Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Latin MS 74
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- Latin MS 74
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- 1 Maccabees 7:27
- Officium de Tempore
- Dedicatio ecclesie
- Antiphone dominicales ad benedictus
- Sanctoral
- Prosper
- Peter and Paul
- Chains of Peter
- Stephen
- Laurence
- Assumption
- Bernard
- Augustine
- Decollation of John the Baptist
- Ordination of Gregory
- Nativity of the Virgin Mary
- Exaltation of the Cross
- Michael
- All Saints
- Martin
- Cecilia
- Common of Saints
- Office of the Dead
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Bernard Quaritch (b. 1819, d. 1899), bookseller and publisher
- Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899
- Other form
- Quaritch, Bernard (1819-1899)
- Bernard Quaritch
- Bernard Quaritch, 1819-1899
- Bernard Quaritch 1819-1899
- Bernard Quaritch, Limited
- Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899), bookseller and publisher
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- James Ludovic Lindsay (comte de Crawford, 1847-1913)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, 1847-1913
- Other form
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, Earl (1847-1913)
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic (1847-1913)
- James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), peer and collector
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford, 1847-1913
- Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of, 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- James Ludovic Lindsay 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- James Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford of Haigh Hall
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
ff. 277 (iii+271+iii) Leaf height: 485 mm, width: 330 mm.
Binding, old brown stamped leather, with cable and other patterns, over wooden boards. Metal corners with flat bosses, and other ornaments on both covers: on the front cover four pins for strap-fastenings.
The straps have been replaced in modern times and the binding extensively repaired.
This consists of (a) Ordinary initials alternately in red and blue, with rather coarse flourishing; (b) Small outline drawings of a grotesque character commonly in the margin near the bottom of the leaf; (c) Historiated initials; (d) Decorative initials in colour Of class (c) all but one are of rough execution. The exception is the first in the book, folio 2v (Easter). This is large, measuring 235x 165 mm. and represents the angel and the women. The angel, in white, with blue-lined folds over pale buff, sits on right, holding sceptre and pointing with to the right. His wings are dark brown (peacock-eyed), edged with yellow. The lid of the tomb stands behind him, obliquely placed. The three women masked are on left, the foremost carrying a covered cup. The tomb has some arcading in red. Below, in front, lie three soldiers with shields: they are in mail shirts over red surcoats, and their legs are mailed. Their helmets are red and blue: one shield is kite-shaped.
The ground is blue, with rosettes mainly of white. The letter (A) has terminations, etc., of conventional foliage. About it are busts of the four Evangelistic creatures, and at the top a bust of an angel.
The work is fine: the angel of Greek type.
Folio 8r: Fox and stork, grotesque, in colour in the border.
Folio 12r: First Sunday after Easter. Christ, full-face, with book, blessing.
Folio 16r: Musician, outline.
Folio 19v: Second Sunday after Easter. Crowned figure, in scarlet and blue, with sceptre. Centurion below. On right, half-way up, a small figure of a suppliant. Perhaps meant for Nebuchadnezzar and a captive Jew. The text is part of 'Super flumina Babylonis'.
Folio 26v: Ascension. Christ, half length, in oval glory. Group of half-length Apostles below (12). The ground, as usual in these letters, is blue, with a pattern of white flourishing delicately done.
Folio 34r: Pentecost. A group of eleven Apostles. Two busts, badly done, in the border.
Folio 42v: First Sunday after Pentecost. Man in broad hat and scarlet robe, with staff; an angel points him to the right. Probably David: the text has: 'misit angelum suum et tulit me de ouibus patris mei'.
Folio 60v: 'Historiae. In principio'. Christ with book.
Folio 66r: Job, covered with red spots, nude, sits with hand to face. The three friends on right. Archer and bird in border.
Folio 71v: Tobit reclining: swallow on nest above. Wife on right weeping.
Folio 74v Holofernes, in bed, crowned. Judith, with sword raised, and dagger.
Folio 79v: A king and two soldiers riding to right. (The Maccabees.) A man with book, and a woman (?) speaking, in border.
Folio 85r: 'Vidi dominum'. God, crowned, with book. Angel on left. with tongs (?). Isaiah, small beardless figure, on right.
Folio 93r: Trinity. 'Benedicat nos deus'. Three figures at table, all cross-nimbed. The central one blesses. The lower part of the initial is decorative.
Folio 100r: Dedication of church. Three figures of bishops, each under an arch, with crozier, blessing: one above another.
Folio 103r: 'Antiphonae Dominicales. Homo quidam erat diues'. Man in red and blue, with sceptre, on left. Lazarus, covered with red spots, on right: dogs at his feet.
Folio 112r: Proper of Saints. George, beardless, nimbed, in scarlet chlamys over blue, on white horse, facing right, thrusting a spear at the head of a dragon (winged, two-legged, mainly green and blue) in the lower half of the letter.
Folio 116r: Mark. Two beardless men with books.
Folio 120r: Inv. of Cross. The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and John. Christ nailed with four nails: a red 'suppedaneum', and red title to the Cross.
Folio 126v: John Baptist, very tall, in skin-garment, holding a scroll inscribed c | b | a (?) | a. A group of small figures on right.
Folio 132v: Prosper, a bishop, in scarlet chasuble, with crozier. In the border, medallions of a nimbed monk and another nimbed man with book.
Folio 140r: Mary Magdalene, full-face, covered with her hair. A red and blue casket (?) on right.
Folio 149r: Laurence, on gridiron. Throned king ahove. Two tormentors stir the fire.
Folio 157r: Assumption. The Virgin, half-length, in air, supported by two angels. She drops her girdle to Thomas, who stands below with raised hands.
Folio 163r: Large. Bernard, in white habit on left, addresses a group of Cistercian monks and laity on right. In border, medallions of Christ and two other figures.
Folio 170v: Augustine, as bishop in scarlet chasuble. An Apostle with book (small) on right, above. Below, a Cistercian monk with a scroll inscribed with a few indistinct letters.
Folio 478v: Decollation. On left, Herod, throned. On right, John Baptist, with shaggy hair, bending out of a tower. Executioner with raised sword.
Folio 184r: Below, Anne in bed. Above, the infant Virgin, swaddled, on a bed. A woman at each end.
Folio 194v: Michael, robed, spearing a dragon. Above, on right, a building with open doors. Grotesques in the border.
Folio 205r: All Saints. Three figures, one above another. At top, winged figure with eagle's head and book Next, the Virgin. At bottom, an Apostle with book. Man mowing, in the border.
Folio 209r: Martin as bishop on left. On right three women lying asleep (?) in an enclosure. It suggests the incident of Nicholas and the three poor maidens.
Folio 212r: Cecilia, in red, holding a conventional lily.
Folio 221r: Common of Saints. Apostles. Christ standing on a mount with hands outspread: a group of Apostles on right and left.
Folio 227r: Evangelists. Four figures, vertically arranged, of the Evangelistic emblems. Each figure is winged, and has a human body and the head appropriate to it, and holds a book.
Folio 237v: Martyr. John (?) with palm and book. In the border John (?) with scroll, and man with cup, in two medallions.
Folio 239r: Several Martyrs. Below, an executioner beheading three men. Above, their bodies and heads cut off.
Folio 246v: Confessors. Two scenes, in each a monastic saint sits on left addressing a group on right.
Folio 254r: Virgins. A group of eight maidens with long hair.
The small grotesque outline drawings have some interest, but hardly ever illustrate the text.
Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford. Bequeathed by Rylands to the John Rylands Library in 1908.
Quire a2
Quires 1-188
Quire 1910
Quires 20-338, wants 8
Quire b1
Data Source(s):
Description based on M.R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library at Manchester (Manchester, 1921), reprinted with an introduction and additional notes and corrections by F. Taylor (München, 1980), revised and expanded by Joanne Edge.
Antiphonary, produced c. 1264, probably in Rome and possibly at the church of Santa Cecilia in Trastavere.
Incorrect modern foliation lower right corner, used here. Folio 1 is foliated three times, expressed here as 1(1)r, 1(2)r and 1(3)r.
Passed into the possession of the church of St. Cecilia in Trastevere, at Rome.
No. 1178 in the Libri Sale of 5th April 1859, where it was bought for £21. lOs. by Bernard Quaritch (b. 1819, d. 1899), bookseller and publisher. Two days later James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford purchased it from him for £23 (CLL. 1859. nos. 109. 112-14; CLR. 1856-62. no. 952; in the Crawford references, as in the Libri Sale Catalogue, it is stated to be a 'Chorale et Hymnarium').
Folio 264v: Recordare domine quia terra.Folio 265v: M. D. XVIIJ
- Extent:
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).