innocent IV to the English bishops in answer to their letters concerning the Magna carta and Carta de forestis || Epistola Innocentii papae (IV) ad archiepiscopos et episcopos Angliae pro confirmatione literarum ab illis editarum de cartis precedentibus
- Two bulls of Alexander IV confirming the Magna carta and Carta de forestis || Duae Bullae Alexandri papae pro confirmatione earundem cartarum
- Bull of Innocent IV to the clergy of the province of Canterbury concerning the taking of procurations by the archbishop || Bulla Innocentii papae IV pro clericis Cantuariensis provinciae ne solvant procurationes archiepiscopo ratione visitationis
- Bull of Innocent IV that no archbishop or suffragan shall prevent appeals to Rome || Bulla ejusdem papae ne archiepiscopus suffraganeorum suorum jurisdictionem impediat in appellationibus ad sedem apostolicam vel metropolitanam
- Charter of liberties granted to the county of Surrey by Edward I || Carta libertatum Surriae concessa per Edwardum I
- The Law of Oléron (The judgements of the sea) || Oleroun de jugemens de la meer
- Evidence of the liberty and immunity of the church of St Martin, Dover || Testimonium libertatum et immunitatum ecclesiae Sancti Martini infra Dover a rege Withredo fundatae
- The Statute of Marlborough || Statuta quae dicuntur provisiones de Marleberge
- The Statute of Westminster I || Les establisemens del roi Edward fiz del roi Henri fist a Westminster a son premier general parlement
- The Statute of Gloucester || Provisiones Glocestriae, partim Latine partim Gallice
- The Statute 'de religionis' || Statutum de religiosis 7 Edw. I
- The Statute of Merton || Provisiones de Mertone 29 Hen. III
- The Statute of Westminster II || Statuta facta apud Westmonasterium 13 Edw. I
- King Æthelred to Ealdred, bishop of Cornwall, grant of privileges, 994 || Carta Adelridi regis de libertate ecclesiae
- King Cnut to St Mary's Exeter, confirmation of privileges, 1019 || Carta Cnuthonis regis de immunitatibus monasterii de Exencestre
- King Edward joins the two dioceses of Devon and Cornwall and transfers the see to Exeter, 1050 || Carta de translatione sedis cathedralis de Crideton in Exonie anno 1050
- Petitions at the Carlisle parliament, Hilary 1307 || Petitiones oblatae in parliamento apud Karleol
- The Statute of Carlisle || Edw. I contra gravamina et extortiones papae, et ordinationes ibidem factae in hac causa
- Bull of Pope John against the errors of master John de Senliac || Bulla Iohannis papae contra quosdam errores magistri Iohannis de Senliaco S. T. D.
- Genealogical tables demonstrating the right of the English king in France || Tabula genealogica ostendens jus quod habet rex Angliae in regnum Franciae
- Writ or Assize of iuris utrum || Breve regis Waltero de Gloucest. escaetori suo citra Trentam directum, ut per sacrum proborum et legalium hominum inquirat, utrum quaedam tenementa in Leystona Knoteshale Theberton fuerunt abbatis et conventus Leystonae ante publicationem statuti de terris et tenementis ad mortuam manum non ponendis
- Verses 'on the times' || Versus de tempore Iohannis Straw
- Letter of the barons to Clement VI (1244) || Lettre des barons au pape Clement VI
- The manner of Richard II's abdication and Henry IV's election || La manere de la renonciation del roy Richard de sa corone et de la election del roy Henri le quarte puis le conqueste
- Proceedings of the visitation of Bayham abbey by William, abbot of Langdon || Processus visitationis monasterii de Begeham per Willelmum abbatem de Langedone; in qua visitatione Laurentius abbas officium resignavit, et Lucas de Coldone electus est in locum ejus, anno 1315
- Proceedings of the papal nuncio against King John || Processus nuntii papae contra regem Ioannem
- Charter of King John ceding England to the pope as a vassal || Carta regis Iohannis facta papae et ecclesiae Romanae, qua se regnumque suum sedi apostolicae subjecit, et ad tributum annuum mille marcarum solvendum obligavit
- Bull of Innocent III confirming King John's charter concerning ecclesiastical elections || Bulla papalis confirmans chartam regis Iohannis de liberis electionibus ecclesiae Anglicanae, manu neoterica
- Statute of Edward III || Statutum Edwardi III, anno regni Angliae 200 Franciae 70
- Bull on the residence of priests (incomplete) || Conclusio bullae papalis pro residentia prelatorum
- Tract on priestly office || Tractatus theologicus de officio sacerdotali, et cetera
- Summons to a provincial chapter, incorporating the copy of a bull of Benedict XII, 1337 || Citatio primi capituli provincialis, in qua inseritur copia et tenor bullae directae executoribus per Benedictum papam xii anno 1337
- Decree of the Holy Roman Emperor that his election does not require papal confirmation, 1338? || Decretum principum Romani imperii, quod imperator electus non debeat a papa confirmari, factum anno 1327
- Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164 || Constitutiones de Clarendon factae per Henric. II anno 1164
- Letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Cistercians concerning tithes || Epistola Domini Cantuariensis archiepiscopi ad Cicestercienses (sic pro Cistercienses) de cupiditate in decimis exigendis reprimenda
- King Edgar's instructions to bishops and abbots || Monitio regis Edgari praelatis et abbatibus, fine mutilata
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Honorius Augustodunensis (1080?-1154?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Honorius Augustodunensis
- Other form
- Honorius Augustodunensis (1080?-1154?)
- Honorius Augustodunensis (1080 ?-1154 ?)
- Honoré d'Autun
- Author: Honorius, Augustodunensis
- Honorius of Autun
- Honorius, of Autun, approximately 1080-approximately 1156
- Honorius of Autun, c 1080-c 1155
- Ps.-Augustine (Honorius of Autun)
- Honorius augustodunesis
- Honorius Solitarius
- Honorius Augustodunensis ou Honorius de Regensbourg (1080?-1157?)
- Honorius, Augustodunensis, 1080-1154
- Honorius <Augustodunensis>
- Honorius Augustodunensis, ca 1080-ca 1156 > , co-autor
- Honorius Augustodunensis - ca. 1080 - ca. 1154 - auteur
- Autun, H. d'
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Prêtre-Jean (personnage légendaire)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Iohannes presbyter ('Prester John')
- Other form
- Iohannes presbyter
- JEAN (Le Prêtre-), roi des KARAÏT
- Jean Prêtre
- Author: Johannes, Presbyter
- Prester John, Unspecified, legendary Eastern Christian king
- Presbyter Johannes
- John, Prester, pseud
- Johannes <Presbyter>
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pseudo-Alexander Magnus
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Alexandri
- Other form
- Pseudo-Alexander the Great,, Unspecified
- Pseudo-Alexander Magnus
- Alexander Macedonus
- Pseudo Alexander Magnus (Alexander <Makedonien, König, III.>?)
- Ps.-Alexander Magnus
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Martin de Troppau (12..?-1279?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Martin of Troppau OP
- Other form
- MARTIN de Pologne
- Martinus Oppaviensis
- Martin de Troppau (12..?-1279?)
- Martinus Oppaviensis (12..?-1279?)
- Martinus
- Author: Martinus, Oppaviensis
- Martinus Polonus
- Martinus, Polonus, ?-1279
- Martinus, Polonus, -1279
- Martinus Polonus, -1279
- Martinus <Oppaviensis> (12XX-1278)
- Frater Martinus Polonus
- Frater Martinus
- Frater Martinus dominicanus
- Martin de Troppau (12..-1279) > Chroniqueur
- Martin de Troppau (12..?-1279?), dominicain, pénitencier pontifical, archevêque de Gnesen (1278), chroniqueur
- Martinus Polonus, O.P., (s. XIII)
- Martinus, Oppaviensis, -1278
- Martin von Troppau
- Martinus, Polonus, ?-1279, O.P.
- Martinus Oppaviensis - gest. 1278 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Méthode d'Olympe (auteur prétendu)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pseudo-Methodius
- Other form
- Methodius Patarensis
- Pseudo-Methodius, fl 7th century
- Pseudo-Methodius
- Méthode d'Olympe (Pseudo)
- Methodius Olympius - 0230?-0311 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Innocent IV (pape, 1200?-1254)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Innocent IV
- Other form
- Innocent IV (pape ; 1200?-1254)
- Innocentius IV papa
- Innocentii IV
- Author: Innocentius IV, Papa
- Innocent, IV, Pope, approximately 1200-1254
- Innocent IV, Pope, approximately 1200-1254
- Innocent IV (pape ; 1195-1254)
- Innozenz IV., Papst, 1195-1254
- Innocent IV, pape
- Innozenz <IV., Papst> (1195-1254)
- Innocentius IV
- Innocent IV, né Sinibaldo de Fieschi, 180ᵉ pape de l'Église catholique, de 1243 à 1254 (1195-1254)
- Innozenz
- Innocentius <IV., Papa>
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1243-1254 (Inocêncio IV) > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1243-1254 (Inocêncio IV)
- Innocentius Papa IV - ca. 1195 - 1254 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Alexandre IV (pape, 12..?-1261)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Alexander IV
- Other form
- Alexander IV (pape ; 12..?-1261)
- Alexandre IV
- Alexandre IV, pape
- Pope Alexander
- Alexander IV, Pope, -1261
- Alexandre IV (pape ; 12..-1261)
- Alexander Papa IV - ca. 1199-1261 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Édouard I (roi d'Angleterre, 1239-1307)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward I
- Other form
- Édouard I (1239-1307 ; roi d'Angleterre)
- Édouard Ier
- Edward I, 1239-1307, King of England and Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine
- Edward I, King of England, 1239-1307
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Éthelred II (roi d'Angleterre, 0968?-1016)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- King Æthelred
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Knud Ier (roi d'Angleterre, 0995?-1035)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- King Cnut
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Innocent III (pape, 1160?-1216)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Innocent III
- Other form
- Innocentius III (pape ; 1160?-1216)
- Innocentius III
- Lothaire de Segni, futur pape Innocent III
- Innocentius III papa
- INNOCENTIUS III, papa (Lotharius Signiensis)
- Innocent III, pape
- Innocent III, pape, 1160-1216
- Innocenci III, papa, 1160-1216
- Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 61-1216
- Innocentius III (paus)
- Innocentius Papa, III. fl.1198/1216
- Inocencio III, Papa
- Author: Innocentius III, Papa
- Innocentius III, Pont. Max.
- Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 1161-1216
- Innocent III, 1160/61-1216, Pope
- Innocent III (1160-1216 ; pape)
- Innocent III (Lotharius de Segnis)
- Innocent III (Lotharius de Segnis) (attrib.)
- Innocentius III, paus, 1160?-1216
- Innocent III (pape ; 1160-1216)
- Innozenz III., Papst, 1160-1216
- Innocentius III. Papa
- Innozenz III.
- Innozenz <III., Papst> (1160-1216)
- Lotharius diaconus
- Innocentius papa III
- Lotharius Levita
- Innocent III, Pope (1160 or 1161-1216)
- Innocent III, né Lothaire de Segni, 176e pape de l'église Catholique de 1198 à 1216 (1160?-1216)
- Innozenz
- Innocentius <Papa, III.>
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1179-1180 (Inocêncio III) > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1179-1180 (Inocêncio III) > , compil.
- Inocêncio III, Papa, 1198-1216
- Innocentius Papa, III. - ca. 1160 - 1216 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Édouard III (roi d'Angleterre, 1312-1377)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward III
- Other form
- Édouard III (roi d'Angleterre ; 1312-1377)
- Eduardus III
- Édouard III (1312-1377 ; roi d'Angleterre)
- Édouard III
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard of Dover (11..-1184)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Archbishop of Canterbury
- Other form
- Richard of Dover
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edgar (roi d'Angleterre, 0943?-0975)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- King Edgar
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 59, dating from the early fourteenth century, is a collection of texts probably designed to appeal to a monastic audience's hunger for knowledge of the world beyond its walls. Among the manuscript's profusion of texts and documents are the spurious Letters of Prester John and of Alexander the Great to Aristotle, statutes, charters and papal bulls. There is a much interest in chronological material, with short chronicles being accompanied by lists of popes, emperors, kings and archbishops of Canterbury. The precise provenance of this manuscript is unknown, though a continuation of one of the most substantial texts in the codex, Chronica pontificum et imperatorum by Martin of Troppau OP (d. 1278), records the martyrdom of Thomas de la Hale of Dover, suggesting a link to the south coast of England, possibly the Premonstratensian abbey of the Virgin and St Thomas the Martyr at West Langdon, Kent.
Contents :
4r-27v - Honorius Augustodunensis, Imago mundi (books 1-2) || Anselmi Cantuariensis imago mundi, libri ii
Note: Hic libellus in alio codice hujus bibliothecae, viz. LXVI. 1. adscribitur Henrico canonico: caeterum omnino consonant haec duo exemplaria, si excipias prologos, qui sunt diversi, et chronologiam, quae ulterius deducitur in cod. LXVI
rubric: (4r) Incipit prologus cuiusdam doctoris clarissimi Anselmi super liber qui dicitur ymago mundi
incipit: (4r) Ad instructionem multorum
Note: Capitulum I
incipit: (4r) Mundus dicitur quasi undique motus
Note: (P. L. CLXXII 115)
Note: (16r) Liber II
Note: ends unfinished in Etas quinta
explicit: (27v) Sibilla septima cumana claruit et ezechiel
28r-31v - Iohannes presbyter ('Prester John'), Epistola Manueli Comneno imperatori Graecorum || Epistola presbiteri Ioannis de India ad Emanuelem imperatorem Constantinopol
rubric: (28r) Hanc epistolam misit presbiter Iohannes de india ad emanuelem imperatorem constantantinopol
incipit: (28r) Presbiter Johannes potencia et uirtute dei
explicit: (31v) benedictus in secula
Note: Collated by H. Bradshaw for Dr Zarncke
31v-42v - Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotelem de situ Indie || Epistola Alexandri regis magni Macedonis ad magistrum suum Aristotelem de situ Indiae
rubric: (31v) Incipit epistola Alexandri regis magni Macedonie ad magistrum suum Aristotelem de situ indie
incipit: (31v) Semper memor
explicit: (41v) optimi aristotelis indicium
Note: f. 39r-39v blank
43r-79v - Martin of Troppau OP, Chronica pontificum || Chronica Romanorum pontificum a tempore Jesu Christi et Octaviani imperatoris [usque ad Nicolaum III anno 1277, et recentiori manu ad Clementem VI, autore Martino Polono] || Chronica Martini Poloni
Note: In hoc codice nulla fit mentio Johannae papissae
rubric: (43r) Cronica romanorum pontificum a tempore iesu Christi et Ottouiani imperatoris
incipit: (43r) Anno xlii. Ottouiani Augusti
Note: (P. L. XCIV, 1163)
Note: Ends Nicholas III
explicit: (78r) vito Kalendas Decembris sedit
Note: (78r) Continued by other hands to Clement VI
explicit: (78r) Clemens successor eiusdem sedit annis
Note: f. 75v-76v blank
Note: See MGH. SS. XXII
80r-85r - Ecclesiastical lists (cardinals, archbishops etc.) || Commemoratio stationum urbis Romae; - episcopi qui sunt immediate subjecti papae: - ecclesiae quinque parochiales in Roma: - ecclesiae in Roma quibus assignati sunt presbiteri vel diaconi cardinales: - archiepiscopi cum suis suffraganeis in Sicilia, Calabria, Apulia, Terra-laboris, Tuscia, Flaminia, Lumbardia, Dalmatia supra mare, Istria supra mare, Sclavonia, Hungaria, Polonia, Allemannia, Provincia, Burgundia, Francia, Normannia, Aquitania, Vasconia, Tocia (or Gocia), Catalonia, Hispania, Anglia, Dacia, Norwagia, Suescia, Scotia, Hybernia, Sardinia, ultra mare seu in parte infidelium; imperatores Romani et reges Christiani
Note: (80r) Provinciale. Triple columns
85v-88r - Catalogue of Roman pontiffs from St Peter to Nicholas III || Catalogus pontificum Romanorum a beato Petro ad Nicolaum III
Note: Ends
explicit: (88r) Nicholaus natione romanus sedit
88r-89r - On schismatics in the Roman Church || De schismatibus in sede Romana || De scismatibus in ecclesia Romana
incipit: (88r) Eleutherius papa misit fuganum
Note: To Alexander III
explicit: (89r) Guido de crema Jo et hannes sunt anathemaNon puto peccaui nec falso grammaticaui.Scismatici praui. si nomen scismaticaui
89v-89v - Catalogue of Archbishops of Canterbury from St Augustine to Simon Meopham || Catalogus archiepiscoporum Cantuar. a S. Augustino ad Simonem Mepeham
Note: (89v) First hand goes to John Peckham. It is not the hand of the rest of the volume
90r-96v - Catalogue of Roman pontiffs and emperors to Innocent III || Catalogus omnium pontificum Romanorum et omnium imperatorum ad Innocentium III
rubric: (90r) Catalogus omnium pontificum romanorum et omnium imperatorum et primum de Ihesu Christo
incipit: (90r) Dominus Ihesus Christus primus et summus pontifex
Note: To Innocent III
explicit: (96v) consecratus in festo cathedre Sancti Petri
97r-98v - List of Synods || De synodis nonnullis
Note: (98r) (The last synod is cccx episcoporum temp. Alex. III)
Note: f. 95r is a slip, verso (98v) blank
99r-140v - Martin of Troppau OP, Chronica imperatorum || Chronica imperatorum Romanorum ad annum 1308, autore Martino Polono || Chronica Martini Poloni
incipit: (99r) Post natiuitatem domini nostri Iesu Christi
Note: (MGH. SS. xxii p. 443)
Note: This portion ends
explicit: (138r) et plerique puluere cuiusdam montis pro farina uterentur
Note: MGH. p. 472
Note: This is the end of the text edited by Fabricius (Codex A*)
Note: There follows in the hand of the Continuator of the Papal Chronicle (no. 4) above
incipit: (138r) Ipsius etiam tempore in Burgundia imperiali per terram
explicit: (139v) in Siciliam veniens est defunctus
Note: (an extract from Martinus)
Note: (139v) Then a South English continuation in the same hand
incipit: (139v) Anno 1290 capta est achon
Note: In 1295 the martyrdom of St Thomas (de la Hale) of Dover
Note: (139v) ad cuius tumulum fiunt miracula
Note: Ending in 1308
explicit: (140r) omnibus templaribus et incarcerati sunt
Note: 133v blank
141r-146v - pseudo-Methodius, De initio et fine saeculi || Liber Methodii [Paterensis] martyris de principio seculi et de regnis gentium et fine seculorum
rubric: (141r) Incipit prologus in liber Methodii martiris
incipit: (141r) In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi incipit liber methodii
explicit: (141r) plurimum collaudauit
rubric: (141r) Explicit prologus
rubric: (141r) Incipit liber de primo miliario seculi
incipit: (141r) Sciendum namque est nobis fratres karissimi
explicit: (146v) unde nos dominus eripere dignetur. Qui cum patre etc.
Note: Printed in Orthodoxographa etc.
147r-149v - De situ, commendatio et mirabilibus Britanniae || Beda de situ Britanniae, - commendatio ejusdem - et de mirabilibus ejus
149v-158r - Annales de gestis Britonum, Saxonum, Danorum et Normannorum (to 1216) || Annales de gestis Britonum, Saxonum, Danorum et Normannorum, desinunt in anno 1216
rubric: (149v) Incipiunt Annales de gestis Britonum. de gestis saxonum. de gestis danorum. de gestis normannorum. Prologus incipit
incipit: (149v) Ad expediendas regni necessitates militiam
explicit: (150r) subiugata fuisse non dubites
rubric: (150r) De gestis Britonum
incipit: (150r) Brutus genere Troianus filius Siluii
Note: The original hand goes to the death of John. Another continues to the Coronation of Edward II
Note: Hardy III 46, 291: to 1216 it resembles Faustina A. VIII 15. Up to the accession of Richard I it is identical with Tib. A. IX 6 attributed to T. Wykes
158v-180r - Merton Annals (from the arrival of the Normans to the year 1242) || Alia chronica brevissima a tempore adventus Normannorum in Angliam ad annum 1242
Note: Haec chronica ascribuntur Thomae Wickes canonico de Osneye a quodam neoterico, minime tamen concordant cum eis a Cl. Gale sub nomine hujus autoris editis, et potius ex frequenti mentione coenobii Mertonensis in agro Surriensi, cuidam ejus loci monacho ascribenda videntur
rubric: (158v) Incipiunt alia cronica breuissima a tempore aduentus Normannorum in Angliam. de fortuitis in hiis diebus contingentibus
rubric: (158v) Anno Incarnationis domini mlxv. Ciclus annorum magnus D. xxxii bis a natiuitatis Christi decursus tertio incepit. Anno domini mlxvi Obiit Sancti eadwardus rex etc.
Note: (166r) On the year 1183 is a marginal note, Hoc anno Will. de Auberuilla fundauit Abbaciam de Langeden (West Langdon in Kent)
Note: Ends
explicit: (180r) Eodem anno post festum Sancti Michaelis obiit Jocelinus episcopus Bathoniensis
rubric: (180r) [finis sexterni]
Note: Hardy III 10: rather fuller than Faust. A. VIII 36. By a Canon of Merton Priory
Note: Liebermann, l. c. p. 36, says that it is neither by Wykes nor yet from Merton: the end = Annals of Waverly sub anno 1242 (ed. Luard, to whom this copy was not known). The text appears to be better than his in one place
180v-180v - Services owed by the Barons of the cinque ports to the crown || Les services qe les barouns des Cynk-portes deivent au roi de an en an par meer si mester est
Note: Added on 173v
180v-181v - Wardens of Dover Castle || De wardis castri Dover
Note: Added on 173v
Note: 174v blank
182r-186v - Magna carta (confirmation of 1225) || Confirmatio magnae chartae a rege Henrico III sub initio ejus regni facta
Note: (182r) Original hand
186v-188v - Carta de forestis (confirmation of 1225) || Carta de forestis ejusdem regis
Note: Original hand
188v-189r - Decree of the church for the peace of the realm and the liberty of the church, 1253 || Sententia prelatorum pro pace regni et libertate ecclesiae, anno 1253
Note: Original hand
189v-190v - Letter of Innocent IV to the English bishops in answer to their letters concerning the Magna carta and Carta de forestis || Epistola Innocentii papae (IV) ad archiepiscopos et episcopos Angliae pro confirmatione literarum ab illis editarum de cartis precedentibus
Note: Original hand
Note: Potthast 15534
190v-192r - Two bulls of Alexander IV confirming the Magna carta and Carta de forestis || Duae Bullae Alexandri papae pro confirmatione earundem cartarum
Note: Memorandum quod tres predictae literae bullatae in custodia venerabilis patris Laurentii Roffensis episcopi, qui eas impetravit, remanserunt.
192r-192v - Bull of Innocent IV to the clergy of the province of Canterbury concerning the taking of procurations by the archbishop || Bulla Innocentii papae IV pro clericis Cantuariensis provinciae ne solvant procurationes archiepiscopo ratione visitationis
Note: Potthast 14628
192v-193r - Bull of Innocent IV that no archbishop or suffragan shall prevent appeals to Rome || Bulla ejusdem papae ne archiepiscopus suffraganeorum suorum jurisdictionem impediat in appellationibus ad sedem apostolicam vel metropolitanam
193r-193v - Charter of liberties granted to the county of Surrey by Edward I || Carta libertatum Surriae concessa per Edwardum I
Note: Later hand
193v-195r - The Law of Oléron (The judgements of the sea) || Oleroun de jugemens de la meer
Note: Later hand, closely written
195r-196v - Evidence of the liberty and immunity of the church of St Martin, Dover || Testimonium libertatum et immunitatum ecclesiae Sancti Martini infra Dover a rege Withredo fundatae
Note: Later still (xiv late?)
Note: 189v blank
197r-200v - The Statute of Marlborough || Statuta quae dicuntur provisiones de Marleberge
Note: Original hand
200v-211v - The Statute of Westminster I || Les establisemens del roi Edward fiz del roi Henri fist a Westminster a son premier general parlement
211v-216v - The Statute of Gloucester || Provisiones Glocestriae, partim Latine partim Gallice
216v-217r - The Statute 'de religionis' || Statutum de religiosis 7 Edw. I
217v-219r - The Statute of Merton || Provisiones de Mertone 29 Hen. III
Note: Possibly the original hand, but probably not
219v-225v - The Statute of Westminster II || Statuta facta apud Westmonasterium 13 Edw. I
Note: Later hand: still double columns
226r-227r - King Æthelred to Ealdred, bishop of Cornwall, grant of privileges, 994 || Carta Adelridi regis de libertate ecclesiae
Note: S 880
Note: Like the original hand. The preamble identical with the next
227r-227v - King Cnut to St Mary's Exeter, confirmation of privileges, 1019 || Carta Cnuthonis regis de immunitatibus monasterii de Exencestre
Note: S 954
Note: See Kemble, Cod. Diplom. no. 729
227v-229r - King Edward joins the two dioceses of Devon and Cornwall and transfers the see to Exeter, 1050 || Carta de translatione sedis cathedralis de Crideton in Exonie anno 1050
Note: Ib. no. 791
Note: S 1021
Note: 221r blank
229v-230r - Petitions at the Carlisle parliament, Hilary 1307 || Petitiones oblatae in parliamento apud Karleol
Note: Later: double columns
230r-231v - The Statute of Carlisle || Edw. I contra gravamina et extortiones papae, et ordinationes ibidem factae in hac causa
Note: Later: double columns
Note: 223v blank
232r-232r - Bull of Pope John against the errors of master John de Senliac || Bulla Iohannis papae contra quosdam errores magistri Iohannis de Senliaco S. T. D.
Note: Another hand
232v-232v - Genealogical tables demonstrating the right of the English king in France || Tabula genealogica ostendens jus quod habet rex Angliae in regnum Franciae
232v-232v - Writ or Assize of iuris utrum || Breve regis Waltero de Gloucest. escaetori suo citra Trentam directum, ut per sacrum proborum et legalium hominum inquirat, utrum quaedam tenementa in Leystona Knoteshale Theberton fuerunt abbatis et conventus Leystonae ante publicationem statuti de terris et tenementis ad mortuam manum non ponendis
233r-233v - Verses 'on the times' || Versus de tempore Iohannis Straw
Note: (xiv late. 2 columns)
incipit: (233r) Proh dolor accreuit nuper confusio rerum
explicit: Ut populi cernant ne cupiant vetita
Note: Wright, Political Poems (Rolls) I 227 from this and another MS
234r-236v - Letter of the barons to Clement VI (1244) || Lettre des barons au pape Clement VI
Note: (234r) an English translation of this letter written on paper in the 16th century is inserted immediately before it
Note: Preceded by four leaves of paper of cent. xvi
236v-237r - The manner of Richard II's abdication and Henry IV's election || La manere de la renonciation del roy Richard de sa corone et de la election del roy Henri le quarte puis le conqueste
237v-241r - Proceedings of the visitation of Bayham abbey by William, abbot of Langdon || Processus visitationis monasterii de Begeham per Willelmum abbatem de Langedone; in qua visitatione Laurentius abbas officium resignavit, et Lucas de Coldone electus est in locum ejus, anno 1315
Note: Double columns (earlier than 39-44)
Note: A quarter of f. 232r-232v is cut away
Note: Art. 45 is mentioned by Tanner in the Notitia
241r-242r - Proceedings of the papal nuncio against King John || Processus nuntii papae contra regem Ioannem
Note: Hardy III 46
242r-243r - Charter of King John ceding England to the pope as a vassal || Carta regis Iohannis facta papae et ecclesiae Romanae, qua se regnumque suum sedi apostolicae subjecit, et ad tributum annuum mille marcarum solvendum obligavit
Note: Hardy III 46
243r-243r - Bull of Innocent III confirming King John's charter concerning ecclesiastical elections || Bulla papalis confirmans chartam regis Iohannis de liberis electionibus ecclesiae Anglicanae, manu neoterica
Note: Added in cent. xvi, Hardy III 46
243v-244v - Statute of Edward III || Statutum Edwardi III, anno regni Angliae 200 Franciae 70
Note: quaedam folia excisa
Note: Double columns
245r-245r - Bull on the residence of priests (incomplete) || Conclusio bullae papalis pro residentia prelatorum
Note: A larger hand, double columns
Note: Dated
explicit: (245r) Apud Sanctum Petrum IIIIto kalendas Aprilis Pontificatus anno secundo
245v-254v - Tract on priestly office || Tractatus theologicus de officio sacerdotali, et cetera
incipit: (245v) Paulus prelatis ait. Quamdiu sum gencium apostolus
Note: Ends
explicit: (254v) De secundis. Gaudens gaudebo in domino
rubric: (254v) Hoc opus impletur propter quod scriptor ametur
255r-256r - Summons to a provincial chapter, incorporating the copy of a bull of Benedict XII, 1337 || Citatio primi capituli provincialis, in qua inseritur copia et tenor bullae directae executoribus per Benedictum papam xii anno 1337
Note: Another hand, single lines
Note: Copy attested by Joh. de Aldefeld notary of York diocese
256v-257r - Decree of the Holy Roman Emperor that his election does not require papal confirmation, 1338? || Decretum principum Romani imperii, quod imperator electus non debeat a papa confirmari, factum anno 1327
Note: alia quaedam excisa
Note: (257r) This is followed by a page in 2 columns containing the end of a tract De Sapientia Divina(?) ending
explicit: (257r) que amicos dei et prophetas constituit. Capitulum 7. et hec ad presens de hiis sufficiant
Note: (257r) and a paragraph in defence of Thomas of Canterbury
incipit: (257r) Circa beatum virum dextere excelsi mutacionem
257v-258v - Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164 || Constitutiones de Clarendon factae per Henric. II anno 1164
Note: Fraterculus, qui eas transcripsit, titulum apposuit, funesti cyrographi gloriosi neomartyris Thomae primo exilii et postea martyrii causae
Note: Not in the same hand as 251r. Apparently an extract from Herbert de Bosham's Liber Melorum (ed. Giles)
258v-259r - Letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Cistercians concerning tithes || Epistola Domini Cantuariensis archiepiscopi ad Cicestercienses (sic pro Cistercienses) de cupiditate in decimis exigendis reprimenda
259r-259v - King Edgar's instructions to bishops and abbots || Monitio regis Edgari praelatis et abbatibus, fine mutilata
Note: In a good hand
Note: Preceded by a note in the same hand on lower margin of 253r
Note: (259r) Rex edgarus in ecclesiis construendis etc., the end of which is cut off
Note: The Monitio ends imperfectly
explicit: (259v) et non deerit tibi potestas regia. et sic factum est
Note: [Note (xvi): finis epistole deest sed habetur in libro de potestate regia et ecclesiastica]
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