Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 355
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 355
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1525
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 355: John Colet, Epistolae beati Pauli ad Romanos expositio, Geneseos expositio ad Radulphum
- John Colet, Epistolae beati Pauli ad Romanos expositio || John Coletin Romanos
- John Colet, Geneseos expositio ad Radulphum || John Coletin Genesim
- Agent
- Preferred form
- John Colet (1467?-1519)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Colet
- Other form
- Colet, John
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: The commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans and on Genesis contained in CCCC MS 355 are by John Colet (1467-1519), one of the early humanists in England, who had been to Italy and was influenced by early Renaissance scholarship. The commentary on Romans originated as a lecture in Oxford given in the late 1490s, and was expanded and revised, as in this manuscript copy, addressed to a young man named Edmund. It heralds a departure from the still prevalent scholastic mode of exegesis. It is written in humanist script by Peter Meghen (1466/7-1540), a Brabantine scribe who worked extensively for the English early sixteenth-century humanists. The manuscript was probably made in the first or second decades of the sixteenth century. John Colet seems first to have employed Meghen in 1505, although he continued to work in England into the 1520s. Blank spaces indicate the intention to include miniatures and ornamental intials, but regrettably this work was never carried out.
Contents :
3-194 - John Colet, Epistolae beati Pauli ad Romanos expositio || John Coletin Romanos
Note: (3) Title in red in Bishop Tunstall's hand
rubric: (3) Scripta Ioannis Colett professoris theologie in epistolam diui Pauli ad Romanos
Note: (3) Marginal notes by a Parkerian scribe: Hic titulus scriptus erat cum aliis insequentibus manu Cutheberti Dunelm. ep. ut testatur subscriptio eius in fine statutorum eccl. Dunelmensis. et ut probari potest per scriptum suum in libro miscellaneorum E. Pag. 58. Hic liber scriptus manu amanuensis Iohannis Colett, ut videre licet in libro magno duarum translationum Matthaei et Marci script. manu Petri Meghen monoculi teutonis natione Brabantini. Vt ipsemet testatur in fine Marci Euangelistae Anno 1509. 8 Maij
Note: The MS. of Matthew and Mark referred to is in the University Library Dd. 7. 3. It was given by Parker
Note: Text
incipit: (3) In epistola quam apostolus Paulus scripsit ad Romanos hominibus illic christiani nominis
Note: Spaces are left for illuminated initials
Note: Ends imperfectly
explicit: (194) ad honestam et optandam emendationem malorum non
Note: (194) Note by Tunstall: Supersunt multa ab eodem Joanne Colet scripta in diuum paulum sed puerorum eius incuria perierunt
Note: A complete copy of the Lectures is in the University Library Gg. 4. 26 from which the text was edited with translation by J. H. Lupton, 1873
195-226 - John Colet, Geneseos expositio ad Radulphum || John Coletin Genesim
Note: Title by Tunstall
rubric: (195) Scripta Joannis Colet professoris theologie Decani sancti pauli London. In principium geneseos
incipit: (195) Miror sane te optime Radulphe quum voluisti a capite Biblie inchoare
explicit: (199) fac nos te queso participes. Vale
incipit: (199) Parumper de reliquis diebus uti petis in calce Epistole
explicit: (207) me de tedio scribendi paululum leuauerim. Vale
incipit: (207) Tercium nunc deinceps diem aggrediamur
explicit: (222) nos in hiis rebus lucubrasse. Vale
incipit: (222) Salue Radulphe ac cum salute puto te rediisse
Note: Ending imperfectly
explicit: (226) facere docet Macrobius in Comentario edito
Note: Edited by J. H. Lupton in 1876
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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