Durham. Cathedral Library, MS. B.IV.46
- Source
- Durham University and Cathedral Library
- Library
- Durham. Cathedral Library
- Shelfmark
- MS. B.IV.46
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- end 14th - early 15th century
- 1392
- 1406x1409
- 1409
- [approximately 1409]
- 1395
- [end 14th century]
- 1416
- 1391
- 1422
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Spendement Catalogue 1392 (Le Spendement)
- List of missing psalters (Psalteria subscripta defuerunt)
- Books sent to Oxford [between 1406 and 1409] (Libri missi prima vice collegio monachorum Dunelm′ in Oxonia)
- Books sent to Oxford 1409 (Libri missi secunda vice Oxoniam)
- Replacements for books sent to Oxford (Libri de nouo adquisiti ad commune armariolum)
- Cloister Collection catalogue 1395 (Libraria Claustralis Dunelm′)
- Books for the Refectory (Libri pro refectorio)
- Books in the Novices’ Cupboard, 1395 (Libri in communi almariolo noviciorum infra claustrum)
- Works of Robert Grosseteste (Libri Lincolniensis)
- Tabulae (Tabule super libros diversorum doctorum)
- Spendement catalogue 1416 (Spendemente)
- List of Psalters (Psalteria subscripta defuerunt tempore quo prescriptum inventarium fuit factum)
- Books sent to Stamford 1422 (Libri missi Stamfordiam)
- see more
- Description
- A collection of Durham Priory book lists made up of three parts with distinct contents: (A), f.1-17; (B) f.18-33; (C) f.34-47. The lists have been annotated and updated to indicate book movements within the Priory and to and from Durham College, Oxford during the monastic period.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Durham (Durham, United Kingdom)
- Original form
- Durham
- Other form
- England, Durham
- Durham, England
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Provided by Durham Priory Library Project - a collaboration between Durham University and Durham Cathedral