Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 302
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 302
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1075 - 1099
- Language
- Old English
- German
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 302: Old English Homilies, mostly by Ælfric
- Ælfric OSB, Hexameron (extract)
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Advent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday in Advent
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, On auguries
- Wulfstan, Baptism
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Christmas
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Stephen
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Assumption of St John
- Ælfric OSB, Letter to Sigeferth, adapted
- Homily for the Third Sunday after Epiphany
- Homily for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
- Homily for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexuagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima
- Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Ash Wednesday
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Dominica III in Quadragesima
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Mid-Lent Sunday
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent
- Homily for Friday after the Fifth Sunday in Lent
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Palm Sunday
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Palm Sunday
- Homily In Cena Domini
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Easter
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Easter
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, In Letania maiore
- Homily for Monday in Rogationtide
- Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria III de Dominica oratione
- Homily for Tuesday in Rogationtide
- #198;lfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria IIII de fide catholica
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ælfric OSB
- Other form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Aelfricus Eyneshamensis
- Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham, c 955-c 1010, Abbot of Eynsham
- þlfric OSB
- #198;lfric OSB
- Ælfric
- IÆlfric OSB
- Īlfric OSB
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Wulfstan (0960?-1023)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Wulfstan
- Other form
- Wulfstan, Archbishop of York, -1023
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 302 is an important collection of Old English homilies, mostly by Ælfric of Eynsham (c. 950-c. 1010). It was written in the early twelfth century, probably in south-east England. It contains late Old English spellings, and is an important witness to the use made of the Anglo-Saxon homiletic tradition after the Norman Conquest. It was Parker's fifth volume of homilies in his numeration system.
Contents :
11-22 - Ælfric OSB, Hexameron (extract)
Note: (Cameron B1.5.13)
rubric: (11) Her segð hu ure drihten gesceop heofonan 7 eorðan 7 ealla gesceafta
incipit: (11) In principio creauit... terram. þæt his on englisc
Note: Also in MS 178, p. 16, MS 188, p. 1, and elsewhere. Copied for Professor Napier
22-26 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Advent
Note: (Cameron B1.1.41)
rubric: (22) Dominica prima de aduentu domini
incipit: (22) Ðyses dæges þenung 7 þissere tide
Note: Thorpe I 600
26-33 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday in Advent
Note: (Cameron B1.1.42)
rubric: (26) Dominica II. de aduentu domini
incipit: (26) Erunt signa
incipit: (26) Se godspellere Lucas aƿrat
Note: Thorpe I 608
33-40 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, On auguries
Note: (Cameron B1.3.18)
rubric: (33) Dominica III. uel quando uolueris
incipit: (33) Se apostol paulus ealra þeoda lareoƿ
Note: Skeat's Aelfric, no. XVII (I 364)
40-42 - Wulfstan, Baptism
Note: (Cameron B2.2.4)
rubric: (40) Dominica IIII. uel quando uolueris
Note: (40) Purple initial
incipit: (40) Gehadedum mannum is sƿiðe micclum beboden
Note: Also in Otho B. 10
43-50 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Christmas
Note: (Cameron B1.1.3)
rubric: (43) De natiuitate domini nostri Iesu Christi
incipit: (43) Ƿe ƿillað to trimmincge eoƿres geleafan
Note: Thorpe I 28
50-57 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Stephen
Note: (Cameron B1.1.4)
rubric: (50) De Sancto Stephano proto martire
Note: (50) Purple and green initials
incipit: (50) Ƿe rædað on þære bec
Note: Thorpe I 44
57-66 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Assumption of St John
Note: (Cameron B1.1.5)
rubric: (57) De Sancte Iohanne evangelista
incipit: (57) Iohannes se godspellere cristes dyrlinc
Note: Thorpe I 58
66-71 - Ælfric OSB, Letter to Sigeferth, adapted
Note: adaptation of (Cameron B1.8.5)
rubric: (66) Dominica II. Be ðere halgan clænn(ysse)
incipit: (66) Ure Hælend crist cydde þæt he lufod ða halagon clænnesse
Note: Assmann, Angelsächsische Homilien 1889, no. II, p. 13
71-73 - Homily for the Third Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B3.2.5)
rubric: (71) Dominica III. et quando uolueris. Be heofen ƿarum 7 be hel ƿarum
incipit: (71) Men ða leofestan ute gehyran her godes ƿord 7 gelyfan
Note: Also in Faustina A. 9, f. 20v. Copied for Professor Napier
73-78 - Homily for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B3.2.6)
rubric: (73) Dominica IIII. et quando uolueris. be urum drihtene
incipit: (73) Men ða leofestan ure drithen ælmihtig god us singalice mynegað
Note: Assmann, Angels#228;chsische Homilien 1889, no. XIV, p. 164
78-83 - Homily for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Note: (Cameron B3.2.7)
rubric: (78) Dominica V. aut quando uolueris de uerbis domini
incipit: (78) Men ða leofestan utan geþencan georne on ure geþance 7 þæt fæste gehealden. hu sanctus iacobus
Note: See also at p. 221. It is the same as the 2nd part of a Wulfstan Homily (Wulfstan, p. 257, l. 9 to end) (Napier)
83-91 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.2.6)
rubric: (83) Dominica in septuagesima
incipit: (83) Drihten sæde þis bigspel his leorning cnihtum
Note: (the Vineyard)
Note: Thorpe II 72
rubric: (90) De Alleluia
incipit: (90) Ƿe ƿillað eoƿ secgan be þissere andƿearden tide
Note: Thorpe II 84
91-97 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexuagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.2.7)
rubric: (91) Dominica in sexta gesima
Note: (91) Purple initial
incipit: (91) Cum turba plurima convenirent
Note: (Sower)
explicit: (97) On sumere tide ða micel mennu
Note: Thorpe II 88
97-104 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima
Note: (Cameron B1.1.11)
rubric: (97) Dominica in quinquagesima
incipit: (97) Assumsit Iesus duodecim
incipit: (97) Her is geræd on ðisum god spelle
Note: Thorpe I 152
104-112 - Ælfric OSB, Lives of Saints, Ash Wednesday
Note: (Cameron B1.3.13)
rubric: (104) Lar spel. In capite ieiunii
Note: (104) Purple initial
incipit: (104) On ðissere ƿucan on ƿodnes dæg sƿa sƿa ge sylfe ƿiton
Note: Skeat, Aelfric, no. XII (I 260)
112-120 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, First Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.1.12)
rubric: (112) Dominica I. in quadragesima
incipit: (112) Ductus est iesus
incipit: (112) Ic ƿolde eoƿ trahtnian þis godspell
Note: Thorpe I 166
Note: In margin, p. 113, a note
Note: (113) Robberus 7 Reafer. þeofas 7 falsa mynetera(s) Ƿicche 7 panpestras þe fordoþ men 7 mana bigleofa
120-125 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.8)
rubric: (120) Feria II. Euangelium. Cum uenerit
incipit: (120) Men ða leofostan eoƿ eallum is cuð þæt þes gearlica ymbryne
Note: Thorpe II 98
125-129 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.9)
rubric: (125) Dominica II in quadragesima
incipit: (125) Egressus in die (!) Iesus secessit
incipit: (125) Drihten hælend þreade mid ƿordum
Note: Thorpe II 110
129-137 - Ælfric OSB, Dominica III in Quadragesima
Note: (Cameron B1.4.4)
rubric: (129) Dominica III in quadragesima
incipit: (129) Erat Iesu eiciens
incipit: (129) On þæra mæran tide
Note: Also in MS 188, p. 123, MS 198, p. 316, MS 303, p. 30 and elsewhere
137-142 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Mid-Lent Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.1.13)
rubric: (137) Dominica IIII Quadragesima
incipit: (137) Abiit Iesus trans mare
incipit: (137) Se hælend ferde ofer þa galileiscan sæ
Note: Thorpe I 180
142-151 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.2.15)
rubric: (142) Dominica V in quadragesima
incipit: (142) Ðeos tide fram þisum andƿeardum dæge
Note: Thorpe II 224
151-155 - Homily for Friday after the Fifth Sunday in Lent
Note: (Cameron B1.5.4)
rubric: (151) Feria VI. ante ramos palmarum
incipit: (151) Collegerunt pontifices
incipit: (151) (Þ)æt halige godspel þe ge gehyrdon nu rædon
Note: Assmann, Angels#228;chsische Homilien no. V, p. 65
155-163 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Palm Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.1.15)
rubric: (155) Dominica in die ramis palmarum
incipit: (155) Cristes ðroƿung ƿæs geræd nu
Note: Thorpe I 206
163-173 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Palm Sunday
Note: (Cameron B1.2.16)
rubric: (163) Feria II de passione domini
incipit: (163) Drihtenes þroƿunge ƿe ƿillað eoƿ gedafenlice secgan
Note: Thorpe II 240
174-182 - Homily In Cena Domini
Note: (Cameron B3.2.22)
rubric: (174) In cena domini feria V
incipit: (174) Segeð on þisum bocum be þære arƿurðnesse
Note: Assmann. Angels#228;chsische Homilien 1889, no. XIII, p. 151
182-188 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.2.17)
rubric: (182) Sermo de sacrificio in die pasche
Note: (182) Purple initial
incipit: (182) Men ða leofostan Gelome eoƿ is gesæd embe ures hælendes æriste
Note: Thorpe II 262
Note: Ends imperfectly
explicit: (188) transitus 7 in englisc færeld for þan þe on
Note: a leaf gone after p. 188
189-198 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Second Sunday after Easter
Note: (Cameron B1.1.19)
Note: (189) (On Ego sum pastor bonus: begins imperfectly)
incipit: (189) to gitsunge sume he onrærð to modignesse
Note: (189) Two additions, alia manu, in lower margin
Note: Thorpe I 238
198-205 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, In Letania maiore
Note: (Cameron B1.1.20)
rubric: (198) Sermo in Letania maiore
incipit: (198) Þas dagas sind gehatene letanie
Note: Thorpe I 244
205-212 - Homily for Monday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.35)
rubric: (205) Feria II in Letania maiore
incipit: (205) Men ða leofestan us is sƿiðe mycel neod þearf
Note: Copied for Professor Napier
213-221 - Ælfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria III de Dominica oratione
Note: (Cameron B1.1.21)
rubric: (213) Eodem die de dominica oratione
incipit: (213) Se hælend crist syððan he to þysum life com
Note: There are marginal notes and interlinear glosses here of cent. xvi in Latin and German
Note: Thorpe II 258
221-230 - Homily for Tuesday in Rogationtide
Note: (Cameron B3.2.40.5)
rubric: (221) Feria III. in Letania maiore
incipit: (221) Men ða leofestan ƿe gehydron for hoft secgan be þam æðelan to cyme
Note: Napier, Wulfstan no. XLIX, p. 250
Note: (224) On the margins of p. 224 are some names in pencil of cent. xiii, and amounts of money, mostly ob. and quart. (0.5 d. or 0.25 d.). Among the entries I can read are
Note: (224) Garinus ob. Iohannes deb. Alicia ... ob. Ferandus ob. Matell vidua ob. Wills sutor quart. Ric bere ob. Walt lutere quart. Nic Eugen quart. (Cri)stina vidua ob. (Iu)dith vidua ob. (S)abina vidua ob. ...a Chantebon ob. ...ditha Carpn ob. (Con)stantia nutrix quart. Jo(h)annes le bon quart. consutrix quart. and de Th////ng ... In lower margin: Summa collecta ad C..t.f. per T. frances per... xxixd ob.
230-242 - #198;lfric OSB, Catholic Homilies, First Series, Feria IIII de fide catholica
Note: (Cameron B1.1.22)
rubric: (230) Eodem die de fide catholica
incipit: (230) Ælc cristen mann sceal aefter rihcte cynnan
Note: Thorpe I 274
Note: Ends imperfectly p. 232
explicit: (232) Þæt ƿu lufast þæt þu ne leofast
Note: (233) A hand of cent. xvi supplies the rest on paper and vellum leaves (pp. 233-242)
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