Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 272
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 272
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 0875 - 0899
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 272: The Psalter of Count Achadeus
- The Psalter of Count Achadeus
- Description
Summary: This manuscript is known as the 'Achadeus Psalter' because of an inscription after Psalm 150 recording that Count Achadeus ordered it to be made. This need not imply, however, that Achadeus owned the book, or had any closer connection with it than simply paying for its materials. As well as the psalms and canticles the manuscript contains Psalter collects, a litany, and prayers. The litany includes mention of Pope Marinus (882-4), King Carloman (882-3), and Fulk, bishop of Rheims (883-900), and has on these grounds been dated to 883/4; the mention of Bishop Fulk and of local saints locates its use to Rheims. Although not necessarily made in the city itself, it seems to be from that region of France. CCCC MS 272 contains extensive marginal glosses largely taken from Cassiodorus' Expositio psalmorum. They are written in that form of English Caroline minuscule which developed in the first quarter of the eleventh century and continued in use until after the Norman Conquest. Consequently it seems that the manuscript was in England in the eleventh century; it has been suggested that it was brought over earlier than that, perhaps even by Grimbald of Saint-Bertin, who was sent to England by Fulk of Rheims in order to assist King Alfred the Great with his revival of English learning. If so the manuscript must have left Rheims relatively soon after it was made, as Grimbald was at Winchester by 887, and doubt has been expressed over whether a manuscript sponsored by an important count would have been lightly alienated. The manuscript has illumination in gold and colours and originally had large illuminated initials at the liturgical divisions of the Psalter, although all save that for Psalm 97 have been cut out. The Litany has elaborate arched column frames, and at the beginning of the Psalter a large B ornamental initial for the first psalm from an English early thirteenth-century Psalter has been inserted. MS 272 was certainly at Canterbury in the later middle ages, where parts of account rolls of Christ Church Canterbury are used as its endleaves.
Contents :
1r-183v - The Psalter of Count Achadeus
Note: (1r) Title in red rustic capitals
rubric: (1r) Incipit Prologus pro origo prophetiae Dauid regis psalmorum numerum cl
incipit: (1r) Dauid filius iesse cum esset in regno suo
Note: (P. L. XCIII 477)
explicit: (1v) canticum graduum xv
rubric: (1v) Incipit Praefatio Sancti Hieronimi presbiteri
incipit: (1v) Psalterium romae dudum positus
Note: (P. L. XXIX 117, etc.)
explicit: (2v) de purissimo fonte potare
rubric: (2v) Explicit praefatio Sancti Hieronimi presbiteri
rubric: (2v) Incipit cantica Psalmorum
incipit: (2v) Canticum psalmorum animas decorat
Note: (P. L. CXXXI 142: P. L. CXLII 46)
explicit: (2ar) in caelo deus mirificabit
Note: f. 3v was originally blank, apparently. It was covered by a leaf cut from a xiith cent. Psalter, once pasted on to it and now lifted
Note: (3v) This leaf has an elaborate full-page initial B and the letters EATUS - VIA PECCATORUM in gold capitals on blue (and white) ground
Note: (3v) The letter B is filled with conventional foliage and convoluted stems, in the curves of which are many small white animals. The ground of this is gold. In the stem of the B is a medallion with gold ground containing a crowned bust of David. Outside the letter the ground is blue
Note: (3v) The frame is of gold and red (dotted with white): at the angles are four medallions and in the middle of the sides four half-medallions, all with gold ground. Those at the angles have: top L., bust of white-bearded man: lower L., bust of beardless man; upper and lower R., busts of kings. Those in the sides have: upper and lower C., busts of angels: L. side small man in red and blue: R., small man in red with shield
Note: (3v) The work is bold and rich but not very delicate
Note: (4r) Text begins imperfectly in Ps. ii. 2
incipit: (4r) Asstiterunt reges terrae
Note: There is a marginal gloss in a very beautiful small hand. The references to the text are made (on ff. 4r, 5r) by Greek letters. It begins
incipit: (4r) Reges autem terre herodem dicit qui infantes occidit. alterumque herodem nepotem eius qui pilato in nece christi consensit
Note: At the end of each Psalm is a Collect, that for Ps. ii is
incipit: (4v) Disrumpe domine nostrorum uincula peccatorum
Note: The initials of Psalms and verses are usually in fluid gold throughout the book. On f. 7r are two initials filled with blue. On f. 1r the initial is handsome, in fluid gold edged with red, blue ground: the letter surrounded by gold foliage. On ff. 1v, 2v late pen-flourishing has been added to the initials
Note: After f. 25v a leaf is gone with end of Ps. xxv and beginning of xxvi. The latter had a large initial occupying most of the page: the set-off is visible on f. 26r
Note: After f. 39v a leaf is gone with the beginning of Ps. xxxviii. The set-off of the full-page initial is well seen on f. 39v
Note: On f. 51r are two small decorative initials.After f. 51v a leaf is gone with most of Ps. li: little of the set-off can be seen.The first words of Ps. lii are in gold capitals
Note: After f. 65v a leaf is gone with the beginning of Ps. lxviii. The set-off of the initial is very visible on f. 65v
Note: After f. 81v a leaf is gone with part of Ps. lxxx. The set-off of the initial is very visible on f. 82r
Note: On f. 98r is the only large initial which has survived; to Ps. xcvii. It is of gold edged with red, with panels of patterned blue, filled with green and with gold interlacings: outside is gold foliage in two colours of gold
Note: After f. 100v two leaves gone with part of Ps. ci. Set-off of initial on f. 101r
Note: After f. 114v a leaf gone with Ps. cix and part of cx
Note: On 142r two small decorative initials
Note: Ps. cl ends on f. 150r. The Collect is
incipit: (150r) Armoniae nostrae suauissime melos
Note: Gloss ends
explicit: (150r) in spiritu qui spiritus est laudare non desinit
Note: (150r) In gold capitals at the foot of the page is
Note: (150r) Achadeus misericordia dei comes. hunc psalterium scribere iussit
Note: f. 150v blank
Note: (151r) Then follows the Litany on four leaves in a smaller script than before but very probably by the same scribe. The text is arranged in double columns and in arched or pedimented frames like those in which, in early gospel books, the Canons of the Gospels are written. In this MS. the shafts are purple or green, marbled, and have plants twined spirally about them. The plinth on which they stand is yellow with red patterns, and the lintel above in one case of purple and elsewhere of yellow and red. The tympana above this are filled with conventional foliage in gold and colour, and above the arches or gables are birds pecking at leaves
Note: The text is
rubric: (151r) Incipit letania
Note: (151r) Kyrieleison. Ter, Xpe eleison. ter, Kyrieleison. ter. Xpe audi nos. ter. Sancta Maria. or
Note: (151r) (so far in gold capitals)
Note: (151r) Michahel, Gabrihel, Raphahel. S. chorus archangelorum (red)
Note: (151r) Petre, Paule, Andrea, Iacobe, Iohannes, Philippe, Iacobe, Toma, Bartholomee, Mathee, Simon, Tadee, Mathia. S. chorus apost. (red)
Note: (151r) Stephane, Iohannes, Marce, Luca, Line, Clete, Clemens, Cleopha
Note: (151v) Barnaba, Ignatii, Apollonaris, Chrisogone, Alaexander, Dionisi, Rustice, Eleutheri, Maurici, Corneli, Cypriane, Georgi, Cristophore, Iuliane, Leudegari, Sixte, Laurenti, Ypolite, Uincenti, Uictor, Candide, Quintine, Luciane, Crispine, Crispiniane, Cosma, Damiane, Uictorice, Tiburti, Ualeriane, Pancrati, Geruasi
Note: (152r) Protasi, Celse, Sebastiane, Marce, Marcelliane, Fabiane, Urbane, Simphoriane, Saturnine, Nicasi, Timothee, Apollonaris, Rufine, Firmine, Ualeri
Note: (152r) SCE REMIGI (gold capitals). Hilari, Benedicte, Germane, Romane, Siluester, Ambrosi, Gregorii, Hieronime, Augustine, Eusebi, Isidore, Martine, Leo, Sulpici, Aniane, Amande
Note: (152v) SCE COLUMBANE (gold capitals, red dots) Brici, Goar, Medarde, Maximine, Candide, Antoni, Machari, Teuderice, Teudulfe, Memmi, Lupe, Arnulfe, Nivarde, Sixte, Sinici, Basole, Uedaste, Onesime, Sindulfe, Filiberte, Audoine, Siluine, Carlepphe, Richari, Pacomi, Fortunate, Troiane, Marcelline, Arseni, Celsine. Sce abunde (gold letters)
Note: (153r) Felicitas, Perpetua, Sincletica, Agatha, Lucia, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia, Genufefa, Scolastica, Eulalia, Eugenia, Eufemia, Petronilla, Cristina, Columba, Iuliana, Afra, Lucina, Beatrix, Tecla, Teodosia, Susanna, Sabina, Magra, Prisca, Saturnina, Cilinia, Eutropia, Eufrosina, Praxedis, Margarita
Note: (153v) Potentiana, Balbina, Radegundis, Monegundis. S. chorus uirginum
Note: (153v) Omnes sancti orate pro nobis
Note: (153v) Propitius esto, etc...
Note: (153v) Ut pacem uobis dones...
Note: (154r) Ut Marinum apostolicum in sancta religione conseruare digneris
Note: (154r) Ut Karlomannum regem perpetua prosperitate conseruare digneris
Note: (154r) Ut (blank) reginam conseruare digneris
Note: (154r) Ut Folconem episcopum cum omni grege sibi commisso, etc.
Note: No specially monastic suffrages occur
Note: Ends
Note: (154r) All in gold capitals
Note: f. 154v blank
Note: In a script of the former size
Note: (155r) Ps. cli, beginning imperfectly
incipit: (155r) Pascebam oves patris mei
explicit: (155r) a filiis israel. Deo gratias
rubric: (155r) Incipiunt Cantici
rubric: (155r) Canticum Isaie prophete ad matutinas feria II
Note: (155v) Canticum Ezechiae
Note: The rubric here is
rubric: (155v) OSCRIPTOREZACHARIE Probably a mistake for scriptura regis ezechie and not containing the name of the scribe
rubric: (156v) Canticum Annae
rubric: (157r) Canticum Moysi prophete
rubric: (158v) Canticum Abbacuc prophete
rubric: (159v) Canticum Deuteronomii
rubric: (162v) Hymnum trium puerorum
Note: (163r) (small decorative initial)
rubric: (163v) Hymnum Zacharie
rubric: (164r) Canticum Sanctae Mariae
rubric: (164v) Canticum Simeon
rubric: (164v) Hymnum die dominico ad matutinas
incipit: (164v) Te Deum
rubric: (165v) Hymnum angelicum
incipit: (165v) Gloria in excelsis
rubric: (166r) Incipit fides catholica
incipit: (166r) Quicumque
rubric: (167v) Oratio Dominica
incipit: (168r) Incipit symbolum
Note: (168r) (In margin the Aue in a hand of cent. xiv)
rubric: (168r) Incipit Oratio Sancti Benedicti
incipit: (168v) Dominator domine deus omnipotens qui es trinitas una
Note: (P. L. CI 1400)
explicit: (170r) ut faciam uoluntatem tuam quia tu es deus meus tibi honor et gloria In saecula saeculorum. Amen
rubric: (170r) Orationes ad uesperas seu ad matutinas et ad tertiam et ad nonam seu ad sextam
incipit: (170r) Et ne nos inducas
rubric: (170r) Orationes ad secundam
explicit: (171v) Domine deus uirtutum conuerte nos
rubric: (171v) Orationes maiores ad matutinas uel ad uesperas
incipit: (171v) Oremus pro omni gradu ecclesiae
Note: (171v) Includes: Pro abbate nostro
rubric: (172r) Orationes ad completa
incipit: (172r) Domine exaudi, etc.
Note: On f. 173r near the end: Exaudi deus Karlomanno regi uita
rubric: (173r) Incipit Responsoria per totum annum in diuino officio canenda. Isti responsi sunt canendi ab aduentu domini usque in uigilio domini. Capitulum
incipit: (173r) Ecce dies ueniunt dicit dominus et suscitabo
Note: Neumes occur on f. 174v
Note: The Responses for the Temporal end f. 176v. Then follow responses for S. Michael and for Common of Saints, ending f. 178r
rubric: (178r) Orationes ad secundam
rubric: (178r) Orationes ad tertiam
rubric: (178r) Orationes ad sextam
rubric: (178v) Orationes ad nonam
rubric: (178v) Orationes ad vesperas
rubric: (178v) Orationes pro semetipso
incipit: (178v) Domine deus meus qui non habes dominum
rubric: (179r) Qualiter orat. pro uiuo aguntur
rubric: (179r) Qualiter orat. pro una femina
rubric: (179r) Qualiter pro pluribus uiuis
rubric: (179v) Qualiter pro uno defuncto
rubric: (179v) Incipiunt orationes
incipit: (179v) Domine deus omnipotens qui in trinitate perfecta
Note: Six prayers
rubric: (180r) Oratio Sancti Gregorii
incipit: (180r) Rex seculorum et domine dominator
rubric: (180v) Oratio Sancti Hieronimi
incipit: (180v) Domine Iesu Christe dona mihi ut ambulem secundum mandata
rubric: (180v) Alia
incipit: (180v) Domine Iesu Christe noli me confundere
rubric: (180v) Oratio Sancti Agustini Episcopi
incipit: (180v) Miserere domine super animas quas creasti
rubric: (181r) Dicit S. Gregorius Episcopus cognoscatis quicunque hanc orationem omni die cantauerit sic dicit ipse Sanctus Gregorius quod nec malus homo nec diabolus nocere non potest ipsi homini nec animae nec corpori
incipit: (181v) Domine exaudi orationem meam quia iam cognosco quod tempus meum prope est
rubric: (182v) Confessio
incipit: (183r) Confiteor domino et tibi frater
Note: (183r) In another hand, not much later
rubric: (183r) Collecta in Exaudi domine iustitiam meam
incipit: (183r) Conuerte domine oculos
rubric: (183r) Collecta in Nisi dominus aedificauerit
incipit: (183r) Domorum spiritalium
Note: The above were omitted in the text
Note: (183r) Prayer in the same hand
incipit: (183r) Clementissime deus qui me inutilem famulum tuum
explicit: (183v) adiuuante atque trahente qui
Note: (ir) The first two flyleaves (ff. ir-iiv) are from a roll or book of Christ Church, Canterbury, records of courts (xiv or xv)
incipit: (iv) Acta in ecclesia Christi cant.
Note: (year not given)
Note: Many Kentish place-names occur
Note: (iiir) On the last flyleaf (f. iiir) are many unimportant scribbles
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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