As the title indicates, this manuscript contains a collection of
brevia (short sayings or excerpts) from several books of the Bible,
written by the Franciscan theologian Petrus Aureoli (c. 1280-1322).
Included here are those taken from the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges,
Ruth, Kings (only a fragment), Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Esther, and
Machabees. According to the fenestra title, the volume should also
have contained Chronicles, the Gospels, and the Acts of the
Apostles; these are lacking. The manuscript is dated to the
fourteenth century. Possibly this text was written in the
scriptorium of either Ten Duinen or Ter Doest. The text is written
in two columns, with initials in red and blue. Equally interesting
are the additional leaves found after the brevia. Folium 51 is a
single leaf, containing the beginning of John Damascenus' De fide
orthodoxa, (running up to chapter 5, paragraph 4). This fragment
has the same layout as the main text, but lacks the decoration. The
two fly leaves at the end of the volume contain excerpts from
several theologians, regarding - in as far as they have been
identified - the nature of free will and of good, taken from a.o.
Augustine of Hippo (De libero arbitrio and In Iohannis tractatus
XXIII), Hugo of Saint-Victor (De sacramentis christianae fidei,
pars IV), and Anselm of Canterbury. Finally, the last leaf has been
used in the fourteenth century to record several expenses related
to the death of a cleric named Thingus, cellarer at the cathedral
of Noyon. These include the payment for royal tithes, the creation
of a (tomb?)stone and repairs after the first stone shattered, and
payments made in the house of the archbishop of Rouen. [Summary by
Dr. Mark Vermeer] Title:
Quedam breuia dicta super Pentatheucum, Iosue, Iudicum, Ruth,
Regum, Thobiam, Iudith, Hester, Regum, Paralipomenon, Machabeorum,
Evangelia et Actus apostolorum [titel fenestra] Note:
De laatste twee schutbladen bevatten theologische aantekeningen,
o.a. van Augustinus (De libero arbitrio en In Iohannis tractatus
XXIII), Hugo van Saint-Victor (De sacramentis christianae fidei,
pars IV), en Anselmus van Canterbury
Het verso van het laatste schutblad bevat een 14de-eeuwse
boekhoudkundige aantekening (12 regels lang) i.v.m. uitgaven rond
de dood van clericus Thingus, cellarius in de kathedraal van Noyon.
Incipit: 'de xxxiii libras et xvi denarios parisienses quas
debebant recipere executores domini Thingi a celerario ecclesie
beate Marie Noviom[ensis]'; bevat ook een verwijzing naar het huis
van de aartsbisschop van Rouen
Herkomst: Volgens Lieftinck 1953 is dit handschrift mogelijk
afkomstig uit het scriptorium van Ter Doest of Ten Duinen Topic general subdivision:
Godsdienst Material:
Perkament Extent:
i + 51 ff. + ii Dimensions:
30 x 20 cm Decoration and binding:
gedecoreerde initialen
Moderne band Script:
gotische textualisgotische hybrida
tot en met fol. 51v.vanaf fol. 52r. tot 53v. Provenance:
Cisterciënzerabdij Ter Doest (S.O.Cist.)
Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.) Genre/form:
Renteboeken, feodale registers en rekeningen