Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 473

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 473
Biblissima authority file
  • 1025 - 1075
  • Latin
  • Old English
  • Greek
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 473: The Winchester Troper
  • The Winchester Troper
  • Summary: This small sized book, CCCC MS 473, is commonly known as The Winchester Troper; together with Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 775 (sometimes also called by this name) it attests to the musical repertory of the Old Minster Winchester in the eleventh century. It contains some of the oldest polyphonic music in the West. As well as 'tropes', musical phrases which were added as embellishments to the standard chant for the liturgical texts, it also contains sequences and other music. It would have been used by a precentor, whose job it was to lead the music at mass and the divine office. There are many signs that it comes from the Old Minster Winchester, including texts for the feasts of the Winchester saints Swithhun, Æthelwold, Justus of Beauvais, Hædde (Hedda) and Birinus. Datings from the script have varied from circa 1000 to the second quarter of the eleventh century; the earlier dating has led people to associate this manuscript with Wulfstan of Winchester OSB (fl. late tenth century), also known as Wulfstan Cantor, who was precentor of the Old Minster Winchester at around that date, and who wrote saints' lives and hagiographical poetry. A later dating, perhaps 1020s-1030s, now seems probable, but it is still likely that at least some of the material it contains is his work. Material was added to the manuscript serially over the course of the eleventh century.

    Contents :

    1r-198v - The Winchester Troper

    Note: (1r) Quire 1 has suffered from damp. The first lines of f. 1r have no neumes and are not easily legible. 1. gen morie cadire t .neit batait.2. rie hi us segrauavo. l .iii. et pater noster.3. dobia ... anda ... salutanda dorsum abyssum. 4. mu stom prouerb. alba. alleluia.5. ligati xps.6. blank.7. (Ma)gnus (deus, etc. Frere, p. 71.)

    Note: (1r) Here neumes begin and the hand changes.

    incipit: (1r) (M)agna sunt eius omnia in celo atque in terra

    Note: (Sequence)

    incipit: (2r) Sonent regi nato noua cantica

    Note: Frere, p. 71

    Note: These two sequences are inserted on leaves formerly blank

    Note: (2v) Alleluias, initials in gold and blue

    incipit: (2v) Alleluia. Ymera agiasme ni epifani mon Dies sanctificatus inluxit nobis

    Note: The last is

    incipit: (8v) Alleluia. Cum sederit filius hominis

    Note: After this, according to Frere, quires are lost

    Note: The hand changes, on f. 9r is another sequence inserted

    incipit: (9r) Gaude virgo mater ecclesia

    Note: Frere, p. 71

    Note: (10r) Tropes (Lesser Tropes. Frere, p. 3): large plain gold initial

    incipit: (10r) O benefida tuis adsis

    Note: On f. 54v are 15 settings of Ite missa est

    rubric: (55r) Incipiunt Kyriele per circulum anni canende

    Note: Frere, p. 47 (Greater Tropes)

    Note: (70r) Tonale. Frere, p. 62

    Note: (73v) Greater Tropes. Sanctus and Agnus

    rubric: (79v) Versus ad Kyrriele

    Note: (80v) Alphabet written in cent. xii

    Note: Sequences plain (upper part of f. 81r very faint)

    Note: (89r) Sequences with words. List in Frere, p. 71

    Note: (135r) Organa to Kyrie and gloria tropes. Frere, p. 85

    rubric: (143r) Organa super Tractus

    Note: Frere , p. 87

    rubric: (153r) Organa super sequentia

    Note: Frere , p. 87

    rubric: (163r) Organa ad Alleluia

    Note: Frere , p. 88

    rubric: (175v) Organa super Responsoria

    Note: Frere , p. 93

    rubric: (179v) Antephana ad processionem

    Note: Frere , p. 94

    rubric: (180v) Organa pulcherrima incipit

    Note: Frere , p. 94

    rubric: (181r) De Sancta Trinitate

    Note: Frere , p. 94

    rubric: (186r) De Sancto Iusto

    rubric: (186v) Istoria de Sancto Suuithuno

    Note: Frere , p. 96

    rubric: (189v) In natali Sancti Iohannis Baptistae

    Note: Frere , p. 96

    rubric: (189v) In Festiuitate Sancti Petri

    Note: Frere , p. 96

    Note: (189v) (For St Denis). Frere , p. 96

    Note: (190v) Organa to two Alleluias (later hand). Frere , p. 97

    Note: (190v) Kyrie

    Note: (191r) Small fine hand

    Note: Sequences

    incipit: (191r) Gaude mater ecclesia

    Note: Frere , p. 83

    incipit: (191v) Alme deus cui seruiunt

    rubric: (192v) De Sancto Suuithuno

    incipit: (192v) Psallat ecclesia

    Note: (193v) Larger hand

    incipit: (193v) (O) redemptor summe carmen

    Note: Frere , p. 97

    Note: (194v) Good round hand

    incipit: (194v) Gaude maria

    incipit: (195r) (C)ommouisti

    Note: (195v) Rougher hand

    incipit: (195v) Arbor decora (part)

    Note: Frere , p. 97

    incipit: (195v) Ymnum canamus (part)

    incipit: (195v) Iam Christus astra (part)

    incipit: (195v) Iste confessor

    Note: Frere , p. 97

    Note: (196v) Small hand, without musical notes. Greek with Latin gloss

    incipit: (196v) Aue porta

    Note: Frere , p. 97

    incipit: (196v) (K)ere ipili

    Note: (197r) Good upright hand

    Note: Una legio est sex milia et sexcenti ac sexaginta sex uiri. an legio iss six þusend 7 six hundred 7 six and sixtig ( Frere , p. 98)

    Note: (197r) Note: I . IN . D . II . A, etc. Frere , p. 98

    Note: (197r) Gloria (8 times, noted)

    incipit: (197v) Cum sederit filius

    incipit: (198r) O christe martirum turma

    Note: Sequences

    rubric: (198v) Planctus sterilis

    Note: Frere , p. 83

    rubric: (198v) Simon oboediens

    Note: (Br) blank

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