Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 163
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 163
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1000 - 1099
- Language
- Latin
- Greek
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 163: Pontifical (Romano-Germanic)
- Pontifical (Romano-Germanic)
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 163 contains a Pontifical of the Romano-Germanic type. It was written in the second half of the eleventh century, probably at Worcester, although the Old Minster and the Nunnaminster at Winchester have both also been suggested. In text it is closely related to London, BL MS Cotton Vitellius E. XII, and may even have been directly copied from it. The Romano-Germanic Pontifical originated in Germany in the tenth century and spread rapidly because it brought together a comprehensive set of texts for performing the duties of a bishop. These two English copies seem to descend from a Cologne manuscript, and it has been suggested that the line of transmission was Bishop Ealdred's visit to Cologne in 1054. Ealdred, bishop of Worcester and later archbishop of Canterbury, was sent by Edward the Confessor on a diplomatic mission to Henry III, probably leading to the return to England of Edward the Exile in 1057, and it seems likely that he acquired a text of the Romano-Germanic pontifical on this occasion. MS 163 contains four ordines for the consecration of women while omitting all those for abbots and monks, and may therefore have some connection with a nunnery.
Contents :
1-296 - Pontifical (Romano-Germanic)
rubric: (1) Incipit ordo catholicorum librorum qualiter in ecclesia ponendi sunt
rubric: (1) In uigilia natalis domini leguntur lectiones tres de esaia
Note: On p. 43 the Traditio symboli in Greek (Latin letters): with neumes
Note: On p. 83 sqq. are Benedictiones Ambrosianae for the oil etc. on Maundy Thursday
Note: The ordo ends on p. 149, running from Christmas Eve to Christmas Eve
Note: (149) Extracts from Decreta and Councils
rubric: (149) Quod clerus et populus firmare debet de electo episcopo
rubric: (155) Ordo qualiter episcopus in Romana ecclesia ordinatur
rubric: (156) Incipit examinatio in ordinatione episcopi secundum Gallos
rubric: (182) Ordo qualiter ordinetur Romanus pontifex
rubric: (182) Ordo quando pallium datur archiepiscopo
rubric: (185) Incipit ordo ad regem benedicendum
rubric: (194) Incipit ordo Romanus ad benedicendum imperatorem
rubric: (195) Item Benedictio ad ordinandum imperatorem secundum occidentales
rubric: (197) Benedictio regine
rubric: (199) Canon de edificanda ecclesia. Nemo ecclesiam edificet etc.
rubric: (201) Ordo ad dedicandam ecclesiam
Note: (202) The Litany has
Note: (202) Martyrs: Pancrati Vite Maurici Gereon Victor DyonisiConfessors: Galle Seuerine Euergisile Cuniberte HeriberteVirgins: Brigida Walburgis Gerdrudis
Note: Evidently Cologne
Note: (209) Greek alphabet
Note: The offices for dedication of all ornaments, and for reconciliation of a church, continue to p. 257
rubric: (257) Consecratio sacre uirginis que in epiphania uel in secunda feria pasche aut in apostolorum nataliciis celebratur
Note: (263) Et dicat episcopus benedictionem mathei apostoliThis is the blessing uttered by St Matthew over the princess Ephigenia in the Latin apocryphal Acts (Abdias, Hist. Apost. VII 13; Fabricius, Cod. Apoc. N. T. 1 662) super eam. Deus plasmator corporum etc.
rubric: (266) Ad diaconissam faciendam
rubric: (268) Consecratio vidue
rubric: (270) Ordo qualiter in Romana ecclesia sacri ordines fiunt
Note: Rubrics end on p. 283, but the same hand continues
Note: (283) Form for dedication of an image of St Peter
Note: (285) Form for dedication of an image of St Swithin
incipit: (285) Oremus fratres dilectissimi rerum omnium conditorem
explicit: (286) Ergo presentem dilectissimi serui tui et beati patris nostri SǷIÐVNI effigiem
Note: In smaller script
rubric: (286) Benedicat nos diuina maiestas domini
incipit: (286) Gloria uictori sit christo laude perhenniQui super astra manet, cuius uictoria pollet
Note: Ends
explicit: (287) Presulibus nostris subiectis cum sibi totisAngligenis turmis concedat dona salutisQui superNostro pontifici cuius sumus in diocesiDa regnum uite qua scandat et ipse superneGloria uictori
Note: (287) Benedictio perae et baculi
rubric: (290) Exhortation preliminary to office of the dead
incipit: (290) Quando celebramus dies fratrum defunctorum
explicit: (294) pro bonis operibus premia consequamur
Note: (294) Office in smaller script
incipit: (294) Qui Lazarum
Note: A few neumes inserted
Note: Ends at top of p. 296
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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