Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 231
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 231
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1100 - 1125
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 231: Terence, Comedies
- Terence, Andria || Andria
- Terence, Eunuchus
- Terence, Heauton timorumenos || Heautontimorumenos
- Terence, Adelphoe || Adelphoe
- Terence, Hecyra || Hechyra
- Terence, Phormio
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Térence (0190?-0159 av. J.-C.)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Terence
- Other form
- Térence (0190?-0159 av. J.-C.)
- Terentius
- Terentius Afer, Publius (0190?-0159 av. J.-C.)
- Terencii
- Publius Terentius Afer
- P. Terentii
- P. Terentius Afer
- Terentium
- Térence
- Publius Terencius Afer
- Térence, 0190?-0159 av. J.-C.
- Terenci Àfer, Publi
- Terencio Africano, Publio
- Terentius Afer, Publius v195-v159
- Author: Terentius Afer, Publius
- Terentius Afer, Publius
- Therentii
- Terenz
- P. Terentius
- Terêncio, ca 195-ca 159 a.C.
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 231 contains six of the comedies of Terence (195-159 B.C.). It was written in the first half of the twelfth century in Germany. It seems to have been used by Richard Bentley for his edition of Terence's works and has been often referred to by subsequent scholars working on the text of the comedies. The manuscript was not owned by Matthew Parker, but probably came to the college from the book collection of Daniel Rogers (c. 1539-91), who presumably acquired it on his travels abroad.
Contents :
1r-19v - Terence, Andria || Andria
Note: Begins imperfectly in the argument
Note: (1r) nuptias. ignorans glicerium suam esse filiam
incipit: (1r) Sensus quidem tocius fabule hic est. Comicus ea miro dilatauit modo
explicit: (1r) uos ualete et plaudite siue fauete et Plaudite
rubric: (1r) Incipit publii terentii afri andria acta ludis etc.
incipit: (1r) Natus in excelse tectis cartaginis altis
explicit: (1r) Hoc quicumque legit sic puto cautus erit
rubric: (1r) Incipit argumentum terentii in andriam
incipit: (1v) Sorore falso
rubric: (1v) Incipit prologus in andriam
incipit: (1v) Poeta cum primum
Note: Text, written as prose, begins f. 2r. f. 3r-3v is misplaced
Note: Ends
explicit: (19v) Calliopius recensui
20r-42r - Terence, Eunuchus
incipit: (20r) Argumentum totius fabule perbreuiter dicendum est quam satis in ipso contextu
explicit: (20v) sequentia perlegens animaduertere quiuerit
rubric: (20v) Incipit Eunuchus
42v-61v - Terence, Heauton timorumenos || Heautontimorumenos
61v-76v - Terence, Adelphoe || Adelphoe
76v-92r - Terence, Hecyra || Hechyra
Note: Quires 14, 15 are of a very different quality of vellum, but contemporary with the rest
Note: In the middle of f. 90r the text of Hecyra breaks off and a portion of Phormio, Act v, Sc. 7, intervenes, continuing to the end of f. 90v. With f. 91r Hecyra is resumed and ends on f. 92r
92r-105v - Terence, Phormio
Note: (92r) Phormio begins
Note: Ends imperfectly in Act V, Sc. 7
explicit: (105v) nullus sum. PHR. Ex qua filiam
Note: This being the end of the portion of text which was intruded at f. 90r: it is here recopied in another hand
Note: There are some marginal scholia, in an exceedingly pretty round minuscule
Note: In a good many places the text has been re-written where the original ink had disappeared owing to the defective surface of the vellum
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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