Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 455
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 455
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1200 - 1299
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 455: Thomas of Chobham, Summa de arte praedicandi
- Thomas of Chobham, Summa de arte praedicandi
- Thomas of Chobham, Sermo 23 for Palm Sunday || Sermons
- Antiphons for St Edmund
- Charms || Charms
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Thomas of Chobham (11..-123.)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas of Chobham
- Other form
- Thomas Chabham
- Author: Thomas, de Chabham
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- Description
Summary: The main text in CCCC MS 455 is the Summa de arte praedicandi of Thomas of Chobham (d. after 1233), subdean of Salisbury Cathedral and also known as Thomas of Salisbury. This is a treatise on preaching, and it is followed by Thomas's sermon for Palm Sunday (Sermo XXIII). At the end of the manuscript there are antiphons for St Edmund the Martyr with musical notation on a four-line stave, and also a few charms. The book was written in the thirteenth century.
Contents :
1r-89v - Thomas of Chobham, Summa de arte praedicandi
rubric: (1r) Summa de arte predicandi
incipit: (1r) Humane nature conditio secundum geminam sui comp'am triplici subiacet infortunio
Note: The sections are numbered in a late hand up to 106: the last is
rubric: (89r) de epilogo philosophi in oratione sua
explicit: (89v) Sicut etiam beatus paulus omnes epistolas suas in oratione conclusit et nos in conclusione presens opuscidum (-culum) concludamus
rubric: (89v) Explicit summa de arte predicandi quam fecit magister thomas de salesbiriensi
Note: This copy is mentioned by Tanner. He is uncertain whether the author is the same as Thomas of Chabeham or Cobham, subdean of Sarum and author of a penitential Summa
89v-96r - Thomas of Chobham, Sermo 23 for Palm Sunday || Sermons
incipit: (89v) Hyems transit ymber abiit, etc. Hec idem dicit gregorius in omelia quod ideo uoluit dominus mori et resurgere in tempore ueris
rubric: (93v) Sermo in ramis palmarum
incipit: (93v) Iam hyems transit et ymber abiit, etc. fratres legitur in ecclesiastico litera talis est ne reuerearis proximum, etc.
Note: Another hand
rubric: (94v) Auctoritates
incipit: (94v) Beatus est qui diuinas scripturas legens uerba uertit in opera
Note: On f. 96r two paragraphs neatly written
Note: a.
rubric: (96r) Io. crisostomus
incipit: (96r) Intrantes uiderunt matrem eius et puerum
Note: b.
rubric: (96r) Philipus de greue
incipit: (96r) Domine quis habitabit ... prius factum est a moyse tabernaculum
Note: (96r) Miscellaneous short notes
96v-96v - Antiphons for St Edmund
Note: On f. 96v (pasted over)
Note: a.
rubric: (96v) Antiphone beati edmundi solummodo ubi humatus est. Ad vesp. ant. cantantur (?)
incipit: (96v) Custodi nos in noctibus edmundi precum munere
Note: (96v) Music on four-line stave
96v-96v - Charms || Charms
Note: b.
Note: (96v) Ad dolorem dencium. In nomine patris, etc. + on + on + on, etc.
Note: (96v) Contra satanam (?) demon. In nomine, etc. oy. loy. iodoloy, etc.
Note: (96v) Contra uenenum (?)
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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