London. British Library, Add MS 48984
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Add MS 48984
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Gregory the Great, Homiliae in evangelia
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Grégoire I (pape, 0540?-0604)
- Original form
- Gregory I, c 540-604, Saint, Pope; also known as 'the Great'
- Other form
- Grégoire le Grand
- GREGORIUS I papa (S.)
- Gregorius I (pape ; 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius Magnus
- Grégoire I (pape ; 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius I
- GREGORIUS Magnus I (s.), papa
- S. Gregorius Magnus
- S. Gregorius
- Gregoire Le Grand, S.
- Gregorius
- Saint Gregoire
- Sancti Gregorii papae
- Grégoire I (pape, 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius Magnus (s.)
- Gregorii
- Saint Grégoire le Grand
- Beati Gregorii papae
- Gregorio papa
- Gregorii Papae
- Sancto Gregorio
- S. Gregorii Magni
- Sancti Gregorii
- Grégoire I (0540?-0604 ; pape)
- Sanctus Gregorius Magnus
- GREGORIUS I Magnus (s.), papa
- Gregorii [Magni]
- Gregorius (saint ; 06.. ?-07.. ? ; évêque d'Agrigente)
- Saint Grégoire
- Grégoire le Grand (Saint), pape
- Grégoire I, pape, 0540?-0604
- Grégoire le Grand, saint, 0540?-0604
- Gregorius Magnus, sant, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius Magnus, saint, 0540?-0604
- Gregory the Great, Saint, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius Magnus, Saint, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius de Grote (paus)
- Gregorius (heilige)
- Gregorius I, papa
- Gregorius Magnus, santo, ca. 540-0604
- Gregori I, papa, 540-604
- Gregorio I, Papa
- Gregorius I (paus)
- Gregorius Papa, I. 540-604
- Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604
- Author: Gregorius I, Papa
- Gregory the Great
- Gregorius I, Pont. Max.
- Gregory, I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregory
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregory I, Pope
- Pope Gregory the Great
- Gregorius I, Magnus, paus, 540?-604
- Grégoire (pape)
- Gregorius, I.<Papa>
- Gregor I., Papst, 542-604
- Gregor, I.<Papst>
- Gregorius papa
- S. Grégoire
- Grégoire le Grand (saint), pape
- S. Grégoire le Grand
- Gregor <I., Papst> (542-604)
- Gregorius papa I
- D. Gregorius
- B. Gregorius
- Divus Gregorius
- Beatus Gregorius papa
- Divus Gregorius papa
- S. Gregorius papa
- Gregorius PP.
- Gregorius papa, 1., ca. 540-604
- Gregory the Great, 540-604
- Gregory the Great, (b. c. 540, d. 604), theologian and Pope
- Gregory I, Pope (approximately 540-604)
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604) > Pape
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604)
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604) > Père de l'Eglise
- Gregorius (ca. 540-604)
- Gregorio I, Papa, Santo, 540-604
- Gregor
- S. Gregorii
- Gregor <I., Papst>
- Gregorius Magnus (Nachtrag: Catalogus operum Gregorii Magni monasterio in maiore Frankenthal anno 1486 pertinentium)
- Gregório Magno, Santo, 540-604
- Gregório Magno, Santo, 540-604 > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 590-604 (Gregório I)
- Gregorius Papa I - ca. 540 - 604 - auteur
- Gregorius Papa I - ca. 540 - 604 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Eric George Millar
- Original form
- Millar, Eric George, 1887-1966, DLitt, Keeper of Manuscripts British Museum
- Other form
- Former possessor: Millar, Eric George
- Librarian: Millar, Eric George
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872)
- Original form
- Phillipps, Thomas, 1792-1872, 1st Baronet, collector of books and manuscripts
- Other form
- Phillipps (Thomas)
- Sir Thomas Phillipps
- Thomas Phillipps
- Phillipps, Thomas (1792-1872)
- Thomas Philipps
- Sir Thomas Phillipps
- Seller: Phillipps, Thomas
- Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872)
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872 (bookstamp)
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872 (association)
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872, former owner.
- Phillips, Thomas, 1792-1872
- Sir Thomas Phillips (b. 1792, d. 1872), antiquarian and bibliophile
- Sir Thomas Phillipps 1792-1872
- Phillipps, Thomas Sir (1792-1872)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Kedivor filius Johannis (11..-12..)
- Original form
- Kedivor, Unspecified, son of John, son of Edwi
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Bristow (14..?-15..?)
- Original form
- Bristow, Thomas, Unspecified, of Add MS 48984
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Walden Hanmer (1717-1783)
- Original form
- Hanmer, Job Walden, 1717-1783, 1st Baronet, lawyer and politician
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Richard (roi des Romains, 1209-1272)
- Original form
- Richard, Unspecified, Emperor of Germany, Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- This manuscript contains the Homiliae in Evangelia (Sermons on the Gospel) by the pope and theologian St Gregory the Great (b. c. 540 , d. 604). The manuscript was donated by the Cistercian abbey of Caerleon to the Cistercian abbey of Hailes in 1248. Contents: ff. 4r-126v: Gregory the Great, Homiliae XL in evangelia (Fourty Sermons on the Gospels), beginning: ‘Reverentissimo et sanctissimo fratri secundino episcopo’ and ending: ‘cumulentur vobis incrementa’. The text lacks the last section (paragraphs 10-12) of Sermon 40, probably due to the loss of a single leaf. The manuscript contains a later addition: f. 127r: two notes pertaining to financial matters in an early 13th-century hand: one about the expenses of Brother Jewaf Talrein for work on land at Llanllechau, in Tredunnock, Monmouthshire, held of the sons of Meurihc; the other, a loan by Kedivor, son of John, son of Edwi, to Brother Philip, son of Seisil, to build the mill of 'Maistyr' Kanvaur, 1204.[f. 128v is blank].Decoration:2 large decorated initials with zoomorphic elements in red, green and blue (ff. 4r, 5r); numerous initials in red, blue, green and yellow, some with penwork decoration; two doodles of a cat and a dog in green ink (ff. 123r, 124r); rubrics in red.
- Place
- Preferred form
- England (United Kingdom)
- Original form
- England
- Other form
- Angleterre
- Angleterre (?)
- Angleterre.
- Angleterre ?
- Anglaterra
- Inglaterra
- Engeland
- Angleterre (Salisbury ?)
- Anglaterra (Salisbury?)
- Inglaterra (Salisbury?)
- England (Salisbury?)
- [Oxford?]
- [England]
- England, Norwich?
- England, Canterbury, St. Augustine's Abbey?
- England, Cornwall?
- England, St. Albans?
- England, North?
- England, York?
- England, Witham?
- England, Winchester or St. Albans
- England, Reading or Leominster
- England, Cirencester?
- England, Sherborne?
- England, Worcester?
- England, Bury St. Edmunds?
- England, Tewkesbury?
- England, East Anglia?
- England, Peterborough?
- England, Mercia?
- England, Canterbury, Christ Church?
- England, Canterbury, St. Augustine's?
- England, Winchester?
- England, Oxford?
- Flanders (possibly executed in England)
- England and Netherlands
- England, Canterbury?
- England, West Midlands?
- England, London?
- England, Crowland?
- England, Wessex?
- England, Reading?
- England, Northeast?
- England, Southeast?
- England, Ely?
- England, Winchester or Hereford?
- England, Salisbury?
- England, Oxford or Salisbury
- German (but made in England)
- England, South East (?)
- England. Peterborough (?) or Lincoln (?)
- Hereford?, England
- England, Durham ?
- England, Durham?
- England, probably Durham
- England, Oxford (?)
- England, possibly Oxford
- England (?Oxford)
- England, Durham (?)
- England, London/Westminster
- Unknown, possibly London and Cambridge
- Royal Chancery, London; Cambridge
- Engeland (?)
- England (II)
- I. England
- [Engeland]
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Wales (United Kingdom)
- Original form
- Wales
- Other form
- Pays de Galles (?)
- Grande Bretagne (Pays de Galles ?)
- Gran Bretanya (Gal·les?)
- Großbritannien (Wales?)
- Great Britain (Wales?)
- Gran Bretaña (Gales?)
- Gal·les
- Gales
- Pays de Galles
- Welsh
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License