Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Latin MS 39
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- Latin MS 39
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Directorium
- Tabula vacantiarum
- Table of Golden Numbers
- Office for Proper of Time
- Dominicis diebus quando de tempore servatur ad primam psalmus
- Dominicis diebus ant
- Ps. cxviii. 33 Legem pone to 80, and rest of Hour services for Sunday
- Sunday vespers
- Weekday offices
- Compline
- Easter office
- Dedicatio ecclesie
- Common of Saints
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- James Ludovic Lindsay (comte de Crawford, 1847-1913)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, 1847-1913
- Other form
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, Earl (1847-1913)
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic (1847-1913)
- James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), peer and collector
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford, 1847-1913
- Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of, 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford 1847-1913
- James Ludovic Lindsay, 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- James Ludovic Lindsay 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- Lindsay, James Ludovic, 1847-1913, 26th Earl of Crawford
- James Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford of Haigh Hall
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
ff. 268 (i+265+ii) Leaf height: 190 mm, width: 135 mm.
Modern red velvet binding.
Borders normally with a single ground-colour-dead gold, green, blue, red-with cut flowers, fruits, insects, birds. They have no excrescent ornaments and are of varying extent, sometimes confined to two rectangular patches at top and bottom of the column.
The larger initials are in colour on burnished gold, and have internal grounds of red or blue, covered with very delicate flower-work (usually roses) in dead gold. Smaller initials, in colour, on coloured grounds, or else in red or blue with pen-work. Pictures of various sizes, very briIliant and delicate. The following is a survey of the pictures and of the more important borders and initials:
Folio 8r: Full border: poppies, sweet peas, etc.
Folio 11v: Partial border: fine initial.
Folio 14v: Two patches of border: red ground, yellow flowers, with pattern on burnished gold.
Folio 20v: Two patches of border: blue ground, red single pink-blossom.
Folio 22v: Two patches of border: red ground.
Folio 24v: Two patches of border: green ground.
Folio 26v: Sunday vesper psalms. Border in geometrical fields, grounds in red, blue, and gold. Picture (in text). Christ standing undel' a gold arch, in dark purple robe, blessing: the orb between His feet. He holds two tables, inscribed in black capitals: ljgo sum via ver(i)tas et vita. Green arras behind.
Folios 29r, 30v, 32r, 33v, 36r, 39r and 42v: Two patches of border.
Folio 46r: Border - dead gold, with some conventional foliage. Seven Psalms. Picture in text. David in red, his harp and crowned hat by him, lies at the foot of a flight of steps (in a courtyard with a well in it) leading up to a building,: at a window are seen two figures, a king and another.
Folio 53r: Fine red border, stippled with gold: iris, pink, other flowers. Initial, with delicate gold flower-work on dark red ground.
Folio 67v: Partial green border. Picture in text (Lauds of Christmas). A sibyl, in ermine. jacket and red skirt over blue, stands in a landscape, with raised hand. In the sky the Child appears, surrounded by rays, holding a cross.
Folio 68v: Second Vespers of Christmas. Gold border, with violets, dragon-fly and other insects. Large picture. The Virgin kneels in centre facing left. The Child lies in an oblong stone manger, surrounded by seven little kneeling angels: four more in air above. Behind a broken wall on right the ox and ass kneel.
Folio 72r: Green border, with flowers, etc. Small picture in text. Octavian, in gold robe, kneels on right: the sibyl stands by him and points to the vision of the Virgin and Child in the sky. Buildings and courtiers on left.
Folio 74r: Gold border: daisies, etc. Large picture (Epiphany). The Adoration of the Kings. The Virgin sits by the wall of a stone building. There is a pretty landscape.
Folio 86v: A remarkable patch of blue border with gold pattern, and a beautiful initial.
Folio 94v: Initial, with ground divided quarterly, red and green.
Folio 107r: Easter. Gold border with flowers, and the initials I. G. in white (which frequently occur throughout the rest of the book). Large picture. In front lie three soldiers. In centre Christ, in red robe, carrying resurrection cross and banner, stands blessing in front of the closed door of the tomb. This is a door in the side of a hillock. It has two lion-head knockers and an inscription in gold capitals: sepulcrum domini. On left a landscape, the three women approaching: a blue city in the distance.
Folio 110r: Patch of border, red, with sweet-pea blossom.
Folio 118r: Ascension. Border in diagonal bands, green, red, blue: gold buds, flowers, initials J. G. Large picture. The Mount in the centre, with green top and rocky sides. The feet of the ascending Christ above: the foot-prints not shown. The Virgin (on left, a book on the ground before her) and the Apostles kneel about the Mount.
Folio 121v: Partial border.
Folio 146r: Green border: cocks and other brightly coloured birds.
Folio 128v: Patches of border.
Folio 146r: Dedication of Church. Green border with flowers; initials J. G. Large picture. A cruciform church, with apse and octagonal central tower with conical tiled roof: lead roofs on the rest of the building. The north transept is not finished: on the top of it is a huge pair of wheels for raising stones: against the wall of it is a stall with a man selling candles, etc. A bishop and clergy, bearing a banner with a figure on it, approach the south transept door. The bishop touches it with the lower end of his staff. Green branches and a flag are hung out of the windows of the tower.
Folio 148r: St. Andrew. Blue border. Picture in text. St. Andrew, bound to a saltire cross. A figure in red kneels on right: four others are present.
Folio 150r: Gold border, with red flowers (roses and pinks) and birds. Large picture. St Barbara, crowned, with palm and book, in gold robe over blue, stands in the angle of a low grass-topped wall. A canon, in white, with black amess on his shoulders, kneels to her on left. Behind, on right, she is seen speaking to the workmen who are building a square tower with porch: wheels for raising stones are on the top. On left is a red house, gabled, surrounded by a moat.
Folio 151v: Border, lozengy, of gold, blue, red, gold, scarlet, gold, green, etc.: in each lozenge a bud or flower or strawberry. Initials J. G. Picture in text. St. Nicholas as bishop, blessing: in a building: three nude boys in tub on left.
Folio 151v: Partial border of blue, with gold flower-patterns, imitating tapestry.
Folio 159v: Gold border: flowers. Picture in text. The Presentation. Maid, with candle and doves.
Folio 164r: Gold border. Picture in text. The Annunciation. Bed and buffet on right: prie-dieu in centre. Dove in air. The salutation aue, etc., is written in gold in air.
Folio 166v: Partial border, blue.
Folio 172v: Green border. Picture in text. Birth of John Baptist. A woman washes clothes in a tub: a gold dish above the fire-place.
Folio 175r: Red border. Large picture. Peter and Paul stand under gold vaulting: which are the initials J. G. in gold. A woman washes clothes a blue arras behind, on which are the intials J. G. in gold.
Folio 178r: Pink border. Picture in text.
Folio 181r: Gold border. Picture in text. The Visitation: two figures in a pretty landscape. St Margaret rising out of the dragon's back: in a building. The Dove above her head.
Folio 182v: Blue border: gold stippling. Picture in text. St. Mary Magdalene stands holding brass casket: a railed grass enclosure, and a railed path with gate. Buildings on right and left behind: a monk or friar in white habit and black hood near a doorway on left.
Folio 186v: Patches of border: also 188v.
Folio 191r: Assumption. Green border: flowers, gold foliage, peacock. Large picture. The Virgin, borne up by eight angels: a ninth crowns her. The Father, in imperial crown and red and gold cope, appears in the sky on right. Below is seen the grave with three roses (?) on the edge of it.
Folio 194r: St Augustine. Gold border: cock, flowers, initials J. G. Large picture. St. Augustine, in mitre, short black scarf or amess on tunicle (?) with girdle, over red robe: he stands holding an open book and a heart, and facing left. On the right, behind him, a cherub holds a mitre and pastoral staff. In the centre, on the edge of a river, sits a small child in purple, holding a ladle: a hole in the ground by him (into which he is ladling the river, according to the legendary vision seen by Augustine when he was contemplating his work on the Trinity). On the river are ships: and towers and mountains and an evening sky are seen behind.
Folio 197v: Gold border: flowers, initials. Picture in text. The Birth of the Virgin. Very similar to that on folio 172v.
Folio 201v: Dark red border, with gold flowers: striking. Picture in text. St Michael in plate armour, with red cloak, stands on the devil with raised sword: in his other hand he has a cross-spear and balances, with two souls in the bowls: a landscape behind.
Folio 206r: All Saints. Gold border: flowers, peacock, etc. Large picture. A landscape: with three processions advancing towards left. In the centre is it mount. In the sky the Father and Son on a gold throne, and the Dove above. The three processions consist of various orders of saints. The foremost is headed by the Virgin, crowned: behind her, Peter as Pope, two bishops, one with pincers (Livinus I), Jerome as cardinal, with lion; Charlemagne in armour, with white hound; Louis, in blue robe, with fleurs-de-Lys; Maurice in armour, with banner; George (I), with red cross banner; John Baptist, Laurence, another soldier with a sort of saltire or windmill (Victor I). The second procession consists of Virgins, of whom only Katherine is distinguishable: the third, of monks and friars, Benedictine, Cistercian, Dominican, Carmelite, Franciscan. At the very end of the Virgins' procession there seem to be prophets and perhaps Appstles.
Folio 209r: Yellow border. Picture in text. and wall. St. Martin dividing the cloak. A city on left, with towered gate.
Folio 210v: Bright red border: initials J. G. Picture in text. St Elizabeth, standing crowned and holding a crown: blue mantle over black dress, over pink skirt: an arras behind. The frame of the picture represents metal set with jewels, with a gold inscription at top: SANTA ELIZABET.
Folio 213r: Common of Saints. Bluish border with black stippling: initials J. G. Large picture. Ten saints in two rows in a landscape. In the front row from left, Adrian in armour, with sword, anvil, and lion, Peter with key and book, John Baptist, Laurence, John Evangelist with cup. The Canon in surplice and black amess kneeling by him. In the back row from left, Augustine as bishop, with a heart; Barbara with palm, a tower behind her; Mary Magdalene with casket; Elizabeth, crowned and holding a crown, and a bishop without distinctive attribute. Above this picture, on right, is a label inscribed in gold capitals with the two words NOSTRI OFFICII on either side of a shield, scourge and three nails proper.
Folio 217v: Patches of border: also folio 235v.
Folio 240v: Office of the Virgin. Dark red border, divided into lozenges by gold patterning: crowns and fleurs-de lys in the lozenges. Picture in text. In a church the Virgin stands before an altar with candles and book, a child (?) in red and white kneels as server, holding something. Behind, an angel presents another kneeling figure in a shirt: two angels with a book: two in air with a crown.
Folio 248r: Office of the Dead. Blue-grey border, sweet-pea, etc.: initials. Large picture. A funeral procession, seven choristers, with cross and two banners, six canons, three wearing and three carrying their amesses; the coffin borne by four men: six torches: mourners following. The church is on left: landscape.
Folio 258v: Commendationes. Black border with gold stippling: gold foliage, gold lions, skull, bones, initials. Picture in text. Death, a skeleton in shroud, holding a dart, stands over an open grave in a landscape.
Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay (b. 1847, d. 1913), 26th Earl of Crawford. Bequeathed by Rylands to the John Rylands Library in 1908.
2 columns, 22-32 lines
Quire 18, wants 8
Quire 2, three left, f. 10 should precede f. 9
Quires 3-108, wants 6-8
Quire 118, wants 1 and 2
Quires 12-168
Quire 17, two
Quire 18, six
Quire 198, wants 1-2
Quires 20-358
Quire 368
Data Source(s):
Description based on M.R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library at Manchester (Manchester, 1921), reprinted with an introduction and additional notes and corrections by F. Taylor (München, 1980), revised and expanded by Joanne Edge.
Books of hours
Book of Hours, produced the mid-to-late 15th century in the Low Countries, possibly Utrecht. Decoration-wise, closely related to London British Library MS Additional 35313, and of a Book of Hours at the Soane Museum.
- Extent:
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).