Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 105
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 105
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- Italian
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 105: Miscellaneous Letters and Tracts
- Letter of Martin Luther to Philipp Melanchthon concerning the latter's writing, 23 December 1539 || Epistola Martini Lutheri ad Philippum Melanchton, de quodam ejus scripto, forsan sequenti, data sabbato Innocentium 1539
- Philipp Melanchthon, De libro Coloniensis || Philippus Melanchton de libro capituli Coloniensis scripto contra reformationem reverendissimi archiepiscopi
- Defence of the reformation of the English church || Defensio reformationis ecclesiae Anglicanae
- Why it is not licit to marry the sister of a deceased wife || Quod non licet mortua uxore ducere sororem mortuae
- An answer to the previously stated objections as to why it is not licit to marry the sister of a deceased wife || An answer unto the aforesaide objections
- A reply to the answer to why it is not licit to marry the sister of a deceased wife || A replie to the former answer
- Causes as to why marriage in many degrees is prohibited || Causae cur in nuptiis multi gradus prohibeantur
- Arguments out of canon law why it is not possible to marry the sister of a deceased wife || Argumenta ex libris jurisconsultorum quod quis non possit uxorem ducere sororem uxoris praemortuae
- Arguments on why it is not possible to marry the sister of a deceased wife || Alia argumenta de hac re
- Letter of John Jewell, bishop of Salisbury, against marriage to a sister of a deceased wife, dated at Sarum, November 1561 || Letter from Jewell bishop of Salisbury, in which he gives his opinion against the lawfulness of such marriages, dated Sarum, kalendis Novembris 1561
- Letter from the bishops to queen Elizabeth for the removal of images out of churches || Letter from the bishops to queen Elizabeth for the removal of images out of churches, citing many passages from the scriptures and the fathers to prove the unlawfulness of them
- Account of the expedition into Scotland, the siege of Leith, and the peace that ensued, 1560 || Account of the expedition into Scotland, the siege of Leith, and the peace that ensued, in which the French king relinquished the title of king of England, &c. A.D. 1560
- Extract from the roll of new-years gifts signed with the queen's hand in the eighth year of her reign || Extract from the roll of new-years gifts signed with the queen's hand, containing an account of plate given to embassadors and other persons in the eighth year of her reign amounting to 65 oz. gold and 6292.25 oz. silver, valued at 3160£. 2s. 5d.
- That bishops do not require the judgement of the laity in divine matters || Episcoporum in rebus divinis non laicorum judicium esse requirendum
- James Pilkington, Tract on Romans 9:18 Deus cuius uult miseretur, quem uult indurat || Tractatus Jacobi Pilkington, dum erat studens Cantabrigiensis in Romanorum ix. 18. Deus cujus vult miseretur, quem vult indurat
- Thomas Cranmer, Some queries tending towards reformation || Some queries written in archbishop Cranmer's own hand tending toward reformation
- Fragment of a theological dispute on sin, to which theological aphorisms are added || Voluntarie peccantibus nulla reliqua est spes veniae, fragmentum disputationis theologicae: cui adduntur aphorismi quidam theologici
- The coronation of King Edward VI || The crownation of kinge Edwarde VI, on shrove-sunday beinge the 20 day of February anno 1546, at the monastery of Westminster
- John Joscelyn, Prayer to defend the godly from calumny and for christian princes to establish true religion || Anglorum oratio, qua partim suae religionis instaurationem adversus quorundam calumnias defendunt, partim christianos principes hortantur ut religionis sincerioris procurationem in se suscipiant; autore I. Josselyn
- Instruments of Richard Watkis notary, concerning the baptism of Elizabeth I || Copia instrumenti sub sigillo Ricardi Watkii proto-notarii regii, attestantis baptizationem praeclarissimae dominae Elizabethae serenissimi regis Henrici filiae apud ecclesiam conventualem fratrum minorum prope Greenwich 5 Sept. 1533
- Royal writ directing the archbishop of Canterbury to receive into the sacrament N.N. J.P. || Breve dominae reginae directum domino archiepiscopo Cantuariensi ad recipiendum sacramentum N. N. justic. pacis cum forma juramenti
- The commodities which England may have, being joined in amity and friendship with Scotland || The commodities which England maye have beyng joynd in amytie and friendship with Scotland
- The oath of the lord protector in Scotland 1567 || The othe of the lord protector in Scotland 1567
- Letters from Lord Cobham and the sheriff of Kent about the execution of the commission for collecting the subsidy in Kent || Letters from lord Cobham and the sheriff of Kent about the execution of the said commission
- The effect of the agreement between the queen dowager of Scotland and the lords of the congregation published by proclamation at Edinburgh 26 July 1559 || Theffect of thagreement betwene the queene dowager of Scotlande and the lords of the congregation published by proclamation at Edenburg 26 Julii anno 1559
- A memorial of such things as have been done from day to day between the queen dowager of Scotland and the lords of the congregation assembled at Lithgow from the 15 October to the 20 November 1559 || A memorial of such things as have been done from daye to daye betwene the queene dowager of Skotland and the lords of the congregation assembled at Lythcowe from the 15 of October to the 20 of November 1559
- Thomas Cranmer, A declaration concerning the untrue and slanderous report of some which have reported that he should set up the mass again || A declaration of the reverend father in God Thomas archbishop of Canterbury concerning the untrue and slanderous report of some which have reported that he should set up the mass again
- Effects of Robert Holgate late archbishop of York left at Battersea when he was committed to the Tower of London || Monye specyalities of dettes plate jewels and writings left at Battersea by Robert [Holgate] late archbishop of York, when he was commytted to the tower, or which has been since taken from Cawood and other places by Ellys Markham
- Letter of Christian, king of Denmark to Edward VI and the duke of Somerset congratulating them on establishing true religion in England || Epistola Christiani regis Danorum ad Edwardum VI. regem Angliae, et ad ducem Somersetiae protectorem, qua gratulatur eis de vera religione in Anglia stabilita, et suadet pacem cum Scotis faciendam
- English translation of the Letter of Christian, king of Denmark to Edward VI and the duke of Somerset congratulating them on establishing true religion in England || English translation of the foregoing letter
- Excerpts from ancient canons concerning the jurisdiction of priests || Excerpta ex antiquis canonibus de jurisdictione sacerdotum et episcoporum, de conjugio clericorum, de potestate regia in episcopos et clericos, et de potestate et celebratione conciliorum
- Letters of William Cecil to Matthew Parker and of the Welsh council to the privy council concerning sedition, 1561 || A letter from secretary Cecill to archbishop Parker, and another from the council of Wales to the privy-council, relating to some seditious and popish writings spread abroad in Wales 1561
- A seditious tract circulating in Wales || The seditious tract mentioned in the preceding letters
- An addition with an apology to the causes of the burning of St Paul's church || An addicion with an apology to the causes of the brynning of Paules church, the which causes were uttered at Paules crosse by the reverend bushopp of Durysme the 8 of June 1561
- Instructions given to the ambassadors of France sent to the Council of Trent, May 1562 || Instructions given to the embassadors of Fraunce sent to the counsell of Trent
- Articles of agreement between the emperor's majesty and the Landgrave || Articles of agreament betwixt themperours majestie and the Lantgrave
- Accounts of Cardinal Pole || Status reditus et expensarum cardinalis Pole
- Articles concerning the wool staple at Calais temp. Henry VIII || Articuli concernentes stapulam lanarum, quae est apud Calen, oblati a commissariis imperatoris, tempore regis Henrici VIII
- Anglo-Saxon word list || Expositio quorundam antiquorum vocabulorum Saxonicorum
- The founding of the University of Cambridge taken from the Croyland continuation of Peter of Blois || De fundatione academiae Cantabrigiensis ex continuatione historiae Croylandensis per Petrum Blessensem
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Martin Luther (1483-1546)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Martin Luther
- Other form
- Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
- Doct. Mart[in] Luth[er]
- Luther
- Luther, Martin
- Luther, Martin &datl=1483-1546
- Martin Luther (1483-1546)
- Martini Lutheri
- Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
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- Philippus Melanchthon (1497-1560)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Philipp Melanchthon
- Other form
- Melanchthon, Philippus (1497-1560)
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon, Philipp &datl=1497-1560
- Melanchthon, Philipp
- Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)
- Philipus Melancton
- Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560
- Melanchthon, Philipp (Theologe)
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- Preferred form
- John Jewel (1522-1571)
- Role
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- Original form
- John Jewell, bishop of Salisbury
- Other form
- John Jewel
- John Jewel (1522-1571)
- Jewel, John, 1522-1571
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- Preferred form
- James Pilkington (1520-1576)
- Role
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- Original form
- James Pilkington
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- Preferred form
- Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Cranmer
- Other form
- Cranmer, Thomas, 2 Jul 1489-21 Mar 1556, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Cranmer
- The archbishop of Canterbury
- Cranmer, Thomas
- Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)
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- John Josseline (1529-1603)
- Role
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- Original form
- John Joscelyn
- Other form
- John Joscelyn (1529-1603)
- Joscelyn, John, 1529-1603
- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- Christian III (roi de Danemark, 1503-1559)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Christian, king of Denmark
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- Preferred form
- William Cecil (1520-1598)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- William Cecil
- Other form
- Cecil, William (1520-1598)
- Lord Burleigh
- Cecil, William, 1520-1598, 1st Baron Burghley, royal minister, Lord Treasurer 1572
- Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598
- William Cecil, Lord Burghley
- Cecil, William, First Baron Burghley (1520/1-1598)
- Burghley, William Cecil Baron (1520-1598)
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- Description
Summary: Matthew Parker's manuscript collection naturally reflects his interest in Reformation theology and a large part of the material bound together in MS 105 reflects this interest. This volume contains a copy of Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560), De libro Coloniensis and tracts on issues such as marriage to the sister of a deceased wife, the removal of images from churches and in defence of the English Reformation. However this manuscript also includes evidence of other aspects of Parker's career and interests. There are numerous documents and accounts relating to the uneasy relations between England and Scotland at the start of Elizabeth's reign, a result of Parker's involvement with Elizabeth's rule. There is also an Anglo-Saxon wordlist, a reflection of Parker's interest in the church in Anglo-Saxon England. The volume also includes accounts of the coronation of king Edward VI, the baptism of Elizabeth I and excerpts from the Croyland continuation of Peter of Blois regarding the foundation of the University of Cambridge. The manuscript dates to the third quarter of the sixteenth century.
Contents :
1-6 - Letter of Martin Luther to Philipp Melanchthon concerning the latter's writing, 23 December 1539 || Epistola Martini Lutheri ad Philippum Melanchton, de quodam ejus scripto, forsan sequenti, data sabbato Innocentium 1539
Note: Not autograph
7-74 - Philipp Melanchthon, De libro Coloniensis || Philippus Melanchton de libro capituli Coloniensis scripto contra reformationem reverendissimi archiepiscopi
Note: Originale propria manu Melanctonis
Note: Cf. Melanchthon, Opera 1562, II 93
75-122 - Defence of the reformation of the English church || Defensio reformationis ecclesiae Anglicanae
Note: Hic tractatus scriptus est regnante Elizabetha, ideoque Bucero, ut Cl. Stanley placuit, minime ascribendus
incipit: (75) Quotiens lego illud Pauli Apostoli ad suum Timotheum. Salutat te Pudens et Claudia
Note: Unfinished: in several hands
123-134 - Why it is not licit to marry the sister of a deceased wife || Quod non licet mortua uxore ducere sororem mortuae
Note: partim Latine, partim Anglice
Note: (123) a.
incipit: (123) Ex academiarum non paucarum sententia
Note: (125) b.
Note: ? In Cranmer's hand
incipit: (125) My wif & I be (as Christe saith) one fleshe
135-150 - An answer to the previously stated objections as to why it is not licit to marry the sister of a deceased wife || An answer unto the aforesaide objections
incipit: (135) The firste is a parologisme a non causa
151-174 - A reply to the answer to why it is not licit to marry the sister of a deceased wife || A replie to the former answer
175-180 - Causes as to why marriage in many degrees is prohibited || Causae cur in nuptiis multi gradus prohibeantur
181-184 - Arguments out of canon law why it is not possible to marry the sister of a deceased wife || Argumenta ex libris jurisconsultorum quod quis non possit uxorem ducere sororem uxoris praemortuae
Note: Cf. MS 113, 49, 50; MS 340, 23
185-194 - Arguments on why it is not possible to marry the sister of a deceased wife || Alia argumenta de hac re
Note: Cf. MS 113, 49, 50; MS 340, 23
195-200 - Letter of John Jewell, bishop of Salisbury, against marriage to a sister of a deceased wife, dated at Sarum, November 1561 || Letter from Jewell bishop of Salisbury, in which he gives his opinion against the lawfulness of such marriages, dated Sarum, kalendis Novembris 1561
Note: Printed Strype, Parker, Appendix 19
Note: p. 199 has another set of arguments in Latin
201-216 - Letter from the bishops to queen Elizabeth for the removal of images out of churches || Letter from the bishops to queen Elizabeth for the removal of images out of churches, citing many passages from the scriptures and the fathers to prove the unlawfulness of them
Note: Printed Parker Correspondence, lxvi
217-219 - Account of the expedition into Scotland, the siege of Leith, and the peace that ensued, 1560 || Account of the expedition into Scotland, the siege of Leith, and the peace that ensued, in which the French king relinquished the title of king of England, &c. A.D. 1560
220-220 - Extract from the roll of new-years gifts signed with the queen's hand in the eighth year of her reign || Extract from the roll of new-years gifts signed with the queen's hand, containing an account of plate given to embassadors and other persons in the eighth year of her reign amounting to 65 oz. gold and 6292.25 oz. silver, valued at 3160£. 2s. 5d.
221-222 - That bishops do not require the judgement of the laity in divine matters || Episcoporum in rebus divinis non laicorum judicium esse requirendum
Note: Cf.MS 113, 46
223-228 - James Pilkington, Tract on Romans 9:18 Deus cuius uult miseretur, quem uult indurat || Tractatus Jacobi Pilkington, dum erat studens Cantabrigiensis in Romanorum ix. 18. Deus cujus vult miseretur, quem vult indurat
Note: Parker Society, Pilkington, p. 673
229-232 - Thomas Cranmer, Some queries tending towards reformation || Some queries written in archbishop Cranmer's own hand tending toward reformation
incipit: (230) What or wherin John fastynge, gyvynge almes in Englande doth profet and aveyle Thomas dwellynge in Italy and not knowinge what John in Englande doth, etc.
233-234 - Fragment of a theological dispute on sin, to which theological aphorisms are added || Voluntarie peccantibus nulla reliqua est spes veniae, fragmentum disputationis theologicae: cui adduntur aphorismi quidam theologici
Note: 8 priores lineae a Cranmero scriptae videntur
235-242 - The coronation of King Edward VI || The crownation of kinge Edwarde VI, on shrove-sunday beinge the 20 day of February anno 1546, at the monastery of Westminster
Note: Strype, Cranmer, I 202
243-273 - John Joscelyn, Prayer to defend the godly from calumny and for christian princes to establish true religion || Anglorum oratio, qua partim suae religionis instaurationem adversus quorundam calumnias defendunt, partim christianos principes hortantur ut religionis sincerioris procurationem in se suscipiant; autore I. Josselyn
Note: By Joscelyn, Parker's secretary
274-276 - Instruments of Richard Watkis notary, concerning the baptism of Elizabeth I || Copia instrumenti sub sigillo Ricardi Watkii proto-notarii regii, attestantis baptizationem praeclarissimae dominae Elizabethae serenissimi regis Henrici filiae apud ecclesiam conventualem fratrum minorum prope Greenwich 5 Sept. 1533
281-282 - Royal writ directing the archbishop of Canterbury to receive into the sacrament N.N. J.P. || Breve dominae reginae directum domino archiepiscopo Cantuariensi ad recipiendum sacramentum N. N. justic. pacis cum forma juramenti
283-283 - The commodities which England may have, being joined in amity and friendship with Scotland || The commodities which England maye have beyng joynd in amytie and friendship with Scotland
285-286 - The oath of the lord protector in Scotland 1567 || The othe of the lord protector in Scotland 1567
296-296 - Letters from Lord Cobham and the sheriff of Kent about the execution of the commission for collecting the subsidy in Kent || Letters from lord Cobham and the sheriff of Kent about the execution of the said commission
297-298 - The effect of the agreement between the queen dowager of Scotland and the lords of the congregation published by proclamation at Edinburgh 26 July 1559 || Theffect of thagreement betwene the queene dowager of Scotlande and the lords of the congregation published by proclamation at Edenburg 26 Julii anno 1559
299-320 - A memorial of such things as have been done from day to day between the queen dowager of Scotland and the lords of the congregation assembled at Lithgow from the 15 October to the 20 November 1559 || A memorial of such things as have been done from daye to daye betwene the queene dowager of Skotland and the lords of the congregation assembled at Lythcowe from the 15 of October to the 20 of November 1559
321-322 - Thomas Cranmer, A declaration concerning the untrue and slanderous report of some which have reported that he should set up the mass again || A declaration of the reverend father in God Thomas archbishop of Canterbury concerning the untrue and slanderous report of some which have reported that he should set up the mass again
Note: Parker Society, Cranmer, Lord's Supper, p. 428, also in Emmanuel MS. 260,128
329-334 - Effects of Robert Holgate late archbishop of York left at Battersea when he was committed to the Tower of London || Monye specyalities of dettes plate jewels and writings left at Battersea by Robert [Holgate] late archbishop of York, when he was commytted to the tower, or which has been since taken from Cawood and other places by Ellys Markham
Note: Gent. Mag. 1825 , pt I, 595
Note: (329) Also: A paper in Cranmer's hand with a list of names to be submitted to the Lord Chancellor for a Committee (?)
335-336 - Letter of Christian, king of Denmark to Edward VI and the duke of Somerset congratulating them on establishing true religion in England || Epistola Christiani regis Danorum ad Edwardum VI. regem Angliae, et ad ducem Somersetiae protectorem, qua gratulatur eis de vera religione in Anglia stabilita, et suadet pacem cum Scotis faciendam
337-342 - English translation of the Letter of Christian, king of Denmark to Edward VI and the duke of Somerset congratulating them on establishing true religion in England || English translation of the foregoing letter
Note: On pp. 340 and 342 in Cranmer's hand : Captayne Borthicke
343-362 - Excerpts from ancient canons concerning the jurisdiction of priests || Excerpta ex antiquis canonibus de jurisdictione sacerdotum et episcoporum, de conjugio clericorum, de potestate regia in episcopos et clericos, et de potestate et celebratione conciliorum
363-366 - Letters of William Cecil to Matthew Parker and of the Welsh council to the privy council concerning sedition, 1561 || A letter from secretary Cecill to archbishop Parker, and another from the council of Wales to the privy-council, relating to some seditious and popish writings spread abroad in Wales 1561
Note: Parker Correspondence, cxviii
367-378 - A seditious tract circulating in Wales || The seditious tract mentioned in the preceding letters
379-390 - An addition with an apology to the causes of the burning of St Paul's church || An addicion with an apology to the causes of the brynning of Paules church, the which causes were uttered at Paules crosse by the reverend bushopp of Durysme the 8 of June 1561
Note: See Parker Society, Pilkington, p. 481
391-402 - Instructions given to the ambassadors of France sent to the Council of Trent, May 1562 || Instructions given to the embassadors of Fraunce sent to the counsell of Trent
Note: Dated May 1562
403-410 - Articles of agreement between the emperor's majesty and the Landgrave || Articles of agreament betwixt themperours majestie and the Lantgrave
411-422 - Accounts of Cardinal Pole || Status reditus et expensarum cardinalis Pole
Note: Latine, Italice, et Anglice
423-426 - Articles concerning the wool staple at Calais temp. Henry VIII || Articuli concernentes stapulam lanarum, quae est apud Calen, oblati a commissariis imperatoris, tempore regis Henrici VIII
443-454 - Anglo-Saxon word list || Expositio quorundam antiquorum vocabulorum Saxonicorum
Note: ordine alphabetico usque ad literam M
incipit: (443) Aldermen: i. Comes quia Thanus est nobilis homo etc.
Note: Ends
explicit: (454) Mishersing i. defaulte in pledinge etc.
Note: (Wanley, p. 148)
455-456 - The founding of the University of Cambridge taken from the Croyland continuation of Peter of Blois || De fundatione academiae Cantabrigiensis ex continuatione historiae Croylandensis per Petrum Blessensem
Note: item47 is on two smaller and mutilated leaves or one leaf torn into two (now one leaf)
Note: See Savile, Scriptores, p. 519
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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