Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 69
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 69
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- viii-ix - 0700 - 0899
- Language
- Latin
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 069: Gregory the Great, Homiliae XL in euangelia
- Homiliae XL in euangelia || Homilies on the Gospels
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Grégoire I (pape, 0540?-0604)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gregory the Great
- Other form
- Grégoire le Grand
- GREGORIUS I papa (S.)
- Gregorius I (pape ; 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius Magnus
- Grégoire I (pape ; 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius I
- GREGORIUS Magnus I (s.), papa
- S. Gregorius Magnus
- S. Gregorius
- Gregoire Le Grand, S.
- Gregorius
- Saint Gregoire
- Sancti Gregorii papae
- Grégoire I (pape, 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius Magnus (s.)
- Gregorii
- Saint Grégoire le Grand
- Beati Gregorii papae
- Gregorio papa
- Gregorii Papae
- Sancto Gregorio
- S. Gregorii Magni
- Sancti Gregorii
- Grégoire I (0540?-0604 ; pape)
- Sanctus Gregorius Magnus
- GREGORIUS I Magnus (s.), papa
- Gregorii [Magni]
- Gregorius (saint ; 06.. ?-07.. ? ; évêque d'Agrigente)
- Saint Grégoire
- Grégoire le Grand (Saint), pape
- Grégoire I, pape, 0540?-0604
- Grégoire le Grand, saint, 0540?-0604
- Gregorius Magnus, sant, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius Magnus, saint, 0540?-0604
- Gregory the Great, Saint, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius Magnus, Saint, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius de Grote (paus)
- Gregorius (heilige)
- Gregorius I, papa
- Gregorius Magnus, santo, ca. 540-0604
- Gregori I, papa, 540-604
- Gregorio I, Papa
- Gregorius I (paus)
- Gregorius Papa, I. 540-604
- Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604
- Author: Gregorius I, Papa
- Gregorius I, Pont. Max.
- Gregory, I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregory
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregory I, Pope
- Gregory I, c 540-604, Saint, Pope; also known as 'the Great'
- Pope Gregory the Great
- Gregorius I, Magnus, paus, 540?-604
- Grégoire (pape)
- Gregorius, I.<Papa>
- Gregor I., Papst, 542-604
- Gregor, I.<Papst>
- Gregorius papa
- S. Grégoire
- Grégoire le Grand (saint), pape
- S. Grégoire le Grand
- Gregor <I., Papst> (542-604)
- Gregorius papa I
- D. Gregorius
- B. Gregorius
- Divus Gregorius
- Beatus Gregorius papa
- Divus Gregorius papa
- S. Gregorius papa
- Gregorius PP.
- Gregorius papa, 1., ca. 540-604
- Gregory the Great, 540-604
- Gregory the Great, (b. c. 540, d. 604), theologian and Pope
- Gregory I, Pope (approximately 540-604)
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604) > Pape
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604)
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604) > Père de l'Eglise
- Gregorius (ca. 540-604)
- Gregorio I, Papa, Santo, 540-604
- Gregor
- S. Gregorii
- Gregor <I., Papst>
- Gregorius Magnus (Nachtrag: Catalogus operum Gregorii Magni monasterio in maiore Frankenthal anno 1486 pertinentium)
- Gregório Magno, Santo, 540-604
- Gregório Magno, Santo, 540-604 > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 590-604 (Gregório I)
- Gregorius Papa I - ca. 540 - 604 - auteur
- Gregorius Papa I - ca. 540 - 604 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- see more
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 69, containing Gregory the Great's Forty Homilies on the Gospels, was written in Insular Hybrid minuscule and decorated in typical Insular fashion with red dots, interlace, and occasional animal heads. It was probably made in England south of the Humber, dating to the early part of the early ninth century, and is as such a relatively late product of the Insular book-producing tradition in England, which was to be greatly disrupted by Viking attacks of the middle of the ninth century. The text was used by Étaix in his edition of the work, although he denigrated it as containing terrible readings and fantastic spellings; but its place of origin and early date seemed to him too significant for the manuscript to be ignored.
Contents :
ff. 1r - 83v - Homiliae XL in euangelia || Homilies on the Gospels
Note: The Gospel Lections are given in full
rubric: Omelia euangeliorum gregorii papae urbis romae numero uiginti. secundum marcum
bibliographic: P. L. LXX [actually LXXVI]
incipit: In illo tempore maria magdalene et maria iacobi et solomae
explicit: uidebitis sicut dixit uobis
decoNote: Initial I, in green, pink and yellow, with panels of interlaced work. The ground round it is thickly dotted with red. The letters "N ILLO" are filled in with pink and interlacing.
rubric: Multis uobis lectionibus fratres karissimi
Note: The Homilies are irregularly numbered: the last, imperfect, should be the xlth (on Dives and Lazarus).
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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