Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 100
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 100
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 100: Transcripts (16th century). Simeon of Durham OSB. Geoffrey of Coldingham OSB. Tito Livio Frulovisi. Walter of Guisborough OSA. Asser
- Simeon of Durham OSB, Libellus de exordio et procursu Dunelmensis ecclesiae. Anonymous, Continuatio Prima. Geoffrey of Coldingham OSB, De statu ecclesiae Dunelmensis || Chronicon monasterii Dunelmensis [sive historia Simeonis Dunelmensis cum continuationibus anonimi et Gaufridi de Coldingham]
- Tito Livio Frulovisi, Vita Henrici V regis Angliae || Invictissimi Anglorum Franciaeque regis Henrici quinti ad ejus filium christianissimum regem Henricum sextum vita per Titum Livium de Frulovissiis Ferrariensem
- On translating the Bible into English || A determination of a doctor of divinity against them that say, it is not lawful to have holy writte and other bookes in English
- Walter of Guisborough OSA, Chronicle (extract covering the reign of Edward II) || G. [Gualterus Hemingford, canonicus] de Gysburne de rege Edwardo II
- Genealogical tables from the Chronica Maiora of Matthew Paris || Tabellae ante historiam Matthei Parisiensis
- Asser (attrib.), Annales Britanniae || Annales Britanniae authore I. Asser cum paralipomenis alterius scriptoris
- Matthew Parker, Notes on Alfred the Great taken from various chronicles || Notae chronologicae de Ælfredo manu Matthei Parker
- Asser, De rebus gestis Ælfredi regis || Ælfredi res gestae, autore Asser
- Life of St Alban of Mainz || De Sancto Albano || The Life of St Alban of Mainz
- Speech of Sir Nicholas Carew at his execution on Tower Hill, March 3, 1538 || Speech of sir Nicholas Carew at his execution on Tower-hill, March 3, 1538; communicated to archbishop Parker by sir Robert Chester
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Siméon de Durham (1060?-1130?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Simeon of Durham OSB
- Other form
- Simeon of Durham, c 1060-c 1128
- Simeon of Durham OSB (attrib.)
- Simeon of Durham (-approximately 1130)
- Simeon of Durham
- Simeon of Durham - approximately 1130
- Simeon, of Durham, -approximately 1130
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Anonymous
- Preferred form
- Geoffroy de Coldingham (11..-1215?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Geoffrey of Coldingham OSB
- Other form
- Geoffrey of Coldingham, active 13th century
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Tito Livio Frulovisi (1400?-14..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Tito Livio Frulovisi
- Other form
- Frulovisi, Tito Livio, c 1400-c 1456
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Walterus Gisburnensis
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walter of Guisborough OSA
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Matthieu Paris (1200?-1259)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Paris
- Other form
- Paris, Matthew, 1200-1259
- Matthew Paris OSB
- Matthew Paris (1200-1259)
- Paris, Matthew, (1200-1259)
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- Preferred form
- Pseudo-Asser
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Asser (attrib.)
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- Preferred form
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Parker
- Other form
- [Matthew Parker]
- Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Matthew Parker
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575
- Parker, Matthew (1504-1575)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Asser (08..?-0909)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Asser
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 100 contains sixteenth-century transcripts, predominantly of medieval texts. Of particular interest is the transcript of Asser's De rebus gestis Ælfredi regis which was transcribed from London, BL MS Cotton Otho A. XII, a manuscript which was destroyed by a fire in Sir Robert Cotton's library in 1731. Asser (d. 909), was the bishop of Sherborne and several works ascribed to him survive. His account of King Alfred is of particular importance as one of the main historical sources for Alfred's reign. MS 100 also contains a copy of a Middle English tract, 'On translating the Bible into English', which was published in 1530 and frequently thereafter. More scholarly attention has been paid to the copy of this tract in CCCC MS 298, item 25.
Contents :
1-126 - Simeon of Durham OSB, Libellus de exordio et procursu Dunelmensis ecclesiae. Anonymous, Continuatio Prima. Geoffrey of Coldingham OSB, De statu ecclesiae Dunelmensis || Chronicon monasterii Dunelmensis [sive historia Simeonis Dunelmensis cum continuationibus anonimi et Gaufridi de Coldingham]
Note: desunt x. capitula ad finem
Note: Copied from MS 139
Note: pp. 123-126 blank
127-226 - Tito Livio Frulovisi, Vita Henrici V regis Angliae || Invictissimi Anglorum Franciaeque regis Henrici quinti ad ejus filium christianissimum regem Henricum sextum vita per Titum Livium de Frulovissiis Ferrariensem
Note: Copied from MS 285. 1
227-236 - On translating the Bible into English || A determination of a doctor of divinity against them that say, it is not lawful to have holy writte and other bookes in English
Note: From a Worcester MS. Note on p. 229: Hec extracta sunt ex quodam lacero fragmento bibliothece Wigorniensis
incipit: (227) Against theim that say that holy writt shoulde not be drawen into Englishe
Note: Ends
explicit: (233) ryght speakinge and ryght pronouncinge and ryght wrytinge
Note: pp. 234-236 blank
Note: Cf. Trinity College B. 1. 26, Ussher, Historia Dogmatica sub anno 1410, and MS 298. 52 (actually item 25)
237-250 - Walter of Guisborough OSA, Chronicle (extract covering the reign of Edward II) || G. [Gualterus Hemingford, canonicus] de Gysburne de rege Edwardo II
Note: Continet historiam Angliae a morte Edwardi I. ad annum salutis 1312; et omnino concordat cum libro quarto ejusdem autoris de gestis regum Angliae
Note: From MS 250
incipit: (237) Mortuo strenuissimo Rege Edwardo
explicit: (247) terra siluit et quievit
Note: See Hardy, Materials III 257, 306
251-260 - Genealogical tables from the Chronica Maiora of Matthew Paris || Tabellae ante historiam Matthei Parisiensis
Note: Copy of genealogical tables from MS 26, continued to Henry V
incipit: (251) Considerans prolixitatem cronicorum anglie
261-323 - Asser (attrib.), Annales Britanniae || Annales Britanniae authore I. Asser cum paralipomenis alterius scriptoris
Note: Hic liber transcriptus e quodam vetustissimo codice notato in margine manu Iohannis Leilandi
Note: From the manuscript now at Trinity College R. 7. 28
Note: Hardy I 557
Note: pp. 320-323 blank
324-324b - Matthew Parker, Notes on Alfred the Great taken from various chronicles || Notae chronologicae de Ælfredo manu Matthei Parker
Note: Short extracts from Chronica regia (et est liber scriptus in cenobio Sancti Edmundi, see on MS 251), Ranulphus, Johannes Parisiensis (see MS 60), Petrus de Yckham
Note: A slip follows with notes from Asser
324c-364 - Asser, De rebus gestis Ælfredi regis || Ælfredi res gestae, autore Asser
Note: Hunc librum apographum esse MS. Cottoniani, nos docet Cl. Wise in prefatione ad editionem suam
Note: From the lost Cotton MS. Otho A XII
Note: See W. H. Stevenson's edition, 1904, p. li. Its symbol there is Co. It is said by Mr Stevenson to be the most valuable of the transcripts, having been made from the Cotton MS. before Parker interpolated the text
Note: pp. 363-364 blank (ruled)
365-372 - Life of St Alban of Mainz || De Sancto Albano || The Life of St Alban of Mainz
Note: Fabulosa haec historia in quinque paginis enarrat vitam nescio cujus Albani, qui ex incesto thalamo procreatus, et in Hungariam deportatus ibique expositus, regi defertur, et ab eodem in filium adoptatur. Deinde inscienter propriam matrem in uxorem ducit; re autem comperta, deliciis mundi renuens, reliquam vitam anachoretice agit
Note: On 3 leaves of smaller size. Cent. xv, 44 lines to a page
incipit: (365) Erat olim in partibus aquilonis homo quidam potens et nobilis
explicit: (369) cum eo a nostris facinoribus ablui et super niuem dealbari. Amen Amen Amen
rubric: (369) Explicit vita Sancti Albani martiris
Note: Cf. Hardy I 32, BHL. 201
Note: pp. 370-372 blank
373-374 - Speech of Sir Nicholas Carew at his execution on Tower Hill, March 3, 1538 || Speech of sir Nicholas Carew at his execution on Tower-hill, March 3, 1538; communicated to archbishop Parker by sir Robert Chester
Note: One leaf
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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