London. British Library, Add MS 24914
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Add MS 24914
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Bede, Super Parabolas Salomonis Allegorica Expositio ; De Dei Judicie ; St Jerome, In Ecclesiasten ; Commentarius in Cantica Canticorum (12 homilies); Hildebert of Lavardin, Vita Beate Marie Egyptiace ; Marbodius of Rennes, Vita Sancti Laurentii ; De Adnuntiatione Beatae Mariae ; Vita Metrica Sancti Friderici Episcopi Leodiensis ; Frederick I of Schwarzenburg, Epistola ad Clerum Leodiensem ; Rudolf of Saint-Trond, Carmen de Theoderico Trudonensi Abate ; Haimo of Auxerre, Expositio super Cantica Canticorum
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Hildebert de Lavardin (1056-1133)
- Original form
- Hildebert of Lavardin, c 1056-1133/4, Bishop of Le Mans, Archbishop of Tours
- Other form
- Hildebertus Lavardinensis (1056-1133)
- Hildebertus Cenomanensis
- Hildebert de Lavardin
- Hildebert de Lavardin (1056-1133)
- Hildebert du Mans
- Hildeberti
- Author: Hildebertus, Lavardinensis
- Hildebert of Lavardin
- Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, 1056?-1133
- Hildebertus Cenomanensis, Archbishop of Tours, 1056?-1133
- Hildebert Archbishop of Tours (1056?-1133)
- Hildebert de Lavardin ou Hildebert de Tours (1056–1133), évêque du Mans entre 1097 et 1125, archevêque de Tours de 1125 à sa mort
- Hildebertus, Lavardinus, fl. 11-- > , co-autor
- Hildebertus Lavardinensis - ca. 1056 - 1133 - auteur
- Hildebertus Lavardinensis - ca. 1056 - 1133 - oorspronkelijke auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Marbode (103.-1123)
- Original form
- Marbod of Rennes, c 1035-1123, Bishop of Rennes
- Other form
- Marbode (103.-1123)
- Marbodus Redonensis
- Marbodus
- Marbodus Redonensis (103.-1123)
- Marbode de Rennes
- Marbode
- MARBODUS, ep. Redonensis
- MARBODUS, Redonensis ep.
- Marbodi
- Author: Marbodus, Redonensis
- Marbod of Rennes
- Marbode, Bishop of Rennes, 1035?-1123
- Marbodus Rhedonensis
- Marbode de Rennes (1035-1123), évêque de Rennes
- Marbodus <Redonensis>
- Marbodius Redonensis, ca 1035-1123 > , co-autor
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Bède le Vénérable (saint, 0673?-0735)
- Original form
- Bede the Venerable, c 673-735, Saint
- Other form
- Bède le Vénérable (saint ; 0673?-0735)
- Beda Venerabilis
- Beda Venerabilis (saint ; 0673?-0735)
- Beda
- Bède
- S. Beda venerabilis
- Venerabilis Bedae
- Bède le Vénérable (0673?-0735)
- Beda Venerabilis (ps.)
- S. Beda Venerabilis
- Venerabilis BEDE
- Bede
- Bedae
- Bedae venerabilis
- Bède le Vénérable saint 0673?-0735
- Beda, el Venerable, sant, 673-735
- Beda el Venerable, Santo
- Beda Venerabilis 672-735
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735
- Author: Beda, Venerabilis
- Commentator: Beda, Venerabilis
- Bede (attributed to)
- Bede the Venerable
- Bede the Venerable (attrib.)
- Bede (673/4–735)
- The Venerable Bede
- Beda Venerabilis, 673-735
- Beda<Venerabilis>
- Bède le Vénérable
- Beda <Venerabilis> (672-735)
- Beda Scotus
- Beda Venerabilis, ca.673-735
- Beda Venerabilis, ca. 673-735
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint 673-735
- Bede the Venerable (b. c. 673, d. 735), monk and theologian
- Bede the Venerable, Saint (673-735)
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint (673-735)
- Bède le Vénérable, saint (0673?-0735)
- Beda, Venerabilis, 672-735
- Beda <Venerabilis>
- Beda, O Venerável, 673-736
- Beda, O Venerável, 673-736 > , co-autor
- Beda Venerabilis - 673 - 735 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Frédéric de Schwarzenburg (107.-1131)
- Original form
- Frederick I, c 1075-1131, Archbishop of Cologne
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Jérôme (saint, 0345?-0420)
- Original form
- Jerome, c 345-420, Saint
- Other form
- Hieronymus (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- S. Hieronymus
- Hieronymus Stridonius
- Hieronymus
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- Sancti Jeromini
- S. Hieronymus,
- Jerome, S.
- Hieronymys Stridonius
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420)
- Jérôme
- Hieronymo
- Saint Jérôme
- Jérôme (0345?-0420 ; saint)
- Sanctus Hieronimus
- Jérôme (saint, 0345?-0420)
- Hieronymus (s.)
- Jheronimus Stridonius
- Hieronimi
- Hieronimus Stridonius
- Hieronymus Stridonensis
- Ieronimi
- Sancti Hieronymi
- Hieronymi
- Hieronimus
- S. Jérôme
- Jérôme (Saint)
- Jérôme saint 0345?-0420
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius 345-420
- Hieronymus (heilige)
- Jerome, Saint, d. 419 or 20
- Jeroni, sant, ca. 342-420
- Jerónimo, Santo
- Author: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Translator: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Jerome
- Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420
- St Jerome
- Jerome, Saint (-419 or 420)
- Jerome, Saint (-419 or 420), author
- Hieronymus, Heilige, 347?-420
- Jérôme (saint ; 0345?-0420). Auteur.
- Jérôme (saint)
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius, 345-420
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius
- Saint Jérôme
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus (345-420)
- D. Hieronymus
- Divus Hieronymus
- Hieronymus santo
- Hieronimus santo
- Hieronymus santo, 342/347-419
- Jerome, Saint, 347-420
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. c. 420)
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. 420), priest and theologian
- Saint Jerome (b. 347, d. 420, theologian and priest
- Jerome Saint (-419 or 420)
- Jérôme de Stridon, saint (345-420) > Père de l'Eglise
- Jérôme de Stridon, saint (345-420)
- Jérôme de Stridon (347/8-419/20)
- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (ca. 349-420)
- Jerónimo, Santo, 346-420
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , co-autor
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , impr.
- Jerónimo, Santo, ca 343-420 > , trad.
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteurbriefschrijver
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteur voorwoord
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertalerauteur
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - auteur
- Hieronymus - auteur
- Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - 348 - 420 - vertaler
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Haymon d'Auxerre (08..-0855?)
- Original form
- Haimo of Auxerre, d c 853
- Other form
- Haymon d'Auxerre (08..-0855?)
- Haymo Autissiodorensis
- Haimo Autissiodorensis
- Haymo
- Haymo Autissiodorensis (08..-0855?)
- Author: Haimo, Altissiodorensis
- Haimo, of Auxerre, -approximately 855
- Haimo of Auxerre
- Haymon d'Auxerre
- Haymo Halberstadensis
- Haymon d'Auxerre (8..-875?)
- Haimo, von Auxerre, -855
- Haimo <Altissiodorensis>
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Raoul de Saint-Trond (1070?-1138)
- Original form
- Rudolf of Saint-Trond, c 1070-1138, Abbot of Saint-Trond Abbey
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Jean Baptiste Théodore De Jonghe (1801-1860)
- Original form
- De Jonghe, Jean Baptiste Théodore, 1801-1860, Baron
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- This 12th-century theological miscellany was owned and may also have been produced by the Benedictine abbey of Sint-Truiden (St Trond), also known as St Trudo’s Abbey. The larger part of the manuscript is composed of biblical commentaries by Bede the Venerable (d. 673, d. 735), St Jerome (b. 347, d. 420), and Haimo of Auxerre (d. c. 865), a monk from the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Germain d'Auxerre. It also includes saints’ lives by Hildebert of Lavardin (b. c. 1055, d. 1133), bishop of Le Mans and archbishop of Tours, and Marbod (b. c. 1035, d. 1123), archdeacon at Angers and Bishop of Rennes. The manuscript also includes two unique Latin poems: one is a metrical life about Frederick I (b. 815/816, d. 834/838), bishop of Utrecht, by an anonymous author; the other is a poem about Theodoricus (b. c. 1060, d. 1107), abbot of Saint-Trond, written by Rudolf, (b. c. 1070, d. 1138), who was a chronicler of and also an abbot of Saint-Trond.Contents: ff. 3r-58v: Bede, Super Parabolas Salomonis Allegorica Expositio (Allegorical Exposition on the Book of Wisdom). f. 59r: Bede, De Dei Judicie (On God's Judgement), beginning ‘Versus Domini Bede Presbiteri a penis’. f. 59r: Rudolphus of Sint-Truiden (for this attribution see ‘The Narrative Sources from the Medieval Low Countries’ <> [accessed 6 June 2018]), Untitled poem on baptism and the Eucharist, beginning ‘Hac triplici causa plebs insignita lavacro’. ff. 59v-94v: St Jerome, In Ecclesiasten (On Ecclesiastes). ff. 94v-108r: Anonymous, Commentarius in Cantica Canticorum (Commentary on the Song of Songs), in 12 homilies. f. 108r: Anonymous and unidentified poem with the title ‘De Fide quae nos Deo commendet’ (On the Faith that we commit to God’), added in a 16th- or 17th-century hand, beginning: ‘Hoc est officium fidei meritumque probatum’. ff. 108v-112r: Hildebert of Lavardin, Vita Beate Marie Egyptiace (Life of St Mary of Egypt). ff. 112r-113v: Marbod of Rennes, Vita Sancti Laurentii (Life of St Lawrence). f. 113v: Marbod of Rennes, De Adnuntiatione Beatae Mariae (On the Annunciation to the Blessed Mary). ff. 113v-114r: Anonymous, Vita Metrica Sancti Friderici Episcopi Leodiensis (Metrical Life of St Frederick, Bishop of Liège). f. 114r: Frederick I of Schwarzenburg (b. c. 1075, d. 1131), Archbishop of Cologne, Epistola ad Clerum Leodiensem (Letter to the Clergy of Liège). f. 114v: Rudolf of Saint-Trond (Radulphus Trudonensis), Carmen de Theoderico Trudonensi Abbate (Poem on Theodoricus, Abbot of Saint-Trond). ff. 115r-135r: Haimo of Auxerre (Pseudo-Cassiodorus), Expositio super Cantica Canticorum (Exposition on the Song of Songs). The manuscript contains a later addition: f. 136r: a note in French by Joseph Kervyn de Lettenhove (b. 1817, d. 1891), historian and politician. [ff. 1v, 2v, and 136v are blank]. Decoration: 5 large interlace initials with foliate decoration, some with zoomorphic heads, outlined in red ink against a ground of green, blue, and/or purple (ff. 3r, 20r, 43v, 59v (2x)). 2 large interlace initials with foliate decoration outlined in brown ink against a ground of brown, red and yellow (ff. 94v, 135v). Medium initials in red, sometimes with yellow highlights, foliate decoration or linear forms of decoration (f. 115r). Small initials in red and one-line capitals highlighted in red throughout the manuscript. Rubrics in red. Line-fillers and underlining in red. Quotation marks in brown ink. A drawing of a dragon and a man lying down (Adam?) has been added in brown ink on f. 135v.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Sint-Truiden Abbey (Belgium)
- Original form
- Sint-Truiden, Belgium
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License