Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, MSS 01049
- Source
- Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. University of Toronto Libraries
- Library
- Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
- Shelfmark
- MSS 01049
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- ca. 1475-1500?
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- De sacramento altaris et valore missarum
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Pseudo-Hugo de Sancto Caro
- Original form
- Pseudo-Hugo de Sancto Caro
- Other form
- Hugh of Vienna (pseudo-Hugh of Saint-Cher OP)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Hugues de Saint-Cher (1190?-1263)
- Original form
- Hugh, of Saint-Cher, Cardinal, approximately 1200-1263
- Other form
- Hugo de Sancto Caro
- Hugo de Sancto-Charo (1190?-1263)
- Hugues de Saint-Cher
- Hugues de Saint-Cher (1190?-1263)
- Author: Hugo, de Sancto Caro
- Hugh of Saint-Cher (for postilla)
- Hugh of Saint-Cher
- Hugh of Saint-Cher OP
- Hugo de Sancto Caro, -1263
- Frater Hugo de S. Iacobo
- Hugo
- Frater Hugo
- Hugues de Saint-Cher (11..-1263)
- Hugo, von Saint-Cher, Kardinal, 1200-1263
- Hugo de S. Caro
- Hugues, de Saint-Cher, 1190?-1263
- Hugo de Sancto Caro - gest. 1263 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Arenberg (ducs d')
- Original form
- Arenberg, House of (association)
- Other form
- Arenberg Collectie
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
[40] leaves.
Gothic minuscule script; 1 column of 25 lines (10.2 x 6.3cm.).
Written by a single hand in Latin; in dark brown ink ruled in light red; paragraph marks in red, with some capitals stroked in red or yellow wash; 4 - 7-line high initials painted in blue, orange or green on liquid gold grounds, some with gold infill on blue or pink grounds, each initial with infill of coloured flowers; unfinished marginal decoration on leaf [1] with flowers and coloured acanthus leaves, some pen flourishing with human faces or foliate motifs extending into the margins.
Contemporary blind-tooled brown calf over wooden boards; sides divided by multiple fillets into concentric frames; outer panel filled with repeated stamps of four identical quatrefoils; central rectangular panel filled with repeated stamps of a crowned shield with three ermine and quatrefoils (upper cover) and with repeated stamps of a stag and a lion (lower cover); with remains of brass bosses and clasp; back sewn on three raised thongs; wormholes.
Script and binding evidence suggest its origin either in northeastern French or Flanders. Cf. Gid, D. Catalogue des reliures françaises estampées à froid. Paris, 1984, no. 36, 38, and 40.
Title derived from contents.
Incipit: Devotus quidam presbiter conquestus michi fuit quod circa venerabile sacramentum eukaristie quasdam difficultates haberet ...
Originally attributed to Hugh of Saint-Cher, since 1933 that attribution has been seriously questioned. Cf. Glorieux, P. Répertoire des maîtres en théologie de Paris au XIIIe siècle. Paris, 1933, p. 43-51.
The treatise is hostile to the eucharistic theology of Berengarius of Tours.
Acquired from Les enluminures, Feb. 2008.
From the library of the Dukes of Arenberg, with the shelfmark 44.
Illumination--Specimens--France--15th century
Raised bands--Specimens--France--15th century
Wooden boards--Specimens--France--15th century
Berengar, of Tours, approximately 1000-1088
Catholic Church Doctrines
Manuscripts, Latin
Lord's Supper--Real presence
Manuscripts, Medieval
- Extent:
- Place
- Preferred form
- France
- Original form
- France
- Other form
- France (Paris ? Fontainebleau ?)
- France.
- France (?)
- Lieu de copie : France ( ?) : cf. Hans-Collas ― Schandel, p. 327
- France ?
- France -- 16e siècle
- Frankreich
- França
- Francia
- Frankrijk
- Abbaye de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadia de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abtei Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abbey of Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadía de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abdij van Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Région de la Loire (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- Loire Region (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Regió del Loira (Abadia de Fleury ?)
- Región del Loira (Abadía de Fleury ?)
- France (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- França (Abadia de Fleury?)
- Francia (Abadía de Fleury?)
- France (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Frankreich (Abtei Fleury?)
- Frankrijk (Abdij van Fleury?)
- France (est : Lorraine ?)
- França (est: Lorena?)
- Ostfrankreich (Lothringen?)
- Eastern France (Lorraine?)
- Francia (este: Lorena?)
- Lothringen
- Lorena
- Lotharingen
- Lorraine
- França (Borgonya?)
- France (Burgundy?)
- Francia (Borgoña)
- France (Bourgogne ?)
- Frankrijk (Bourgondië?)
- France (Bretagne ?)
- França (Bretanya?)
- Frankreich (Bretagne?)
- France (Brittany?)
- Francia (Bretaña)
- Frankrijk (Bretagne?)
- France (ouest : Bretagne ?)
- Western France (Brittany?)
- França (oest: Bretanya?)
- Francia (oeste: Bretaña?)
- Frankrijk (westen) (Bretagne?)
- Westfrankreich: Bretagne?
- Bretagne
- Bretanya
- Bretaña
- Brittany
- Probably the Loire region
- France: Auxerre or Brittany
- France: Fleury. vicinity of Paris (Saint-Denis?) (Bischoff)
- France: Ile-de-France (Sens?)
- France: Fleury; Reims?
- France (Southern France?)
- France: Fleury
- France: probably Auxerre
- France: evidently Eastern France
- Central- or southern France
- France, Vienne
- [France]
- Paris (?)
- France (Paris?) or Flanders
- France (3rd part)
- Strassburg (probably)
- Paris (?) or Tours (?)
- France (Normandy?)
- Rouen (?) or Paris (?)
- France: Champagne, Burgundy or Centre
- Lyon or Luxeuil (?)
- France (Besançon?)
- France (Paris?)
- France, Northern (probably)
- Probably Eastern France
- St. Denis near Paris (monastery) (?)
- Tours (?)
- France (possibly near the court)
- Italy and France (illumination)
- [Provence?]
- France, East (?)
- France, Northeast?
- France, Pontigny (or Paris?)
- France, North?
- France, Paris?
- France, Diocese of Limoges?
- France, Auxerre or area
- France, Burgundy?
- France, Brittany or Paris?
- France, Angers?
- France, Normandy?
- France, East?
- France, Bourges?
- France, Anjou?
- France, Northwest?
- France, Tours?
- France (probably Paris)
- France, Europe
- SW France?
- FR
- [FR]
- Frankreich (Angers?)
- Frankrijk (?)
- Gallia
- Gallia (Frankrijk)
- Gallia? (Frankrijk?)
- Frankreich (I.)
- Frankreich (III.)
- Frankreich (III)
- Frankreich (II)
- Frankreich (I)
- I./III. Frankreich
- II. Frankreich
- Frankreich (Ergänzung)
- [Frankrijk]
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- Biblissima authority file
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