Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 25
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 025
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1399
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 025: Cyprian of Carthage, Letters and Short Treatises
- Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Donatum || Epistola beati Cypriani ad donatum
- Cyprian of Carthage, De habitu uirginum || de disciplina et habitu uirginum
- Cyprian of Carthage, De lapsis || de lapsis
- Cyprian of Carthage, De catholicae ecclesiae unitate || de unitate ecclesie
- Cyprian of Carthage, De dominica oratione || de dominica oracione
- Cyprian of Carthage, De mortalitate || de mortalitate
- Cyprian of Carthage, De opere et eleemosynis || de opere et elemosina
- Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Demetrianum || ad Demetrianum
- Cyprian of Carthage, De bono patientiae || de bono paciencie
- Cyprian of Carthage, De zelo et liuore || de zelo et liuore
- Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Fortunatum de exhortatione martyrii || ad Fortunatum
- Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Quirinium, books 1 and 2 || ad Quirinum de sacramento Christi: liber I
- Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Quirinium, book 3 || ad eundem de disciplina christiane religionis (Liber II)
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 55 || ad Antonianum
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 74 || ad Pompeium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 69 || ad Magnum de nouaciano
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 69 (continued) || ad eundem de eodem
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 40 || de Numidico
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 67 || de Marciale et Basilide
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 64 || ad Fid[i]um de infantibus baptizandis
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 2 || ad Eucracium de hystrione
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 60 || ad Cornelium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 57 || ad Cornelium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 59 || ad Cornelium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 52 || ad Cornelium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 47 || ad Cornelium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 45 || ad Cornelium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 44 || ad Cornelium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 51 || ad Cornelium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 13 || ad Rogacianum etc.
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 43 || ad plebem de quinque presbiteris
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 65 || ad Epitectum et plebem
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 1 || ad clerum et plebem
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 61 || ad 'Ultimum' (Lucium) de exilio reuersum
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 46 || ad Maximum Nichostratum
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 66 || ad Florencium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 4 || ad Pomponium de uirginibus
- pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage, Quod idola dii non sint || Quod idola dii non sint etc.
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 56 || ad Fortunatum de hiis qui per tormenta superantur
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 3 || ad Rogacianum de diacono
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 72 || ad Stephanum de concilio
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 58 || ad Tibaritanos
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 63 || ad Cecilium de sacramento calicis
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 6 || ad martires et confessores
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 76 || ad eosdem epistola secunda
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 73 || ad Juuaianum de hereticis baptizandis
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 71 || (ad Quintum) de hereticis baptizandis
- Sententiae episcoporum numero LXXXVII de haereticis baptizandis || Sentencie episcoporum numero octoginta septem
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 28 || ad Moysen et Maximum
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 37 || ad eosdem epistola secunda
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 38 || de Aurelio confessore
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 39 || ad clerum de Selerino confessore
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 70 || ad Juuaianum de hereticis baptizandis
- pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage, De aleatoribus || de aleatoribus
- pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage, De laude martyrii || de laude martirii
- Felix, Letter to Cyprian of Carthage || Felicis ad Cyprianum
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 20 || Ciprianus ad romanos
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 32 || Cyprianus presbiteris etc.
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 47 || ad Cornelium quinta
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 54 || ad Maximum presbiter, Urbanum etc.
- Letter to Cyprian of Carthage (Epistulae ad Cyprianum et alios, 78) || ad Lucium et qui cum eo sunt
- Firmilian, Letter to Cyprian of Carthage (Epistulae ad Cyprianum et alios, 75) || Firmiliani ad Cyprianum
- Maximus, Urbanus, Sidonius and Macarius, Letter to Cyprian of Carthage (Epistulae ad Cyprianum et alios, 53) || Maximi, Urbani, etc. ad Cyprianum
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 16 || ad clerum de quibusdam presbiteris etc.
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 15 || ad martires qui lapsis petierunt pacem dari
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 17 || ad plebem significans quod ad eum martires de lapsis petierunt
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 18 || ad clerum pro lapsis etc.
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 19 || in qua rescribit clero de hiis qui ad pacem festinant
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 26 || ad clerum non temere pacem dandam
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 25 || ad Caldonium
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 9 || Rome clero de redicione Urbici
- Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 29 || ad clerum insinuans quod utrasque rome literas misisset
- pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage, De montibus Sina et Sion || de duobus montibus id est de monte syna et de monte syon contra iudeos
- Novatian, Epistula xxxi inter opera Sancti Cypriani || (de laude Cypriani) Inter uarios et multiplices
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Cyprien (saint, 02..-0258)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Cyprian of Carthage
- Other form
- S. Cyprianus
- CYPRIANUS (s.), Carthaginiensis episcopus
- Cyprianus Carthaginensis
- Cyprianus (saint ; 02..-0258)
- Cyprianus, Thascus Caecilius (Carthaginiensis)
- S. Cyprianus , Carthaginensis episcopus
- Cyprien
- Cyprien (saint ; 02..-0258)
- Cyprianus
- Cyprianus Carthaginiensis
- Cyprien (02..-0258 ; saint)
- Sancti Cypriani
- Cyprien, saint, 02..-0258
- Cyprianus von Karthago, 200-258
- S. Cyprianus carthaginensis episcopus
- Cyprianus, Bischof, 200-258
- Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius, Saint, Bishop of Carthage
- Cyprien de Carthage, saint, 02..-0258
- Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius, 02..-0258
- Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus, Santo
- Cipriano de Cartago, Santo
- S. Cyprianus Carthaginensis
- Cyprianus van Carthago (heilige)
- Cebrià, sant, bisbe de Cartago, ca. 205-258
- Cipriano, Santo, Obispo de Cartago
- Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage
- Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius 200-258
- Cyprianus (heilige)
- Author: Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius
- Cyprian of Carthage, c 200-258, Saint, Bishop of Carthage
- Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius, 200-258
- Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius
- Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus (200-258)
- Cyprianus Thascius Caecilius
- Cyprianus, Caecilius Thascius 205 ca.-258, santo
- Cyprianus, Caecilius Thascius fl.200-258
- Cyprian, Saint, 200-258
- Saint Cyprian (b. c. 200, d. 258)
- Cipriano, Santo, ca 210-258
- H. Cyprianus - 3de E. na C. - auteur
- Cyprianus Carthaginensis - 3de eeuw - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Cyprien (auteur prétendu)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage
- Other form
- S. Cyprianus
- Cyprianus (ps.)
- Cyprianus
- Pseudo-Cyprianus
- Cyprien, auteur prétendu
- Pseudo-Cyprian, fl 3rd century
- Pseudo-Cyprian
- Pseudo-Cyprian, active 3rd century
- Cyprianus martyr
- Pseudo-Cipriano, Santo > , co-autor
- Cyprianus - auteur
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- Preferred form
- Felix episcopus (01..?-02..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Felix
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- Preferred form
- Firmilianus Caesariensis (02..?-0268?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Firmilian
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- Preferred form
- Maximus presbyter (02..?-02..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Maximus
- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- Urbanus confessor (02..?-02..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Urbanus
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- Preferred form
- Sidonius confessor (02..?-02..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sidonius
- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- Macarius confessor (02..?-02..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Macarius
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Novatien
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Novatian
- Other form
- Novatianus
- Novatien
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- Description
Summary: This manuscript comprises a collection of letters and tracts attributed to Cyprian (d. 258). However, the attribution of some of these texts is spurious; for example, the De aleatoribus, though undoubtedly an early text, has also been attributed to a number of other authors, including Popes Victor I and Callixtus I. CCCC MS 25 is a fourteenth-century copy of the twelfth-century Buildwas manuscript, Cambridge, Pembroke College, MS 154, and the marginalia of the latter manuscript has been incorporated into the former.
Contents :
1r-3r - Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Donatum || Epistola beati Cypriani ad donatum
incipit: (1r) Bene admones
3r-6v - Cyprian of Carthage, De habitu uirginum || de disciplina et habitu uirginum
6v-12r - Cyprian of Carthage, De lapsis || de lapsis
incipit: (6v) Pax ecce
Note: [On f. 11r James rydgewey othe this book etc. (xvi)]
12r-16v - Cyprian of Carthage, De catholicae ecclesiae unitate || de unitate ecclesie
16v-22r - Cyprian of Carthage, De dominica oratione || de dominica oracione
22r-25v - Cyprian of Carthage, De mortalitate || de mortalitate
25v-30r - Cyprian of Carthage, De opere et eleemosynis || de opere et elemosina
30r-34r - Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Demetrianum || ad Demetrianum
34r-38r - Cyprian of Carthage, De bono patientiae || de bono paciencie
38r-41r - Cyprian of Carthage, De zelo et liuore || de zelo et liuore
41r-46v - Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Fortunatum de exhortatione martyrii || ad Fortunatum
46v-57r - Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Quirinium, books 1 and 2 || ad Quirinum de sacramento Christi: liber I
57r-70r - Cyprian of Carthage, Ad Quirinium, book 3 || ad eundem de disciplina christiane religionis (Liber II)
70r-75r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 55 || ad Antonianum
75r-77r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 74 || ad Pompeium
77r-79r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 69 || ad Magnum de nouaciano
79r-80r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 69 (continued) || ad eundem de eodem
80r-80v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 40 || de Numidico
80v-82r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 67 || de Marciale et Basilide
82r-83r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 64 || ad Fid[i]um de infantibus baptizandis
83r-83r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 2 || ad Eucracium de hystrione
83r-84r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 60 || ad Cornelium
84r-85r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 57 || ad Cornelium
85r-90r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 59 || ad Cornelium
90r-91r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 52 || ad Cornelium
91r-91r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 47 || ad Cornelium
91r-92r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 45 || ad Cornelium
92r-92r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 44 || ad Cornelium
92r-92v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 51 || ad Cornelium
92v-93v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 13 || ad Rogacianum etc.
93v-94v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 43 || ad plebem de quinque presbiteris
94v-95v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 65 || ad Epitectum et plebem
95v-96r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 1 || ad clerum et plebem
96r-96v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 61 || ad 'Ultimum' (Lucium) de exilio reuersum
96v-97r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 46 || ad Maximum Nichostratum
97r-98v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 66 || ad Florencium
98v-99v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 4 || ad Pomponium de uirginibus
99v-101v - pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage, Quod idola dii non sint || Quod idola dii non sint etc.
101v-102r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 56 || ad Fortunatum de hiis qui per tormenta superantur
102r-102v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 3 || ad Rogacianum de diacono
102v-103r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 72 || ad Stephanum de concilio
103v-105v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 58 || ad Tibaritanos
105v-108v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 63 || ad Cecilium de sacramento calicis
108v-109v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 6 || ad martires et confessores
109v-110v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 76 || ad eosdem epistola secunda
110v-115r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 73 || ad Juuaianum de hereticis baptizandis
incipit: (110v) Scripsisti
115r-115v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 71 || (ad Quintum) de hereticis baptizandis
115v-119r - Sententiae episcoporum numero LXXXVII de haereticis baptizandis || Sentencie episcoporum numero octoginta septem
119r-119v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 28 || ad Moysen et Maximum
119v-120v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 37 || ad eosdem epistola secunda
120v-121r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 38 || de Aurelio confessore
121r-122r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 39 || ad clerum de Selerino confessore
122r-122v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 70 || ad Juuaianum de hereticis baptizandis
incipit: (122r) Cyprianus liberalis
122v-124v - pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage, De aleatoribus || de aleatoribus
124v-129v - pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage, De laude martyrii || de laude martirii
129v-129v - Felix, Letter to Cyprian of Carthage || Felicis ad Cyprianum
129v-130r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 20 || Ciprianus ad romanos
130r-130v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 32 || Cyprianus presbiteris etc.
incipit: Quales litteras
130v-130v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 47 || ad Cornelium quinta
130v-131r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 54 || ad Maximum presbiter, Urbanum etc.
131r-131v - Letter to Cyprian of Carthage (Epistulae ad Cyprianum et alios, 78) || ad Lucium et qui cum eo sunt
131v-136r - Firmilian, Letter to Cyprian of Carthage (Epistulae ad Cyprianum et alios, 75) || Firmiliani ad Cyprianum
136r-136r - Maximus, Urbanus, Sidonius and Macarius, Letter to Cyprian of Carthage (Epistulae ad Cyprianum et alios, 53) || Maximi, Urbani, etc. ad Cyprianum
136r-136v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 16 || ad clerum de quibusdam presbiteris etc.
136v-137v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 15 || ad martires qui lapsis petierunt pacem dari
137v-138r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 17 || ad plebem significans quod ad eum martires de lapsis petierunt
138r-138r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 18 || ad clerum pro lapsis etc.
138r-138v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 19 || in qua rescribit clero de hiis qui ad pacem festinant
138v-138v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 26 || ad clerum non temere pacem dandam
138v-139r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 25 || ad Caldonium
139r-139r - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 9 || Rome clero de redicione Urbici
139r-139v - Cyprian of Carthage, Epistola 29 || ad clerum insinuans quod utrasque rome literas misisset
139v-142v - pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage, De montibus Sina et Sion || de duobus montibus id est de monte syna et de monte syon contra iudeos
142v-144v - Novatian, Epistula xxxi inter opera Sancti Cypriani || (de laude Cypriani) Inter uarios et multiplices
incipit: (142v) Inter uarios et multiplices
explicit: (143v) humilitas atque subieccio
incipit: (143v) Hoc est quod penitenciam probat
explicit: (144r) Bene uale frater in christo
rubric: (144r) Finito libro sit laus et gloria christo
Note: (144r) A smudged inscription (late) below
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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