Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 303
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 303
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1100 - 1199
- Language
- Old English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 303: Old English Homilies
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Third Sunday after Epiphany
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima continued
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Dominica III in Quadragesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Mid-Lent Sunday
- Ælfric OSB, Feria VI in quarta ebdomada Quadragesimae
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Palm Sunday
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Palm Sunday
- Homily De Parasceve (part)
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Easter
- Gospel of Nicodemus Homily (for Easter Day)
- Homily on the Invention of the Cross
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St John the Baptist
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Sts Peter and Paul
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Sts Peter and Paul continued; Prayer following Homily for the Feast of an Apostle
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Paul
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Paul continued
- Old English Life of St Margaret
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Laurence
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Decollation of St John the Baptist
- Old English Life of St Giles
- Ælfric, Homily for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Annunciation
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Dedicatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, All Saints
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, All Saints continued
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Clement
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Andrew
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Andrew (cont.)
- Old English Life of St Nicholas
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Apostle
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Apostles
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Martyrs
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Confessor
- Homily for Commemoration of Virgins
- Homily De inclusis
- Ælfric OSB, Sermo ad populum in octauis Pentecosten dicendus
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, In Letania maiore
- Homily for Monday in Rogationtide
- Homily for Tuesday in Rogationtide
- Homily for Wednesday in Rogationtide
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Feria IV in Letania maiore
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, On auguries
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Ascension
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost, alia narratio
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, De Maria
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Memory of Saints
- Ælfric OSB, De duodecim abusiuis (part)
- Ælfric OSB, De doctrina Apostolica
- Ælfric OSB, De falsis diis
- Ælfric OSB, Interrogationes Sigeuulfi in Genesin
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Ash Wednesday
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Prayer of Moses
- Excommunication in Latin and Old English
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Passion of St Alban
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Maccabees
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Maccabees continued
- Ælfric OSB, Judith
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ælfric OSB
- Other form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Aelfricus Eyneshamensis
- Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham, c 955-c 1010, Abbot of Eynsham
- þlfric OSB
- #198;lfric OSB
- Ælfric
- IÆlfric OSB
- Īlfric OSB
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 303 is an interesting witness to the fate of the Old English language after the Norman Conquest led to the replacement of much of the English elite with French-speaking Normans. Manuscripts of Old English homilies were still produced at least as frequently as they had been in the period before the Conquest; contrary to popular misconception Old English seems to have continued in use. MS 303 is a collection of Old English homilies, many of them by Ælfric of Eynsham (c. 950-c. 1010), copied in the first half of the twelfth century in the south east of England, probably at Rochester. An old foliation shows that several quires have been lost from the start of this manuscript. Parker gave it the number 9 in his collection of homiletic manuscripts.
Contents :
1-6 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Third Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B1.1.9)
Note: Under the lifted slip are the remains of the end of Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday after Epiphany (Cameron B1.2.5)
Note: (Post Epiphaniam)
rubric: (1) Dominica III. secundum Matheum
incipit: (1) Cum descendisset
incipit: (1) Matheus se eadiga godspellere
Note: Thorpe I 120
6-10 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.2.6)
rubric: (6) Ewangelium in dominica in Septuagesima
incipit: (6) Simile est regnum
incipit: (6) Se hælend cƿaeð þæt heofona rice
Note: Thorpe II 72
10-12 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima continued
Note: (Cameron B1.2.6)
rubric: (10) Sermo in Septuagesima (de Alleluia)
Note: (de Alleluia)
incipit: (10) Ƿe ƿillað eoƿ secgan
Note: Thorpe II 84
12-16 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.2.7)
rubric: (12) Ewangelium secundum Lucam
Note: (In Sexagesima)
incipit: (12) Cum turba plurima
incipit: (12) On sumere tide
Note: Thorpe II 88
16-21 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.1.11)
rubric: (16) Dominica III. in quinquagesima
incipit: (16) Assumpsit Iesus
incipit: (16) Her is geræd on þisum
Note: Thorpe I 152
21-27 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.1.12)
rubric: (21) Dominica I. in quadragesima secundum Matheum
incipit: (21) Ductus est
incipit: (21) Ic ƿolde eoƿ trahtnian
Note: Thorpe I 166
27-30 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.9)
rubric: (27) Dominica II. in quadragesima secundum Matheum
incipit: (27) Egressus Iesus
incipit: (27) Drihten hælend þræde
rubric: (27) Omelia
incipit: (27) ðis chananeisce ƿif
Note: Thorpe II 110
30-34 - Ælfric OSB, Dominica III in Quadragesima
Note: (Cameron B1.4.4)
rubric: (30) Ewangelium secundum in dominica (3 quadragesima)
incipit: (30) Erat Iesus eiciens
incipit: (30) On þæra mæra tide
Note: Also in MS 188, p. 123, MS 198, p. 316, MS 302, p. 129. G. Stephens, Tvende Oldenglische Digte, p. 81
35-38 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Mid-Lent Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.1.13)
rubric: (35) Dominica IIII. in quadragesima. Ewangelium
incipit: (35) Abiit Iesus
incipit: (35) Se hælend ferde
Note: Thorpe I 180
38-43 - Ælfric OSB, Feria VI in quarta ebdomada Quadragesimae
Note: (Cameron B1.4.6)
rubric: (38) Ewangelium de lazaro in quadragesima secundum Iohannem
incipit: (38) Erat quidam languens
incipit: (38) On þan halgan godspelle
Note: Also in MS 162, p. 274
43-49 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.15)
rubric: (43) Dominica in passione secundum Iohannem
incipit: (43) Dicebat Iesus turbis
incipit: (43) Ðeos tid fram þisum andƿeardum dæge
Note: Thorpe II 224
49-56 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Palm Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.2.16)
rubric: (49) De passione domini nostri Ihesu Christi secundum Iohannem
incipit: (49) Drihtnes þroƿunge ƿe ƿillað
Note: (Change of hand at p. 51)
Note: Thorpe II 240
56-61 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Palm Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.1.15)
rubric: (56) Ewangelium in ramis palmarum secundum Matheum
incipit: (56) Cum appropinquasset
incipit: (56) Se hælend ferde to þære byrig
Note: Thorpe I 206
61-68 - Homily De Parasceve (part)
Note: (Cameron B3.2.24)
rubric: (61) Feria VI. Passio domini nostri Ihesu Christi secundum Iohannem
incipit: (61) Egressus est Iesus cum discipulis
incipit: (61) Men ða leofestan her segþ se halga sanctus Iohannes þæt se hælend eode ofer þon burnan þe cedron hatte
Note: Also in MS 162, p. 347. Copied for Professor Napier
68-72 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.1.17)
rubric: (68) Ewangelium in resurrectione domini secundum Marcum
incipit: (68) Marie Magdalene
incipit: (68) Eft ge geherdon ymbe þæs hælendes ærist
Note: Thorpe I 220
72-75 - Gospel of Nicodemus Homily (for Easter Day)
Note: (Cameron B8.5.3 / B3.2.29)
rubric: (72) Sermo in Resurrectione domini
incipit: (72) Men ða leofestan her segþ on þissere boc embe þa mycclan ƿundre þe on þissere nihte geƿeard
Note: Also in MS 41, p. 295. Copied for Professor Napier
76-82 - Homily on the Invention of the Cross
Note: (Cameron B3.3.6)
rubric: (76) In inuentione Sancti Crucis
incipit: (76) Men ða leofestan ge heorað nu hƿæt ic eoƿ ƿille secgan ymbe þa halgan rode
Note: Morris, Legends of the Holy Rood, E. E. T. S. from another manuscript
82-87 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St John the Baptist
Note: (Cameron B1.1.27)
rubric: (82) In nativitate Sancti Johannis Baptiste
incipit: (82) Se godspellere lucas aƿrat on christes bec be acænnednesse Iohannes þæs fulluhteres
Note: Thorpe I 350
87-89 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Sts Peter and Paul
Note: (Cameron B1.1.28)
rubric: (87) In natali sanctorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli lectio sancti ewangelii secundum Matheum
incipit: (87) Venit iesus in partes cesaree et rel
rubric: (87) Omelia uenerabilis bede presbiteri de eadem lectione
incipit: (87) Matheus se godspellere aƿrat on þære godspellican gesetnessa
Note: Thorpe I 364
89-94 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Sts Peter and Paul continued; Prayer following Homily for the Feast of an Apostle
Note: (Cameron B1.1.28 / B12.4.8)
rubric: (89) De passione apostolorum petri et pauli
incipit: (89) Ƿe ƿilleð æfter þisum godspelle eoƿ reccan
Note: Thorpe I 370
94-97 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Paul
Note: (Cameron B1.1.29)
rubric: (94) De Sancto Jacobo Apostolo
Note: corrected to
rubric: (94) De Sancto Paulo Apostolo
incipit: (94) Godes gelaþung ƿurðað þisne dæg þan mæran apostole paule
Note: Thorpe I 384
97-99 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Paul continued
Note: (Cameron B1.1.29)
incipit: (97) Dixit simon petrus ad Ihesum. Ecce nos reliquimus
incipit: (97) Efne ƿe forleten ealle ƿoruld þing
Note: Thorpe I 392
99-107 - Old English Life of St Margaret
Note: (Cameron B3.3.14)
rubric: (99) Passio beate Margarete uirginis et martiris
incipit: (99) Efter drihtnes þroƿunge 7 his æriste þæt he of deaðe aras
Note: Assmann, A.-S.Homilien, 1889, no. 15, p. 170
107-114 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Laurence
Note: (Cameron B1.1.31)
rubric: (107) Passio Sancti Laurentii martiris
incipit: (107) On decies dæge þæs ƿælhreoƿan caseres
Note: Thorpe I 416
114-119 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Decollation of St John the Baptist
Note: (Cameron B1.1.34)
rubric: (114) In decollatione Sancti Johannis Baptiste secundum Marcum
incipit: (114) Misit herodes
incipit: (114) Marcus se godspellere aƿrat on christes bec be þan mære fulluhtere
Note: Thorpe I 476
119-132 - Old English Life of St Giles
Note: (Cameron B3.3.9)
rubric: (119) Hec est hystoria Sancti Egidii Abbatis
incipit: (119) Se eadiga egidius ƿæs geboren of sƿiðe ƿurðfullum mannum
Note: Apparently only here. Copied for Professor Napier
132-140a - Ælfric, Homily for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Note: (Cameron B1.5.8)
rubric: (132) Sermo de natiuate Sancte Marie matris domini vi idus septembris
incipit: (132) Men þa leofestan ƿe synd gemynegode þurh þises dæges ƿurðment
explicit: (133) on in cundra heortan
Note: (133) (De Sancte Virginitate)
incipit: (133) Se hælend crist 7 se heofonlice æþeling
Note: Assmann, A.-S. Homilien 1889, no. 3, p. 24
140a-144 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Annunciation
Note: (Cameron B1.1.14)
rubric: (140a) In Annuntiatione Sancte Marie
incipit: (140a) Missus est gabriel
incipit: (140a) Men þa leofestan ure se ælmihtiga sceppend se þe ealle gesceafte
Note: Thorpe I 192
144-150 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Dedicatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis
Note: (Cameron B1.1.36)
rubric: (144) In festiuitate Sancti Michaelis archangeli
incipit: (144) Manegum is cuð seo halige stoƿ sancti michaelis
Note: Thorpe I 502
150-154 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, All Saints
Note: (Cameron B1.1.38)
rubric: (150) In festiuitate omnium sanctorum
incipit: (151) Halge lareoƿas ræddon þæt se geleaffulle
rubric: (151) Sermo
incipit: (151) Godes halgan sind engles 7 menn
Note: Thorpe I 538
154-157 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, All Saints continued
Note: (Cameron B1.1.38)
rubric: (154) Ewangelium in festiuitate omnium sanctorum
incipit: (154) Videns Iesus turbas
incipit: (154) Ðæt halige godspell ƿe nu litle ær
Note: Thorpe I 548
157-163 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Clement
Note: (Cameron B1.1.39)
rubric: (157) In nativitate Sancti Clementis pape et martiris
incipit: (157) Men þa leofestan eoƿer geleafa beoð þe trumra
Note: Thorpe I 556
163-167 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Andrew
Note: (Cameron B1.1.40)
rubric: (163) In nativitate Sancti Andree apostoli
incipit: (163) Ambulans Iesus iuxta mare
incipit: (163) Crist on sumere tide ferde
Note: Thorpe I 576
167-171 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Andrew (cont.)
Note: (Cameron B1.1.40)
rubric: (167) Passio Sancti Andree apostoli
incipit: (167) Se apostol sanctus andreas æfter christes þroƿunge ferde to þam earde þe is gehaten achaia
Note: Thorpe I 586
171-185 - Old English Life of St Nicholas
Note: (Cameron B3.3.29)
rubric: (171) Hic incipit prologus de Sancto Nicholao episcopi et confessore
incipit: (171) Ƿitodlice ælc þære ƿyrhta
explicit: (172) ecan blisse underfangen
rubric: (173) Explicit prologus Sancti Nicholai
rubric: (173) Incipit uita
incipit: (173) Se eadiga nicholaus of æþelan cynne
Note: Apparently only here. Copied for Professor Napier
185-188 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Apostle
Note: (Cameron B1.2.44)
rubric: (185) Sermo de apostolis
incipit: (185) Ðes apostolica freols dæg munegað us to sp(r)ecenne
Note: Thorpe II 520
188-190 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Apostles
Note: (Cameron B1.2.45)
rubric: (188) De euangelistis
incipit: (188) Se hælende geceas him to eacan þan tƿelf apostola
Note: Thorpe II 528
190-194 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Martyrs
Note: (Cameron B1.2.46)
rubric: (190) De martyribus
incipit: (190) Cum audieritis prelia
incipit: (190) Se hælende forsæde his leorningcnihtes þises middaneardes frecednesse
Note: Thorpe II 536
194-199 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Confessor
Note: (Cameron B1.2.47)
rubric: (194) Ewangelium de confessoribus
incipit: (194) Homo quidam peregre proficiscens
incipit: (194) Vre drihten sede þis bispel his leorning chnihtum
Note: Thorpe II 548
199-202 - Homily for Commemoration of Virgins
Note: (Cameron B3.2.48)
rubric: (199) Ewangelium de virginibus
incipit: (199) Simile est regnum celorum decem uirginibus
incipit: (199) Matheus se godspellere aƿrat þis halige bispel al sƿa ure hlaford crist hit sæde to his apostlas
Note: Apparently only here. Copied for Professor Napier
202-202 - Homily De inclusis
Note: (Cameron B3.5.9)
rubric: (202) De inclusis
Note: (added perhaps by the same scribe)
incipit: (202) Sum deofel gast sæde sumen ancre eall helle geryn
explicit: (202) he hit sceal secan mid sƿince 7 naht mid eðnesse ne mid idelnesse
Note: Apparently only here. Copied for Professor Napier
203-211 - Ælfric OSB, Sermo ad populum in octauis Pentecosten dicendus
Note: (Cameron B1.4.11)
rubric: (203) Sermo quando uolueris de temporibus
incipit: (203) Ƿe ƿillað eoƿ seggan sume sƿutelunge nu beo þam halgum tidum
Note: Also in MS 78 (5), MS 188 (22) and elsewhere
211-215 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, In Letania maiore
Note: (Cameron B1.1.20)
rubric: (211) Feria II. in Letania maiore
incipit: (211) Quis uestrum habebit amicum
incipit: (211) (S)e hælend cƿæð to his leorning cnihtum. Hƿylc eoƿer is
Note: ? Thorpe I 244
215-219 - Homily for Monday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.34)
rubric: (215) Sermo in letania maiore
incipit: (215) Men þa leofestan us geðauenað ærest þæt ƿe gemunenen
Note: Also in MS 162, p. 403 and elsewhere
219-223 - Homily for Tuesday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.38)
rubric: (219) Alius sermo Feria IIIa in Rogationibus
incipit: (219) Mine gebroðra þa leofestan þis syndon halige dagas 7 haldƿendlice
Note: Also in MS 162, p. 412 and Vercelli Book
223-226 - Homily for Wednesday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.42)
rubric: (223) In uigilia ascensionis
incipit: (223) Men þa leofestan þis syndon halige dagas 7 gastlice þenunge
Note: Apparently only here. Copied for Professor Napier
226-231 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Feria IV in Letania maiore
Note: (Cameron B1.2.28)
rubric: (226) Feria IIIIa in letania maiore
incipit: (226) Iohannes se godspellere aƿrat on þisse degðerlice godspelle
Note: Thorpe II 360
231-236 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, On auguries
Note: (Cameron B1.3.18)
rubric: (231) Sermo in letania maiore de epistola pauli et de auguriis
incipit: (231) Se apostol paulus alra þeoda lareoƿ
Note: Skeat, Aelfric no. XVII (I 364)
rubric: (232) Sermo Sancti Augustini de auguriis
incipit: (232) Augustinus se snotera bisceop sæde eac
Note: Skeat's Aelfric no. XVII (I 368)
236-242 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Ascension
Note: (Cameron B1.1.23)
rubric: (236) Sermo in ascensione domini
incipit: (236) Lucas se godspellere us manode
Note: Thorpe I 294
242-248 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.24)
rubric: (242) Sermo in die sancto Pentecostes
incipit: (242) Fram þam halgan easterlican dæge
Note: Thorpe I 310
248-252 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.25)
rubric: (248) Ewangelium. Dominica post octavam Pentecoste
incipit: (248) Homo quidam erat diues
incipit: (248) Se ƿealdenda drihten
Note: Thorpe I 328
252-255 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.29)
incipit: (252) Homo quidam fecit cenam
incipit: (252) Se helende sede þis bispel
Note: Thorpe II 370
255-256 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Third Sunday after Pentecost, alia narratio
Note: (Cameron B1.2.30)
rubric: (255) Ewangelium
incipit: (255) Mine gebroðra ƿe ƿillað eow gereccan sume cristes ƿundra
Note: Thorpe II 378
256-261 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.26)
rubric: (256) Ewangelium in dominica
incipit: (256) Erant appropinquantes
incipit: (256) Þæt halige godspell rægð
Note: Thorpe I 338
261-264 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.32)
rubric: (261) Ewangelium in dominica
incipit: (261) Cum multa turba
incipit: (261) Marcus se godspellere cƿæð
Note: Thorpe II 394
265-268 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.33)
rubric: (265) Ewangelium in dominica
incipit: (265) Adtendite a falsis
incipit: (265) Drihten cƿæð to his leorning cnihtum
Note: Thorpe II 404
268-273 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.30)
rubric: (268) Ewangelium in dominica
incipit: (268) Cum appropinquaret Iesus ierusalem
incipit: (268) On sumere tide ƿæs
Note: Thorpe I 402
273-276 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.35)
rubric: (273) Ewangelium in dominica
incipit: (273) Dixit Iesus ad quosdam qui in se
incipit: (273) Drihten sæde þis bigspell be summum mannum
Note: Thorpe II 426
276-279 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.2.38)
rubric: (276) Ewangelium in dominica
incipit: (276) Nemo potest duobus
incipit: (276) Drihten cƿæð in sume timan
Note: Thorpe II 460
279-279 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, De Maria
Note: (Cameron B1.2.39)
rubric: (279) De nativitate Sancte Marie
incipit: (279) Hƿæt ƿille ƿe secgan
Note: Thorpe II 466
279-283 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.35)
rubric: (279) Ewangelium. Dominica
incipit: (279) Ibat Iesus in ciuitatem que uocatur naim
incipit: (279) Ure drihten ferde
Note: Thorpe I 490
283-290 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
Note: (Cameron B1.1.37)
rubric: (283) Ewangelium in dominica
incipit: (283) Loquebatur Iesus cum discipulis
incipit: (283) Drihten ƿæs sprecende
Note: Thorpe I 520
290-296 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Memory of Saints
Note: (Cameron B1.3.17)
rubric: (290) Sermo de memoria sanctorum quando uolueris
incipit: (290) Ego sum alfa et o...
incipit: (290) Ðæt is on ænglisc. Ic eom angin
Note: Skeat's Aelfric no. XVI (I 336)
296-301 - Ælfric OSB, De duodecim abusiuis (part)
Note: (Cameron B1.6.2)
rubric: (296) Sermo de duodecim abusiuis secundum disputationem Sancti Cypriani
incipit: (296) Nu sind tƿelf abusiua þæt synd tƿelf unþeaƿas
Note: Morris, Old English Homilies I 299 from another manuscript. Copied for Professor Napier
301-306 - Ælfric OSB, De doctrina Apostolica
Note: (Cameron B1.4.20)
rubric: (301) De doctrina apostolica
incipit: (301) On manega ƿisan lærð godes lar. þa cristenan on þære lare is ægðer geliðnis gestiðnis
Note: Also in Junius 23, f. 35b. Copied for Professor Napier
306-317 - Ælfric OSB, De falsis diis
Note: (Cameron B1.4.22)
rubric: (306) De falsis diis
incipit: (307) Fratres dilectissimi diuina scriptura cultum unius ueri dei nos docuit his uerbis dicendo. Unus est dominus una fides etc.
incipit: (307) Eala ge gebroðra þa leofostan þæt godcundæ geƿrit
Note: Also in MS 178, p. 142, and elsewhere
317-327 - Ælfric OSB, Interrogationes Sigeuulfi in Genesin
Note: (Cameron B1.6.1)
rubric: (317) Interrogationes Siwlfi presbiteri
incipit: (317) Sum geðungen lareoƿ ƿæs on engle lande albinus gehaten
Note: MacLean, Anglia VII 1. See on MS 162
327-333 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Ash Wednesday
Note: (Cameron B1.3.13)
rubric: (327) Dominica in quinquagesima
incipit: (327) On þissere ƿucan on ƿodnos dæg sƿa sƿa ge selfe ƿiton
Note: Skeat's Aelfric no. XII (I 260)
333-338 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Prayer of Moses
Note: (Cameron B1.3.14)
rubric: (333) De oratione moysi in media quadragesima
incipit: (333) Efter þan ðe moyses se mæra heretoga
Note: Skeat's Aelfric no. XIII (I 282)
Note: A rather smaller hand finishes the homily and writes the Latin of the next article: the Anglo-Saxon is in the former hand
338-339 - Excommunication in Latin and Old English
Note: (Cameron B14.42)
Note: Excommunication (Liebermann, Gesetze, p. 438)
Note: In Latin and Anglo-Saxon
incipit: (338) Ex auctoritate dei patris omnipotentis
Note: Anglo-Saxon on p. 339
incipit: (339) Men þa leofestan geherað hƿæt þeos boc segþMid ealdorlicnesse ælmihtiges godes
Note: Wanley, p. 137
340-341 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Passion of St Alban
Note: (Cameron B1.3.20)
rubric: (340) Quomodo acitofel et multi alii laqueo se suspenderunt
incipit: (340) Is nu eac to ƿitenne þæt man ƿitnað
Note: Skeat's Aelfric no. XIX (second part, I 424)
341-355 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Maccabees
Note: (Cameron B1.3.25)
rubric: (341) Kalendas Augusti Passio sanctorum Machabeorum
incipit: (341) Efter þam þe alexander
Note: Divided into nine chapters
Note: Skeat's Aelfric no. XXV (II 66)
355-356 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, The Maccabees continued
Note: (Cameron B1.3.25)
rubric: (355) Qui sint Oratores Laboratores Bellatores
incipit: (355) Is sƿa þeah to ƿitenne
Note: Skeat's Aelfric no. XXV (II 120)
356-362 - Ælfric OSB, Judith
Note: (Cameron B1.5.15)
rubric: (356) Incipit de iudith quomodo interfecit olofernem
incipit: (356) Ƿe secgað nu ærest on þisum geƿritum þæt tƿegen cyningas
Note: Ends imperfectly
explicit: (362) god þe gestrangode for þære clænnesse
Note: Assmann, A.-S. Homilien no. IX, p. 102. Anglia X 87
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