Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 321
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 321
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1399
- Language
- Latin
- Old English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 321: Petrus Iohannis Olivi OFM, Commentary on Matthew, Quaestiones. Dialogue in Old English (fragment)
- Petrus Iohannis Olivi OFM, Commentary on Matthew || Petri Johannis (Olivi) Lectura super Matthaeum
- Quaestiones
- Petrus Iohannis Olivi OFM, Treatise on the Lord's Prayer (unfinished)
- Dialogue in Old English (fragment)
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Pierre Jean Olivi (1248?-1296?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Petrus Iohannis Olivi OFM
- Other form
- Petrus Iohannis Olivi
- Petrus Johannis Olivi
- Pierre Jean d'Olive
- Petrus Ioannes Olivi
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- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 321 is a fourteenth-century manuscript of Petrus Iohannis Olivi OFM (1247/8-96), Commentary on Matthew and Quaestiones. The texts of these have not been printed, save for extracts. The manuscript has been associated with the Benedictine abbey of Ramsey, but on evidence which Ker thought insufficient. It also contains an important eleventh-century fragment of an Old English dialogue about the word Alleluia, otherwise attested only in BL Harley 3271, and probably based on material from the pseudo-Bedan Collectanea. It is not clear whether Parker placed this fragment in the book, or whether it was already there when he acquired it.
Contents :
1r-210v - Petrus Iohannis Olivi OFM, Commentary on Matthew || Petri Johannis (Olivi) Lectura super Matthaeum
Note: Prologue
incipit: (1r) Quatuor facies uni et quatuor penne uni etc.
incipit: (3r) Ad maiorem autem euidenciam dictorum
explicit: (210v) et potuit soluere et signacula libri dei cui est honor et gloria in secula seculorum. amen
rubric: (210v) Explicit lectura super euangelium beati mathei
210v-215r - Quaestiones
Note: Questions follow
incipit: (210v) Et primo ad euidenciam tocius euangelii queritur quare
215r-218r - Petrus Iohannis Olivi OFM, Treatise on the Lord's Prayer (unfinished)
incipit: (215r) Ad intuendam altitudinem oracionis dominice que ponitur mt 6
Note: Ends unfinished 218r. Verso blank
Note: This Postilla is to be found in MS. New College, Oxford 49. The author was a Franciscan
139ar-139av - Dialogue in Old English (fragment)
Note: (139ar) After f. 139v is inserted part of a leaf of a beautifully written Anglo-Saxon manuscript of cent. xi early (?) containing the end of a Dialogue resembling those of Salomon and Saturn, Adrian and Ritheus, etc. of which several are printed in Kemble's Salomon and Saturn. I cannot however find the passage here preserved in any of them
Note: Sæge me hƿær ƿære gecƿeden ærest alleluiaic þe secge be tƿih tƿam dunum. Tabor et Ermon þær Dauid cƿæþ ærest alleluia þonne tacniaþ ða dunaþa nyƿen ́æ 7 þa ealdan ́æ. Sæge me hƿæt þæt ƿord syalleluia. Ic þe secge hu mycel þu in þam anum ƿorde benemnest þonne ƿe cƿeþað alleluia þonne cƿeþe ƿeleoht þam gode anum 7 mannum gode licigendum7 lof gode 7 leoht þam soþan 7 þam leohtan gode7 þam soþan gode 7 þam heahstan gode lof eallumsaƿlum 7 lof eallum ænglum mid criste 7 lof urumdrihtne þæt an ƿord is of his .xii. naman gesettedþonne ƿe singaþ alleluia þonne lofiaþ ƿe fæder 7sunu 7 þone halgan gast. þonne ƿe singaþ alleluia þonnecƿeþe ƿe leoht 7 mægen 7 h́ælo þam ælmihtigangode. þonne ƿe singaþ alleluia. þonne cƿeþe ƿe he ƿæsáá 7 nu áá biþ 7 he is friþ 7 ende 7 he is lifigendin eallum circum. Amen.
Note: The verso is blank
Note: In Bede's Collectanea (ed. Coln, 1612, III 488) is the equivalent of part of the above:
Note: Quis primus dixit Alleluia, aut in quo loco vel pro qua re dictum est? Inter Thabor et Hermon dictum est. Dauid propheta dixit alleluia hoc est laus dei. Augustinus dixit Alle seculum : lu, me fac : ia, Domine etc.
Note: The fragment has escaped the notice of Wanley and of all subsequent students
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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