Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 474

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  • MS 474
Biblissima authority file
  • 1200 - 1325
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 474: Raymond of Peñafort OP, Summa de casibus poenitentiae
  • Raymond of Peñafort OP, Summa de casibus poenitentiae
  • Preferred form
    • Raymond de Peñafort (saint, 1175?-1275)
    • Author
    Original form
    • Raymond of Peñafort OP
    Other form
    • Raymond de Peñafort (saint ; 1175?-1275)
    • Raymond de Pennafort
    • S. Raymundus de Pennaforti
    • RAIMUNDUS DE PENNAFORTI (s.), O.P., archiep. Taraconensis
    • Raymond de Peñafort, saint, 1175?-1275
    • Raimundus de Pennaforti 1180-1275
    • Ramon, de Penyafort, sant, ca. 1185-1275
    • Ramón de Penyafort, Santo
    • Raymond, of Peñafort, Saint, 1175?-1275
    • Author: Raimundus, de Pennaforti
    • Raymund de Penafort
    • Raymond of Penyafort, c 1180-1275, Saint
    • Raymond, of Peñafort, Saint, 1175?-1275
    • Raimundus de Pennaforti, 1175-1275
    • Raimond de Penafort
    • Raimundus de Pennaforte
    • Raimundus <de Pennaforti> (1175-1275)
    • Raymundus de Pennafort
    • Magister Raymundus de Pennafort
    • Frater Raymundus
    • Raymundus
    • Raymond de Peñafort (1175-1275)
    • Raimundus
    • Raimundo de Peñafort, Santo, ca 1175-1275 > , compil.
    • Raimundo de Peñafort, Santo, ca 1175-1275
    • Raimundus de Pennaforti - 1175/80 - 1275 - auteur
    • see more
    Biblissima portal
    Biblissima authority file
  • Summary: CCCC 474, written c. 1300 in France, contains a single text, the Summa de casibus poenitentiae, by the canon lawyer Raymond of Peñafort OP (c. 1190-1275), perhaps the most popular of all medieval books on penance. The text is also in CCCC MSS 136 and 247. It has six fine historiated initials.

    Contents :

    1r-326v - Raymond of Peñafort OP, Summa de casibus poenitentiae

    Note: (1r) Table, Absolucio-Uxor, in single lines

    Note: Not in the hand of the text

    rubric: (29r) Summa Raymundi

    incipit: (29r) Quoniam ut ait ieronimus secunda post naufragium tabula

    Note: (29r) Initial. Tonsured man in blue with red hood kneels to hooded friar in brown over white. Red ground, partial border. Exquisite work

    Note: Text, liber I

    rubric: (30r) De symonia

    incipit: (30r) Quoniam inter crimina

    Note: (30r) Initial. Bishop stands on L. admonishing. Boy in C. tonsured holding bag of money. He is pushed forward by a grey-bearded man on R. Church in C. in background. Blue ground. Illustrates 'Simony'

    Note: (97v) Liber II

    rubric: (97v) De homicidio

    Note: (97v) Initial. Short-haired man in tunic with raised sword about to behead a kneeling man on R. whose hair he clutches. Blue ground, patterned

    Note: (158v) Liber III

    rubric: (159v) De qualitate ordinandorum

    Note: (159v) Bishop in blue chasuble and mitre. Tonsured clerk in white kneels on R. The Bishop holds his hand and speaks

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (287r) venite benedicti percipite regnum. Amen

    rubric: (287r) Explicit summa de penitentia

    rubric: (287r) Incipit prologus in librum quartum de matrimonio

    incipit: (287r) Quoniam frequenter in foro penitenciali

    Note: (287r) Initial. Noli me tangere. Magdalene kneels on L. Christ with long cross-staff and raised hand. Blue ground

    Note: Text

    rubric: (288r) De sponsalibus

    incipit: (288r) Quoniam matrimonium

    Note: (288r) Initial. Bishop in yellow chasuble joins the hands of a youth (L.) and maid (R.): red ground

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (326v) corrigat et emendat

    Note: (viir) On the flyleaf at end are xvth cent. notes

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